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2013 Sister Warriors

ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232

I'm reaching out to others diagnosed with IDC in 2013 and now are part of this club we all wish we didn't join.  But I am determined to kick cancer's butt, and am putting out the call to others in the same boat to join this thread and we'll get through this together.

I was diagnosed with IDC last Friday, had an MRI today, so I am waiting for more results. 



  • dimples68
    dimples68 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    I'm here with you!!! Diagnosed 12/26/12. Gotta fight this thing!!!!!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2013

    Ready to wage war and beat this!

    IDC not in my vocabulary until late Dec, but very thankful for this forum.  Got my BC team together, MRI today, pre-op BS visit 12/15 to confirm plan of attach.  Surgery on 1/23 beware IDC going to kick you to the curb! Going in with bright pink lipstick :)

    We will beat this! Strong 2013 Sister WARRIORS!

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited January 2013


    we share our diagnosis day of last Friday AND we are both in Ohio. I am in NE Ohio east of Cleveland. I have ILC.

    I am trying everyday to find the Warrior within.

  • nanna5
    nanna5 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2013

    We will beat this!! We are the Strong 2013 Sister Warriors

    IDC Diagnosed 1/09/2013, we might not be feeling so strong right now, but we will find the strength.

    Hugs to all

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2013

    I've had some time to get used to the idea of what is going on and am truly feeling this is a challenge, and I'm not giving up on my plan to grow old with my DH.  

    Got my MRI results today...while breast w/cancer has multiple "spots of concern" (in addition to the lump biopsied to be found cancerous), the other breast and my chest wall were clear.  So, while this definitely points to a mastectomy, I am relieved that more did not show up here.  I have a terrible family history w/breast and other cancers, so I still have to make the decision about BMX.  Looking for genetic testing to be a guide as well, and will see another dr. Tuesday for a 2nd opinion.

    At some level, all of this seems ridiculous, since I feel perfectly fine.  But I am grateful that screenings are available to catch this insidious disease in time to do something.  

    Fight on sisters!

    Renee (Columbus area)

  • madison08
    madison08 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    Hello, fellow sisters!!

    I was diagnosed with IDC right before Thanxgiving 2012.  It has been a rollercoaster ride!  I had a mastectomy the day before my birthday on 12/14/12.  It's all soooooooo scary.  But, it turned out to not be as horrible as I had expected.  The reconstructive surgery options are amazing!  And feeling the love and support from friends and family as well as the prayer chains and guardian angels looking over me have made ALL the difference in the world.  I went back to work 2 weeks after my mastectomy (R breast) and breast reduction (L breast).  Everyone said "why are you back to work so soon?"  But my PT told me that it is the best thing, to get back in the saddle. I look at this whole breast cancer journey as a blessing.  It has opened my eyes to see what is really important in my life.  God bless all of you.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2013

    Hi Madison!  I am glad your surgery and recovery went so well! Were you able to drive at two weeks?  Are you doing other treatments (chemo, rad, hormones)?  Did you get good guidance for your reconstruction options, or did you research that through?  

    I am (mostly) looking at this cancer as a blessing.  Definitely big life lessons for me--to put myself first, to let others do for me (that will be humbling).  The offerings of support have been great.  When I look at the timing of this, it's not so bad, and workwise (without going into detail), things have lined up well for me to be absent.  And at first I kicked myself for getting new furniture last fall, a laptop for Xmas (not only because of the $ that will take for this, but our garage door needs to be replaced [that we learned after getting these other things])--but really I can use all of these things for my recovery.  

    Looking for the gifts, and the positives.  

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited January 2013

    Hi Renee

    I hope things go well for you on Tuesday, I will be thinking of you. We being diagnosed the same day I am mad that I am still waiting on my receptors from pathology! I had my surgery on 12/31, thought I would leave it all behind in 2012 and now I am still waiting for that peice of the puzzle.

    Your positive outlook I hope to feed off of, I am not there.

    again, good luck this week let us know how it goes for you.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2013

    I figure we have to take on whatever s!@# is facing us, so might as well be resolved to kick this cancer square in the taco, no matter what hand we're dealt.  Not easy though.  I was at Walmart, after spending hours learning about what to expect after surgery.  I wanted to cry that I was scoping out zip down exercise jackets with inside pockets to hold the drains.  Stool softeners for the constipation I'll get from the drugs...vinyl gloves for whomever gets the thrill of helping me empty the drainage...  Very unpleasant things lie ahead, but it is all a means to an end.  And, I guess, keeps me from thinking about what the hell is going on inside of me.

    So, if you've had surgery lemon68, you're waiting on pathology for treatment, right?  I guess I'm not clear how your diagnosis followed lumpectomy (?)

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited January 2013

    After the sterio bio coming back B9 ( but with LCIS which I was told was not cancer but in the next 20-30 yrs my risk would be high) they gave me the option of removing area just to be sure. Wasnt called a lumpectomy just a biopsy which turned into a lumpectomy. Right now I am Stage 1a until path report and checking of nodes. Seems like my diagnosis is backwards to what I read on here. Seems normally there is a diagnosis then DX. I was shocked to say the least.

    Zip down jackets.. I was just looking in my closet today trying to figure out what I had for easy removal and easy to get into... just sucks right now.

    Please let me know how you are and what lies ahead for you, you are in my thoughts a$$ kicker!

  • sherri89117
    sherri89117 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    I am in the same place as you. I am still waiting for MRI. Then it's decision making time.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2013

    That's what it seemed to me lemon68 (that it seemed backwards), but I guess eventually we'll all get to the place where we know what is going on and pursue the treatment course.  And seems to be the consensus that this (waiting) period is the worst.

    So far, there are seven of us.  I wish that would be it for our "club," but I have a feeling it won't be.  I hope everyone is hanging in there.

    I think you got my avatar reference lemon68.  I picked Hit Girl because she is a fearless a$$ kicker. (Would put a link to a scene but don't know if that would be acceptable here.)  I want to take out the cancer in my body like she took out the bad guys in that movie.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited January 2013

    I am still waiting for Pathology results on receptors ER PR HER2, I almost feel sorry for the girls working in the office having to deal with me. I am definitely in Warrior mode when I call for results. She called me late today to tell me hopefully Wed, latest Thursday. I still wont have all my answers but each piece of the puzzle helps to put it all togethor.

    Damn this disease.

    7 members, I pray it doesnt grow but if it does I hope I can give some support, love, and strength as others have given me.

    Renee, your Avatar means business, I wouldnt mess with her!

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2013

    Feeling in limbo about choosing a surgeon.  Going back and forth about reconstruction or just say screw it... Did get OK from insurance re: genetic testing.  My middle kid was in tears about all this construction work he did on a video game and forgot to save.  Am hoping that that is the worst of his problems for many years to come.  My family is why I need to fight.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited January 2013

    Hi Renee,

    I took a look at some pics the other night of reconstruction in various ways, I was amazed. Im  keeping mine but if I wasnt I would want to get rid of the old and bring in the new if possible all at once. I think for me I could handle that better. I understand that many dont have that option. Do what is right for you, get EVERY option. Dont say screw it, go back and read your earlier posts see how you have felt since this all started, you might find your answers there.

    Take care..

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2013

    Hi Renee

    This is such a wild ride...check out the thread on mx/lx by Bessie

    Great list of questions to ponder. Think our minds are on overload for battle. Deep breaths journal then trust your heart...

    We will be fine & kick it ...

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486
    edited January 2013

    Hi fellow warriorettes! Im joining the team. Got confirmation IDC last mon. after core biopsy-waiting for full pathology which I will get this mon. Met my surgeon who thinks I will start chemo first as my tumor is 3.3cm and somewhat aggresive. She seems to think Im a good candidate for lumectomy. I have time to decide which surgery while on chemo but am scared. I just want to make the right decision and was hoping that one choice would feel more right-maybe in time. Anyone else doing chemo first?

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2013

    Welcome slv58.  I do not have chemo first, and am hoping I don't require it, but that will be revealed at surgery for me.  Sounds as if you'll have time to research and discuss what is the best route for you.  I'm learning that things are not necessarily cut and dried, but that we have choices to make.  Of course, my choice would be not to have to fight cancer, but that option is not on the table.

    I think I did read that thread RMlulu (been reading so much lately). It really comes down to making a choice that I have no idea how I will feel about it when it's all said and done. I can see myself accepting a no-chest (and use foobs for clothing, etc.).  I'm concerned about hating implants (I do not want to go down the flap or DEIP route), or they only turn out so-so.  

    Maybe my bigger problem is, I want to get this all dealt with so I can move on with my life, and I probably need to get to the point of acceptance that BC is now a part of my life, one way or another.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited January 2013

    Hi and Welcome.

     I am fairly new also. I see my surgeon and its like a big puzzle each week I get one more piece, until I have all the pieces I cant make my decisions. The waiting needless to say is torture our minds go places we dont want them to go. I just know that once my surgeon is done with me he then refers me to a oncologist to decide treatment. Sounds like yours is the opposite or maybe exclusive being a surgeon and a oncologist?

    I had a lumpectomy, got pathology report today and there were a few surprises but this helps me to decide what is right for me and choose treatment. Still cant make that decision without all the pieces like I said. Ask alot of questions, tell them you want all your options and a course of treatment with all options. Doing this will help make sure you have made informed decisions regarding YOUR body. The Path report will tell you alot. I am curious how they know the tumor is aggressive without the full path report, someone correct me if I am wrong but doesnt that tell the story of grade and aggressiveness? My surgeon couldnt tell me until he saw this report.

    Take care, let us know how it goes.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2013

    I can only guess for slv58 that her tumor was graded (3 or higher), which is why it got labeled agressive.  They had to redo (retest) my HER (came back inconclusive the first time); maybe that's what happened with hers--not all the results were in.

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486
    edited January 2013

    I almost dont want to know in case its further along than I think. Right now Im feeling optimistic about beating this and dont want a "number" raining on my parade! My surgeon said it was 'fairly' aggresive I think because I had a clear mammogram 7 months ago and I dont have

    dense breasts.

    More will be

    revealed mon.

    Im happy to have some new friends to travel this scary path

  • humanityisbeautiful
    humanityisbeautiful Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2013

    I got diagnosed 1/15/13. Still in shock, but staying positive.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2013

    Welcome humanityisbeautiful & so sorry that you have to join us on this journey, but there are a lot of amazing sisters here.

    The waiting is the hardest. Use the wait to learn as much as you can on this site. Check out your medical plan for the best BC team & see if your medical center has a BC support group.

    Be good to yourself ((hugs)) know that you will be fine & will beat this.

    We are a mighty ban of warriors!

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2013

    How are you doing RMlulu?  I see you're up for surgery next week.  How are you feeling about that?  Do you have a support system set up to take care of you?  Wishing you lots of healing thoughts.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Renee!

    This was a roller coaster week. MRI showed more c so BS scheduled consult with Rad/Onc to review MRI.

    It was a lump/BMX/lump wk.

    I don't want melon balls being scooped out every 3 wks but Rad/Onc says MRI was over read & proceed with lump.

    Praying for clear nodes & margins.

    My sis comes Mon, son(RN)wifegs come Wed/Thu so support is on the way.

    Jan warriors encouragement gives strength & confidence...let's roll!

  • Adavisart
    Adavisart Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2013

    Hello ladies! I am seven days post BMX. Two drains were removed yesterday and the other two come out on Monday. My Breast oncologist called with pathology results ans said my KI number was 21% and she would discuss that with me at the appt next week. I have no clue what that means. The good news is that she got clear margins and the IDC had not gone far outside the duct. Nodes were all clear too. She wants me to do do chemo and I am curious what kind is typically given for ER+ . I am ready for this to be over!!

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486
    edited January 2013

    RMlulu, hug, positive thoughts and a prayer for you, you will heal quickly and beat this!!

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486
    edited January 2013

    Adavisart, that is great news about margins and nodes-yahoo! I'm sorry I don't know what KI number means, I'm just starting my journey, but wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and celebrate the great margins/nodes! I'm sure you will be happy once the remaining drains are out, have a great evening!

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2013

    Wow RMlulu, that's a roller coaster ride with a loop-de-loop!  A relief to be sticking with the lumpectomy (?).  I'm sure it will be great to have family right there by your side. 

    Adavisart, I think you're farthest along of anyone here.  Wish I could give you feedback on what you could next expect; hope you can get that info elsewhere on the discussion boards.  So glad you got clear margins.  How was your BC IDed?  Sounds as if it was caught early.  And, how are you feeling/doing now?  Would be interested to hear about what post surgery has been like for you, if you're willing to share.  Will give me a feel of what to expect.

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2013

    I am 44, healthy, bad genes I guess....Just diagnosed Friday, 1/18. Happy Friday to me ;) It's a grade 2, we think stage 1, but will not know until after surgery. I have opted for a bilateral MX. Will make me feel better.

    My mom had BC at 28, her mom in her 40's (died at 53)...I have had atypical ductal hyperplasia in the other breast, dense breast, first period before I was always high risk. Ironically I had BRCA 1/2 testing done 7 months ago, and it was negative.

    So, stupid question, not sure if you can answer: when they do the mastectomy, do they check all tissue, bad and good side? This cancer was hidden, even ultrasound had a hard time. The MRI found it. I just have a feeling more could be lurking somewhere. I wonder how many people have had additional cancer found after surgery.

    Anyhooo, I try to remain positive and joke, but the worst is telling family, especially my aunt. I swear they are more upset than me. I just told those that I deal with daily. I know some folks will be "offended" that they didn't know, but I can't be worried about that.

    Life is a bit surreal right now. The diagnosis in my BS office Friday was in slow motion. Kind of like when you are in a car accident lol