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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    I probably would take it in the morning if I ate breakfast, but I take it at lunchtime (my first meal of the day). Some women have a tough time taking it on an empty stomach. I recently switched to taking all of my supplements at dinner—good to hear maybe that’s better

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    I take Anastrozole in the morning, right after breakfast. Mostly because that way I don't forget, and that's when I also take my Ca and Vitamin D (specific types and amounts that my MO has instructed me on.) When I first started it, it made me sleepy for 2-3 weeks, and back then, I took it in the evening, but that sleepiness/fatigue completely went away, and it's easier for me to remember it in the morning.

    I'm doing just fine, overall. I was way more frightened of this medication than proved to be necessary. I agree that there are people out there doing just fine, and they're not necessarily posting on this site.

    Joint pain and stiffness: it was worst the first 2-3 months, and then subsided. Now it's barely ever. It's also true that over those first months on this medication, I was also still recovering from Chemo and final exchange surgery, and then I gradually got back to exercising. I started doing 1 hour of daily strengthening & aerobic exercise (deep water, in the pool, mostly, plus some hiking and biking), and as my muscles got stronger, my joints had less to complain about. I also started drinking a lot more water.

    Claritin didn't help me at all with joint pain; I tried it quite a few times. NSAID's work fine for me (Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Naprosen), and I take them if I get achey, but after a few months, I really didn't have that problem very much any more. For me, getting stronger and more fit has solved my joint pain.

    I would say that there are some annoyances. I occasionally have 'warm' flashes. I don't sleep well, but that's been true since age 45. I have weaker finger and thumb joints, so I'm careful about how I open jars. I think that my stamina is a bit worse than before starting my AI, but not hugely so. It's manageable if I plan my activities carefully.

    I think that my thinking is a bit slower than before my diagnosis and treatment in 2018. This could be because of age, overall wear and tear of chemo + surgeries + my AI--who knows--obviously, probably a bit of each of those. I've learned to accommodate this by not expecting myself to keep all the plates in the air at once. So, my juggling act is a bit slowed down.

    Overall, my quality of life is just fine. I'm comfortable if I get my 1 hour of daily exercise, and drink a lot of water.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I always took my anastrozole right after getting up - before breakfast. Never had it upset my stomach, cause sleep issues or anything like that. Play around with the timing if you think it might help.


  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    I take Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM. I had chemo with a man who talked to me about organic sulfur (MSM) and, at first I thought it was nuts, but I have figured out it helps me!!! Worth trying/reading about.

    Ditto on the HUGS!

  • TinyDancer5
    TinyDancer5 Member Posts: 217

    Wow, thanks for all of the great advice.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,291

    I set the alarm on my cell phone for 12:30 AM and that's when I take the AI. They told me to take it the same time every day to keep same amount of drug in my system. Mornings vary daily, so I picked what's easiest for me. Best of luck to you!

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 772

    Hi everyone. I have recently been under a little stress (hubby has cancer), so just when I was finally accepting and adjusting to different things, like the SEs of this drug, they are now exacerbated. I am breaking out in full sweats at least 2x a day. This was not happening before. My hair is falling out at a more alarming rate and I hate it. It's got to be my state of mind/emotions. I am a relatively calm person and we have been going on as normal as possible with a devastating diagnosis. I've never been on an anti depressant of any sort, but wanted to inquire here if any of you take something and how low of a dose, and can I stop when this whole mess is over??? Does it have any interactive effect with this damn anastrozole? Also, what is the name of the drug that begins with a G for the hot flashes? Is that maybe an option? I hate taking pills, but I also don't want all of my hair to fall out! I have been using biotin shampoos and conditioners. It feels better, that's one consolation.

    Am I doing something else wrong? My current regimen AM: Multi Vit Centrum 50. 1000mg. Vit C. 1500mg. Gloucosamine. PM: 10mg rostavitan (statin), 1mg anastrozole, 1-325mg aspirin. Advil as needed.

    Thank you in advance for any advice,

    Edited to add: Forgot just got my 1st Prolia injection in December. Doesn't seem like that would intensify my SEs? But maybe it is.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Gabapentin? Is generic name for neurontin. I was rx Effexor or hot flashes, used a few months, no trouble going off.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Just want to say hugs, ctmbsikia. Big hugs. Lisa

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 772

    Thanks. Effexor has a side effect listed as sweating. Lol. The Gap one is definitely not for me. I’m sitting here with hubby for treatment and will be so it’s not like I can’t ask a nurse. Feel like I’m here a lot! Hubby and I have different MOs but we are at the same practice. My MO is especially sweet. She came over to the chair on one of our first days here just to say hello. At my next appt she asked how things were going. I also could reach out to our GP if needed.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    My MO changed a mild anti-depressant I've taken for years to 75mg of Venlafaxine and my hot flashes went away. MO gave me gaberpentine for my painful neuropathy and my neurologist increased the doseage when he saw me about the same time while I was taking Taxol. Neurologist was insistent that I taper off rather than going cold turkey but I haven't taken it since May 2018.

    ctmbsikia - sounds like you have lots of stressers right now. But I'm afraid that hair loss is a frequent SE's. I'm used Nioxen and biotin and don't think either has helped much. (Sorry, don't know how to fix the type change here. I'm not yelling!). Try to find a little time for yourself.

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    Pepsi, I had a similar eye lid issue years ago and it turned out to be oil from my eyelid being trapped by the folds from my old eyelids. I had eyelid surgery and it took care of it....and took about 10 yrs off my face. A friend had a similar situation, same surgery, same result.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    saw the eye doctor yesterday, using Refresh Optive Preservative Free and also the Gel Drops at night until I go back next week and they test my tears for inflammation markers (then she said she will know which of 2 prescription eye drops to give me). Apparently, if you take tamoxifen, the oncologist is supposed to recommend you have an eye exam, the tamoxifen can build up in your retina. I'm taking Arimidex, and while she wouldn't state it is the reason I'm having problems, other women on Arimidex have the same problem. My eye doctor said dry eyes can be caused by many medications, being postmenopausal, and also the winter season. I'm just happy someone knows I am having a problem and I can get some relief. Have to be able to see to work! Arimidex will certainly dry out everything!

  • Stellawt57
    Stellawt57 Member Posts: 65

    Taco1946 and others, my Integrative Dr. had me do the elimination diet. No eggs, dairy, or gluten for 8 weeks. I added the eggs back into my diet first- no problem, a week later I added dairy again no problem, as soon as I added gluten my joints hurt 😢 so gluten is out for me except when it’s one of the grandkids birthday 🍰 grandma has to have a small piece of cake 🎂. I also take curcumin & have acupuncture biweekly now. I haven’t tried the Claritin, it appears it is helpful for many. I also had anxiety, fatigue & extreme blues so I take glycinate magnesium & natural calm magnesium to help reduce those SE. Acupuncture helps with those too. Taking the AI can seem to be overwhelming with SE, but I’m willing to power through as long as I can to keep my risk of recurrence as low as possible.

  • chemicalworld
    chemicalworld Member Posts: 48

    Finding it interesting reading about the eye problems with this drug. I chalked up ongoing eye issues to the tear duct damage I had while on taxotere and have had issues on and off since then, particularly with one eye, but this past year or so I get a lot of extreme burning out of the blue as if I've gotten something in my eye, with a lot of tearing. It annoys me that none of these side-effect are ever discussed. Regularly I see things on here from this and other drugs that never get mentioned to me during appointments as things to watch. Time to make an eye appointment !

    Something somewhat amusing (not really) with me is that a couple of weeks ago I called my MO's office to confirm that they had received a copy of one of my recent tests and during the call the receptionist was kind of reading the file notes out loud. There was a mention of "patient is tolerating anastrazole well" and I lol'd. My last MO appointment I literally limped into the office because my left knee was so bad I couldn't walk, and her suggestion was to maybe lose some weight. I've had bad knees since I was a teenager, a skinny active one I might add. The anastrazole side effects seem to settle into places where I've had injuries before, i.e. my knees, shoulder, and my back. I've also spoken to her before about fatigue etc, and another onc told me once that flu-like aches and pains were not a side effect of Lupron either, lol. I plan to stay on the drug, and I'm grateful that that's all it is, but I think they have a funny idea of tolerance.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Was on aramidex for about 4 years. Tamoxifen for about 7 months. No eye issues.

    Had routine eye check last July. All good. That’s when I started letrozole. Huge decrease in vision. Need a large increase in rx. Lots of tearing. I think anything is possible on these meds.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,291

    Eye issues - I've gotten dry eye since starting the AI. Could be the drug, my age, or total loss of estrogen from the drug. Either way, I've got it. At my last eye Dr appt, he told me to use Refresh eye drops 2x a day. I asked for how long; he said until he sees me again. That's a full year! LOL I was like, Oh...ok. I remember to use the drops in the morning, but some nights I read and fall asleep w/o using them. Best of luck to all of us with eye issues!🍀

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I also turned up with dry eyes, diagnosed in 2017 when I had cataract surgery. I was rather surprised. I live on Benadryl so not shocking. It never occurred to me an AI might be responsible. Whatever caused it, I was told to use Refresh Optive 3 -4 times a day - I usually manage 3. And I can use it as many times a day as I want. I use mine in the morning, when I get in my pj's (usually after dinner (one of the perks of living alone) and then when I actually go to bed. I don't read or watch tv in bed so I'm not apt to forego using them.


  • ItsHandled444
    ItsHandled444 Member Posts: 41

    BennyBear, Is the cortisone still working? We have tried everything except cortisone and surgery. Seeing Ortho doc is a few weeks, thinking it's time for the shot as the pain is so awful and it's been a few months. Cast removed, now wearing a splint pretty much 24-7 but at least I can wash my own hair.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Hello fellow Arimidex users - I am reposting this here as I posted it on another board accidentally. I have 16 days left on the "drug we love and hate". I will keep you all posted on how things are after I've stopped. I did quite well for the first four years; this year my BP has increased, lipids up a bit, insomnia worse and fatigue and mood a bit worse. All of which could be aging or generally menopausally related....but this gal's hoping to see improvement in 17 days. I'll let you know! 😍🙏

    P.s. now only 12 days to go but whose counting?

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    ChemicalWorld - I can so relate. How are things going, they ask? Do they really want us to tell the truth? I just smile. I know these benefits I must have no matter how I feel.

    I met a lady at my last infusion, having her first chemo, and she is having a hard time, reminds me to always count my blessings. I finally figured out the vitamins it takes to ward of the killer leg cramps, or perhaps since my estrogen is now depleted, maybe they just have stopped, hard to tell. I have to keep taking my magnesium though, for fear they'll come back.

    Cindy and Spookie, best wishes on our eyes. I go back today and have the tear sample taken, am hopeful they don't say Restasis, my co-worker told me it is $400 a month on our insurance. Please, those in charge of drug prices, no matter what religions, race or political party, please help us with prices. Hugs to you, Lisa

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I'll be close to MO office today. If I can remember (chemo brain at work) I'll stop in and see what nurse says.

    I’m a lazy slug, called nurse instead. Will post when I hear something.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Thanks, Spookiesmom!

    I am on Xiidra eye drops, which cost $114 a month with my insurance, but the kind lady at Walmart told me to go to their website and download their $5 coupon. I got it for $5! And it feels good!!!! Takes them a while to suck a teardrop sample out of your eye when you don't have any! Happy

    Prescription drugs do not work if you cannot afford them.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I’m on ibrance now. Thank who ever you want for insurance. It’s over 13,000 a MONTH for 28 pills. Hopefully it will work for me for a looooooong time. With my insurance and Medicare I pay 3.60 for generic meds. 0 for the ibrance. Really.

  • Jeez I just read the tea study. I'm fxxxed! I drink at least 7 cups of black tea a day. No wonder I got cancer. Starting Ai next month. Not sure which one.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    KIDI919 We are all screwed. We eat, drink, love and live. Thus we get BC. I mostly ignore such studies.


  • lauramv
    lauramv Member Posts: 6

    I am new to the group and wasn’t sure where to post for help! Congratulations on being done with this drug!! I just started Arimidex a week ago! MO says I will be on it for probably ten years. I am feeling increased fatigue and my joints are already feeling swollen/achy. What tips out there have helped with side affects? Best vitamins? How have all done with warding off weight gain on this drug?

  • lauramv
    lauramv Member Posts: 6

    I am new to the group and wasn't sure where to post for help! Congratulations on being done with this drug!! I just started Arimidex a week ago! MO says I will be on it for probably ten years. I am feeling increased fatigue and my joints are already feeling swollen/achy. What tips out there have helped with side affects? Best vitamins? How have all done with warding off weight gain on this drug?

  • lauramv
    lauramv Member Posts: 6

    what is the difference between the two magnesiumsyou are taking? I’m taking magnesium but not sure if the right one.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625


    RE: weight gain I really have to be careful to maintain my weight. I limit my simple carbs to Almost Never (booze, sweets, anything with added sugar, even things like white flour and white rice), and that is working. I lost a few pounds by being extremely disciplined about this, and portion control, and upping my protein a bit for a couple of months. I'm staying stable by following more or less the Zone Diet way of eating: Eat something every 4 hours, always have some protein with whatever snack I have, eliminate or severely limit simple carbs, etc.

    RE: fatigue and aches and pains I also experienced a ton of all of this at first. It all got better within 2-3 months. At that same time, I got back to one hour of daily exercise. I started my AI right when I had just finished chemo, and then soon after, I had my reconstruction surgery. After I could exercise again, I built back some muscles (light weights, cardio), and as that happened, the aches and pains disappeared. Either I got 'used to' my AI, or by building muscle mass, I supported my joints better with strength. Either way, this worked. For very occasional difficult arthritis pain, I take an NSAID, either OTC or Rx Meloxicam. As for fatigue, it subsided after just a very few weeks on my AI. I have slightly less stamina now than two years ago, and that's possibly partly because of being on an AI, but also could be just plain age, who knows... Anyway, Anastrozole is manageable for me. I also drink a lot of water. Zero supplements--just the Vitamin D and Ca that my doctor directs me to take every day.