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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    $ I found a couple of things that I found very interesting. An explanation of aromatase in our bodies and study titled “The what, why and how of aromatase inhibitors: hormonal agents for treatment and prevention of breast cancer". Here are the links.

    The reason I found this interesting is I found out the 3 AI drugs treat aromatase differently and was wondering if one would be better than the other. Aromisin permanently disables aromatase enzymes when binding to them while Letrozole and Arimidex are AIs that only temporarily disabled aromatase enzymes. I'm going to ask my OC if it wouldn't make sense to permanently disable aromatase enzymes. As a note I am no expert, I think our bodies will continue to produce aromatase after we go off the AI but those enzymes that were bound could be either permanently effected or not depending on the frug you take. I'm sure I'm missing something but found this interesting

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100

    Question- I switched to brand name Arimidex through Eagle Pharmacy back in beginning of year. $90 for three months. Just got an email from Eagle saying the price is doubling to $180 for three months at my next renewalnext week?? Anyone else get this? I'm annoyed as I'm doing so much better on brand name and don't want to go back to generic. Has anyone else gotten this increase?

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Leesa--I'm taking the generic but someone else posted about a doubling of the out-of-pocket cost, from $90 to $180. Can't remember where I saw it, though!

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100
    Thanks ingerp. I’ll search around the boards and see. I don’t know why but just getting the email about the price increase set me off today. I think because I’m doing better on the brand name so of course why wouldn’t they raise the price🙄? I even called my insurance company and basically took it out on the poor guy in pharmacy benefits when he told me if I went through my insurance for brand name it would cost me $1343.03 for a 30 day supply. So $180 for 90 days doesn’t look all that bad but it’s just a freaking joke how the prices and insurance work and when you have a high deductible any savings helps. Getting direct from Eagle was one of my wins and now I’m just annoyed about it with the doubling of the price. And the drug probably costs pennies to make. I’m sorry I’m just venting.
  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950


    I sent you a PM.


  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    yikes Leesa I just got refills 7/26 and there wasnt any note on that and I spoke to a person prior to shipment

    How are you? I think I sent you a message on another board but cant remember which one!!

    Oh something aboit you were on a trial thing

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100
    Janette- Thank You so much! I sent you a PM back.

    Hi MamaOz! Yes I called them and the price has been doubled. I even looked on the website as if I was a new customer and it’s now $2.00 per day. My oncologist is going to try and get my insurance company to cover the brand name as they would generic as I’m doing better on brand name. Worth a shot. I did see your message on my liver enzyme post. I answered but I’ll respond here too 😊. I started a clinical trial in January called the ABC trial (aspirin for breast cancer) to see if aspirin as an anti inflammatory can help prevent recurrence. I’m either on daily 300 mgs of aspirin or a placebo🤷‍♀️. My liver enzymes were out of whack at my blood work a couple of weeks ago. I had to stop the trial pill for 7 days anyway in case it’s aspirin as I needed to have a thyroid biopsy (all good) and they repeated bloodwork same day as biopsy and everything was back to normal and enzymes way back down to normal range. Could be a coincidence but who knows. I went back on the trial and I’ll have blood work repeated in six weeks. If enzymes up again then I’m thinking it’s the trial drug.

    Prolia still ok Had my 4th shot last week and still haven’t had any side effects. Not sure if it’s doing anything to build my bones yet as the anastrozole seems to have put me in full blown osteoporosis per my last bone density test that I had in January when I had been on the anastrozole for 16 months. My endocrinologist is holding out hope the Prolia will kick in eventually. He’ll do another bone density in January.

    My joints a little achy too but much better since I started the Arimidex brand. How are
    You doing? I hope well!!
  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    LeesaD - There was a post on pg.549, on Aug 2nd by MissouriCatLady in re: the Eagle Pharmacy price increase.

  • toyamjj
    toyamjj Member Posts: 45

    For the past 6 weeks or so I'm noticing that when I sleep in certain positions, use my hands too much or put pressure on my elbows my fingers begin to tingle. Almost as if if I'm developing carpel tunnel syndrome or something. Its like I have some nerve damage going on. I called my MO's office and the nurse said this has nothing to do with hormone suppression medicine and suggested get a massage. Which I did and it didn't help at all, anyone else having these issues. Just curious if anyone else is experiencing this? I go for a test in a few weeks, forgot whats its called but its when they stick needles in your arm to see if you do in fact have carpel tunnel syndrome. Im skeptical that I have that. I don't work in an office nor with my hands so why would I get it? Any feedback is appreciated because of course part of me is worried its something more serious.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,646

    Hi Tomajj:

    Carpal tunnel is a documented SE of the AI's and the office nurses deny this for some unknown reason. I previously had bilateral carpal tunnel release surgeries plus a trigger thumb release on my left hand. I had a documented recurrence in my right wrist about 9 months ago and saw a physiatrist for this. When I called the MO about this I got the same denial from the office nurse. I told her my EMG was positive, it is a SE and it was an issue since it was keeping me awake at night with severe hand cramping. So it was moot as to whether she thought it was not a symptom since I was having a lived experience. I was given a new carpal tunnel splint by my physiatrist and this did relieve the symptoms temporarily. The right hand is still an issue and it is related to the AI. While it is not a common SE, AI's do cause tendonitis and tendon sheath irritation. So seek help elsewhere because you will not get it from the MO or their nurses. Denial in the hands of a doctor or the ill-informed such as their office nurses (what is their personal experience with BC or its associated issues?) can cause you irreparable damage. Massages will not work. Listen to your body.

  • toyamjj
    toyamjj Member Posts: 45

    Thank you so much for confirming this! I will definitely seek treatment, I feel so relieved to know this. Will keep you posted on how things progress.

  • b2alicia
    b2alicia Member Posts: 18

    Hello my dear Anastrozole sisters!Happy I wish I could give all of you BIG HUGS for the work you all do to feel better! It's nasty nasty stuff. I wake up several times a night sopping wet. But as miserabIe as I am with the hot flashes, I know they won't kill me like another tumor could. But after reading what you smart cookies have tried, here is my TO DO list for tomorrow:

    Call my pharmacist, and ask her:

    -Is the TEVA brand available?

    -With their sweet coupons that they find for me, what would the brand name Arimidex cost me?

    I have already tried a different type of Estrogen stopper, with no difference in the hot flashes.

    Unfortunately, I think I know what would help me the most, and it's already my biggest life struggle... I am SUCH a sugar addict! I really really try. I just read 2 articles with many references, "Strong connection between high-sugar diet and hot flashes." Scared

    I would love to hear about any other similar struggles you have. Bless you all!


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Ladies, I know some of us (not me) use essential oils in many ways. The study linked below seems to indicate that using lavender for those of us who are estrogen positive and taking hormone suppressors (Tamoxifen or AIs) might want to discontinue its use.

    Lavender and Estrogen

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 772

    HikingLady, I am also on the Accord brand and I believe/agree that these SEs are from lack of estrogen rather than one brand vs another or what they put in it.

    Weight bearing exercises helps with stiffness. Getting up from the desk and walking at work at least 2x's daily.

    I was highly annoyed at the hair thinning. I recently tried Thicker and fuller hair conditioner and a serum @ $14.00 each (think I found this at CVS). At least my hair looks and feels better, so in turn, that helps.

    My digestion is slower and I do the same smaller portions and I don't eat meals too close together and I walk some after eating to kick start my system. This has helped and I'm pretty regular. I've never had much noise/growling going on before but I've gotten used to it.

    My hot flashes or break out sweats are not even close to the amount and intensity that I experienced going through menopause so I can deal with these. They are random. Sometimes I figure they are triggered by what I'm eating or drinking, like too much carbs, sugar, or too much red wine. In fact, I gave up red wine completely. Just an occasional sip or very small glass with a meal-not at home but out on vacation or the like. I drink white now and try to keep it to a minimum.

    SJWhitten: I also have os (femoral neck and osteopenia in my spine). I'm 57! No telling how bad I will fail the next DEXA after being on this AI medication. I'm due for another scan in December. Meanwhile, while I wait for the 2 yr mark for this test, my insurance denied Prolia so I've not started it. Also, found out from the NP at my regular doctor that your parathyroid is a possible cause of osteoporosis. If your blood calcium levels are high that may be a clue. I am also getting the PTH (parathyroid hormone) blood test next appt. I can then at least eliminate the condition, or more importantly should I have it -I can get that treated and maybe not have to take the Prolia. There are a couple of threads on this site regarding this condition. You can type "parathyroid" into a search and the latest posts will come up.

    Good luck to everyone!

    I feel like I'm constantly making adjustments to my life and life habits. I am getting quite used to doing it. I strive at a daily goal of feeling good!!! If my body cooperates then my mind functions so much better!!! Not going to let these SEs get me down again. I will report them to my MO next appt. -nicely. I know they don't just prescribe this stuff to torture us.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    I get Teva at Walgreens, you might call your local Walgreens and ask if they get this. I only know this because I called Teva, and they told me they use AmerisourceBergen as their distributor. I get all my drugs at Walmart, and I asked the clerk at Walmart if they could get Teva (no), did they use AmerisourceBergen (no), but she told me Walgreens did.

    I picked up my Teva yesterday. Back when I started this AI pill, I talked with someone in our insurance department here, who told me I would have to pay over $400 for name brand. Now that I've tried a couple of different generic brands, and have had these awful leg cramps, I asked my doctor, is there anything you can do to help me get name-brand Arimidex - the answer was no, they won't pay for it. So, this morning, I emailed our H/R/Insurance department (we are self-insured BCBS), and asked them, is there anything you can do to help me, and they told me to call Envision RX, the company that does our prescriptions, and guess what? I'm going to get it next month. I called twice to make sure, and I spoke to the clerk at Walmart. My doctor will write "Do Not Substitute" on my prescription and, if the insurance company kicks it out, Walmart will fax "prior authorization" paperwork to my doctor, and I will get the name-brand Arimidex for about $30. That's what they said - and I still worry it is not true, but next month, we will try it.

    My dad drives for Cardinal Health and he asked the pharmacist there about this ordeal. The fillers can cause different things in different people was his response. Now, another pharmacist I spoke with a month or so ago said there is no difference. Two different opinions. Be your own advocate!! Hugs go out to you super women, nobody told us something was worse than chemo. Lisa

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    Of course the fillers make a difference! I couldn’t tolerate the Tamoxifen pill. Shortness of breath, but I had no issues with the liquid form. That is proof enough for me.
  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338


    The pharmacist gave you extremely incorrect information. I'm astonished. Was it really a pharmacist or a pharmacy tech? I can't imagine a pharmacist saying that. Of course the fillers are different from each manufacturer. They have to have the same main ingredient but they all use different ones. The information on the fillers is online though I forget where but if you have allergies you definitely want to explore the fillers and see if any cause you problems.


  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Thank you, it was a pharmacist. I wondered, because I've taken more than one brand of generic and one really made me sick! Hugs to you!! I admire you all so much and wish you only the best!

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Thank you, it was a pharmacist. I wondered, because I've taken more than one brand of generic and one really made me sick! Hugs to you!! I admire you all so much and wish you only the best!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Wow, I am surprised that that pharmacist could be ignorant of such things as fillers and that they may differ from brand to brand. Really discouraging when they are giving out false information :(


  • KGM
    KGM Member Posts: 3

    I have been on anastrozole for about 15 months - never paid any attention to the brand. I re-filled my 90 day prescription a couple of weeks ago and all of a sudden my side effects (specifically joint pain) got SO MUCH worse. I checked the prescription insert and noticed that they had given me Teva, and my old prescriptions were Accord. I was able to get another re-fill with the Accord - pharmacist is using a once a year "vacation refill" loophole -and I'll see if the side effects improve to what they once were - bad but not horrible.

  • KGM
    KGM Member Posts: 3

    I have been on anastrozole for about 15 months - never paid any attention to the brand. I re-filled my 90 day prescription a couple of weeks ago and all of a sudden my side effects (specifically joint pain) got SO MUCH worse. I checked the prescription insert and noticed that they had given me Teva, and my old prescriptions were Accord. I was able to get another re-fill with the Accord - pharmacist is using a once a year "vacation refill" loophole -and I'll see if the side effects improve to what they once were - bad but not horrible.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I find I do better on Teva and Apotex. In fact I think I do best on Apotex. Not as good on Accord (only had 1 refill of 90 days it). I'll probably wind up finishing my 5 years with about 60 days of Teva. We certainly all react differently to the various manufacturers.


  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    This is all so interesting to me. I have been on Anastrozole, Accord brand, for 15 months. Have joint pain but figured no huge deal and never thought twice about trying a different generic manufacturer. My recent refill was TEVA. I really did not give it a second thought. I do now! My joint pain is almost gone. So cool!!! Long may it last! Putting TEVA only in my profile for the pharmacist. Interesting how we can each have such different reactions.

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    Just found out my name brand Arimidex from Eagle Pharmacy doubled in price! Went from.$30 to $60 for 30 pills. Been paying out of pocket since May 2017. May have to go on generic which is so much cheaper but worried about additional SEs. Any suggestions re: generic? Teva or Accord? Where I can fill prescription?

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Re: fillers:

    Years ago I was put on prednisone in a blister pack, maybe 5 days worth. From taking it I had blood lines in my fingernails, and they hurt like hell. A bed sheet couldn't touch me, my fingers would be in severe pain. My GP had to see me ASAP because it could indicate something else. The long story short - I was allergic to the buffers.

    I was on TEVA, couldn't get it any more, now on Accord. I think for me there are minimal differences, but there is a cumulative effect of no estrogen. My hands, wrist, thumb all hurt like hell. I wear braces to workout. I could take Advil daily 4x, but I'd like to keep my liver.

    It's a no win situation. I need the AI Anastrozole to ward off cancer, and it causes a myriad of SE. 17 months in and just keep on keeping on.

    Genetic testing done, results in 9 days. I pray for no signs of genetic markers of cancer.

    Best of luck to all you ladies!

    PS- saw endocrinologist, no parathyroid issues. I carry an antibody that lowers thyroid & increases TSH. Osteopenia in hip neck, can give me meds; I've declined them. I may pay out of pocket for dexa scan next May - to keep an eye on that hip.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239


    Thanks for responding

    Ive been taking real arimidex for 23 mo now. Aside from feeling like Im aging fast with the achy joints Im ok i also have osteo arthritis which Ive had prior to diagnisis. So Im sure that makes my aches worse

    My onc said if my next scans osteoporosis then I should consider switching to tamoxifen but Im not sure about doing that

    Ive had a bit of lymphedema in my right hand which started 2 months ago. PT thinks now the scar tissue from radiation may be the cause. So thats a bummer trying to be extra cautious and keep it from getting worse

    I lucked out I guess as my recent order last monthwas at the $90 for 3 mo

    Keep in touch

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    Primarily, I am on the TEVA brand. However, when the supply runs short, APOTEX (Manufactured in Canada, I believe). Both from Walgreens. SEs about the same. Website for inactive ingredients (fillers) is and

  • SJWhitten
    SJWhitten Member Posts: 39

    ctmbsikia Thank you for the information. I will research. My calcium levels are normal. I don't think they've checked my vitamin D, and I heard that is also important. I am going to MO today. NP told me he may not put me on arimidex b/c of the spine osteo. We will discuss today.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    CeliaC -

    I did go to the site. Looked up Accord, Teva, and Apotex because you mentioned it being from Canada.

    Accord and Teva use the same buffers, but in different amounts - if I read it correctly, and the ingredients are listed in "most to least" order (like food). Apotex uses 5 buffers not in the other 2 brands, and doesn't use 3 buffers that the other two do.

    Not being a pharmacist or having been tested by an allergist on the buffers, between Accord and Teva, I tend to believe my increased wrist and hand pain may be from no estrogen and not a buffer. But I'm open minded enough to hear others interpretations.