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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Linda, i think you're right. Like yawning :) And WELCOME! Like you, I read and re-read this site prior to my first MO appointment and had all my questions ready. I'm sure you'll do just fine on anastrozole. For me, the most important thing is to stay positive. And most of the time, I am. (Of course, I married someone who has NEVER seen a glass that was half-full, always half-empty. And his 4 brothers are the same way. We wives bemoan about it). HUGS!!!!

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    Chloesmom (and others), you are certainly not alone. I opted for surgery and will be happy to share my experience, if you'd like to pm me.

    DJCRI, as you are exercising, and particularly as you are doing some strength training, there is probably no need to rush into bone meds. The main negative to this particular wait-and-see strategy is that it's hard to find anyone to order a repeat DEXA until another two years has passed, so you'll have no idea how your bones are doing for an annoyingly long time. I decided to do the exercise and dietary calcium thing for about three months, just could not stand the not knowing, and happily started on a bisphosphonate. If you're on the fence, maybe it might be a good idea to ask your pcp to chime in on the issue..

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    meljo614 One of the reason's they only do bone density tests every 2 years is you really don't lose that quickly unless it's the first 2 years after menopause. Now if you are on the AIs no bisphosphonates then my onc scans every year.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Those of you with a-fib, have a hospital pharmacist or someone who yu really trust in that field do a careful checking of your meds in combination with others  The hospital told me when I was beign released from my wrist surgery that ZOFRAN (for nausea) can cause heart palpitations/ irregulalrieties with the Trazadone I take at bedtime.  And the pain pill I was on wouild also cause it with certain antidepressants.....  This was 24 hours AFTER the hospital had plied me with pain pills every 4 and Zofran every 6 and brought me my trazadone....but when I get sent home, they warn me.....go figure....


  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    Iago, that's why I'm especially worried.  I'm still in that two-year postmenopause window and I already have the start of osteopenia in one hip (very minor, -1.4).  I have some other risk factors too... Caucasian, thin, and big wine drinker Loopy.  My onc agreed that a scan every year was appropriate as long as I was on the AI. 

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Peggy, I am with you in that kegels was my choice when I was really having problems and wetting all my pants!  It is amazing to me that folks would not at least try that to help the issues.  My thing was so bad that I do take a pill to help also but I find it funny some of the optional surgeries.  Hope you have had a dandy holiday! 

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Kegels are cheap, easy, and painless. What's the harm? Work for me. Sorry you had to take a pill but isn't it nice that there IS a pill. I'm very leery of Botox since I'm loaded with allergies and can't imagine I wouldn't be allergic to it. HUGS, Iris!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Peggy, I get it totally, I have so many allegies that I get scared when ever someone suggests a new pill!  no allergy to the kegels

    the botox is just plain funny to me but can you imagine someone having a pacemaker inserted into their butt?
    I used to do my kegels while driving to work on the NJ turnpike, that was good for about 45 min each morning

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Iris, I just think of how bad the problem would have to be to consider that pacemaker or botox. I always worry with new pills too. For some reason it never occurred to me to worry about anastrozole though. Your pelvic floor must have been really really strong with 45 minutes working those muscles every day :)

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Peggy, well it got way better but since I am not commuting to work anymore, I have to find other times (like now) to do my kegels.  I did know a woman who was at my gym who said she did not do physical therapy stuff and she was doing the pacemaker thing.  Have not seen her to ask her how it went really, she either does not do the gym any more or at a dif time as me

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I've never heard of the pacemaker thing until here. As long as it works. I would be interested in hearing what you find out (if ever). HUGS!

    DJCRI Member Posts: 2

    PontiacPeggy, lago & BrooksideVT -- thank you for the feedback.  I have until my next appt. w/MO in June to decide whether to go on Zometa or something else or wait.  He did tell me about the Australian study that while overall was not conclusive, if you pulled out post menopausal women it suggests that Zometa helps that group with  mets.   So hard making these decisions, hate the uncertainty about what will happen as a result.  Have an appointment with my naturopath on Friday.  She has been great with prescribing supplements to complement my medical treatments.  Will think this over and keep carrying on in the meantime.  Best of luck to everyone as we all continue to move toward healing with a positive attitude (thank you Peggy for always reminding usHeart)

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    DJCRI, that sounds like a pretty strong case for Zometa, doesn't it? (I assume you are post-menopausal). Nothing seems to be clear cut. Just have to do what you and the oncs decide is best for you with the information you have at the time and never look back.

    You're welcome. Some days it awfully hard to be positive and I like to be reminded.

    HUGS and warm, dry weather!

  • Rachel3634
    Rachel3634 Member Posts: 1

    I have been on Arimidex for 6 years. The first three years were fine, then I started getting bone/joint

    Pain. I need to lose about 15 pounds and having a hard time with even losing an ounce. My activity level has diminished over the 6 years on Arimidex due to aches and pains from the Arimidex. I had a mastectomy in 2009 and breast reconstruction. My cancer is gone, but I need to take Arimidex because my cancer is estrogen fed. I have 4 more years to take Arimidex and I dread it. I would love to quit taking it. I never feel as good as I did before treatment. I do not talk about how I feel but I can tell you that I hide it very well. people think I look great! wow! That is just great. I have learned to pace my day. If I don't, then I can barely walk without looking and feeling like I am 95. I am 68 and was always active and well. This Arimidex is really a great drug for me so that my cancer doesn't return, but needing to take it 10 years is a HUGE challenge

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    Rachel, I totally understand. I started taking it in August of 2014 and I thought I was doing pretty well. I have had some stiffness but nothing bad enough to make me want to stop taking it. I had knee replacement prior to any of this happening to me and the past week or so, my leg with the replacement has killed me. Of course, my fear was it was cancer or that the screws in my leg were coming undone. So, I stopped taking it on Sunday and by Tuesday afternoon, my leg was much better, so I figured, better take Arimidex. I did and today, its killing me again. So, I guess the good news is, that I guess its not cancer or a lose screw or it would not have stopped, bad news is, must be the Arimidex. I've been looking to see if there is such a thing as trigger knee. Feels like the muscles in my knee are all tight and won't let me walk. I have appointment next week with the oncologist and I'll tell her and I'm sure she would be open to changing meds but then, lord, they could be worse. I'm 59 and my mother who is 74 gets around much better than I do.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I rember when my mom was 78, she said she was going to quit playing golf. Why? Well, I get tired. Mom, there's ladies your age who can't walk out to the mailbox at your age, much less golf!!!!

    I'm 66, can barely make to the mailbox. Ugh!!!!!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Spookiesmom, that's discouraging. My grandmother still played golf (using a cart) into her 90s. But you do manage, don't you? We keep going but that's the only option. I think you need a bunch of hugs. So here they are: HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG!

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    Spookiesmom, I hear you. I sit at work and think, I think I'll stop at Target on the way home or I'm going to Kohl's. Then, when its time to go home, I drive straight home. Last fall, our family all went to Florida and I wanted to go to Universal but I knew I couldn't walk all that time, so I didn't go. Now, in fairness to Arimidex, I was stiff and had trouble walking very much before this cancer started, but this sure hasn't made it any better.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    She DID have a cart!!

    Thanks Peg, feels good to get them!!

    As for Universal, I was a school bus driver, in the summer I would take day camper kids over there. I got in free, but stayed on the bus. Tooooo stinking hot for alllllll that walking, and *I* had to drive home.

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    I couldnt' bring myself to pay all that money knowing I couldnt' walk around. My kids said get a power chair and ride and i said no, they wouldn't know my knee hurt, they would just say look at that big fat woman riding in a power chair. No way.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    meljo614 I had my MO do a bone density test before chemo because I have a family history, small framed and used to smoke. I was osteopenic before chemo/chemo-pause. I dropped after chemo/5 months on anastrozole but was stable the next year but my spine was really close.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Oh I hear you on the $$$$. I don't know how families can afford to vacation in Orlando. I think all of them are over $100 per person now.

    My lumbar spine went wonky last month, MRI said no mets, just the usual crappola getting worse. I had to use a cane for about a week. Middle age women were holding doors for me. I wanted to disappear. A power chair? um, I think you made the right choice.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    angelia, NO! If you need a ride take one. I used one during chemo and before I had one knee replaced.there are days I still take one- when I hurt. Don't stop having fun because you feel uncomfortable to use an aid. I use a cane most days and I always take one out of the house. After an hour or two I NEED it. Sometimes I need t right way. I just do what I want to do. I can't go to my swim class because of my cataract Surgery Or I'd Be There 2 to 3 times a week. Sometimes after the class it takes all my energy to get dressed LOL.

    Much love to all

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    SpookiesMom, glad of that. I've always been amazed at the families that go to Orlando's attractions. We never did but we didn't have the money for it. My niece works at one of them and loves it.

    Angelia50, my DH was like that when his Parkinson's started being a real issue. It was a huge help. I agree, use a power chair if you need one. I understand being uncomfortable but I guess my thought is that I'd rather participate and feel funny, than not be able to join in. But we're all different in how we feel about using aids. HUGS!!

    Moonflwr912, I think you also need HUGS! I'm sorry you're hurting. More HUGS!!

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    Moonflwr912 I did do water arobics awhile back and it did more for my knee than anything I had ever done but they stopped having it at night and I work during the day, so couldn't go any more. I wish they had it, it would probably help me now. There is a center here that has it but its like a gym with an ongoing contract you have to join and I dont' want that, its pretty pricey. I joined a regular gym but no pool there and so far, my leg has hurt too much to do it. I need to go see if I can at least ride a bike in there. I had two surgeries with mastectomy and exchange and never took the first bottle of pain meds I had but last Saturday, I took a pain med, thats how much that leg was hurting. Then, after two days of no Arimidex, it quit hurting and today, it started again. Maybe its a passing thing,I sure hope so.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    ang, if you go to the gym, look for the Nustep. It is a seated machine and your legs push up and down, not round and round. They use it for PT after knee sx. You get a workout without straining your knee joints.

    Oh, and my class is 2x a week. But I go more often and do the exercises by myself in a corner of the pool and if the lap lanes are not busy, I walk there. I remember about half of the exercises. LOL. I should write them down so I can change it up. LOL

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784

    I second moonflower on the NuStep machine, I love it! You can get as much workout as you want. Really at your own pace.


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Totally agree....if you read about Kegels you do them. I burst out laughing as I read the kegel post first, was doing when when I read the post about having to do them if you read about them.

    Tomorrow morning...cortisone shot for me 😰. Now I kind of wish I had stopped taking arimidex for a week to see what would happen. If this doesn't work, that's my next plan

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    fluff it's not that bad! I hope it works for you.

    And count me in with the Kegels! LOL as soon as i read it i did them. So do you just squeeze and relax or count to 10 or do the elevator Kegels where you tighten a little bit and tighten the muscles a bit at a time up to a 10 count and relax with a 10 count? Just curious. ...

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    I;'ll see if they have that machine. We don't have any public indoor pools here since they closed that one I went to, so dont' have any way to do any water exercise.