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Fagonia Cretica (Virgin's Mantle)



  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    That this stuff isn't readily available just enrages me. Not unlike the whole Ebola thing. Experimental treatments are used for them, but not for a dying cancer patient. Something seriously wrong with that picture. If you're going to die anyway, what difference does it make? Heaven forbid a FREE plant gets into the hands of a terminal cancer patient. Whatever would Pharma do???? Poor babies wouldn't get their cut. The whole thing makes me sick.....sicker than I already am....and REALLY angry.

  • lightandwind
    lightandwind Member Posts: 97

    Leggo, I share that rage and if the last of my passion and energy goes towards changing this madness, it will be well spent. No need to let it make us sick though. You and me and many of us are in this together, to make a difference, to stay alive, and to thrive. I just do my best to take opportunities to educate others on how ridiculous it all is, providing resources, and stats for them to learn about how pharmaceuticals are poisoning us by the masses, often providing little if any benefits, along with a host of serious complications including death...way too often. Many are not ready for the wake up call or to see the realities that there are many natural substances that fight cancer. If many more people really knew and took the time learn and begin to understand this disease and how we are treated and how the barrage of pharmaceuticals negatively effect our quality and quantity of life, I think more would be done. I think it is healthy to let it out...scream it out from the rooftops, and celebrate every small success in the right direction. 

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Thank you lightandwind. I know I sound like some looney rage-aholic, but that's so not me.....honest. I'm usually cool, calm and collected but when it comes to scammers, pharma and the FDA, I lose it. Especially since this whole Ebola thing hit and I'm constantly being reminded that unapproved drugs are finding their way there through gov't agencies. Not that I'm not happy that they're getting much needed treatment, and I hope with all my heart they get whatever they need to treat this horrible thing, but fair is fair. On occasion I have to be reminded by hubby or kids to calm down before I turn greenWinking. I wholeheartedly believe that DCA has prolonged my life, but the hoops i had to jump through to get my hands on it has been frickin' ridiculous. Same with the fagonia cretica and Phoenix tears. I remember trying to order the DCA on-line and getting baking soda....BAKING SODA! Here we have a working drug, no patent, inexpensive, no access. Some FDA horseshit about it causing neuropathy (like chemo didn't cripple me). The lengths one has to go to for a legitimate source is outrageous. Same with the Fagonia Cretica. I ordered that too, got rosehips. Thank gawd I have braniac friends to analyze this stuff for me. Most aren't that lucky.  Perhaps someday I'll find out why we're forced to go black-market for life prolonging substances, but until I do, I'm going to stay mad. Someone/something is keeping it from us and they/it needs to stop. Still, to this day, since the news broke on fagonia cretica, no way, no how to get it to those who could benefit. Not even sure which agency to blame, but whoever it is, they're scum in my eyes. One thing I know for sure....profit is the defining factor for both scammers and pharma companies, which makes them just as disgusting as each me anyway.

  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777

    Leggo, Is the site selling non-legit stuff: ?

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    I don't know. I never ordered any from any sites in India. I called and sent emails to all of them and there was either no answer, number disconnected, no such address, or got a robot response. I'm pretty skeptical that anything like this from India would be legit, let alone make it across the border. I ordered it off ebay and it was shipped from the US. I checked just now and it's not there anymore. My local health food store has been trying to get it in for a year with no success, nor have any of the aruyvedic centers in Canada. I was told by the store they haven't been able to find a legit source either so all we can do is sit and wait. On the plus side, the lady did tell me that they went through the same thing with Essiac tea in the 90's and now it's available everywhere, so there's hope. Problem is, I don't have that kind of time. 

  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777

    I hope that you are able to get it soon.  What is your opinion of Essiac Tea? Have you tried that? Or Protocel 23 or 50? What value do you put in diet changes?

    I see you have used DCA with good results, but what happens the cancer becomes resistant to it? Same for Phoenix Tears maybe?

    Sorry for all of the questions but you appear to be very knowledgeable.

    I would love to find something that really works (along with everyone else in this situation ) but it appears from what I have seen that the alternative therapy works and then it stops working.   I will find some testimonial that "XYX" cured someone and sure enough if you do a search they have died from their cancer.  Finding a testimonial which has stood the test of time is nearly impossible especially for breast cancer.

    Thank you for your help and if I find something that I think will help you I will let you know but I think you have done all the research already.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379
    MusicLover, I'm not really knowledgable at all and don't even remotely have a scientific mind. DCA just made sense because of its ability to affect cells on a mitrochondrial level. Does it work? There's no way I could ever say for sure because of the sheer unpredictability of cancer. I just try to do my research and use my best common sense. What I can say for sure is that when I was diagnosed with brain mets, I wasn't comfortable with the side effects or prognosis associated with brain radiation and there are no chemos that cross the blood brain barrier for my pathology. That's when I opted for the DCA. Those mets have remained stable since then. Liver had some issues, but now that I've added metformin and crestor to the mix, they are currently stable. Bones, not so much, but I was prepared for that based on everything I know about DCA being most effective for brain tumors. Will it become resistant? I don't know, but as long as it keeps my brain mets stable (my line in the sand), I'm going to continue with it. It's all so hit and miss.

    As for the essiac tea, I did take it when I was initially diagnosed in 1996. It was very tedious to prepare and I stopped after 4 years. Whether it had anything to do with me staying cancer-free for ten years, I'll never know. I remember some pretty weird things leaving my body, which scared the crap out of me, but talking with others, that was pretty normal. I like to think it helped and that was disease leaving my body, but realistically,  it was just rationalization and wishful thinking on my part. 

    As for the phoenix tears, after months of trying, I was never able to do the protocol as it was intended. I do however, continue the oil for pain control and nausea. Narcotics did little to help my pain, nor was I ever comfortable taking them. Taking a pill or using a patch for pain, then taking another pill to counteract the nausea from the first pill, then another for constipation, then yet more for diarrhea.....just a ridiculous gong show. 

    Diet changes are very important to me. I have always had a fairly decent diet, but I've still made changes. I paid a pretty heavy price from all the chemos, radiation and herceptin and my heart was irreparably damaged, so for instance, I've completely cut salt out of my diet. Dropping dead from a heart attack or stroke would just be too ironic when I did everything I could to fight cancer. Just little changes like that, which to me, are just common sense. 

    In addition to the off-label drugs, I've added and dropped various supplements along the way as reliable information becomes available, but I'm sure you're pretty well-versed in that area anyway.

    I hope I've answered all your questions....if not, ask away. I also want to thank you for saying you'll share any info you get in the future. I much appreciate that.

    Sorry about the weird formatting. I tried to fix, but what I'm typing isn't showing up that way. Odd. Huh! Fixed itself when I hit submit! 

  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777

    You are far more knowledgeable than I am on all of this.  I had no idea that DCA was not good for bone mets, thank you for letting me know.  I am so glad that DCA has helped with the brain mets.  I just read about something crossing the blood brain barrier, maybe the phoenix tears?
    No information on Protocel?  You probably have seen KatRNAgain post on bco she has used it successfully for a recurrence in distant lymph nodes.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379

    Yes, I remember those posts, but Protocel was nothing I ever looked into so I know nothing about it. Have you tried it?

  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777

    I am seriously thinking of trying it.  If I get good results I will be certain to let everyone know.  I think it is like you said, hit or miss with everything even conventional drugs.  Thank you again.

  • gwen22lotus
    gwen22lotus Member Posts: 1

    Yes I have recently ordered from Dr Amit Nakra - and the contents were very neatly packed. My cousin sister needs these herbal supplements and we have started using the same since past more than 7 days and we shall keep you updated on the same here.

    In November 2013, she was diagnosed with breast cancer Grade 2 on right breast. Lobular carcinoma invasive. ER and PR Positive. HER-2/neu - 1+ Negative. e-cadherin positive. Lets hope for the best results from Organic Fagonia cretica Tea ordered from Dr. Amit Nakra who sounded like a professional and honest man. lets hope for the best for my sister.

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 254

    Has anyone tried Fagonia Cretica and saw results? Or did not see results?

  • rihamhanna
    rihamhanna Member Posts: 1

    It is liquid extract known as tea in our country. You have to take 120 ml in a cup of tea per day. For breast cancer use it regularly for 3 month.

    Pharma Care Supplements

  • annc2019
    annc2019 Member Posts: 93


    Did you try this tea and if so, how long? Did you see any benefits

  • Priyankash0810
    Priyankash0810 Member Posts: 1


    Mr. Bhushan, I appreciate your quality stuff and I would love to read more informative posts like this one

  • Prayers2021
    Prayers2021 Member Posts: 9

    Hi everyone,

    I am from PAKISTAN, As from my data you can see that I have recently been diagnosed De novo stage 4.

    • Along with my routine medicines, I am taking tea of this herb Fagonia Cretica which is an ancient treatment of Breast Cancer. I have an access to its PUREST FORM.
    • There is no side effect of this herb (if at all there is, it doesn't appear as I am taking Kisqali and it has some effects)
    • If I found positive results, I will share it here