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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    A friend of mine recommended this - it is for eyebrows and edges. Here is what the website says:

    Our specialized miracle oil is specifically for your eyebrows and edges. Our eyebrows and edges are the most stubborn areas to produce hair. Our unique formula will break through those stubborn follicles to promote growth. Use every night to achieve a more desirable full set of brows. If using the growth oil for your edges, use sparingly. Our Miracle oil comes in a convenient dropper bottle.


    Add 1-3 drops on a cotton swab for eyebrows. Use every night to achieve a more desirable full set of brows. If using the growth oil for your edges, use sparingly. Miracle oil can be applied all over hair as well. Apply and massage on sparse areas.


    *Avocado Oil, *Pistachio Oil, *Peppermint Essential Oil, *Jamaican Castor Oil, *Rosemary Essential Oil, *Kukui Nut Oil


    I am going to try it.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Personally I wouldn’t trust anything that calls itself Miracle. Maybe to those who sell it, they think it’s a miracle anyone buys it. No thanks.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    I didn't even know it existed, Spookiesmom. One of the guys who worked with my husband, his wife has cancer, and recommended it. I honestly don't think my hair is going to grow much til I'm done with HP, but it was about $10, so I will try it. If I get a miracle, I will let you know! I have about no eyebrows to speak of, and am okay with that. I think my husband was telling me about it as his own way to try and help me. Hugs, Lisa

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    Happy Here is the coupon from Goodrx!! Can't wait to try it! Thank you so much Charleysmom. We are back to a Teva outage where I am!


  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88

    Doesn't the CVS pharmacy (GoodMeds?) require a subscription ($9.99/mo)? And is the Coupon going to be good for anymore than 3 months w/o the subscription?

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    There is no subscription for Goodrx. Just type in your zip code, choose your store and show it to the pharmacist. I just did it. The pharmacist confirmed it!

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    GoodRX - no subscription, Simone is right. I asked about continuing with refills and was told by the lady at CVS the price can vary, but it generally stays right around $22.10 a month. Simone, congrats to you! I thought mine would be ready today, but they are telling me Monday, and that works too, so happy we can do this. ThisIKnow, if you have any questions, come back and ask. I find their website a little confusing. There is a button up there where you can select BRAND. Hugs, Lisa

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    Missouri cat, thanks for the link to the Hopkins article. Found it informative about recurrence risk.

    But NO alcohol? I know to limit it, but so like a glass of wine now and then

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    you're welcome, and I totally understand. It's Friday, and I will have a beer tonight, sometimes two. I've cut back. IMy MO and he says moderation. I wish Lillie Shockney was still around, she retired. The Johns Hopkins Breast site has a whole bunch of questions on there that she answered over the years you can browse through. She had cancer and could relate! We just do the best we can. I'm trying to walk every day and lose weight, it's hard when you're my age and that is how you've lived all your life. Enjoy life! Best wishes, Lisa

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    The whole alcohol thing kind of bugs me... I am treated at Johns Hopkins, by a great MO who has been there for a long time, does research and has his own fund there for research. He says no more than 2 glasses of wine twice a week. But then you read Lillie’s piece, and she says no alcohol. Two well respected professionals, on the same team. When I see him in January I will ask him about this. I hope that if there really is evidence that we should not have any alcohol that all of our MO’s would be advising us as such.

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 412

    My breast surgeon and MO both suggested no more than 2, 5 oz. glasses of wine per week--it's what they do and they are wine lovers! My breast surgeon also is a marathon runner and is very health conscious, in general. There already is research that confirms that alcohol is a carcinogen, despite some redeeming qualities on heart health for red wine, for example. I think what we don't know is whether there is some particular link to breast cancer, beyond the known estrogenic effects. I don't even come close to 2 glasses per week, so I've not really worried about it. I am just an occassional drinker. I probably have 10 glasses of wine in an entire year! I am taking my chances with those 10 glasses of poison but I feel okay about it!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I continued very moderate alcohol use even after my BC dx. One glass of wine most nights with dinner. Dr Susan Love in her "Breast Book" says if you are going to continue to drink, add folic acid to your supplements. I have done that. Like with so many things related to BC, everyone does what they believe best to avoid recurrences and we all seem to have different approaches.


  • MexicoHeather
    MexicoHeather Member Posts: 147

    I'm not much of a drinker, it doesn't seem to help matters. I like pomegranate juice just as much.

  • josieo
    josieo Member Posts: 140

    Yes, I have also learned that Teva is out of stock on a National basis. Pharmacist told me last word they had was that product was to be available November 1st. I don’t experience side effects using Teva, so when it becomes unavailable I get very stressed. I have enough to get to first week in November, but really need my refill

    So appreciate this good info on brand Arimidex, and will follow up with my oncologist. Last time I checked the brand Arimidex was not covered at all by my insurance, so hope this can work for me as well.

    It’s great when these kinds of tips are shared-we all benefit.

  • WorryThePooh
    WorryThePooh Member Posts: 378

    I used to be in the habit of having a glass of white wine approx 4 or 5 evenings a week, but since my BC dx, and after I read that "Compared to women who don't drink at all, women who have three alcoholic drinks per week have a 15% higher risk of breast cancer.", I decided to pretty much stop drinking except for the rare occasion. At first I wondered how I would cope and that made me realise I had become reliant on wine to relax, so I am glad I have cut it down to the occasional glass now.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    Simone, will be interested in your docs response. I usually only have a glass or two per week, but was just on a cruise. Hard to balance everything.

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 412

    and, btw, the few glasses of wine that I drink are very high quality reds...a low or average quality wine isn't worth it, given my limit!

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    hehee, Scrafgal! I didn't drink Friday, but I did on Saturday. I bought my groceries online this week and was going to make a strawberry frozen something or other with Prosecco wine. I don't know anything about wine, but I picked this out online and the bottle is little tiny and cost $12!! It might make one strawberry drink! It was a Weight Watcher's recipe.

    PontiacPeggy - I didn't know that about folic acid, thank you. I think maybe that is in with my B complex. I read folic acid helps your platelet count come up when you're having chemo and it goes down (happened to me twice). MexicoHeather, I read pomegranate juice helps too, in that situation.

    CVS didn't have my Arimidex today, they said the warehouse was out, they ordered from another warehouse "should be here tomorrow". I had broke out my Eagle $60 bottle I'd been saving and took those the last 3 days, and my cramps disappeared. Now I am a little leery, might go back to generic tonight. I know it is weird, but having that bottle makes me mentally stable. I need to go over to the insane page and talk about that. I did read, on this website, about Nunn hydration, which is for people who run, and I picked some of that up at Target this weekend. It is kind of like Alka-Seltzer, as in you put it in water and it dissolves, to help with cramps. Thank you to a lady named Nancy who mentioned this on here about 4 years ago, and may she rest in peace. We can all benefit from different tips, and I appreciate all the advice everyone offers. Hope everyone is feeling good today, Lisa

  • twolutzjo
    twolutzjo Member Posts: 18

    I have to decide whether to take tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor. I am concerned about taking either of them. I was having some heart issues about five months ago......and I have osteoporosis and am taking meds once a week for that. Any help or thoughts out there. Finishing my radiation tomorrow, seeing the oncologist to talk about the estrogen blockers. Other than this big decision I am feeling good. Have a rash from the radiation but nothing I can't handle. Wish I had found this site earlier......but better late than never.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    twolutzjo Maybe you'll feel comfortable sharing (public settings in My Profile) your DX and TX information with dates and all that?

    For my diagnosis, (and because I'm post menopausal), being on an Aromatase Inhibitor for five (or more) years reduces my recurrence risk the most. Unfortunately, "recurrence risk" will most likely mean a Stage IV metastasis, so I feel strongly committed to my best TX plan possible. If I were unable to tolerate being on an AI, Tamoxifen is quite protective, too, just not quite as much. So, it's second best. I had osteopenia diagnosed before starting my AI, and aromatase inhibitors are known to reduce bone density in most women. Therefore, I have Zometa infusions every 6 months---it's a bisphosphonate that also protects against bone mets. My MO will look at my bone density each year or two, he says. The AI is a crucial part of my TX, so I'm committed to it.

    Yes, it's hard to make these decisions. My MO guided me carefully, explaining all % risks and benefits. Be sure to ask about cardiac issues, as you've had that concern recently.

    On this site, there are quite a few different threads about medication issues, side effects, and various things about being on an Aromatase Inhibitor. Here's one with women who are "Doing well on Aromatase Inhibitors"

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    bennybear - I will post after I see him in January! I agree that it is difficult to balance. I am typically a 2 glass a week average, but sometimes, like every couple of months, if we are being super social it is a little more. Then I feel guilty and a bit like I did something sinister...

    Scrafgal, I hear you! No table wine seems worth it!

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    love it! Life is too short to drink crappy wine

  • twolutzjo
    twolutzjo Member Posts: 18

    HikingLady. I didn't realize my diagnosis was not there. It is now. Thanks for the info...will go to the website

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Hiking Lady, thank you for that advice, you are always so helpful here, thank you. Twolutzjo, just want to say, I am IDC, but also ER+/PR- HER2+ and stage 3. I have been on anastrazole since May. I am keeping my fingers crossed today I can get name-brand Arimidex with my GoodRX card from CVS/Target today. Best wishes, Lisa

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Logged into GoodRX and searched Arimidex - the coupon is gone. Anyone else able to see that CVS coupon for $22.10? I have it in my purse, I printed it last week. Perhaps I am wrong, I hope so.

    EDITED: I called GoodRX and they told me the $22.10 was the generic price. Target CVS hasn't called me yet, but I suppose I know what the answer is. What is that old quote, no expectations, no disappointment? Gonna bottle up my Eagle and hit the Accord and continue down the road of finding leg cramp remedies. Last night had cramps in both legs and had to have help from husband to stand up. Pickle juice it was. Best wishes to everyone, Lisa

    EDIT #2: CVS/Target called me at 7 pm last night, my prescription is ready for $22.10. I asked, is it name-brand...yes. My husband is going to pick it up today (he works in Joplin). I am not getting my hopes up.

    EDIT#3: My husband says it is name-brand Arimidex - $22.10. I am speechless. He said the pharmacy lady said I was on an auto-refill. As Joe Kenda says, my my my..... I apologize for all my posts and my psychological problems.

  • mac5
    mac5 Member Posts: 85


    Just had an appointment with MO on Friday, October 18. When I asked about medications for SE of Arimidex she recommended Duloxetine. Brand name is Cymbalta. Studies show it is effective for joint pain AND depression in some people.

    If you want to take the AIs, it's certainly worth talking to your Oncologist about I think

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    thank you, Mac5. As you come on this site, there is a "new" things posted on the top, and there is a podcast with a doctor answering questions, he mentions Cymbalta. I think he said you cannot take it with tamoxifen. Good to know, thank you so much!

    P.S. His answer to our side effects is exercise. Guess everyone that says drink water and exercise is correct.


  • mac5
    mac5 Member Posts: 85


    I have an old saying about “If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt every time he jumped!" If I had exercised and drank water every time a Doctor suggested it I'd be running a 25k and be an Olympic Swimmer!

    But seriously, that's good advice but very difficult to follow when your joints hurt so badly you can't close your fingers or hold a glass. I guess I need one of those hats people wear to football games to drink beer without hands. 😁

    The only other thing is the walking. If I could only get out of the chair...😂

    Gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes

  • l8blmr
    l8blmr Member Posts: 119

    It sounds crazy, but my mother has been putting bar soap under her sheet for leg cramps; she changes the bar about every other month or so. I believe it is the magnesium in the soap that helps. Another option is soak your feet in epsom salt; make sure you massage your legs with the salt water. Or better yet, take a bath/soak in epsom salt. I put coconut water in my almond milk, tea or LeCroix for cramps. All pretty simple & cheap remedies to try and it keeps us off another prescription drug!! Good luck finding what works for you.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    L8Blmr - THANK YOU! I sleep with the soap and it helps, and will try these things, I appreciate this, thank you and best wishes! Lisa