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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • Jiffrig
    Jiffrig Member Posts: 158

    Robin, I have felt those tremors also and recently my hands have been shaking a bit. All I can think is that it's the AI. I take genetic tea brand

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192

    Hey ladies:

    Thanks for your insights. I do wonder if its a hypersensitivity/mild allergy to the drug. Or maybe my estrogen levels have dropped enough that my skin is truly drying out and I experience this with super sensitive skin now. I see my GP next week, so I will discuss with him. I do not see my MO until Aug. I get the feeling that MO is only concerned with "serious" SE of Arimidex like osteoporosis. I do consider myself lucky that my SE have been relatively "mild" compared to some. My hot flashes are few and far between and are mild. My lower back and knees hurt when I walk, but it comes and goes. I do have insomnia, but again some nights I sleep 7 hours. I do hope to continue on this drug for the duration. Stopping or changing is a hassle.

    I will keep you posted. Thanks 2ndGenBCA for the article. Its hopeful anyways. The guy seems to be fighting his disease with a good attitude.


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947

    This is off the topic of Anastrozole but they have been playing this commercial about breast cancer in my area and for some reason I feel angry every time I see it. This is Blue Shield. Sorry I just need to vent.

    Update. I noticed the link is gone. This was there commercial about how they make make cancer care so easy by working together. They show a lady fully clothed and had the Dr. in the room and made it look easy.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    A shout-out for my local Walgreens. Stopped in yesterday as my first 90 day supply of Anastrozole was running out. Asked for Teva instead of Accord. Received a text that the new prescription had been filled almost before I got home. SEs have been manageable but I sure would like to have less knee pain. We'll see.

  • balance
    balance Member Posts: 17

    I have found that curcumin is very effective for managing my knee pain from anastrazole. 400 mg 2x day works for me.

  • Resting
    Resting Member Posts: 117

    I have been scrolling through this thread for the past three days trying to find a question similar to mine and finally decided I just need to jump in and ask..... Is anyone taking Arimidex after finishing 5 years of Tamoxifen?

    A little History...I finished five years of Tamoxifen over a year ago. Was told I should continue for another 5 bc I was not post menopausal. I questioned that bc I was nearly 63, that alone should qualify me somewhat. After an intrauterine biopsy and other testing they agreed I was postmenopausal. My oncologist has struggled to convince me to now take Arimidex for another five years. I had terrible se's from the Tamoxifen and have no desire to take another five years of any Hormonal Therapy for a small % decrease in my chance of recurrence . However, after reading an article that explained I could have a 28% reduction of a new cancer in the other breast, I am trying it. On it one week now and I don't see how its possible that I could have side effects this soon ,but I am, I think. Or I'm just plain scared. Hip, neck, back, ankle pain.

    I would like to know if there are any of you with a similar situation. Thank you much!

  • Jiffrig
    Jiffrig Member Posts: 158

    I have been on Arimidex for 6 weeks and have just noticed muscle soreness. Does anyone else experience this? Not much joint pain but my legs are killing me, like I've done a lot of overexercizing

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Brutersmom.. I checked out the link and saw it too... makes it look so easy... Not..

    Got a question... has anyone had mastitis after starting arimidex? I'm on oral antibiotics after getting 3 infusions of antibiotics for acute mastitis...

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Brutersmom.. I checked out the link and saw it too... makes it look so easy... Not..

    Got a question... has anyone had mastitis after starting arimidex? I'm on oral antibiotics after getting 3 infusions of antibiotics for acute mastitis...

  • LauraSmith59
    LauraSmith59 Member Posts: 4


    I am new to this site and very thankful for it as well. Loads of information. Was diagnosed with ILC in February 2017. Had left mastectomy with two sentinel nodes removed, one involved. Had four rounds of chemo (Taxotere and Cytoxan). No radiation as my onco said the cells in the node were contained. I have been staring at my bottle of Arimidex for a few weeks now, scared to death to take it. After seeing the trouble all you poor women have gone through really makes me question whether I want to take it or not. I have an appt with my onco this Friday and I'm sure he will not be happy with me that I haven't taken it. I spent all Saturday reading/researching it and natural alternatives. I am finally starting to feel back to my old self (minus the missing hair and discolored fingernails :-)....) I really don't want to feel icky again.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Laura, Welcome! While many women do have problems with AIs, not ALL do. I've been on anastrozole for nearly 3 years with few SEs. Most of us who are lucky enough to have no problems don't post here regularly. And the ladies who do, definitely need and want advice and help. You won't know how you'll react until you try your Arimidex. My MO at the time said, why do you expect SEs? I said dunno. He said don't anticipate problems. If you have problems we'll deal with them. I hope you won't have SEs. Give them a try - quit if you have problems or try another one (which often works). But do give it a try.


  • LauraSmith59
    LauraSmith59 Member Posts: 4

    Hi Peggy and thank you for the welcome. I will make my decision after my appt with the onco. I have never been a very good pill taker ... it was all I could do to take the steroids and antihistimines before during and after chemo! Good advice from your MO!

    Hope you are well!

  • denise-g
    denise-g Member Posts: 353

    LauraSmith59 - I remember watching the bottle of Arimidex for 2.5 weeks before I had the courage to swallow one!  Then I decided it was going to help save my life.  I changed my thoughts and every night I take it I thank God for it and the people who discovered/invented it.  It helps my fears!

    Wanted to share good news - I just had my 5 year Dexa Scan and no bone loss in 5 years on Arimidex.  That is amazing news because I will be on the drug for 10 or more years at least.  I just take over the counter Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D 3.

    I had quite a few SEs in the first 2 years of Arimidex - mostly joint pain.  But as the years have gone on, the SEs have lessened dramatically. 

    For me, extremely high risk, it has been worth every bit of pain to get where I am 5.5 years out!

    Sending my best!

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    Hi Denise...I wanted to ask ....what do you take the magnesium for?...I am on the Arimidex plus the once a month Zoladex injection...for the last 2 weeks I have been experiencing real bad lower back pain and my fingers are hurting...I take the Calcium and Vit D...but only get little relief from those 2 supplements...does the magnesium help with joint pain also?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Nayda, my PCP put me on calcium recently (though I am taking Fosamax). He said it was imperative. I mentioned that I haven't been able to tolerate calcium supplements in the past. He thought it was because calcium can cause constipation and has me taking 500 mg of magnesium to counteract that. I take 600 mg calcium and 250 mg of magnesium after breakfast and after dinner (PCP's recommendation). Seems to help as I've been tolerating the calcium pretty good. I made sure to buy calcium without magnesium in it. BTW, I take calcium carbonate.


  • denise-g
    denise-g Member Posts: 353

    nayda985 - Magnesium helps with calcium absorption.  Plus, an old friend is an oncology nurse.  She said most women are deficient in magnesium.  Magnesium helps with so many issues (including constipation).  However, my sister gets diarrhea from it and can't take it.  Magnesium also helped with heart issues and all kinds of things! 

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    Ty Peggy and Denise for responding😁

    The calcium is very constipating...i take the docalace(stool softener)...but only get little my body might not be absorbing the Calcium well...I am doing 1200mg of calcium and 800 mg of vit d a day...and my flipping lower back is still hurting....I am trying to wait til my appt to see my Onc. the first week of August..I am going to try the "TEVA" brand when I get a refill in August...I did the bone scan and I read my results...didnt understand most of it..but I did see it say osteopenia..ugh!!!!😊

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Nayda, I take 3000 units Vitamin D3 daily. I also take Teva brand - I've never taken any other. No problems after nearly 3 years. When I started I had osteopenia and I still do. Goo luck with your MO appt.


  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700

    When I switched to the Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc combination from calcium citrate, my night time charlie horses disappeared. I'd had these off and on for years. It took very little magnesium to resolve that problem, as well as mellow out other muscle pain.

  • LauraSmith59
    LauraSmith59 Member Posts: 4

    Hi Denise,

    Thank you for your reply. So glad to hear you didn't have any bone loss! My onco didn't even order a baseline bone scan or blood work which I'm confused about. I would think those tests would have to be done before starting on the Arimidex. I will be pressing him about that Friday when I see him.

    So are the Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D3 the only supplements you take?

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    Chiming in about Arimidex. Mild SEs thus far - use TEVA (Walgreens usually carries this brand) and take it before bed. Struggled with decision to take, but in the end, was 100% ER+ and felt benefits would outweigh SE risk. Take a number of things to ward off joint issues - all with the OK of my MO. Mega Food Turmeric Strength - includes Vit C, Natrol Vegetarian MSM/Glucosamine/Hyaluronic Acid, New Chapter Bone Strength (Plant Sourced Whole Food Calcium) - includes Vit D3, Vit K1, Vit K2 & Magnesium. Also, a TBSP of Carlson Labs Very Finest Liquid Fish Oil.

    LauraSmith59 - Welcome to the topic. Strongly urge you to ask about a baseline DEXA scan to check your bone density, as AIs sometimes cause bone density issues. These are usually done every two years as part of "women over 50" standard care.

    Nayda - Re: Bone scan results - Look at diagram about "T-score" on pg 16 of downloadable Prolia brochure that may help to interpret (tried, but was unable to paste in here)

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    Denise, thanks for posting. I have had aches and pains for the first year and a half on Arimidex but not unbearable and the more I exercise - the better I feel. By the end of the day after mowing or hiking, biking, I feel so good. Motivation to stay in shape. I have a bone scan next year to ck for bone loss so keeping up with the over the counter calcium and vitamin D. I will have to ck my multiple has magnesium. Thank you again for the info and encouragement to myself and others. I see you had high nodes like I did, so thankful for this drug (I had another clear CAT scan last week so no more scans for 2 years other than the bone density). Yippie!

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    Other note I do take 1/2 pepcid AC each night with my arimidex (Teva) and a little food or with dinner. The other brands gave me heartburn pretty bad.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Thanks Denise for the positive message about sticking with the AI's. I start my second 90 days next week - with Teva this time.

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Took my first Teva last night!


  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    yeah Tapper! One day at a time. Been on name brand Armidex since May 9. Some aches and pains but manageable and could be caused by my increased exercise.

    Hugs to all

  • 509337
    509337 Member Posts: 8

    I would like to know if anyone else has had a lot of minor illnesses since they started taking anastrozole.

    I have been on the drug for two years. In the past year, I have had strep throat twice. In May, I had shingles. I have had four really bad colds that seem to last for over a month. I am sick almost as many days as I am well.

    It also seems like I never have any energy.

    Just wondering if I am alone or if this is a common occurrence.


  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Hi there. I'm not taking anti hormone therapy, however ever since my BMX 2 years ago I've had numerous bacterial infections. I've been on more antibiotics these past 2 years than I have in my entire life! So I'm wondering why of course. I've had 2 cases of double ear infections, skin infections, UTIs and even a gum infection. Anyone else?

    Pat...could you take a minute to make your stats public. Just more accurate for us to respond to you.

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Dtad, I stopped taking Arimidex a couple of months ago and now I have Acute Mastitis.. I'm 68, so definitely not breastfeeding... I don't know if this is because I was taking the antihormonal or just my immunity being low...

  • Ruby3813
    Ruby3813 Member Posts: 27

    Back to magnesium....certain kinds won't give you diarrhea. I take Source Naturals Magnesium Malate. Chelated magnesium is also kinder to my system.