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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    ruthbru, I may be the one you are thinking of.  I hadn't slept through the night in well over two years (since before menopause started).  I had a terrible time tossing and turning, hot-flashing...  Started the anastrozole (at bedtime) and now I'm sleeping like a baby.  I do wake up just a little earlier than I used to and I'm usually hot and sweaty when I wake up, but I'm sleeping through the night.  jilly, maybe try some Celestial Seasonings Herbal Sleepytime tea at bedtime or some other warm, comforting beverage that doesn't have caffeine.  Not sleeping is miserable! 

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    My MO said the Anastrozole might make me sleepy, so I should take it at night. That's what I do, and I haven't had any significant issues.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Janett2014, I take my anastrozole in the morning. No problems staying awake OR falling asleep - anytime :)

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I always took it in the morning, no problems on the sleep end but do take allergy meds at night so they make me drowsy


  • SummerSun
    SummerSun Member Posts: 47

    Jilly - I take my AI in the morning just to make sure I don't miss it. It doesn't make me sleepy at all. I also have a terrible time sleeping. I take 10mg of Melatonin along with ZzzQuill and that works ok if I have worked out that day. Otherwise, I am flopping like a fish out of water all night. I also have sleeping pills, but, try to take them only when I absolutely have to be well rested the next day. I want to make sure that I have one thing that works when I need it.

    At the beginning, I was having bad hot flashes, but, those have gotten markedly better over time and don't wake me up as much.

    I recently got a Fitbit and that shows your sleep time, awake and restless time. That has been helping me to know what works and what doesn't so I can adjust my activities during the day or increase my level of sleep aid needed at night.

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626

    Saw my MO today to discuss strategies to reduce estrogen levels which we have been focused on:

    1) BMX. - less fat. Less estrogen factory

    2) decrease weight. Diet without added estrogen - same deal. I'm trying to reduce BMI

    3) AI therapy - doing this too

    So far no SE that everyone reports EXCEPT. Less estrogen = weaker pelvic floor = urinary stress incontinence Yup since losing the boobs and all the rest I leak when I sneeze. She said it's a quite common SE Have an appt with uro-gyn later in the month. Am I the only one with this issue or is it too embarrassing to mention.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I have that problem, waaaaaay before bc. When I cough too. I don't do/take anything, just a pee pad.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    ChloesMom, I've had that problem for years, too. Again, way before BC. Remember those Kegel exercises? I did them when pregnant for natural childbirth. If I remember to do them regularly I don't have a problem. And I don't have to do them all the time. Just a couple times a week. But that really does help! Don't use pee pads and hope I don't need to (as long as the Kegels work).

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626

    Just weird that it happened with the estrogen lower. MO said less estrogen weakens the pelvic floor.

    Doing my Kegels and hoping I can rverse this process

  • Suzannecarol
    Suzannecarol Member Posts: 34

    I am reading about the hormone blockers here? Is that what they are? Are these the pills that are taken to keep the cancer from returning? There seem to be several different ones. Do all of these cause hair loss? pain? lack of sleep? I have not got to that point yet. Waiting on the oncotype test to see what my further treatment will be. I must admit I am concerned.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    ChloesMom, perhaps that's when I started having problems - around menopause, 25 years ago. i can't remember. Just know it's been an annoyance for many, many, many years. Keep at the Kegels. They DO help!!! HUGS!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    SuzanneCarol, yes, we're talking about aromatase inhibitors (AIs) of which Arimidex is one. Read here AIs. They are NOT chemo. They do shutdown estrogen production - which is important if you're ER+ (which you are). I've been on anastrozole (generic Arimidex) for 6 months with no problems except the very occasional warm flash (rather a surprise after 25 years). Since I'm always cold, I don't mind. No sleep problems or aches or pains. I am also on Fosamax since I do have osteopenia and my MO wants to help me prevent further bone loss.

    Many of us have no trouble with AIs. Thus we don't post very often. This forum is an excellent source of advice and help for those who do have SEs that bother them. So don't assume you'll have a problem. You likely won't (and thinking positive never hurt either). Keep reading to be informed. Will you be having radiation? Likely you would have that before starting an AI - seems to be the way of things. Let us know what concerns you have and we'll try to address them. HUGS!!!

  • Suzannecarol
    Suzannecarol Member Posts: 34

    Peggy, thank you so much. I am waiting on my oncotype test score. I should get it any day now. The doctor said if it is low I will not do anything further. Does that seem normal? If intermediate I will do the hormone blocker (is that the correct word?) If high I will do radiation and the pill.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    SuzanneCarol, that sounds about right. Often with a lumpy radiation is prescribed. If the oncotype is higher then chemo is called for most of the time. Perhaps things are different since you have DCIS. We don't really call them hormone blockers (though they are). Mostly we say AIs to cover the whole category (and I'm going to strangle my cat is she walks between me and the laptop another dozen times - she thinks she's starving....NOT). Get your list of questions going. Do write them down - most of us can't remember our name once we are in with the onc, so that helps. Fingers and toes crossed that the oncotype is REALLY LOW!! HUGS!

  • Suzannecarol
    Suzannecarol Member Posts: 34

    thanks again Peggy. You are like a ray of sunshine. You give such good advice and hope.

    lol about your cat. My dog was at my feet for the last hour begging for food from our plate and ice. He is so spoiled!!!!

    DJCRI Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I am new to this thread.   Thanks for all the helpful information.  I started taking anastrozole four weeks ago and so far I'm doing fine -- just some mild hot flashes.  My MO recommended that I start taking it before radiation even though it is more common to take after doing radiation.  I was in a clinical trial & had low oncotype score and decided against chemo so my MO said I might as well get started with anastrozole right away.  

    At my follow up today I found out that I was just in osteopenia range.  I exercise, do mild strength training, and take calcium, vit D3 & magnesium.  MO wants me to think about taking Zometa after finishing radiation and I'm on the fence about it.  Have been reading the thread for it and it sounds a little scary.  If not that, then will possibly take Fosomax.  But I am wondering if he is putting me on these drugs too soon -- shouldn't I wait and see if there is bone loss or does having osteopenia make it a good reason to start bone strengthening drug now?  When have others decided to start taking these drugs?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Thanks, SuzanneCarol. You made my evening a whole lot better. I appreciate your kind words. I do try to be positive. I'm glad you find my advice good and hopeful. Can never have enough hope and positive thinking! HUGS!!!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    DJCRI, it's not that uncommon to take an AI before rads. Glad you are doing fine on anastrozole. I'm on Fosamax. I have osteopenia. My understanding is you don't want to wait for things to get worse before doing something like Zometa or Fosamax. Better to prevent any further deterioration. And that was my thinking, too. I started on Fosamax within 2 weeks of beginning anastrozole. My recommendation (for what it's worth) is to strongly consider taking "something." Of course you and your MO know you best and will decide what will be the most effective course of treatment for you. Good luck and take all your questions with you at your next appointment with the MO. HUGS!!

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Jilly, the trazadone works well for me.  I started at 75 MG years before the breast cancer,and was taking 150 MG at the time I was diagnosed.  On a few occasions since starting the Arimidex, I have takex .5 Xanax along with it.  It helps to have a regular set bedtime routine---a cup of chamomile tea or warm milk, soothing music,  etc. and be consistent with the time you go to bed, etc.

    As my girlfriends say---Laugh till you Leak, t just makes it funnier.......


  • sarag
    sarag Member Posts: 1

    Thanks to all for the info. I started on Tamoxifen August 2014 and could simply not function, no brain, depressed, not sleeping. Switched to Arimidex Dec 2014 and have better brain function but still not great. Achy joints and not sleeping well. The worst is that in the last 3 weeks I've had two episodes of atrial fibrillation, not fun at all. Have been combing the pages to see if anyone else had this and, if so, treatment, also to find out if one of the AI has less cardio than the others.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 933

    Hi all, I have not checked in for a while but wanted to do so to say I've been on arimidex since March 1 and so far I've experienced NO side effects. Hoping I'm joining that crowd!Hug Anyway still have some fatigue ( I guess from radiation. ..) or maybe stress (during the last 11 months we got married, hubby lost both parents and I got BC). Hmmm. But not unlike so many here - - burdens shared are burdens lightened.

    Happy Wednesday dear warrior sisters!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    im going to check out the two pill version of calcium! Sounds good. I take 3000 of d3 daily. My health food store has a d that is a tiny little dissolvable tablet. I do the same with my b complex. Fish oil is Barleans and I take 4 per day, two in the morning, 2 in the evening coq10 when I remember it . Biotin and a probiotic round it out .

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    Saraq - I have had a-fib all of my life and it was just left untreated until 7 years ago - I take digoxin and a low dose aspirin every day - I was on warfarin when first diagnosed with BC but my PCP thought it was too strong as did my cardiologist - you should see a cardiologist and find out what is best for you - it's a very common condition and easily treated it ups our stroke risk X4 just so you know. Good Luck. S.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    ok, trying again but regarding the leakage, I have dealt with it for a very long time.  If it is serious do find a urologist who can explain the options.  I finally did and she explained the dif surgical options, the dif pills and also the physical therapy as in the Kegels.

    there are a lot of dif things to do including, are you ready......a pacemaker in your butt!  I did not do that and chose the PT and learned with help how to do them correctly.  By the way, another option was Botox injections!  also not for me!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    meljo614 I was told the most accurate place to review your bone density is in your spine.

    DJCRI I wish I had started bone therapy sooner. Zometa has shown to prevent bone mets in some studies. That's probably why he wants you to start with this instead of one of the oral drugs. I'm on Prolia. Oral meds give me heartburn/reflux. I have Lymphedema in my left arm and right is at risk so I won't let them infuse the Zometa in my arm. They won't do it in my leg so I'm doing Prolia, an injection.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Iris, I also am not interested in the alternatives to doing Kegels. As long as that works, I'll stick with it.


  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    lago, I'm not suggesting anybody utilize a Costco pharmacy bone density test in place of a DEXA scan.  I just thought it might be a way to do a periodic check more frequently.  Here is verbiage from Mayo Clinc's website:  "Because bone density can vary from one location in your body to another, a measurement taken at your heel usually isn't as accurate a predictor of fracture risk as is a measurement taken at your spine or hip. That's why, if your test on a peripheral device is positive, your doctor might recommend a follow-up scan at your spine or hip to confirm your diagnosis."  So if your heel scan is positive, it might give you the ammunition you need to get an expedited DEXA. 



  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196

    Hi, wonderful women! I prefer to say I have been studying, rather than lurking, around your site. I have learned SO MUCH! Today is my last Rad, and I am going to wait for those SE's to calm down and start Arimidex next week. Thanks to you I know the questions to ask, the scans and appointments to have, and most important to me, to remember that I will probably do fine with this treatment, and just like with surgery, chemo and rads, IF I have SE's, there are answers and options. Truism of living long enough: I may go through a medical crisis. Yep. Until that unlucky day, though, best to get on with it. Its time for me to enjoy feeling well. I am not a glass-half-full kind of girl, but I have learned to be grateful. I'm grateful to all of you for sharing the good, the bad, the ugly, the funny - your lives! XO Linda

  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196

    P.S. I think it must be impossible to read about Kegels without doing them. Thanks! Linda