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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • annc2019
    annc2019 Member Posts: 93

    To add to the mood discussion, yes I feel like a maniac sometimes since starting this drug.When I am driving I alternate between praying and then dropping F Bombs at drivers that cut me off. A bit over the top.

  • magari
    magari Member Posts: 335

    Wanted to share a report I just read that I found very encouraging:

    Breast Cancer Preventive Effects of Anastrozole Continue Long After Treatment Ends

  • Melmax
    Melmax Member Posts: 168

    I never understand those studies. If someone can interpret I would appreciate it. How many of the 1900 or so women on the AI had a reoccurrence during the 5 to 12 year span after treatment stopped?

    Please and thank you. 😊😁

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    The way I read it, they were talking about preventing AN INITIAL occurrence of BC, not a recurrence.

  • Melmax
    Melmax Member Posts: 168

    lol 😁 see I missed that. Didn't even know this drug was used for menopausal women before an initial bc diagnosis.

  • 2002chickadee
    2002chickadee Member Posts: 79

    Taragervasie, I had a lot of sexual side effects too and my GYN was completely dismissive. I worked with an NP at my cancer center to develop a program and found a new GYN who is lovely and sensitive to the issues. It might take trial and error but you can definitely improve the situation and it's worth the effort. Check out this thread, lots of ladies weighing in:

  • Newfromny
    Newfromny Member Posts: 108

    AnnC I also have suffered from ocular migraines every few years, the first ones started when I was pregnant, since I started Anastrozole a few months ago I’ve been getting them once or twice a month. And I am also short tempered

  • Melmax
    Melmax Member Posts: 168

    A friend completed 2 yrs on Tamoxifen and then 3 yrs on Arimidex with no SEs except hot flashes for the first three months. This gives me hope.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    AnnC2019 - just take a deep breath and remember those rude drivers are probably brain deficient.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    Vision and AIs. Cateracts are listed as an SE. Have you eye DR monitor. Cateracts also occur with aging, so maybe check to see if you have them, if they are getting worse, or worse for you age.

  • annc2019
    annc2019 Member Posts: 93

    Hi BlueGirlRed,

    I read a few studies online that anastrozole can increase the tractional force between the vitreous and retina. This can lead to problems including blindness. I will find out after my appointment this week what is causing the shadow in my vision. I guess this is a more uncommon side-effect but one that women need to be aware of. When I started taking it I was really only worried about my bones because I didn't research the drug.


    This was different than an ocular migraine in that it didn't go away after a few minutes. I didn't get the usual zig zag lightening effects.

    “Retinal Hemorrhages

    A small percentage of women taking anastrozole for early breast cancer experience small retinal hemorrhages, according to a retrospective study reported by Alvin Eisner, PhD, Senior Scientist at the Neurological Sciences Institute and Research Associate Professor at the Casey Eye Institute, both of Oregon Health & Science University.

    Although the clinical significance of these hemorrhages is not known, Dr. Eisner recommended that women taking hormonal therapy for breast cancer who experience visual changes should undergo optical coherence tomography (OCT), "a powerful, new, non-invasive technology that is readily available," and have their vision monitored at periodic intervals.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Ann, I'm having a little trouble with my eyesight, I made an appointment with the vision place. Everything just gets really blurry!! Oncoming headlights can blind me too. Thank you for the information!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    Missouri - Could you have cataracts? They are a known SE of the Arimidex.

  • magari
    magari Member Posts: 335

    I'm only 56 and I have a cataract.that's shown up post chemo and has gotten a little worse since I've been taking an AI.

    It's hard to know exactly what is caused by the meds and what is just aging. But the progression has been pretty rapid and I'm not that old yet.

  • Melmax
    Melmax Member Posts: 168

    How many mg of Arimidex is everyone taking?

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    1 mg

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    1 mg, which is the only dosage I believe the MOs prescribe.

  • Melmax
    Melmax Member Posts: 168

    Thanks for responding to my question

  • SeattleSunshine
    SeattleSunshine Member Posts: 9

    I have been taking Arimidex for 1 month. I notice that I am more anxious/depressed, not crippling but more. Today it occurred to me that Armindex might exacerbate Seasonal Affective Disorder so I am getting out my old lightbox. Seattle is far north. I am going to give the AIs my best shot.

    i do NOT have the irritability that I had with peri menopause, TG.
  • ZEKE
    ZEKE Member Posts: 59

    Hi Hikinglady,

    I just saw this post of yours as the ringing in my ears caught my eye. I had been on Anastrozole for 7 months. In the 5th month I heard a loud pop one night in my right ear. I woke up the next morning and was almost deaf ion that ear. I went to the ENT and he said that this is a rare occurrence and is possibly caused by a virus in my inner ear. So he put me on steroids for 2 weeks which did not help. He also sent me for an MRI of my brain to rule out an acoustic neuroma (inner ear tumor) and there was none. I am not totally deaf in that ear but have to wear a hearing aide now. I still think either the radiation or the drug had something to do with it.

  • 2002chickadee
    2002chickadee Member Posts: 79

    SeattleSunshine, I was told by my psychiatrist that hormone therapy can increase anxiety. I'm on a low-ish dose of Duloxitine (Cymbalta), which I started for anxiety but also had the amazing effect of clearing up all my AI-induced arthralgias, which were pretty bad.

  • annc2019
    annc2019 Member Posts: 93

    So I found out that I have BRAO which is branch retinal artery occlusion. This is basically a stroke in the eye. I also found a case study online about this in an Anastrozole patient. I am also on Zometa. I now have to find out what caused this to happen because it makes you more vulnerable to stroke. I do think there is a connection between this and the pills. They asked me if I had high blood pressure or diabetes which I don’t, but cholesterol does run high in my family and AI’s can affect lipids and the eyes. So besides bones, get a thorough eye check when on this drug

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    I don't know if I have cataracts, guess I will find out next week. I am 56 and haven't had problems before, could be aging, could be the medication, I take 1 mg. I finished my Herceptin January 8th and am looking forward to my nose dripping ending, and no more diarrhea! I've been using Biotin shampoo to help my hair. Think I will just keep it short, maybe not quite AS short! I have been using lubricating eye drops, but they don't seem to help much.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Good Morning Everyone! Just wanted to remind you that Claritin really does help with some joint stiffness and pain. (REGULAR Claritin, NOT "D"). I quite taking Claritin when I was done with my 5 years of anastrozole. Recently I was put on a Flovent inhaler for my mild COPD. I usually take Benadryl for my allergies. I was doing very well with Flovent and Benadryl but I was hoarse so stopped the Benadryl. The hoarseness went away but my allergies were thriving. So I popped a Claritin (which has never worked for my allergies) hoping it might possibly help - it didn't do a thing for my allergies but I noticed everything was working better when I got up during the night and in the morning. So back on Claritin for that and back on Benadryl so I can breathe better. I'll figure out something for the hoarseness.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Was told when I was 56 had cataracts. Freaked out. Now 71, just had eye exam yesterday, still aren’t ready for removal.

    The strange thing was, eyes checked last July. All good. No new rx Then distance vision started going wonky especially while driving at night. My first thought was the cataracts. Or diabetes. A1c is excellent. Or cancer. Or the AI, letrozole.

    Dr confirmed left eye is worse, both need new glasses. Arrrrgh. I’m blaming the AI.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227

    I'm developing cataracts, I'm 59. About a year and a half ago my eye doctor told me this. No change in that time. She's simply monitoring them.

    Jaybird ~

  • janeqpoppy
    janeqpoppy Member Posts: 28

    QUOTE: Jan 31, 2020 09:48PM count_it_all_joy wrote: Hi Ladies! New to this group, because I'm new to anastrozole. Just finished 5 years of Tamoxifen, and hoping to make it through some years on this.....<snip>

    Question for count_it_all: If you've been on Tamoxifen for 5 years already, why are you having to take anastrozole now, too? Your profile is similar to mine (though not identical). Are you pre-menopausal-- I didn't see your age in your post. Just curious. I have 5 months to go to finish my 5 years of arimidex and I can't wait to get off of it!

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    Jane, I just wanted to point out that her tumor was 4 cm and grade 3, and even though her profile says stage 1, I believe anything above 2 cm is stage 2. Also, some drs. will order a BCI or other tests that will let you know if you would benefit from more than 5 yrs. of antihormonals.
  • Melmax
    Melmax Member Posts: 168

    Jane - a friend of mine was prescribed Tamoxifen for 7 years when she was Pre menopause. When she hit menopause (2 years later) she switched to AI for the last 5.

  • janeqpoppy
    janeqpoppy Member Posts: 28

    Okay. Thanks.