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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • lillyduff
    lillyduff Member Posts: 26


    I just went to WalMart and saw Gaviscon on the shelf and thought about trying that. Thank you for the suggestion.

    Instead, for now, I bought Tums and since I'll see my PCP in a few days run Gaviscon by him and see what he thinks. Something needs to calm my tummy down!:) Maybe since Gaviscon coats that would be good to use before bedtime to help protect the stomach and esophagus lining.

    Maybe, also, this could be the "rebound effect" that patients get when they discontinue an antacid or PPI medication and I have to ride it out. I just want to be careful here, and find the source of the pain, then deal with it at that point. So much is going through my mind as far as "what if" the cancer came back somewhere and this is how it's presenting itself. Something is wrong, I just don't know exactly what. Hate the wait!

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Pepsi1975 - sounds like an allergic reaction to something. Could be the anastrozole or anything else new you may have started, new lotion, tissues, something you ate, etc. I think a call to onco would be a good idea to see if maybe a break from anastrozole for a month or so, then start it again without changing anything else and see if it continues, or starts up again.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Yes do ask your PCP. For me, it helped tame the reflux, which was awful.

  • Jeepers
    Jeepers Member Posts: 4

    hi I started taking anastrazole a few months ago and I think I’ve had some minor side effects like weakness and joint stiffness. I had a double mastectomy, 3 months of chemo and a month of radiation. I’m just wondering if anyone has decreased their dosage on their own...maybe taking it every other day rather than every day

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Jeepers--some of us did a lower dosage starting it (like every other day), but I'm not sure how effective it would be long-term to take less than the full dose.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    Jeepers The research I know about, regarding the efficacy of AI's is very clear about dosage and outcomes. I wouldn't choose, myself, to change dosage. My oncologist has been really clear with me about the evidence-based outcomes and NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network's long-term treatment and outcome databases) guidelines for all of my TX.

    My MO has not described any research about a different dosage having measured outcomes. Maybe there is such research, and it would be a good question to ask your MO? In other words, if 50% of the recommended dosage also has 50% benefit, then it could make sense as a well-considered risk/benefit decision. However, if there's not research that supports that, it could be that 50% dosage has much lower benefit. That's a question I'd ask, in your shoes, if I wanted to consider a different dosage.

    For my DX and path report details, being on an AI is essential for good statistical outcomes on reducing Recurrence. In my case, Recurrence = Stage 4/mets. I know that everyone's DX and quality of life decisions about TX issues are different, of course.

    I find my lowered-estrogen issues to be annoying, for sure, but not ruining my life. I have additional stiffness and joint pain for sure. I do at least 1 hour of (deep water + also walking) exercise every day, and when my muscles are strong, my joints complain less. I have an ongoing inner Grumpy vs Realistic Battle going on, for sure. Grumpy Me says "I hate this AI." Realistic Me says "Being on your AI increases your chances, BIG TIME, of living longer." Sigh.....

  • Jeepers
    Jeepers Member Posts: 4

    lilyduff this was the basis of my original question asking if anyone has lessoned their dosage of Anastrozole on their own in an effort to prevent other problems arising..

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411

    HI, I did my first lupron injection this morning, and got 90 arimidex pills, will start to take it tomorrow morning. Hopefully no much side effect.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Jeepers: What I have found:

    "Hormonal therapy carries side effects that are very unpleasant. It can be difficult to get a patient to want to adhere to taking that pill every day. Yet, this is currently the only real way, other than chemotherapy, we know to reduce risk effectively.We know from research, unfortunately, that between 40% and 60% of breast cancer survivors do not take their hormonal therapy as prescribed. Oftentimes, the reason they aren't taking it is because of the side effects. Patients need to speak up and tell their doctors, "These are the side effects that are driving me crazy and causing me to not want to take this medicine." There are solutions to some of these side effects, but the doctors aren't going to know to offer solutions if they don't know what the patient is experiencing.REMEMBER: It is crucial to take the hormonal therapy medicine as prescribed.Example:If the doctor asks, "Are you taking your medicine?" the patient will say, "Yes". He doesn't necessarily ask, "... as prescribed?" She may be taking it every other day so now she has half of the hot flashes and the night sweats. But we've never done any research to know if the medicine does anything for patients if they're taking it every other day. We only know that it helps taking it every day."

    in this downloadable book written by Lillie Shockney, you can read here:

  • Jeepers
    Jeepers Member Posts: 4


  • Jeepers
    Jeepers Member Posts: 4

    thank you

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,291


    I too have a "hate/love" relationship with Anastrozole. Hate the SEs, love that it keeps cancer at bay. I've read about people who've taken a "vacation" from it, to reset SE, to then go back on it in a month or so. I'm not taking a vaction from it, because I know I'd have a hell of a time to make myself go back on it. Just power on!

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    hi all, I haven’t seen this issue on this site but thought I would see if anyone else has noticed it. Recently I noticed I have been retaining fluid, not extreme where legs and ankles swell but eyes are puffy, about 1 pound extra on scale - also very thirsty. I do drink in excess of 56 ounces of water a day and exercise daily by walking 5 miles most days. Interestingly my last two blood pressure readings were up on diastolic side ( typically was 70 now 89). I read a little on web md site that Arimidex can cause blood pressure issues ut just not sure. Has anyone else seen this happen? Not sure if I should call OC and check or let it go for another month or so and see if things settle down.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Get into your PCP, let them know your concerns. May need a med, or a visit with cardiologist. Don’t let this slide by.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    MACTAZ Yes, retaining some fluid and excessive thirst definitely sound like reasons to check with PCP.

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 412

    Yes, AI can cause high blood pressure but fluid retention also could be related to chemo-toxicity and its effect on your heart. Checking with your PCP and/or having your heart checked is a good idea.

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Thanks all, I will check with PCP. Until I can get in I’m going to watch my salt intake and have ordered a blood pressure cuff for home. That way I can keep tabs on what is happen8ng.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Before you give up on AI's in general, ask MO about an alternative. My hair is thinning but I feel much better and my attitude is definitely better on Femora than Arimidex. I have taken a couple one week breaks with MO's blessing when I started getting all day headaches but have always gone back to it and the headaches are gone with the restart. I'm not prepared to commit to more than five years at this point as I will then be 76 at the 5 year mark but who knows how I will feel then. I lost 3 friends to cancer in a 10 day period this fall and that is keeping me motivated.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Taco, I am very sorry you lost 3 friends in 10 days, that is very sad. Hugs.

  • magari
    magari Member Posts: 335

    Taco - My condolences, too.

    I'm also happier on Letrozole/Femara than I was on Arimidex. I tried Aromasin briefly as well, but it looks like 3rd time's the charm for me.

    I'm also very motivated to make it work re taking an AI for at least 5 years.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,291

    Hi ladies!

    I put off treatment for osteopenia back in August. But after seeing my MO this week she just shook her head, it's not going to get better, only worse. Anastrozole is going after my bones.

    We leave for FL, snowbirds, right after Thanksgiving. I could have gotten a Reclast infusion, but ended up putting that off until I return in May. So I picked up my script for a once a week Alendronate (Fosamax) today. Any others on it?

    I may wait until I arrive in FL to start it; or take it now so if a reaction shows up I'm still near prescribing dr. Thoughts?

    Have a great day!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    CindyNY, I just finished 5 years and 1 month on Fosamax (generic, of course). I had no problems with it at all. I took it first thing in the morning, drinking water (no coffee, no other pills, no food). Waited 30 minutes (don't lay down!) until I could eat. I always ate immediately then. Since it is once per week, I put a reminder on my phone so I wouldn't forget.

    My MO had said I could stay on it for 6 months beyond anastrozole, but my NP said that studies have proven that taking it beyond 5 years does nothing, so stop it now.

    BTW, I've been off anastrozole for 4 weeks now. Have I noticed anything different? Well, it is possible, maybe, that I have a bit of new hair growth. We'll see - the jury is still out. I also quit Claritin at the same time and find I am a tad less stiff in the morning now which I do attribute to stopping anastrozole. Maybe I'll notice more in a month or two.

    Those who are finding anastrozole causes loads of problems, do try the other AIs. That often can do the trick and help you stay the course on them.


  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    cindyNY, I have been on alendronate for 1 1/2 yrs. I started it right before being diagnosed with BC because I already had osteoporosis. I have never had any issues. I like PontiacPeg take it first thing in the morning but I wait an hr before I eat. I then take my calcium after breakfast and dinner.

    I started anastrozole in March and had my one yr dexa scan in June. Good news was I did build some bone in my left hip, the right just lost a little but my spine decreased quit a bit. They want me stay on alendronate for another year and will retest. If I continue to loss they will try another drug.

    Good luck

  • krose53
    krose53 Member Posts: 74

    My son had something similar called blephaitis. Not sure if this is anything like whatyou have. It was also itchy. The first time he had it was when he had Mono

  • krose53
    krose53 Member Posts: 74

    I've been on Arimidex for about 6 wks. I'm having joint pain. Not that bad most days but occasionally I'll have a day when I really hurt everywhere and feel very fatigued. The next day I'll be much better. Has anyone had this happen to them?

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Krose53, I have good days and bad days, probably 2/3 good (achey but I can get through it) and 1/3 bad ( have to take Tylenol or if really bad tramadal. This is pretty typical for many. Exercise is really key, keep moving and drinking lots of fluids.

  • krose53
    krose53 Member Posts: 74

    Thanks! I just didn't know if it would be episodic or not. That's reassuring. I appreciate it.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,291

    Pontiac Peg & MACTAZ - Thank you! I'm starting it on Sunday morning, it's the day I rest more than run.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    just a heads up, my endocrinologist suggested waiting an hour with the fosamax before you eat, he said that helps it work better.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    My doctors all were fine with waiting 30 minutes (which is what the insert said). Whatever works for you or your doctor, you should do. As with everything to do with BC, there's no set treatment or approach.
