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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • lrwells50
    lrwells50 Member Posts: 74

    The MO didn't want to do one on me after the 24 OncotypeDx. Family thought I should do the chemo anyway, and I have to say it's been very bearable so far.

  • Barbmak
    Barbmak Member Posts: 31

    When I look at statistics of recurrence, I remind myself that the rate of non recurrence is higher! Example: a 15% recurrence chance means an 85% non recurrence...just another way to deal with the fear

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    Coachvicky do you know how long after surgery you can still have the mammaprint test? I pretty much begged them for that and oncotype testing and was refused every time. You about have me convinced to start bugging them again if it's not too late.

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    Here's an article someone sent me explaining late recurrence in more detail than I got from my MO. Although it eases my mind some it kind of scares me as well because I fall right in between the two categories because although I had a small tumor I had on positive lymph node. This is so complicated and so very scary.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    The pathology service representative where I live (North Alabama) said that by law they had to save my tissue for 10 years. He said that the mastectomy tissue would be better than the lumpectomy and biopsy tissue.

    I would start with whoever did your path reports.

    There was a lot of justification to do since I am almost finished with treatment. I just kept nagging.

    Best wishes,

    Coach Vicky

  • Doughboy
    Doughboy Member Posts: 27

    my oncologist has taken me off of arimidex for the next two weeks. I have been on it since March. It took me a while to figure out what was going on with me. My hands are still in the mornings. I have two fingers that have trigger finger. I have noticed a lot of other joints aching, but I thought it was me just getting older. Right now, I am feeling achy like I have the flu. I don't, but I have that strange ache through my shoulders. Does this sound like any side effects anybody has had with this drug? I was on Tamoxifen for about 2 years before this

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    Coachvicky--did you have the mammaprint test before your treatment was determined. I wonder if in my case it would be useless since I have already completed treatment. It is my understanding that it is used to determine what treatment we have. I'm not sure in my case, with surgery, chemo, radiation and now 10 years of hormone therapy if there is any more treatment that could have been done. I still would like to know how likely this is to reoccur. After my recent conversation with my MO I am scared to death.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I had my MammPrint in June 2017. I was diagnosis in June 2016 followed by double mastectomies, 6 rounds of chemo, and then 12 scheduled rounds Herceptin. I had 2 more rounds of Herceptin to complete.

    I requested this at first for peace of mind and to determine if I should take Social Security early. I don't know what reason my MO used.

    I really understand how you are feeling. I will pray for your peace.

    Coach Vicky

  • tnd22
    tnd22 Member Posts: 39

    seq24- I would agree that it's scary to think of recurrence. I also agree with others that say it may or may not happen. Take it one day at a time- right now, you are not going to die of cancer. Enjoy your life. Worrying doesn't add anything to it. You have been fighting the good fight. Just do what you would do if you never had a cancer diagnosis and LIVE.

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Good advice, tnd! I'm looking forward to my last rads on Friday (woo-hoo!). Then I'll start taking my daily pill - but I already take several other daily pills so it will just get added to the mix. My focus can shift away from cancer treatment (daily two-hour rads trip and treatment) and to living fully once again. Many have said it here in various ways - experience the joy of today!


  • wabals
    wabals Member Posts: 192

    Doughboy yes and even worse

  • wabals
    wabals Member Posts: 192

    2 year mammogram today clear

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    WAY TO GO, Wabals!

    Coach Vicky

  • Doughboy
    Doughboy Member Posts: 27

    Wabals, I am really starting to freak out about this medication. I finally had a chance to read through other posts on here and it is really scary. I have no idea what new drug I will be put on if it is found that these are side effects of Arimidex. Now, I think, I am having with drawl symptoms from this stuff. I was having really bad sleeping issues last night. I have had horrible hot flashes since I was on chemo. Nothing seems to help that. I was given another drug take with Arimidex to help with the hot flashes, but I was so sleepy on that stuff that it wasn't worth it. All of this is so scary and depressing.

  • positive2strong
    positive2strong Member Posts: 209

    I keep thinking about taking Anastrozole. Right now I am afraid of the side effects. My MO really hasn't told me how important it is to take it. In fact I had to call to ask for a hormone therapy prescription.

    Can they do a test to see how much estrogen you are producing. How important is exercise, when I talk to some people they say I exercised, ran every day and I got BC

    And yes I try not to worry about recurrence and not think about BC

    How many of you have changed your diet.

    Any thoughts, ideas, advice welcome

  • JuniperCat
    JuniperCat Member Posts: 392

    Positive, it seems logical to me to test for estrogen levels. I don't really know why the doctors don't do this. I have my yearly check up with my MO tomorrow and I'll ask him about it.

  • positive2strong
    positive2strong Member Posts: 209

    PsI have finished radiation in April I put it in my profile but not showing up.

  • positive2strong
    positive2strong Member Posts: 209

    Jupiter at great and thanks

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Positive, my MO does not test estrogen levels; says it doesn't indicate anything. I've been on anastrozole for nearly 3 years and have had virtually no trouble at all. Remember, not everyone has SEs. Some of us do and you can read their challenges here. Those of us who don't generally don't post here. Good luck.


  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    I agree my MO doesn't test estrogen either. I was on tamoxafin for 6 years. I had hotflashes but that was about it. I'm on Arimidex now. Will see as time goes along. Doing well so far. No hotflashes.

  • positive2strong
    positive2strong Member Posts: 209

    thanks Pontiac Peggy and Kira123

  • wabals
    wabals Member Posts: 192

    DoughboyMy reaction is not common. I still am not sure it is from arimidex. I do feel much better off it. My joints feel much better

  • wabals
    wabals Member Posts: 192

    Coach Vicky

    Thank you! Such a relief

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    Positive--before I started on anastazole I had an Estradoil test. It checked the estrogen level in my body and at whether or not I was in menopause as I was not before I started chemo. The test proved that thanks to chemo, I was now in menopause and that determined which hormone blocker I had to had. It could have been tamoxifen depending on the estrogen level. My cancer was 98% estrogen positive so I absolutely have to take the hormone blocker. I found out the other day that it will be for 10 years rather than 5 as I was originally told. And MO told me again that hormone therapy is the most important part of treatment to kill off any cancer cells that may have been missed by chemo and radiation. I started it in March. I have had no side effects at all except for insomnia. I take it in the morning now and that has helped some. I was like you and scared to death to take that first one. Dr. also told me the other day that if I hadn't had any side effects by 6 months I would not have any later on either. Good luck to you.

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    When I started the anastrazole at the end of March my MO told me that she wanted me to take 2 Citrical D tablets daily. I take the anstrazole, the citrical and all of my other supplements and meds in the morning so I don't have to remember anything at night. I read a post somewhere that a patient's oncologist told her that the effectiveness of the anastrazole is diminished by taking it at the same time as the Citrical (or any other form of calcium). Has anyone else heard this? I asked my own MO about it on Monday when I was there and she had not. I called the pharmacist today with the same question and she said that although she did not have documentation saying it does decrease effectiveness she could see how it could if the calcium prevented full absorption of the hormone blocker. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts. After my latest concerns about recurrence I'll change my pill taking routine if I have to.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    I asked my MO about the Estradiol test and since I have been menopausal for 15 years, my MO did not do the test. Started Arimidex in early April and like others here, was very ambivalent about side effects and scared of taking, but at 100%ER+ was convinced by MO to at least try. Minimal SEs thus far - biggest concern for me was hot flashes, insomnia and fingers/hands as on computer all day at the office - so far, no problems with any of these. I do take a number of supplements to help with joint issues - all OK'd by my MO. Have not heard about the effectiveness of AI taken at same time as Calcium. My MO has been advised of all supplements I take, Calcium being one of those, and never said anything. I take the AI at bedtime.

  • tnd22
    tnd22 Member Posts: 39

    For all with hot flashes- a few weeks before my diagnosis, my OB/GYN introduced me to Relizen, a Swedish flower pollen extract. Actually I'm not sure how they get it, but I did go to their website after I was using it and realized it worked. Hot flashes and night sweats ended. And it is non-hormonal, no estrogen! My oncologist checked into it and approved it. IF anyone has heard anything else, please let me know! But try it! For some, it does take a few weeks to work, for me it worked very quickkly.

  • positive2strong
    positive2strong Member Posts: 209

    thanks all

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Hi all. I have tried Relizen. It's expensive and didn't really work that great for me. I like Icool which is less expensive and works better for me. Good luck everyone!

  • JuniperCat
    JuniperCat Member Posts: 392

    Positive, I saw my MO yesterday. He said that most MOs don't test for estrogen levels because the levels change a lot and don't really reveal anything. He also said that Arimidex is a "one size fits all" drug that can't be tailored to each particular person's weight or the amount of estrogen in their body. He's a very old fashioned "by the book" type of doctor; and while he's very nice, I can't help but wonder if there aren't more innovative ones out there who are more in tuned with new research.