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Lumpectomy Lounge....let's talk!



  • SelenaWolf
    SelenaWolf Member Posts: 231

    My biopsy was infinitely more painful than the lumpectomy. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    same here, but remember we were under for the sugery, unless you mean afer...

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Should I be having MORE pain after a short re-excision surgery than I did after my full lumpectomy? It feels as though my entire chest wall hurts where before it was just the incision site that hurt for a day or two. It feels like an elephant sat on my chest for a few minutes and then got off leaving it intact but sore. It hurts most when I press on the area (not the incision, the chest area) Very strange. Did not have this the first time. I am wondering if it is from all of the trauma to the area in such a short amount of time as I said before. Between the stereo core biopsy, the wire loc for the first lumpectomy and the two lumpectomy surgeries, I have had a lot of stuff happening on that poor boob.

    Either way, it hurts like hell. I am icing it and taking pain meds which helps some, but I sure hope it feels better tomorrow. Was hoping to go to work on Wednesday and no way I can function at work taking meds like this.

    Thanks. Hoping this is normal and/or at least not abnormal!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Hi to all you lovely ladies

    It looks like there is gonna be a surgery party tomorrow

    Im havin it too.

    Gonna have 8-12 inces removed from my gut.This diverticular disease is killing me.Mine is at 10am.

    Im bringing 2 overnite bags plus a pocketbook sooo if anyone wants to jum into mine feel free to do so.

    Good luck everyone.Grannydukes

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    I will be in that pocketbook with you Granny! Hoping it goes well for you!!

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748 know I'm gonna stuff my butt into your pocketbook too!!!!  You can't keep me away from joining all the fun tomorrow!  

    Had my mammogram and MRI today....I opted for the new 3D mammogram and it came back all clear!  Yay!  

    The MRI was next...and I'm hoping since the mammogram was clear this too, will be the same...but I have to wait a few days for results on that one...UGH!  I hate waiting!  The nerve of some folks!  HEE!!  HEE!

    april485....sorry that you hurt bad today...hopefully, it will ease up as the day goes on....just pamper yourself real good today...  Also, thanks for being in my pocket today...I appreciated all the funny jokes you and RMlulu were spouting off when I needed them...

    Has anyone heard from RMlulu yet today?  I want to see how her fun procedure was today as well...

    SelenaWolf-thanks for dropping by...please come back and chat whenever you want!  :)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    I'm with you girlfriend, your gonna be fine....hugs and prayers.....

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501

    Hi Lumpies!

    Granny - sending good vibes your way for surgery & speedy healing!

    April485 - sorry that you are hurting so bad :(( keep on top of your meds soft ((hugs))

    Tori - glad the mammo was clear MRI will be too. Waiting the durge of BC ugh.

    Did anyone notice how full y'all pockets were ha!

    My throne is well polished & I was laying on the gurney all hooked up wires everywhere alone and suddenly there begins a rumbling shaking & you know it's an EARTHQUAKE but you are too attached to climb off and run to a doorway to!

    Only in SoCal. My BP heart rate went whoaoooo. Funny waited 5 min before RN came in to see if I was ok... 5.2 centered in mountains nearby. Glad it was not during procedure ... My DH said he thought it was my knees knocking:))

    Found some polyps so 3-7 days for result give me a now a 3 yr schedule not 10 yrs...but thankful no surprises.

    Hugs to us!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Wow RMlulu. I would have freaked out if the building starting shaking while I was on a gurney.Thank goodness they had not been doing the procedure at that time..especially that one! Sorry about the 3 year call back Frown

    Torigirl, glad the mammo went well and I am sure the US will be clear too.

    Heading to bed. I was corked off on the couch in front of the television for the last three hours and DH didn't want to wake me. I am feeling a tiny amount better but man, the pain is an 8 on scale of 10 this time. Did not expect that one bit!

    Talk soon lumpies Kiss

  • Lisa1637
    Lisa1637 Member Posts: 15

    Glad you're done with the surgery, April!!  Heal well!!  (The vacuum biopsy IS something...I thought the nurse had sat on me...)  

    Riverflows...I agree with Selena.  I was back doing a modified yoga practice by Sunday (surgery on Wednesday).  I was really careful...avoided most pushups.  I remember thinking a week later, hey, I'm back.  It was actually a good experience to bring more awareness to the practice...sometimes I think I forget that's what it is about.

    Keep us posted of your progress!  

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245

    April, hope you are feeling better this morning.

  • marjie
    marjie Member Posts: 365

    Good luck to everyone heading into surgeries!  Follow your doctor's advice post-op and listen to your body. I had lumpectomy (4cm + large margins) and SNB on Aug 18, 2010 and was back on the water racing with my dragon boat team a month later.  Even if you're not super active, do some moderate exercises ....arm raises and such, because it's easy to kind of stay in that "hugging yourself" position! 

    I didn't have a lot of pain, but I sure had lots of fluid....I could hear it sloshing when I walked for what seemed like ages. Yuck Yell.  Moving your arms around and being up and about lots helps the fluid drain/get re-absorbed.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    I did not have any lymph nodes taken (DCIS with no expected lymph involvement) so I guess the worst of it is all of the constant assault on that side with the biopsy, needle loc and two lumpies. I am feeling a little better today, but that could be the percocet talking since I am taking it like clock work.Wink

    I was very surprised with how much my body hurt this time since it was a small surgery for one margin! I did not expect more than a tiny bit of incision pain but this time, I feel as though I was hit by a train! Not good...

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501

    Hi lumpies

    Today was my first Rad! Yippee! Crazy but I just want to get this all behind me and return to normal...even if it is a new normal. No earthquakes whoa who :)) I saw the red off button and big time off key so felt better. No more shaking going down. Zip zap over in a flash ... Now lubing my skin...confident. 1/30

    Torigirl how was your mammo?

    Sending good vibes to all...


  • Lisa1637
    Lisa1637 Member Posts: 15

    Congrats on getting going RMlulu!  I had my dry run today and go for 1/33 on Monday...

    Hoping everyone is feeling okay...:)

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501

    Lisa1637 - yippee you got your dry run down...Monday will be here soon enough. Take care of your skin go to the store for some aloe extra protein and looks like you have some little ones to play laser tag at home with fun! They make it so worth all of this...(((hugs)))

  • Denise51
    Denise51 Member Posts: 23

    April 485 - hope you continue to feel better and better.

    Grannydukes - wishing you a speedy recovery.


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Thanks Denise and everyone! The itching this time is driving me bonkers! Want to pull the steri-strips off and put a rake to it! LOL.

    Oh well, just hoping the margins are now HUGE after going through this twice. Will find out on Tues at post op appt!

    Hang in there everyone! This DOES eventually get they tell me Surprised

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Just an idea...I had 38 Rads...I bought 38 scratch off $1.00 lottery tickets, each day when I came home i would scratch one off....I wont close to $100.00 and had something to look forward too.......several others ladies took my idea, and did it was fun....just a suggestion......good luck

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032

    April, I remember the itching from those strips to be awful! I would pull the edge off a little bit and scratch. I really think they, along with the drain, should be removed sooner.

  • CameraKim
    CameraKim Member Posts: 33

    Hi eveyone :) It's fun to follow all the stories on here.

    Wanted to share that I got my patholgy back after lumpectomy and node dissection last week and it shows a pCR! I am thrilled beyond words.

    Meet with my RO in two weeks and then on from there! I have herceptin for another 10 months, but at least now I can see light at the end of the tunnel!!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501

    Hey Lumpies it's Friday!

    CamerKim - Happy Dancing for you:)) yippee a good path report and the light is getting brighter the haze is lifting.

    April - ugh those steri-strips itch so bad:(( but soon they will come off as they do there job holding it all together...praying for those clear margins Tuesday!

    Grannydukes - hope you are feeling better.

    Lisa - enjoy your weekend & aloe that breast...praying for Mondays rad...the getting in position takes more time than the 1 minute zap off rotate 1 minute zap you are will be a star! Go early so you have auberge 5-10 minutes to get in your happy place calm :))

    And Denise & Torigirl how are you doing!

    Prayers and healing thoughts to all (((hugs)))


  • rivercottagegal
    rivercottagegal Member Posts: 13

    Anyone having trouble with insurance company NOT wanting to pay for breast MRI? Mine was sent back for additional information as to "medical necessity"... Not getting any warm fuzzies over that! Like I don't have enough to worry about with starting TCH next week!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501

    Rivercottagegal - sorry that your insurance is being difficult. My RO 2/6 had to push for my post op MRI. But insurance called and said approved like there was no issue...who knows. Hope you get approval so you can move gap was from 1/23 to 2/28 but my body and mind used it for healing. I made that time a no c talk think time. It helped so much in my healing. Just focused on today & gratefulness.

    Live in Horseshoe Bay TX on Lake LBJ....see you're a TX gal on

    Sending good thoughts .... For healing peace of mind and Insurance get with it!


  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Hey Lumpies!   (whoever started that name...I love it!)

    Friday night and I'm home...dang it...

    Oh well..

    RMlulu---I opted for the 3D mammogram and got the ALL CLEAR!  Yay!

    But, I still haven't gotten back any news on the MRI I got...I'm hoping and praying that it's as clear as the mammogram though!  My mind goes crazy with these the back of my mind I'm thinking, "Maybe they haven't called me because it's bad and they don't know how to break it to me"...then the rational side of me says, "Normally, no news is good news...the first MRI I got when I was first diagnosed was done and they called me the day after to tell me they saw something else naughty that they wanted to look at more closely"...  Geez...I"m losing my mind...  If anyone finds it, let me know, okay?

    RMlulu-congrats on getting the first rad will go by quicker than you imagine..just be gentle with yourself and your skin...this will wear you out, but you will do great...I just know it!

    CameraKim---that is awesome news!  Doing the "happy chair dance" for you!

    duckyb1-what a fantabulous idea!  Wish I would've done that when I was going through rads..might have made me happy to win some money!

    Lisa1637-For me, the dry run was more annoying than the actual rads...but now that you have that out of the way, enjoy your weekend and take charge on Monday!  We are here for you!

    I got a quick PM from Granny...she's recuperating, but in a lot of pain right sure if she has been on the boards much yet...I have yet to check other threads...Still praying for a fast recovery for her...if any of you don't know gotta get to know here...she is cooler than the back side of my pillow and doesn't take sh*t from anyone!  She's a hoot and just an amazing lady!

    Have an amazing night all!

    Prayers for all preparing for surgery, having surgery, recovery from surgery, going through treatment of any kind, and any other petitions you all may have...


  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501

    Hey ToriGirl

    Good to hear from you....yippee all clear a Happy Dancing:)))

    Don't get ahead of the ride...just enjoy dancing for today.

    But know the scourge of waiting got good news from mondays earthquaking colonoscopy polyps were B9! A big relief ha!

    Night night lumpies...healing dreams speedy recoveries hearts full of joy!


  • ElleRusin69
    ElleRusin69 Member Posts: 12

    Good evening ladies

    Insurance finally approved my MRI had it on Monday afternoon was a nervous wreck till Tuesday am didnt sleep at all with ambien and Ativan I still was wide awake. And Im the size of your average 12 yr old . Dr called very early around 7 am which made me think it was going to be bad news (they said 24 -48 hrs ) I know I know calm down woman. No signs of anything cancerous but numerous papillomas and some calcifications

    So I have been too scared to figure out if either of those can be something that could cause me trouble . She my bs wants me to come in and talk about what the next steps are . But I'm just enjoying that crushing fear has left !!! Since November when my breast pain started I've been having intense pain in my L shoulder blade armpit and down into my L hand some days I can't even use it. Nothing I took helped so I was hoping maybe it was a deep cyst that would show up I'm my MRI . So since it was still bothering me I got into see my PCP who after examining me dx me with a pinched nerve sent me back to the imaging center for X-rays of my shoulder and neck. And I have a slipped or bulging disc in my neck so I feel like a fool I thought it was breast related. But she prescribed me something to get me out of pain and a muscle relaxer but I cosider this great news!!! Funny thing I don't remember hurting my neck and don't have neck pain but she said when you get older things start to detiriorate and you can roll over in bed and slip a disc . Note to self try to remain in the same position until you wake up!!! And older?? im 45 and take care of myself because i have to be here for my kids I'm all they've got.. .

    So I'm just going to be happy & grateful & count my blessings and avoid reading anything about papillomas or calcifications as Scarlett O'Hara would say " I'm not going to think about that today, I'll think about that tomorrow. 😊 Love & prayers to you all Hope you all have a beautiful weekend and any worries or fears are soon replaced with relief and peacefulness.

    (((( huge hugs to you all ))) and thank you for being there for me and trying to calm me down lol!!!

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Great news ElleRusin69!  Hope you were able to enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    So happy for the B9 results for you too RMlulu!  Another happy chair dance here!

    Temperature dropped 30 degrees from yesterday and the wind was fierce today...yuck! But all in all, a good complaining from this lumpie!  :)

    Hope Monday brings us all great things!


  • ElleRusin69
    ElleRusin69 Member Posts: 12


    Thank you so much!!! Yes I was able to chill out & spend some quality time with my girl who ironically enough is Tori also. She's almost 18 already- time goes too fast. And we also had 77 degree weather a forest fire and now there's an ice cold wind coming in from the north, Wyoming why must you give us your damn wind??

    So yes let's hope they'll be nothing but good results and relief from anxiety all around this site.

    Love & Prayers to you all

    Have a happy healthy week ladies


  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Glad Monday is almost over...on to conquer the rest of the week!

