Lumpectomy Lounge....let's talk!
Charlene, Awesome! It is certainly not the most straightforward process.
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Hi, Dara... wow, that's an old-school approach (doctor knows best) that young woman has... like you said, it's YOUR body and you get to make the decisions, hopefully guided by a team-approach with your BS, MO, etc. I've done 3 radiation treatments so far... it's not bad. My skin is pink and a bit sensitive but it's not alarming or anything. I'm getting a short course of just 20 treatments -- 16 regular treatments and 4 boosters. Seems like everyone else on the rads board goes long... but it may depend on the machine type and stuff I'm not "in the know" about. I hope you are enjoying your weekend, Dara. We're off to a rare dinner out with friends.
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LG, Well, if your kitty was scared by a bobcat, sounds like he's smart to not want to go out alone. Too bad he still wants to go out. Your idea may be the only solution. I don't have an alternative for you
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LG - ginger tea will help with nausea. Lipton has one that is Lemon and Ginger together which tastes pretty good.
Grazy - We have a clinic in Burlington that is X-Ray, Ultrasound and they did everything for me. The X-ray tech was really sharp and spotted the lump on the whole breast shot and then took one of just the affected area too without letting me know there was anything wrong.. I got the news from my GP.
All Canadian ladies, I have found a line of Beauty Products that seem to be great for us. They are called Live Clean and they are Plant Derived, Hypoallergenic, Dermatologist tested, Petroleum Free, Silicone Free, Mineral Oil free, Paraben free, Phithalate free, Phosphate free, DEA free, Dye free, Pure Vegan. You can get them at Walmart, Shoppers and other places. They are made in Canada too.
I also found a deodorant sold at Shoppers Drug Mart that has no aluminum, called Ombra Spa. They have a Mild and a Sport version. As it is a roll on, you have to make sure you always wash your pitts before you apply. So no touch ups.
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Good Morning Elizabeth, I use the live clean products here too. For the past few months, especially when my hair was just growing back and I didn't really need any shampoo. I love the hand soaps for the kitchen and baths. Have a great day.
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Elizabeth and Molliefish, I'm disappointed, I looked online and the only Live Clean products available in US are the baby products. I've searched out a couple of other "free" products, but am always looking for others. I've been using some of the Acure line, but haven't one I really like for make up yet.
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zapping out my boring portion of my post, lol! Moving on
I use the Live Clean hand soap in my powder room - they have great products! I haven't tried any of their other stuff.
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Dara, maybe you could order them? Never hurts to ask.
I found the shampoos on
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Good idea. I just looked and I can get it on e-bay, but it comes from Lituania so the shipping doubles the price! I'll keep hunting.
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Elizabeth, thanks for the advice on the tea!
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I tried Tom's of Maine deodorant when going through rads and was allergic to it. So I used nothing.
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I have used Tom's of Maine for some time, if you sweat a whole lot, it kind of quits working by the end of the day. It's hard for me to find good affordable all natural deodorant. The crystal deodorant stuff doesn't work on me at all
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I followed Jill's (Lovestofly) treatments being one behind her during chemo and had basically a pretty easy go of chemo compared to what I expected. Rads is a different thing for me tho!
I finished on Friday- 21 in total, 6 whole breast and 5 boosts. Last night I lay in bed so close to tears in pain. One area is above my chest were the skin is broken, itchy, sore. The other area is the side of my breast and up to my underarm area. That's where the boosts were.
I am also from Canada and they recommend the Glaxol Base cream only during rads. If it breaks open and gets itchy then hydrocortisone. The radiation girl asked me if I was still using polysporin I added that, never putting more than one on at a time in that area. I was told not to mix them. I was warned how red/blue I would get, told that normal peeling is fine but blistering peeling I need to contact them. I go back for Herceptin Tuesday and will follow up with someone if it is that much worse.
I just finished making my saline soak that they gave me the recipe for. Will do that today. I am still feeling nauseated even tho I was able to eat. I just basically feel like shit! I thought rads was going to be the easiest part. Like Jill, I think I am finding this more challenging in different ways, and I think I will message her to find out what helped her best.
My BS said he would be following up with me every 6 months for 5 years with my mammograms. He is in the town I live in and he is a total definition of 50 shades in my imagination lol. Hey...if we can get some enjoyment out of looking through this awful process, then yay!!
I don't see my RO anymore unless an issue with healing. I will see my MO every 3 months right now because of Herceptin and heart scans, then less frequently after that, haven't been told yet. I really just want to get back to work and on with my life ....this has tired me out so much.
Hope everyone else is having better days!!!!!!
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KarenC, sorry that you are so damned miserable. That sucks. Wish I had an idea for you but I don't. I had no trouble with my skin. I just hope your pain goes away NOW and you heal quickly.
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KarenC1744 - I feel your pain. I had painful burns on my collar bone (worst,) underarm (still numb, so it didn't hurt as much) and under breast (the least painful) The soaks and Aquaphor did it for me. Just about the time I was ready to give up, it healed. It seemed like forever, but was only from April 26 (my last boost) to May 3. Hope yours heals quickly as well.
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I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles with radiation, KarenC and brithael. I have my fingers crossed, but as you say nothing seems to turn out like we plan with this thing.
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Thank you Peggy, brithael and Elizabeth. I did do the saline soaks so that area is feeling somewhat better now. The boost area is sore but tonight I plan to take Tylenol and a sleeping pill. I seldom use pain meds so when I do they really help me. I am still thankful that this is the worst it has been for me, so many have much worse experiences
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Karen, so hope you begin to improve quickly. It's hard for those of us heading into rads, but I completely agree that it is better to be prepared and know what has been the experiences of others and some of the ways to deal with the SEs and heal asap. I've heard that the worst of the rads often occurs after completing the sessions. Take the meds... I learned with other health issues it's much harder to control the pain when it gets bad. Hope you can get some rest tonight.
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LoveMyFamily--you're getting the Canadian Hypofractionation protocol, which many of us in the Spring 2016 Rads group got. You get a higher dosage for fewer treatments, so same total radiation. I think we'd all agree it was great to get it all behind us in 20 or 21 treatments.
I figured the mammo I have scheduled for Feb 2017 made sense since my initial mammo in this process was last Feb. My RO *did* say they used to give mammos after six months but it was just too early to catch anything because typically the patient had just finished rads, so they stopped doing it. My understanding is I'll be a patient of the BS and the RO for five years, will get annual mammos from each, although staggered so I get one every six months. I'm pretty comfortable with that. (Plus they got a new whiz-bang 3D machine since the last time I was there--apparently it moves over the breast as it's doing the images?)
And re: skin care products, I did post that I had like six different things I was rotating through while going through rads, including a tube of A+D ointment (diaper cream) that was on deep discount at my grocery store. It's mostly lanolin and Vaseline--sounded perfect to me to help with healing/recovery and I must say I think it worked really well! All that is to say I wouldn't hesitate to use something baby-oriented. :-)
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Hi all,
I just found this article about helping control the problems with radiation treatment... It would be a good read for all.
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Ingerp - when I was referred to my hospital's breast clinic for biopsy, they did a mammogram on their new tomosynthesis "3D" machine beforehand to get more precise pictures - they explained that the images produced are like pages in a book so they can see slice after slice of the tumor, see its depth, etc., very cool - you're right, it is a "whiz-bang" machine!!. From now on for my annual mammograms, I'll be having them on that machine at the hospital - I'm excited about that too because I have very dense breast tissue and digital tomosynthesis detects more cancers in women with dense tissue so in future they should be able to catch anything new early on. I really do believe my tumor was missed in my mammogram last year. My husband read a book written by a physician, the title of which was Snowball in a Blizzard, meaning that's what it's like for them trying to find a small tumor in dense breast tissue - apparently a running 'joke' amongst radiologists.
Glad you're also feeling back to normal - you and I went through rads about the same time, didn't we, and had pretty similar experiences. I also have a lumpy area and I have been doing a little massage whenever I feel achy on occasion. I feel more discomfort if I'm outside in high humidity - it seems to cause a bit of swelling in my breast and lymph node area. Even my underarm had a swollen spot last week, but it went away. Does that happen to you or anyone else? That high humidity causes a little puffiness? I see my RO on Thursday for my final followup. I'll see what she has to say about this. Skin looks perfect now and my scar is fading fast; I can hardly see it in the mirror. So happy to be looking (and feeling) "normal" once again.
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Hi There
during my rad treatments for my neck I had some skin breakage which was very sore, the nurses gave me a prescription cream Mediderm that is used in the burn ward the product is cream based and worked like a charm, it is absorbed into the skin and keeps it hydrated. I will be asking for this again through this new set of rad treatments.,
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Yes, Grazy--you were 1.5 weeks ahead of me and I read your posts with rapt attention!! And yes--I think we both survived tx relatively well--no breaks in the skin or peeling or anything. And I can tell you I swell *everywhere* in summer weather, so I'm not surprised you'd notice it in affected areas. I don't bother putting rings on in this weather--they always feel too small. Yet another reason I can't wait for fall and cooler temps--I always get cranky this time of year. :-(
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Thanks Elizabeth. Read the article and it does explain things well. It's interesting to me that a product like Aquafor has questionable ingredients. I've also been using the site I know ingredients like parabens don't have solid research but I've tried to eliminate them in everything I can. There's also a great app I have on my phone called Healthy Living which I can use in stores to just scan the bar codes and it will give me a quick rating re cancer, allergens, and developmental concerns. Not every product is listed, but many are. I found both sites recommended in a couple of my bc books.
Grazy and Ingerp, I can relate to the swelling even without the radiation yet. I feel that lately I walk around with my hand on my hip frequently as the underarm area still swells in the heat and it bothers me to have my arm at my side. Looking forward to being on the other side of the next treatment. Will know what that is next Monday.
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Dara and Ingerp, well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who experiences swelling in the underarm - and elsewhere - during humidity. I had it on my list to discuss with my RO on Thursday! I find, as well, when I go for my walks that my hands feel as though they're being inflated, and it can be painful on a humid day. Maybe this just comes with age! This is what I meant in an earlier post when I said it's like your first pregnancy or first baby, there are so many little things that no one tells you and you're left wondering if they're normal. This is precisely why I like this board and all of you!
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Hi everyone. I just made myself lots of saline soak as my side has now all gotten bumpy and under my breast. Will have a lazy cloudy rainy day sitting putting saline soaks on myself!
I go so by the book(what my RO and his nurse tell me) on everything I use. I'm so scared to do anything but and make matters worse and then have to explain it! The Glaxal base sounds a lot like the Aquafor in many ways. Even the cabbage leaves were a no go....more so because they never heard of it. I guess like cold capping, they toe the line on what they feel is best.
Have a good day!
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Hello to everyone and welcome to all of the newbies. I am so sorry for your dx but we are a wonderful group of supportive ladies. It is very scary but we will help you get through your dx and tx.
Dear Poodles: I am so happy for your DH.
Dear Dara: I wear a "lymphedema risk this side" medic alert bracelet. It was already engraved when I bought it in the gift shop at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. The medic alert bracelet should state what a lymphedema risk is but sadly, it does not. I wish that I could fit the explanation on the ID tag. That would make me feel a lot better. I don't think that given an emergency that the average medical personnel (non cancer trained) will know what lymphedema risk means.
I always tell medical personnel not to do a needle prick or to use a blood pressure cuff on my left side. Good luck with your new test and with your decision.
Your new and never to be seen again PCP has a lot of nerve. She is not an oncologist and she does not know what she is talking about. Yes, she is a doctor but she is apparently has zero knowledge of breast cancer. She shouldn't comment about areas that are not her expertise. Also, we all absolutely need to be aware of our own bodies and our tx. We must question doctors and be informed. As LG stated, her doctors missed that her margins were not clear. If she had never said anything, she would have had major problems down the road. I get so mad when people "blindly follow" doctors, or any other professional, without asking questions and becoming informed. I am so glad that you have confidence in yourself, that you have high self-esteem, and that you will never be going back to see her again. Sorry for the long response but she made me mad. Good luck finding a new PCP. She sounds like Moondust's MO. Both are awful.
Dear Ingerp: You may want to find a MO who will monitor you.
Dear Molly: I am glad that your surgery is over and that you feel well.
Dear Charlene: Sorry about the bc dx but I am happy that you beat the throat cancer.
Dear Elizabeth: Welcome.
Dear PlanB: Congrats.
Dear LG: I hope that you feel better soon and that your infection goes away.
Dear Moondust: You have such a great philosophy on life.
Dear Moondust and Sloan: I love the picture.
Dear Amanda: Good luck.
Dear Harley: I wish you the best. Follow the advice of people on this thread. Go for a second opinion if you need to. Good luck and hugs.
Sorry that I forgot to mention many of you but I just read over 1 week of posts. I did not have chemo but I definitely have "chemo brain" and I have forgotten who posted.
FYI: I had no issues from my whole breast radiation. However, the texture of my left, rads breast has changed since I completed rads. Part of it feels kind of rubbery and similar to a giant ball. I still cannot feel about a quarter of my left breast. I am finally starting to feel my underarm again - yay. I have extremely dense breasts and I have lumps everywhere (corroborated by my initial radiologist who diagnosed my bc, my RO, and my MO). The rubbery ball feeling is different than the lumpy feeling. This is my "new normal". I had the Canadian protocol - more rads per session for less sessions, but the total amount of rads is the same as the longer rads tx. I do not have any major side effects from Arimidex/Anastrazole. (I had to be medically induced into menopause so that I could take an AI because I could not take tamoxifen.) Good luck to all of you about to have rads and about to take anti-hormonals. (I started taking Anastrazole and I the Zoladex injection to suppress my ovaries n the same day, immediately after I finished rads.)
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614, for me, my radiated breast is slightly less smooth. Nothing I can see but I can feel a slight difference. And isn't it nice that we both are doing well on anastrozole?
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Aquaphorhas less than ideal ingredients but it was the most effective for putting on my radiated skin at bedtime. I figured it was only for a few weeks.
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Molly, how are you feeling? We've all been thinking of you! Hope you're recovering and doing OK.