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Cytoxan Taxotere Chemo Ladies- February/March 2013



  • melody46
    melody46 Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2013

    Last chemo today, so glad not to have to do it anymore but I was suprised today to find out it takes a while to get well from chemo they said 6-7 months.  I figured I'd be better in six weeks! Yikes. So that deflated my bubble a little.  So when you get to the end after a few weeks we should post a timeline how we feel. Just a thought

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2013

    Happy crappy news indeed. Hopefully all the girls will be able to work through the fear and understand this can't take away their happiness, spirit, courage, etc.

    I seem to have a low grade fever. 100.4 and I'm supposed to call if it's 100.5. I will call tomorrow. I've been trying to up the fluids (I did not do a good job the past 24 hours) and took some ibuprofen. I don't have that pulsing pain anymore, but I sure feel that all over ache and creak and fatigue. I don't recall having a fever last time, so I hope it's not a PITA.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited April 2013

    Melody, that's a good idea. Keep in touch with us. That way we won't think something is very wrong with us if we don't bounce back as soon as we expect. I have a friend who went through chemo for bc, but a different regimen and she says she didn't feel like herself for about a year. Are you moving on to radiation?

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited April 2013

    Cider8, sure hope you feel better soon. I hovered at the edge of 100.4 after my 2nd treatment, but it never turned into anything more.

    Interestingly enough, it's my niece who's the farthest removed from my granddaughter and myself who's the most worried.

  • hv1954
    hv1954 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2013

    I will start a series of 6 cycles tomorrow of Taxotere + Cytoxan. Lots of anxiety about side effects -- surgery was 3 weeks ago and I am feeling more human again, but worried about which pof these horride side effects will take over, and when. I have my drugs and my wig, so that's a start. More in a day or two. Oops, I just realized it's April! May I still join?

  • melody46
    melody46 Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2013

    Annie yes rads in about 3 weeks and tamoxifen in 4

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited April 2013

    hv1954- Join in...  we will keep this thread going and open to anyone.  Welcome!!!!

  • btdemo
    btdemo Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2013

    2nd treatment on 4/12 went well, had 2 Neupogen shots on day 2 and 3.  That seemed to help with the low white count on days 9, 10, 11 (no hospital this time!).  Im glad to see that some of you have some grey hairs left.  I was beginning to worry that since all my hair was not gone that the chemo may not be working (would hate to have to increase it or lengthen my treatment).  This time I have been better about drinking a lot of water everyday and I think that helps.  Treatment 3 out of 4 is May 3.   I have heard that chemo is cumulative and some side effects can occur as time goes on, have any of you found that to be true?

    Glad to hear some of you are DONE with the chemo.  Congrats to you!!!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited April 2013

    hv1954, welcome! Melrose is the veteran here who started this thread to help the rest of us who were newbies at the time. I hope you found the chemo threads for newbies too, since there's a lot of good info there about things to have on hand for self care while you do chemo. Don't worry. None of us have had ALL the side effects. It varies a lot and there's a lot you can do to help yourself. The chemo will make itself known probably Sunday or Monday for you this time. Drink lots and lots of water. If it tastes funny, maybe adding lemon or lime will help, but you've got to hydrate.

    I personally have taken:

    L-Glutamine powder the day of infusion and for the following week to help prevent neuropathy, vitamins b12 & b6 daily to help prevent neuropathy and nerve pain, Claritin the day after the infusion and for the followng week to help prevent bone pain from the Neulasta injection, Senekot or Colace the day of infusion to combat constipation and Miralax or Immoduim as needed during the rest of the cycle. Rinsing your mouth with a solution of 1/4 tsp baking soda, 1/4 tsp salt in 1/2 C water will help prevent mouth sores.

    Get yourself some moist bathroom wipes, hemorrhoid cream, very emoillient hand / body cream or lotion like Eucerin or Aquaphor, good emoillient lip balm, Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash, extra soft toothbrushes... I'm sure others, especially, Melrose will have things to add to that list.

    btdemo, the only thing that I have found that has been cumulative is the fatigue. I've had three treatments so far. I have iced my hands and feet and I think that has helped prevent nail damage and peripheral neuropathy so far, but those SEs can definitely be cumulative.

    For most of us, after the first week to ten days out from a treatment, we progressively start feeling better until the next infusion. It's not all solid misery. You WILL have good days Smile

  • pattithenurse
    pattithenurse Member Posts: 57
    edited April 2013

    I haven't been here for awhile. Good good news Annie! I've been praying for your grandaughter. As for me,I have my last chemo in a week. I just looked at my fingernails a little more closely.................YEP,there are changes. DARN!! I have visited with the RO,simulation on May 21st. I counted my eyelashes yesterday! After diagnosis I looked at women's breasts when I was in town,then I looked at their pretty hair,then their nice eyebrows,'m on to eyelashes!! WHAT MORE?!!Wishing you all the very best for this day,minimal SE's,good rest,good spirits..........

  • Starynights
    Starynights Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2013

    What the heck ? Im 7 days out from my third infusion and feel like crap. Ache, extreme fatigue, nausea and diarreah. Im usually on the upswing by now. Anyone have this one hit them particulary hard? Im quite down in the dumps about it.


  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2013

    Hi Angie, same thing happened to me with tx 3. Day 7 I had to take a day off work because I was so tired, achey, dizzy and nauseous. Never happened with the other tx's. Don't worry- it only lasts a day or 2.

    For tx 4, be prepared for being super weak and tired. I took the whole week off post tx and am glad I did.

  • runnermom1956
    runnermom1956 Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2013

    Just had my first CT infusion on second will be on May 15th. I am scheduled to travel to New Orleans on Memorial day weekend..the 25-27th..what are your thoughts on that ladies?? Input please..(I will be traveling on a airplane..yuck..germs!)


  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited April 2013

    Runnermom1956- I don't know how long your airplane flight will be or if you have any LE symptoms.  You may consider getting an LE sleeve and hand gauntlet.  One is always at risk after having surgery.If you opt to get the LE gear, make sure you purchase a sleeve and a hand glove/hand gauntlet.  It is important to have both since just wearing the sleeve only may cause LE.   You would want to put the sleeve and gauntlet on one hour before the flight, during the flight and for one more hour after you land.    I put my sleeve and gauntlet on after I clear the airport security.  If you do get the sleeve, also get a pair of rubber gloves to help smooth the sleeve on your arm.  You may also want to have some disposable gloves to wear when you use the restroom so that you don't have to wash the LE hand.   You need to be measured for a sleeve/hand gauntlet by an LE specialist.  You can purchase off the shelf the sleeve and hand gauntlet.  If you want more info about LE, go the LE discussion threads and also go to Step Up Speak Out lymphedema website: .

    As for travelling, you may want to talk to your onco about whether it is okay for you to travel when your white blood counts will be at their lowest point.  I don't know if you are receiving  Neulasta shot /Neupogen shots to help your bone marrow produce white blood cells.  If you are not, you would want to ask your onco what to do in the event that you have a high spiking fever.  In general, you would need to get some antibotics asap to help your body fight whatever infection you may have picked up.  As for how you will feel, it really depends on you and how your side effects are.  You will just be emerging for the lowest point of nadir.... your white blood counts will be at it's lowest.   If you are cleared to fly, you may want to get some really good face masks to wear while on the plane.  You may also ask to preboard the flight and you would want to wipe down the tray table and arm rests with some clorox wipes. 

    Also want you to be aware about going through the airport security.  Be prepared to pulled aside and checked by a TSA agent.  Try not to get upset by this.  I was checked because of my port.  The TSA agents that have checked me have been very politely and almost apolegetic about having to check me.

    For the most part, if you are feeling good and can go, have a good time. 

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited April 2013

    Runnermom19, I would just add one thing to Melrose's excellent advice. You GI system is likely to swing between extremes while you are on chemo. While I am usually starting to feel pretty decent ten days out from an infusion, the ol' GI system can still be pretty unpredictable. Even when I'm not having the runs, when I have to go, I have to go now and it's not necessarily a quick trip in and out of the bathroom. That alone would make me pretty nervous about flying before I'm through with chemo.

  • runnermom1956
    runnermom1956 Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2013

    thanks for the input. I am traveling approx 3 hours and LE had not yet been an issue but I will ask onc about the sleeve. Masks too..I am armed with them and plan on using them while traveling same with Clorox wipes..although I have always been OCD about germs(I am a Nanny and being around kids is hazardous re: the germ factor)

    I woke up today the worse I have felt since Wed(24th) infusion...I will see how it's just day 3 and I will travel after 3nd infusion on day 10. Does it get worse with each infusion or better? Today just sucks,,even my hair hurts. I had my Neulasta shot on the 25th. Had to take a couple lortab to get out of all this pain(tissue expanders included..ouch) Tummy trouble or nausea not too bad as of yet. FINGERS CROSSED ;)

    Hope you all have a good weekend. Thanks so much for your input.



  • ud45
    ud45 Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    I started T/C on 4/3 and started bleeding 3 days later, my 2nd infusion was 4/23 and the vaginal bleeding started on the same day. I also could not void for hours after the 2nd chemo eventhough I was drinking a lot of water. My oncologist is thinking of refering me to OBGYN because these is unusual. Has any one else experienced this?

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2013

    Runnermom, just one more caution for you to be aware of. When you are in your nadir your red blood cells that carry oxygen are also low. Commercial airlines only pressurize the cabin to the equivalent of 8000 ft of altitude. Have you noticed that you get short of breath easily a week after chemo? That's because your red cell count is low. I agree with Melrose that you really should consult with your MO. There is a possibility you might get short of breath inflight if your red count is low combined with the cabin altitude. I am a former Air Force flight nurse and we often did not fly patients if their hemoglobin and hematocrits (elements of your red blood cell counts) were too low because of the cabin altitude inflight. Not trying to scare you or spoil your trip- we just want you to be safe!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2013

    I had a lot of wacky bleeding for a couple months when I first started AC/T (premenopausal at age 39). For this round I started with a shot of Zoladex to shut down my ovaries, thereby making me cycle. My MO said the wacky bleeding was not unusual. It was never anything intense (like my post chemo periods/tsunamis). The spotting etc haven't been a problem for me. My Gyn does get to keep an eye on me because of all the scans showing ovarian cysts (normal cycling cysts for me) and thickened uterine lining (meaning stupid endometrial biopsies), all from Tamoxifen. All continues to be well down there.

    Now the inability to urinate is not something I've experienced.

    I have to say I'm amazed how much better I feel by day 9/10! Still taking it easy, but I do not feel like complete crap!

  • runnermom1956
    runnermom1956 Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2013

    OK..I am such newbie that I have no idea about nadir..and such. Before I started chemo I told my Onc that I was going to fly on the dates mentioned..she didn't seem concerned other than the possibility of me getting nauseated. I will talk with her again at my next appt.(upcoming Wednesday) Is there anything one can do to help with the lack of cabin pressure if red cells are low? Is it like hyperventilating? 

    Now I feel foolish having planned the trip at all. :(

    Have any of you traveled about 10 days post chemo? Thanks TMM for bring this to my attention, I had no knowledge of this...


  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2013

    Runnermom- I can tell this trip is important to you. Just share this discussion with your MO. He/she still may feel you are Ok to go. If you do go, keep well hydrated and avoid alcohol and rest inflight. Hugs to you, chemo does suck- but it doesn't last forever! We will be our normal selves again in time!

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2013

    Oh and by the way don't feel foolish that you didn't know about the red cell count and cabin altitude. Most people even in the medical field don't know that about commercial airlines. That is something that only medical people who specialize in care of patients in flight know.

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited April 2013

    runnermom19-  You can contact your breast surgeron about the LE sleeve and hand gauntlet.  He/she may give you a referral to a medical supply place where you may be properly measured for the sleeve and hand gauntlet.  FYI:  I contacted my breast surgeon before I flew about LE.  He said that because of the few number of nodes removed for the SNB ( 5 nodes) that he didn't think I would develop LE.  However, he did say that if I wanted to be extra cautious that getting a LE sleeve and hand gauntlet couldn't hurt.  I opted to purchase the LE sleeve and hand gauntlet since I'd rather wear those items when flying than deal with the consequences of LE. 

    By the way, we are just all so glad that you found this thread so you could find out more about the practical side to treatment.  Any questions posted here help others know they are not alone. 

  • runnermom1956
    runnermom1956 Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2013

    thanks for all the great input. I will talk to my PS and also MO. One more question..with TE in will I cause the metal detectors to go off?? LOL that would be interesting trying to explain.

    On another subject..BONE was the worst as far as pain. It's like having shin splints but in every bone in my body! I was whimpering from the pain. I have had a hard time convincing my Dr's that the OTC meds are not working. I think I need the stronger stuff...anyone else have severe bone pain and what have you used for it? I tried claritin..didn't work.. :(

    HUGS ladies!


  • runnermom1956
    runnermom1956 Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2013

    Day 5 post TC..OMG        so days 1 and 2 very maneagable..didn't feel quite normal but could funtion. Days 3 and 4 and 5 OMG OUCH OUCH OUCH..My hair hurts, my bones hurt , I can barely walk without whiting out, I cry and whimper..(why and HOW can I be such a whimp?? I've run marathons for gawds sake!) I have a sore throat and ear aches from hell! Is this all normal? Input puhleeze???? when does the upswing come in this cycle??

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited April 2013


    I too have severe bone pain after each Neulasta shot and the Claritan really does not help.  Tylenol does not help either. The last time I saw my MO and complained of all of this pain he gave me Dilauded which I find really does the trick.  I take between 2 and 4 mg. VERY SPARINGLY but it really does work.   Nothing else touches the pain.  I still take the Claritan but the Dilauded has worked wonders especially after T/C infusion #3 on April 10 which knocked me for a loop.  On a positive note, I have my LAST T/C treatmetn and Neulasta shot on Wednesday and Thursday of this week and (put a fork in me) I AM DONE!  YIPPIE!   I hope the SEs of this last go round are much less as May is a busy month with graduations, family visits, Memorail Day and my 52nd birthday on May 31!  Next I'm off to be mapped for Rads which I anticipate will be a lot easier on the body.  And as a special treat my sainted Mother will be here with me from April 30 throgh the month of June.  Amen for Mom.  Cannot wait to see her and share the fun and love we always do!  

  • Starynights
    Starynights Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2013


    I just had my third TC on April 19. I thought I was going to die !!!! I have never felt so bad had every symptom in the book except my fingernails didnt fall off ! Honestly worse Ive had yet. Cried and carried on everyday.  I did start to feel better on Saturday the 27th. No more nausea or aches only the diarreah that I have to take Imodium for and the mouth sores which are a ton of fun because I wear a partial !!! I keep telling myself only one more to go ! Pray your SEs lessen !

  • melody46
    melody46 Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2013

    I had my 4th and last treatment last Wed and am not noticing anything worse. I've been resting alot thats about it. Sounds like I'm lucky. Hang in there!

  • runnermom1956
    runnermom1956 Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2013

    CM  Stary  and Melody

    thanks so much for the least I know it's not that I am weak..the drugs just stronger than me, and I have to remind myself why I am getting this treatment..NO MORE CANCER! I send gentle hugs to you all and so happy for those who are done and healing thoughts to those who are in the midst of treatment.

    I don't know who to ask about the pain meds...PCM? PAIN management? MO? What i don't want is to ask all of them and get a bad rap. and end up with nothing for the pain. I have an appt on Wednesday with all 3..beginning with a new PCM, then my fibro Dr(pain mngmt) then labs at the MO..What would you do???

    I thank you for validating my pain tho..I thought I was gonna be stuck with it and no help at all.

    and yes..thank goodness for MOM! :) I am lcuky to have mine around at age 86 and very sharp! Mom lives up North yet but she has visited me after my surgery. I will see her in July, just after my last infusion,


    runnermom 1956

  • pattithenurse
    pattithenurse Member Posts: 57
    edited April 2013

    Melody--Congrats to You! I'll have my 4th and final in a few days!! Whew! Wait 3 weeks and do the radiation.I've connected to that thread for answers to questions.

    Runner Mom-My WBC totally bottomed out at day #10,temp of 100.1. I kept my fingers crossed. You received good advice today from others. Questions for MO for sure.

    Good luck to ALL of you today on your journeys.............