Lumpectomy Lounge....let's talk!
Well, I saw my eye surgeon today, and he is delighted with my progress. The hemorrhage is fading fast and the corneal blisters are gone; my right eye is at 20/30 and probably will get a tad better. He did have to put in a tiny non-dissolving suture in the rear of the capsule, which I don't feel and will be permanent. My left eye surgery is tentatively set for Nov. 2. I could do it sooner but there’s too much going on right now (not to mention Bob’s cataract surgery coming up Oct. 5).
Still on the fence about the trigger-thumb surgery coming up Tues. My R thumb is better right now than the L one was before its second shot and then surgery. Were I to go through with it as scheduled, I might not be healed enough to play well at the concert at the FARM conf. in Iowa City at the end of Oct. If I let things slide and it comes back, I could get another shot and hope relief comes sooner than the 8 weeks it took this time--but at any rate could not have surgery until 6 weeks after the shot.
Got to bed late last night, woke very early in order to fight rush hour traffic to get to the eye surgeon, and I have a big day (and late night drive home) tomorrow--driving up to Madison to play a coffeehouse concert, and will need my stamina and steady nerves to get through the thunderstorms and/or sun in my eyes if I am to arrive in time while still skipping Madison’s evening rush hour. Threading that needle....
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Trish, Sorry you're so tired. Obviously getting the rest you need is the right thing.
Sandy, good news on the eye! I haven't figured out how you keep your schedule and DH's straight! You are so danged busy. Good luck decided whether to have surgery on that thumb. It's a hard one.
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Michelle, Poodles, Dara and Chisandy... The genetics were more for my sister, i thought my brothers lumpectomy was cancer but he said it was benign, so rules out genetics.. We weren't able to have children, so my nieces were why i did it, and my sister was happy to hear it too..
Molly, so far just the pni.. i see my MO on monday and should find out more.. then the RO on thursday, so should have something to go on by then
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IHGJAnn49, No two people have the exact same abnormal cells. Everyone is different and will get a specific treatment plan according to their specific condition. I am sure that your doctor will figure out what needs to be done, and you will get on it. I would not wrap myself up in trying to self diagnose, it is not worth increasing your stress level.
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Wow, can't miss a week on this thread! Had to skip over several pages after I realized I couldn't read everything I missed!
I'm finding post treatment is somewhat harder for me. My breast still hurts and gets pains from the rads which I finished at the end of July. My one girl has definitely shrunk from the rads as well, which I will show my BS when I see him next. I am still doing Herceptin every 3 weeks. I still get so tired easily. I know I have about a month before I go back to work. I am on my feet all day at work and do a lot of lifting so I am glad it will be a progressive back to work because I tire still so easily.
Is it just me or do others feel this way too almost 2 months post rads and chemo. I feel like I will never be myself again. I am also getting a CPAP machine and I know that is contributing to my tiredness but it is not new, maybe just a bit worse from gaining weight during chemo.
On a fantastic note, a friend of mine had promised me a road trip before I went back to work. We like to do day ones but she had said it would be a few days around Ontario. Well, she texted me last week and said Happy Birthday (it is Sunday) and there was a picture of an airline booking for the two of us to Nova Scotia!! She is taking me there for 6 days at the end of the month, has rented a jeep so we can go to PEI and booked a room in Chef Michaels Inn which includes a dinner night! Wow! I am so excited. We had talked about doing a road trip there this summer but my dx changed all that. I am so looking forward to a change of scenery and to get away. Refuel and hope to feel better before back to work!
I love reading this thread and will do better at getting here and contributing to those of you with questions as you begin your tx.
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Karen, what a great friend you have. That trip is just what you need. Have a wonderful time and enjoy every minute!
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Karen, I still get tired & I didn't have chemo. The trip sounds like just what you need! And Happy birthday!
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Karen, what a wonderful friend! Happy early birthday.
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So I saw my MO yesterday. I still am not thrilled with him but for now... Anyway I am seeing him every 4 months. He said see you in 4 months, always gives me an order for blood work to be done right before I see him and surprisingly he is sending me for another Dexa scan. It has only been a year. I thought we got them every two?
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Molly - My MO told me she will order a yearly DexaScan too.
Karen-What a great birthday gift! Nothing more healing than a road trip with your BFF
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I'm getting my 1st Dexascan since starting Arimidex next week - 2 years since my original one. My understanding was Medicare wouldn't pay for one every year unless there's something really going on.
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What is everyone doing this weekend?
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Michelle, I think I had better check out a restaurant for my BCO'ers coming to visit in 2 weeks. It's one recommended by friends but I haven't been there. A good excuse to dine out, even if I do wind up going alone. Probably will watch a lot of football too, finish up the book I'm reading and re-read a series I enjoy. It's supposed to rain and turn cold.
What about you?
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Hi Michelle, tomorrow I'm having a couple of friends over and we're going to "play" with making hammered copper jewelry, blow torch and all! Then Sunday going down to the beach area of Carlsbad for my DH's birthday which is Monday. Weather here is supposed to warm up again, so being close to the water should be wonderful. Monday is #3 for me and we have an early morning, have to be there by 7:15 and it's 1-1 1/2 hr drive.:-( Great way for my DH to celebrate his birthday! What are you doing?
Karen, I can't believe how wonderful your friend is! You absolutely deserve it though after what you've gone through. Once I finish with rads, my DH and I plan to make a trip to Hawaii. It will probably be around January which is a great time of year there. I think we all deserve a special reward for finishing the worst part of treatment. And, Happy Birthday early.
Molly, I had my baseline dexascan right before treatment. It was so easy, I wouldn't mind getting one a year, but with what Peggy says, Medicare won't pay for it. Peggy, the Arimidex doesn't count as an issue? My MO had said he will follow my bones closely while on an AI. Not sure what that means though.
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It's my town's autumn festival. I'm walking in a 5k in morning, followed by Zumba. Then I'm working in 2 different raffle booths. I've been watching what I'm eating since I finished rads in July and have dropped almost 10 lbs. (Between work & then BC I had been stress eating for quite some time & had gained weight) Anyway, this weekend, I'm treating myself to some festival food. Corn dog tonight, BBQ & cheese curly fries tomorrow
Hope rain misses us.
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I am staying home Saturday while DH goes to his golf tournament over at the coast (Nipomo). Then Sunday and Monday I'll be on my third one-night backpack since finishing up chemo! It's about a five mile hike into the lake with mostly uphill all the way. If it's like last time, the weather will be nice and no one else will be there
Tuesday I see the new lymphedema specialist at my cancer center. Come to find out she is not a physical therapist, which is why she is operating on a cash only basis. (Ins won't pay if they are not a PT). But hopefully she can show me some techniques and exercises to reduce the swelling in my breast.
I hope everyone will have a restful weekend.
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Dara, I'm not positive that Medicare won't pay. That's what I think I remember on the Dexascan. I very well could be wrong.
Looks like everyone is going to have a really nice weekend! I'm so glad!
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I went to the grocery store today and may go to a farmer's market tomorrow. I will be doing some laundry and some beading. Still have a little bit of skin/tissue infection that I am taking antibiotics to resolve. I will be watching some college volleyball on my comcast xfinity sports channel online. I used to run a large volleyball club which was part of the olympic pipeline. Junior olympics. I love the sport, played it most of my life and love to pay it forward teaching others. My daughter played, she is in college now and does not want to play. My niece plays for her high school. We send alot of kids to college on volleyball scholarships from this area and so the sport is a big deal. I am also an avid jewelry designer and beader. My husband is so loyal that he wants to be with me all of the time. I sent him packing to a golf outing and then tonight to hear another niece of mine sing. Still trying to get my head around all of this stuff, and I can't do it with someone watching me.
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I plan on not doing a darn thing all weekend :-)
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Michelle, that sounds like a good weekend for you.
Molliefish, I totally get that. Doing nothing can be very restorative!
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My mom is 88 and lives with congestive heart failure. She fell today and my sister, with whom she lives, took her to the hospital. They are keeping me updated. While I am waiting to do radiation or whatever, I am leary about going to hospitals and becoming ill. I want to be able to get through what I need to, in one piece and then recover. I am having some guilt about not going to the hospital, but it is almost midnight where I live, and I don't have much to contribute at this time. Both of my sisters have a nursing background and are good care providers. I am the big picture person and problem solver.
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Michelle, I can understand your concern. My husband was in the hospital 3 weeks while I was doing rads - he got pneumonia after surgery. I would go up early 6:30 - 7AM and be with him, run over to my rads which were on the same campus, run back to the hospital. Get sick never occurred to me. I was tired but I was long before BC. And actual I drove the quarter mile to rads. Hope your mother is doing okay and didn't break anything. It's very worrisome. Nice that the family is close by!
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I just got back from about 6 hrs with my BF... her sister had an aortic aneurysm that burst and they had to rush her to surgery... PTL! she went through it very well and they removed her ovaries due to benign tumors... they wouldn't tell her anything at first so didn't know if she would make it, but so relieved and happy she is going to be ok. tomorrow i'm doing nothing... sunday is church and relaxing for monday's MO appt.
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Michelle, sorry to hear about your mother's fall. That is so worrisome isn't it. Try not to worry too much about not being up there. I'm sure your sisters understand.
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My mom went home last night. My nieces were up at the hospital too. They said she was fine and in good spirits. I really do have the best, supportive family and am very close to all of them. Thanks girls for your support here too!!
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Well, my mom did not go home and she is in the hospital having her medications regulated, along with some physical therapy. My sister went up there as she was being discharged and demanded they admit her and run some tests.
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Judy, glad your friend's sister is doing okay.
Michelle, hooray for your sister insisting on further testing. Hopefully, they will discover if there is an underlying problem or medications that are interacting OR low blood pressure due to dehydration and low salt consumption.
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Hello Ladies, how's everyone doing? To follow up with my last post, I went ahead and did both mammogram and ultrasound on the right breast. The nurse of BS promised that she or the doc will call me about the results. Guess what, I did the tests 09/09 went out of town for a week. I came back now 09/17 and neither one calls. Now I have two issues to decide on.
I'm not happy that the BS didn't let me know about my results knowing my concern prior to the tests. Seemed like they don't really care and I also found out from the nurse that even though BS wrote in his note "4-5 cm mass on the right breast after physical exam, he didn't order any tests until I turned around and request the US and subsequent mammogram. His nurse said BS probably didn't think it was necessary. Then now they didn't even call to let me know. If the results turn out not good (I have to call Monday) i will certainly be pissed cuz how could they let this happened throughout the whole time under chemo ( I had AC +Taxol April thru Sept) , my last Taxol was 09/01/16. Throughout the whole time I was examined once by BS in April, several times by my OC during regular follow up chemo visits, and even by another OC and BS from MD Anderson during my visit for second opinion. So how did everyone missed the 4-5 cm mass turned up in September thru chemo? Is this even possible? Has anyone been through the same boat like me? I would like to hear suggestions.
Another issue is if my right breast US and mammogram don't show much of anything, should I even push for an MRI. Like some of you have said its good to know about both breasts before surgery. The only problem is to get it approved by my insurance cuz the fact that this is the good breast not the one with cancer. Anyway sorry for the long rant but I'm been dreading about my right breast. Hope I get some good news next week. Hope you all have a nice weekend.
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Thank you for the early bday wishes. Today I am going to my moms to have a little celebration. Michelle she is 88 too living with the same condition. She actually broke her hip about 10 years ago tripping over a stool they left out at the Hospital of all places!!! She has recovered fine and is always moving!
Tomorrow I invited myself of over to visit a friend who is feeling depressed right now due to some health issues. She was one of my main rocks during my BC this year so I thought I would cheer her up! She worried she didn't have a gift for me...I told her she is my gift!!! Now she is inspired and making a menu up with her mom for my bday dinner! Not at all my intention but if I lifted her out of her funk and got her inspired ...the that is the best birthday present of them all!!!
Sorry Houston I can't be much help to you. I only saw my BS at the beginning and then moved on to the cancer center after surgery. I will see him again soon though.
Does anyone knew if a breast will ever regain size after rads or is it permently shrunk? Lol. I have to laugh or I'll cry! It wouldn't be bad if it was a bit but it is noticeable thru my clothes. Guess I can stuff my bra!
Rainy day here, but I like them once in a while. Wish I could stay in bed and enjoy it but need to get ready now! Have a great weekend everyone...the best that it can be
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Karen, From my reading so far, not yet my experience, the treated breast does shrink. When my BS offered a plastic surgeon to work on the good breast and do a breast lift, I declined. Do you know why? No one knows what your treated breast will look like a year after radiation. I want to get my radiation over soon, so I can decide if I want to attempt a reduction on the good one this year. I have met all of the out of pocket expenses, so it would not cost me anything. Waiting on the oncotype test, before proceeding with radiation.