Lumpectomy Lounge....let's talk!
1 down 21 to go, Tbalding!!
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I had my one year Mammogram today. The order was for a diagnostic mammogram. When the tech was getting started she told me the first series of test were the routine mammogram. If anything suspicious was seen they would do a diagnostic mammogram and depending on the results an ultra sound. After the first series I was ask to wait in the waiting room while the Dr. reviewed the x-rays. When the tech came out she said that I was free to go but the mammogram on the right side was inconclusive due to surgical scarring and I need to return for a follow up mammogram in 6 months. I guess that is good. Is this normal procedure?
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Trish, YES!! Glad you were able to avoid ruining your top because of the runny ink. That's quite annoying. Hope you get your tats soon.
BrutersMom, I wouldn't worry about going back in 6 months. After my 1 year mammo, they had me come back and do an MRI mammo. It was fine and my 2 year one was fine. Nice to hear those words. Just make the appointment and forget about it for awhile.
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Brutersmom - yes, that's normal! I had a bad scare! About 3 months ago they sent me a letter after my mammo that said I needed another biopsy. Freaked me out. The radiopathologist doing the exam said, "I wish they wouldn't send out that letter. It scares people. Scar tissue changes an incision site. You probably don't even need this biopsy because I'm pretty sure it's scar tissue, and then you'll get another letter saying we didn't find anything but the area looks suspicious. That's scar tissue, but it freaks people out again! I will be reading your report and will call you (she did) to tell you the results of the biopsy, but just know I have no control over that letter! I keep telling them to stop sending it out!"
It's just major butt-covering on their part, but, yes, it's normal for them to take extra pictures and send out a vague report.
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Peggy - well my Raggedy Ann still had her clothes on.
I have her somewhere in the attic. Can't lift anything right now but I'll go poke around to see if I can find her.
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Thanks for the heads up on the letter. I see the surgeon on Thursday and I am sure he will go over everything. I will be prepared for the letter.
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Hi Ladies....just had another checkup yesterday....all is good. Looks like I'll continue on Letrozole until 5 years and then they will test my tumor (BCI) to see if I will benefit from an additional 5 years. I've had minimal SE's but hoping to stop after 5. Not sure why I have to wait til the 5 year mark before they test the tumor....maybe to see if more info is available on the benefits of extended therapy. I am scheduled in December for my second bone density test. Hoping to see improvement from an alternative treatment (Osteostrong) that I've tried instead of meds to treat my osteoporosis.
Aside from a few aches and pains and occasional restless nights I'm doing great!
I don't post often but I do like catching up on all your stories....scary dolls and all!!
Peggy good luck on your move!
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Nash, What great news! Glad all is well. Hope your dexascan turns out fine. I should have one this fall - after I find all my new docs. Thanks for the good wishes. I am SOOO over moving! (Well, packing actually).
Finally got the FHA appraisal report yesterday mid-morning. (at least the part that showed what needed to be done). Had to scrape, prime and paint 2 basement walls (they did look rotten), do the same for 2 basement windows, and replace 2 outlets in 2 bathrooms to GFIs. By 8:30 last night EVERYTHING was done!!! Can't believe I got a painter on such short notice and he finished in one day. Now to get the re-inspection done. Closing scheduled for July 1st. WHEE!!!
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Peggy, That's great news! It's so nice when things fall into place.
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Sloan oo, those letters. Those scary letters that suck you down the rabbit hole! (thankfully, the primary radiologist at my facility is equally comforting)
Brutersmom: I'd guess that the results of your mammogram are pretty much what they sound like: scar tissue looks remarkably like tumors on mammograms (I asked my radiologist!) so that's almost certainly what it is. But we want to CYA, so come back in six months.
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Great news, Nash! Peggy, hooray for getting the last minute stuff done!! I truly admire how you have handled all of this on your own. You are a rock.
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Thank you, ORKnitter and Molly! My mover just brought a bunch more boxes (which I'm sure I will fill up). 2-1/2 days left to do stuff! Then the movers are here and I will be on the road! The worst is manhandling those big wardrobe boxes - really takes two people to put the boxes together only I am singular - argh! Time to get to work.
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I had follow up with RO, said all looks well! See ya in January! Onto tamoxifen at end of the month. I have read stories where women had cancer hiding among the scar tissue and wasn't found until it spread again, that scares me! I guess I'm hormonal (since I just had ovaries out), I cried my eye balls out yesterday and told hubby he doesn't care about me. I never left his side for 8 days in hospital when he had back surgery, didn't sleep for 3 days because he was so miserable and had to be tended to 24 hours a day. He couldn't stay with me for 24 hours. I couldn't get in and out of bed to pee, spent all night perched in hard plastic recliner so I wouldn't have to call nurses all night. I cried and was miserable and hurting and could barely sit on toilet and felt abandoned, no one was there for me Through all my cancer and surgeries, none of my nieces or nephews that I have done so much for over the years , even called me or text me, no nothing! I have work friends that have shown more care and concern for me. When my husband confronted my sister in law , she simply said it was because I don't come around to any of her grand children's parties! I live almost 2 hours away from his and my family. None of my dad's family have EVER been to see me in18 years, his family has been ONCE! We have always made 2 hour trips for 18 years to see everyone. The last few years, I have had to help mom since dad died, so I only take time out to visit once or twice a year for past few years. I have helped with kid school supplies, practically raised two of them, took them shopping and had dinners with them, but I can't get a simple, "I'm praying for you?" It's a shame how some friends are more like your family. If I don't make the effort all the time, no one shows any caring toward me. I have never been mean to any of the family EVER! All I can say is that is just sad. I'm so sad for how people treat others. I'm strong, I don't HAVE to have any tending to - it would just be nice to know that you don't always have to constantly do for others to get a little consideration back. I'm just plain sad . I will keep doing what I've always done, continue to treat others as I want to be treated and keep on keeping on DESPITE others. Sorry about my rant for the day. It's hard to admit when you have a life full of people that don't really give a damn about you. Hugs to all!
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LG, Aw, I'm so sorry. I wish I were closer and could help you. I can understand why you feel abandoned. The family does seem very uncaring. I hope DH got the message and will step up to the plate. I also think that you're right - hormones are playing a big role. And you've been through a helluva lot this year. You're entitled to rant. They are putting you on Tamoxifen even though your ovaries are gone? I guess I would have expected Arimidex but I'm not that conversant on why docs choose what they do.
BC can hide but our docs are well aware of that and are alert for it. You have done everything possible. Just try to take it easy, breathe, don't do anything and pamper yourself as best as you can.
We're here to listen and send lots of love and hugs your way.
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Thanks Peggy. I've had a nap now since my rant. Didn't mean to go on such! I was wondering the same thing, whether I will still take tamoxifen or not since I had ovaries taken out. I guess I will see when I go at the end of the month. Peggy, I sure hope your move goes well and you end up happy where you are moving to. It's amazing what you have had to go through to get to this point! I can tell DH feels bad about leaving me. He has done nothing but wait on me since yesterday AND cooked, and he had not even helped me fix anything to eat since I came back from hospital lol! I guess he FORGOT that was why he took off work? Lol!!! I can't give him too hard a time, he's probably better most of the time than a lot of husbands I know lol! I love him despite his faults!!! Lol! Thanks for being a listening ear! I can't help how crappy other people can be, I can just aim NOT to be like them! HUGS!!!!
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LG, Good. Venting and then a nap can do wonders. Isn't it nice to have a safe place to rant where we all totally get you? I've found it such. Glad the DH is being helpful. Sometimes they just don't know WHAT to do. I would ask why you are to take tamoxifen, too.
My packing made great strides. I can see where I will be done with what *I* intend to do. I'm really looking forward to my new life in Spokane. I'll be forced out of my rut that I've been in (of necessity) for the past 6 years. Now time to make sure I stay blonde for the next 4-6 weeks!
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LG, can it be that your DH was afraid that he couldn’t possibly live up to the level of dedication and care you gave him, so he was scared to even try? (Apparently, he seems to have made a few first steps to remedy that). I had a similar situation last May-July when Bob had his medico-surgical nightmare journey--stayed with him in his room every day till nearly bedtime, often missing dinner; when I had my lx, I was amazed that he took off not just the day of my surgery but also till my sister arrived from VA and then the rest of the weekend after she left. He owns his practice, and is the only cardiologist in it (his partner is a general internist who is too timid even to cover his non-invasive cardio patients, so he has to either trade days with or pay colleagues to cover for him); it’s a rare weeknight when he gets home before midnight and even a rare weekend day (except the ones he’s off every couple of weeks) when he gets home before most restaurants close. So I cut him considerable slack. As to the rest of your family, sorry to hear about that. My only relatives (other than the two who live with me) are 750 miles away in VA or NY--and most are scattered even further, in QC, MA, FL or SoCal. I have one sister and Bob’s an only child...of an only child. We discovered a second cousin of his (actually, he & his wife rediscovered Bob) in FL via AOL’s genealogy board--seen them twice after Bob’s late dad grudgingly admitted they were who they claimed after we asked them a question only a close relative would know. My mom had a sister & brother, my dad a sister, half-sister, and childless stepsister--all of them gone now.
My RO bade farewell to me after my last session--said no need to see him unless there were complications (or heaven forfend, I need radiation anywhere else in my body).
Peggy, hallelujah for the FHA approval coming through!
I wish I could get a new DexaScan, before bone drugs start, to see what letrozole has done to my bones. My baseline scan was done even before rads started. I have no idea how much more osteopenic I am, or if I am already in osteoporosis. Stupid Medicare only covers one every 2 years--despite that neither it nor my supplement carrier covered the baseline one since I had conventional insurance with a different carrier. As to Zometa vs. Prolia, I am terrified of the former--the paradoxical fractures, awful flu-ey aches, pains & fatigue, and the risk of blowing one of my few usable veins which I might later need for a life-sustaining-or-saving I.V. Bob seems to have backed off his “if you need it, we’ll pay” attitude now that he has crunched the numbers and realized that unless Gordy becomes self-supporting we may run through our retirement savings and leave him nothing once we die. (And as an improv comedy actor-director-writer, no matter how talented, with no other job skills, he may never “launch”--even his award-winning short-film director BFF since childhood who relocated after college from Brooklyn to Silverlake is still being mostly supported by his own folks). But he says that if my MO refuses to appeal Humana’s decision to classify Prolia as a “drug” it won’t cover, he himself will intervene on my behalf (violating the “never treat your own family” unwritten rule)--he has never had a drug appeal denied by any insurance carrier, regular or Medicare.
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Sandy, I had my dexascan before I started Arimidex and I was osteopenic. I'm taking Fosamax and doing well with it and assume it is doing its job. I'd let Bob go at the insurance company if you think Prolia is the way for you to go. The cost of that drug boggles the mind. Your insurance should pay (and hopefully the copays are not too outrageous). I'm glad I was already on Medicare when my BC showed up. Things were easy.
Just need the FHA guy to come re-inspect the things I corrected and then things are copacetic!
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If I didn’t have GERD and an existing gastro-esophageal erosion, I’d just pull up my big-girl panties and take generic Fosamax. (Heck, it’d even be a $1 co-pay at Walgreen’s).
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Goodness gracious Sandy! Let your husband go for it! It's a shame how so many can't get the meds that are best for them when they need it! Insurance companies make things so hard, especially on doctors because they know that 9 times out of 10, the doctors will just prescribe something else because the appeals are too much a pain in the rear! Thanks for the support. Must be hard at times to have so little family near, but I have come to realize that even if you have LOTS of family, it doesn't necessarily mean anything. Family is who you MAKE your foamy, and great friends can be your family! Yes, maybe I hold my hubby with too high of expectations. I'm choosing not to be angry or hurt anymore and go from here. Sandy, is it real expensive to pay for a scan out of pocket? Peggy, you reminded me I need a haircut and dye bad!! The grey is looking bad! HUGS to yal for your support!!
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I have GERD but obviously not as bad as you, Sandy. I pay $12 for 12 tablets of generic Fosamax. $9/mo for my anastrozole. What Rx plan do you have? Surprisingly, I have had no troubles with Fosamax. I'm really good about drinking 8 oz of water and not eating for 30 minutes. I'm back on generic Pepcid 20mg twice a day (my PCP wanted me off Prilosec which I was taking in the morning and Pepcid at dinner). I changed my breakfast and lunch components (I am so boring I have the same thing everyday) and that helped immensely.
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LG, you know what your real hair color is????? My my. I have no clue and no inclination to find out!
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Peggy, Pepcid doesn’t work at all for me (neither does Zantac). Gotta be a PPI, and I ‘failed” both the branded and generic versions of Prilosec and Prevacid. Protonix worked for awhile, but when my ENT noticed erosion on my vocal folds caused one of them to be “bowed,” he suggested I switch taking it to bedtime; then when I had a stray gallstone lodge in my common bile duct a decade after my gall bladder & I parted company, the GI doc who was going to remove the stone (I managed to pass it) said to take it BID. Then it went generic, and the generic mfr. actually raised its price for pantoprazole above the name brand! (It’s not OTC). At the ACC convention in San Diego, I went through the exhibit hall and the Takeda (or is it Daichi Sankyo, I forget) rep gave me a coupon for a month’s supply and a discount card and for Dexilant--which is a form of lansoprazole (Prevacid) that releases in stages--first, about 4 hrs. worth and then the regular daily Rx dose (double the OTC version of lansoprazole), so that I get 24 hr. protection plus an extra dose while I’m sleeping.
Why holding off my GERD is so important to me is that the erosion bled for so long that it made me anemic! The endoscopy doc called it “of probable chemical origin” because I was taking Aleve or ibuprofen for post-op knee surgery pain for several months after weaning off opioids, tramadol and gabapentin. So Celebrex is the closest I can ever get to an NSAID any more.
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Sandy, there's nothing easy about juggling medications. Take one and you cause something bad to happen (like NSAIDS and bleeding). Glad you found something that helps with your GERD. I would guess it is scarier for you since you sing. I ran into that pricing crap with doxycycline. It is the only antibiotic I can take. When I first started it, it was free. Now it is like $60 for 2 weeks. Ridiculous. And my insurance doesn't cover it!! ARGH!!!
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Peggy, you crack me up about the hair lol!! I did blond streaks once and got told it ages me lol! I try to stick with my natural brown and sometimes get some mahogany or something mixed in when I don't feel like dying it myself. Goodness Sandy, I'm so thankful I can get 200 tabs of generic pepcid at Sam's for around 10 dollars and works fine for me. Makes me feel thankful!
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LG, Obviously I dye my hair myself. It's a shade of blonde I once was naturally. I buy my Pepcid at Walmart and it's inexpensive there. Thank heavens, is right!
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(((LG))) I am glad you got that out. It's funny when I had bladder surgery years ago (abdominal cut) I just had my dad drop me off at the hospital. DH brought DD to see me but if my MIL and FIL hadn't come stay nobody would have taken care of my DS or me. So I imagine my surprise when DH took a whole week off from work to take care of me after my hysterectomy. Oldest son was supposed to be in the waiting room after to talk to the surgeon. He spilled coffee on himself and missed the surgeon. So with my two breast surgeries I told my family someone better be there after my surgery that I was not going through the embarrassment of once again having no one waiting for me.
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My Part D plan is Humana Enhanced, even though my Part B supplement is BCBS. Bob has BCBS for both, but that’s because he takes only three cheap generic meds (lisinopril, atorvastatin, hydrochlorthiazide) plus baby aspirin. His Part D isn’t even BCBS’ most comprehensive. I looked at BCBS’ top Part D plan, and it seemed to have a smaller formulary than Humana Enhanced. Our insurance agent went through the meds we thought I’d be taking (at the time, they included generic Fosamax or Boniva & anastrozole, because I hadn’t yet met with my MO post-Oncotype DX and didn’t know she’d be recommending letrozole instead, nor that my PCP would tell me absolutely NO oral bisphosphonates--in the last year of her life, my mom had to ditch Fosamax because of anemia from a likely GI bleed).
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Sandy, I'm on the better AARP United Health Care Part D. I seem to doing okay with it (aside from antibiotics). Chuck had a BCBS Rx plan that cost much more than mine and it was fine for him. I have a BCBS Blue Care Network Medigap plan. I love it. I haven't paid a dr bill or copay for anything. I have purchased the same plan from Premera BCBS in Washington. It's an "F" plan. My suspicion is that none of the Rx plans are really good.
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This is really interesting even for the non breast cancers Ten Practice Changes I Will Make After Attending ASCO 2016