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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    Moonflwr, I have been having episodes of pain in my hips & burning in my thighs. It comes and goes. I saw a chiropractor and that seemed to help. No numbness but definitely burning.

  • Kawigirl1260
    Kawigirl1260 Member Posts: 16

    Suz-Q, I went with the mastectomy because the BS couldn't get clean margins after 2 surgeries. First surgery, 1/7, removed a small IDC tumor, but showed DCIS. A re-excision on 1/14 still had positive margins. The team I'm working with, a BS, RO, MO, and PCP, all said that my best chances of no recurrence was the mx with the anastrozole after. They said that it was the only way they could be certain to get all of the cancer cells. The 4 nodes they removed in the original surgery were all clear and the Oncotype test did not show a need for chemo. Ultimately, the mx lab reports showed multi-focal DCIS, but all clear margins. I know that I could have saved the breast with radiation, and that was one option offered - along with rads and meds, meds only, or do nothing at all. But I feel more comfortable with this decision knowing that they got everything and that it won't come back on this side again. If it shows up in the left side, I'll seriously consider a left-side mx instead of multiple lumpectomy surgeries.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Kawigirl, there's nothing harder than deciding what to do after you've gotten dirty margins after your LX and a 2nd LX. The best thing is do choose the option that you feel most comfortable with, like you did.

    See you tomorrow!


  • Kawigirl1260
    Kawigirl1260 Member Posts: 16

    I agree, Peggy. We have to do what's right for us.

    Looking forward to meeting you!


  • clearly44
    clearly44 Member Posts: 2

    Well I got great news! I saw my oncologist for the first time today. He said since my cancer was so small and caught early I only have to take anti-hormone drugs. He gave me a prescription for Arimidex. I read all the possible side effects and all that other great stuff. Has anyone experienced the nausea and vomiting?? Not sure whether to take it at night or in the morning.

    When I went through Menopause I really didn't experience any problems. The doctor seemed to think that if I didn't have any problems then, that the drug will be ok for me without many SEs.

    What did you experience when you first started the drug

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    Clearly, The first pill I took I got very nauseous. The next day I made sure to take it on a full stomach and had no issues at all.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Clearly, I take (and have always taken) my anastrozole first thing in the morning before breakfast. Never had nausea or anything else from it. Like you, I sailed through menopause with virtually no SEs and have done the same with anastrozole. Hope it's that way for you, too. Just keep in mind that not everyone has SEs. Good luck!


  • Suz-Q
    Suz-Q Member Posts: 110

    Kawgirl, Thanks for the reply, I was curious about ladies who choose mastectomy over lumpectomy and radiation and also have a similar diagnosis as mine. We might look very similar on paper, but what differences emerge with each persons story. Part of me sometimes wonders if I should have chosen a mastectomy and avoided radiation. I felt pushed to have the lumpectomy by the surgeon. I hadn't even met the medical oncologist until after I finished radiation treatments. You had very good clear reasons for your choice. Thanks!

  • Suz-Q
    Suz-Q Member Posts: 110

    Clearly, I didn't have any difficulties with menopause and so far my SE's are minimal. No hot flashes, no weight gain, tiny amount of joint pain, some vaginal dryness

  • lunderwood
    lunderwood Member Posts: 31

    Clearly, I have been on Anastrozole for about 6 months with very minimal side effects but since I am also taking injections of Fulvestrant as part of a research study it's hard to tell which may be causing side effects. I had a few hot flashes and a bit of mild nausea at the start but again very mild and they have leveled out now. I take it first thing in the morning. For other meds that cause nausea I use ginger or chamomile tea rather than another prescription. Good Luck!

  • clearly44
    clearly44 Member Posts: 2

    I took my first dose today of Arimidex. Stomach a little funny , but nothing I couldn't handle.

    My eyes started feeling funny- in fact they still do. Then I realized that they feel dryer! Could that happen within a few hours?? Also it seems as if my vision changed slightly. I have been nearsighted since I was 10 years old with astigmatism. I have to tilt my head a little bit different with my varilux lenses to see the same way as I did yesterday. It seems like my far vision is better now. You know how when a person turns 40 they can't see up close anymore ? Well I never had that problem but now it seems like I can't read as close without my glasses as I used to.

    I have been doing a lot of reading on the Internet and it says that there can be vision problems with Arimidex.

    Has anyone experienced this problem?? Maybe is just my dry eyes ?

  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700

    I had significant vision changes during and after chemo. Then AIs caused dry eye to the degree that my vision blurred overnight and sometimes didn't improve until noon. I was diagnosed with blepharitis which was caused by infected oil glands in my eye lids. This cleared up after using hot compresses 2x per day and a round of antibiotics. Now my issues are minor. Early on I thought I was going to have to choose between AIs and vision.

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269

    Chemo really affected my vision. So much so that I didn't drive for many weeks. Has improved now and I haven't noticed any vision changes since starting Arimidex. Wishing you minimal side effects clearly44.

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    So sad to report that after being on Aromasin for abt 5 weeks started having pretty significant edema...feet, legs, finally called the MO last Friday and am off of it for at least a week to see if I see a difference....ugh..just want to find a good med that works without SE's....feel like I (we) have paid dues for this.  Right??

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    So sorry, HH.

  • lunderwood
    lunderwood Member Posts: 31

    I am taking an unexpected break from Arimidex and Faslodex for a few weeks as my MO and the research team wait for the third party pathology reports from my recent surgery. It will be interesting to see if I have any side effects from going off the meds and then going back on again. I had serious reservations about taking the hormone blockers at the start of the neoadjuvant therapy six months ago but experienced such minimal SE that I am not concerned about taking them going forward. The Arimidex would most likely be the normal standard of care med post surgery. The Faslodex is not normally given in Stage 2 cases but the research team would like to continue the injections for 18 mos. as part of the ongoing study. Although the injections are a bit painful I have tolerated them well so I would be willing. I want to do whatever possible to support BC research.

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    My doc told me to take a break from anastrozole after I got a rash in my legs. Now one week later and the rash is gone. I see my MO tomorrow. Breaks are good.

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    I was on anastrozole for 5 months before developing the rash.

  • Jittrbug
    Jittrbug Member Posts: 2

    My IDC was found by mammo 10/29 and dx by biopsy on 12/1. The tumor was <2cm with 1 lymph node positive. Breast surgeon referred me to MO first and chemo began 1/16 Cytoxin + Taxotere every 3 wks for 4 Tx. Surgery 4/28 - mastectomy with sentinel node removal left (same surg prophylactic on right). Post surgery path report found no cancer cells could be identified in any tissue submitted..... 100% chemo response. Rad not recommended. MO wants to start Anastrozole but I'm putting it off till all reconstruction heals (incisions did not heal well with expanders so perm implants done 6/20 with re insertion of drains). Still worried about starting AI. Has anyone taken the AI after proven 100% response to chemo due to surgical path report? I had hysterectomy 12 yrs ago so definitely menopausal. Also osteopenic so wants to do Prolia injections every 6 mths. I am beginning to feel good again and worry about SE from AI.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,519

    Welcome to our community, Jittrbug. That is indeed a difficult decision. Have you considered a second professional opinion? You may find additional information here as well: Aromatase Inhibitors

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    Jittebug - Make sure you are clear about what your oncologist is saying. Survival rates are based on taking the tamoxifen or AI. I think they give you an extra 30%, or something. Remember, there are always cancer cells in our bodies, and that's why we all have NK cells to fight them. We have about 100 trillion cells, and to think that there there are no cancer cells is short sighted. But, let's say the chemo got them all. If you are taking an AI, it's prevention so your hormones (normal body fat makes estrogen even after menopause) don't cause cells to grow out of control. I know you are worried, but do a little more reading on AI's so you know what questions to ask your doc. Some people think of taking the AI's like taking birth control for prevention. There are so many types of AI's out there that if you have a SE that is bad you can switch. Ultimately, you have to decide. I'm giving you more info and a different perspective looking at why to take them. Realize, too, that you can always quit taking them if you start and decide against it. Good luck!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Jittebug my oncologist gave my stats based on doing only chemo, doing only endocrine therapy (anastrozole) and doing both chemo and endocrine therapy. Doing both definitely decreased my risk of recurrence substantially. I did surgery first so I have no idea what kind of response I got but cancer is tricky. You may have some cancer cells that were growing slowly or not in grow mode somewhere else in your body. chemo tends to attack faster growing or at least those that are growing. What the Anastrozole will do is starve those cells if they start to grow or are growing slowly.

    at least that is my understanding. I would discuss this with your oncologist. Why taking anastrozole is so important, or is it for you. It depends on your diagnosis.

  • pennsygal
    pennsygal Member Posts: 264

    HappyHammer - sorry about the Aromasin. I had the same experience, and the swelling did improve when I stopped taking it.

    I'm starting Femara today - I'm really hoping I can tolerate this one better than the other two. The only thing that seems to help is a bath in epsom salts.

    Pontiac Peggy - would you mind reposting your gin raisins recipe? I'm willing to try anything at this point and how can gin be bad???

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Pennysgal, it's not my recipe and I have not used it but those who have said it helped. So here it is (I think Puffin originally posted it).

    Drunken Raisins'-a natural arthritis remedy

    To prepare gin-soaked raisin, first empty one box of dried white raisin in a shallow container. Only white or golden raisin should be used for this recipe. Then pour enough gin into the container to cover the raisins.

    Cover the container ( but not with plastic, a kitchen towel is good) and keep it covered for 7 – 10 days on the to allow the raisin to steep in the gin (sitting out, not in fridge).

    Allow all the gin to evaporate to leave gin-soaked raisins in the container. These raisins keep well when refrigerated. The popular advice is to take nine of these "drunken raisins" every day. Most users report improvements in arthritis symptoms between 1 – 8 weeks of using this remedy.

    Why it works:

    1. Golden raisins- the ONLY type of raisins worthy of the recipe- require sulfur or sulfides in their processing to make them golden. Sulfur is an active ingredient in 2 effective natural arthritis supplements: glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. Golden raisins come from sultana grapes and are cultivated under the name Thompson seedless grapes in the United States.

    2. Sultana grapes contain proanthocyanidins which are thought to help fight infections and reduce inflammation. Grapes also contain resveratrol, a powerful anti-oxidant that is being studied for many of it's disease fighting properties.

    3. Gin is flavored with juniper berries and juniper berries contain Terpinen. Terpinen has anti inflammatory properties. The essential oil that is in juniper berries contains more than 100 compounds including myrcene (an anti oxidant), catechins (anti-oxidant), and flavanoids (anti oxidant). Test tube studies have shown that juniper berries can inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins help mediate an inflammatory response and increase the sensitivity of nerve endings to pain. By inhibiting their production, a reduction in pain can occur.

    Hope it works!


  • pennsygal
    pennsygal Member Posts: 264

    Thank you!!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Anytime! Hope it helps!


  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Tomorrow I have my 2 year followup up dexascan, I'm on anastrozole, I've been taking my calcium, Vit d and walking 10,000 steps a day, anxious to see how my bones are doing

  • LM070917
    LM070917 Member Posts: 68

    I'm now nearly 5 months into taking Arimidex and most of my symptoms have subsided, occasion hot flushes but it's manageable. I was taking gabapentin for insomnia (caused by Arimidex) for a few months, but decided to stop last week (didn't want to be on multiple drugs) and thankfully have been sleeping really well. My breast cancer nurse, said symptoms usually subside with Arimidex after several months, which is true for me. Suddenly 5 or 10 more years of taking it doesn't seem too bad.

  • Kawigirl1260
    Kawigirl1260 Member Posts: 16

    Pennsygal, I've used the gin-soaked raisins for my arthritis and it helped me for a while.

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    Back on anastrozole. The MO doesn't think the rash on my legs is from the anaztrozole, so I'm starting again today after a week off it. The rash went away when I was off it, but it could be a coincidence. I forgot to tell the doc that I had gone in the pool for the first time in a year and the rash came the next day, so I'll stay out of the pool this week and take the anastrozole. Then, I'll add the pool later and see what happens!