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Cytoxan Taxotere Chemo Ladies- February/March 2013



  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    Hi Goldenpaws, Glad you found your way here. Everyone here was so helpful to me when I went through chemo. I was able to avoid the neulasta shot. My MO said that since I'm youngish, with no underlying health issues, she would give my body a chance to recover on it's own. Fortunately, I recovered well after every infusion. I hope your treatment goes well, with minimal SEs.

    Ratherbecooking, Nice to see you! I hope your veins continue to be helpful. Glad to see you are taking pain meds when needed to stay ahead of the pain. It's hard enough to go through chemo.... let alone be in pain.

    For me, the fatigue was the SE that increased after each infusion. The last one knocked me on my butt! Now I have lovely, soft, very short hair growing all over my head!

  • twinkymom
    twinkymom Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2015

    Hi everyone! I am so glad I found this forum. I will be starting my Cytoxan/Taxotere treatments on Friday. Needless to say I am a little nervous about how I am going to feel afterwards. I know that everyone has their own experience with their treatments but I am glad to have a place to come to if I need to compare notes.

    My thoughts are with you all as you continue with your journey.

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited January 2015

    Has anyone had the back of their heels of the feet become red/tender/swollen, little bit of pain when you touch during TC treatments. I noticed it yesterday when I was walking with sneakers on. I felt soreness in the back of my heels. Last night while lying in bed I had to prop my legs up so the backs of my heels didn't touch the bed. Possible Side Effect??

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    Welcome Twinky, I was nervous, too. I sat on the stairs and just didn't want to go. It was easier once I knew what to expect. Someone said it's like knowing you are going to have a really bad flu. I wish you the best and let them know if you have any SEs.

    Thinking, Yes, it is probably a side effect. I didn't have this particular SE, but others here posted about red, sore, even peeling feet and hands. Call your MO ASAP!

  • Ratherbecooking
    Ratherbecooking Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2015

    welcome twinkymom and goldenpaws: this is the best site and the place where I found the most information and support!

    twinkymom: we are thinking of you today for your first CT - I hope it goes well and you have minimal SEs

    goldenpaw: so glad your first CT went well and you tolerated the neulasta shot so well. I'm with you hoping for good veins!

    update from the rabbit hole: I've had two neupogen shots this week. the first just caused aching, the second caused the lower back pain again, but no where near as bad as the neulasta (yea!). Did well with just extra strength tylenol until the evening, then took a pain pill. Day three after shots is today, just a little achey but sooo tired. Blood work tomorrow to see if I need more shots to get to CT 3 a week from today.

    Question: Anyone else experiencing taxo-tears from taxotere? My eyes are running constantly, worse after CT 2. Anyone have any ideas to help with this SE? I've been using warm compresses and the natural tears drops but would appreciate other suggestions.

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited January 2015

    Twinkymom and Goldenpaws- Welcome!!!! Just wanted to let you know that we are here for you. If you have questions, please post them. I know it will feel like the time in chemoland seems hard and long but for the most part, it is doable and you can and will get through this time. Please be easy on yourselves and try to take care of yourselves --- eating well.... resting...... getting out for a walk for a little exercise. Remember you are not alone here. Wishing both of the best and minimal side effects.

    Ratherbecooking- So glad to hear that you are doing a little better this round!!! Hang in there!!!! As for the taxo-tears..... yes I had those and there wasn't much that I could do about it other than wipe my eyes. The tears are a side effect of our chemo regimen. I was really more afraid of getting dry eye so I got some OTC eye lubricant from Walgreens. Fortunately, the taxo-tears did stop after a while after I finished all of the chemo. I know it's annoying.... sorry you are having to deal with this side effect.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    Ratherbecooking, My last chemo was in November, and I still have Taxo-tears! By the time I had my final infusion, I could barely see to read or watch tv. It drove me nuts! It's much better now, but I still have them from time to time. And every time during rads; my head is turned to the left and the left eye always starts with the tears.

  • twinkymom
    twinkymom Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2015

    First CT done. I feel pretty good, mostly tired. I took a nap after I got home and I felt like I crashed hard! Despite the nap I can tell all of today is piling up on me and yet, I'm being stubborn and puttering around. I may regret that tomorrow!

    My nurse told me to expect side effects, nausea, to hit 24 hours after. I'm supposed to stay on the Zofran for the next three days with Compozine for breakthrough nausea. I'm being optimistic about how I'll feel.

    Aside from that it was a good day. Thank you for the words of encouragement!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    Twinky, First one is done! You might be feeling tired due to the anxiety of not knowing what to expect from your first chemo. Stay on top of the nausea meds (worst side effect for me). For other side effects, my worst days were 3-5 after infusion. Give yourself a break and listen to your body. If you need to sleep, do so. Just make sure you stay hydrated and eat... even if you don't feel like it. Hope your SE are minimal.

  • goldenpawsKim
    goldenpawsKim Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2015

    I completely agree with PoppyK. Stay hydrated and rest when needed. My worst days were on day 4 and 5. After the first week you will feel completely normal again ... hopefully, I did. I did not have any other side effects except feeling exhausted and a little bit of pain from the neulasta injection. I took claritin and it really seemed to help. I feel great now but unfortunately will be back for round #2 this coming Thursday. I'm ready this time :-) hope all goes well for you in the coming days, Twinky.

    Melrose, thanks!! All is going well so far.

    ♡ Kim

  • Ratherbecooking
    Ratherbecooking Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2015

    Twinky: so glad you got through CT #1! I agree that the anxiety of not knowing what to expect is a big part of the exhaustion. I also agree with hydrate, hydrate - from what I learned on this site that is especially important with the cytoxan. I am tireder after each infusion, but knowing it is normal makes it easier to deal with. Indulge yourself and rest as much as you can.

    Godenpaws: good luck with round #2 Thursday - I'll be right behind you on Friday. Wishing you great veins and minimal SE!

    Melrosemelrose and PoppyK: thank you for the taxo-tears info. I am using drops and an eye heating pad. It is soothing but of course doesn't stop the tearing. Nice to hear it starts to go away eventually.

    Update from the rabbit hole: My numbers came back up today after the two neupogen shots, so I am on for CT #3 on Friday. I'll have two neuopogen shots a few days later to prevent my numbers from crashing this round. There was so much less joint and bone pain than with the neulasta. If anyone else has severe neulasta pain, perhaps ask your MO about the neupogen instead?

  • Sjacobs146
    Sjacobs146 Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2015

    I finished C/T on Dec. 29. Does anyone know when my period might return? Unbelievably, I got it during 3 of 4 treatments, but no sign of it since #3. I'm not looking forward to it, I just want to be prepared

  • goldenpawsKim
    goldenpawsKim Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2015

    Sjacobs- you should feel lucky. I had mine 2 weeks ago during my first treatment and it returned again yesterday. Two weeks between. ... ugh. So frustrated. Anyone else get it more frequently or is this just a freaky thing. I was told maybe I wouldn't have it at all during treatments ..... one thing to look forward to, right?. Well not now.... Bummer. ♡ Kim

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    I haven't had a period since chemo. I think it threw me into menopause... and not in a good way. The hot flashes are brutal and frequent. They even wake me up at night.

    I'm amazed at what happens to our bodies during chemo; some no periods, some more frequent.

  • Redhead01
    Redhead01 Member Posts: 17
    edited January 2015

    Howdy Ladies! I finished my last chemo 10 days ago. Just thought I had to ride the SE train, but was dismayed to have now lost my eyebrows :(. Being a redhead, they were near albino blonde anyway, and I used a brow pencil ..... But do miss having a guide to draw on. Hang on eyelashes !!!! My biggest complaint is the extreme fatigue. My heart races and I get short of breath, just walking to the bathroom or getting dressed. I'm having my port removed mid-February .... Rads will start mid March. I'm thankful for the break rather than wanting to get it all over with. Best of life to all you ladies

  • Ratherbecooking
    Ratherbecooking Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2015

    Redhead01: Congratulations on finishing chemo!! so nice to hear when someone is done. Rest up and treat yourself well - you deserve it!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    Redhead, Congratulations! I lost most of my eyelashes and a fair amount of my eyebrows AFTER chemo ended, too. It surprised me! I thought I was going to make it through without losing them. And I was exhausted, too. Between the holidays and radiation, I don't know when I will finally have energy again! Your not alone!

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Thinking Pos--- keep an eye on it: could be what they call "hand foot" syndrome-- or my case it was a severe reaction--- but it RARELY happens. Mine began with feet: after second treatment my hands. By third I had to stop because they were really burns from the inside. My feet and hands peeled. They blistered like it would if you were burned. Stay on top ot it friend!!!

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited January 2015

    tobycc...what did it look like? Since its been months since I have been for a pedicure, I noticed that the edge of my heels in certain spots were cracked. I guess they because very very dry and rough even though I have been using moisturizer. Then the back of my heels become red and hurt. Wasn't sure that the two were connected..or if it had something to do with a reaction from the chemo. Have been putting vaseline / moisturizer on them, seems to be helping slowly.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    If you want to share your email I can send you some pics: don't let the hands scare you

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,429
    edited January 2015

    Thinking Pos - you can google Hand & Foot Syndrome and find lots of info. Some of the sites have pictures. also BCO has info about this - link below.

  • Sjacobs146
    Sjacobs146 Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2015

    Kim, my periods were more frequent during chemo, but just the first 3 treatments. Ironically, they lined up with treatments, every three weeks. Nothing like dealing with diarrhea, taste changes, bone pain, and my period like a cherry on top. Hard to tell where the blood was coming from at times, hemorrhoids irritated by diarrhea, urine (I had two UTIs), or menstrual blood. Last period was very light, but lasted 10 days. IF I never get my period again, color me happy

  • twinkymom
    twinkymom Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2015

    Hi ladies! Checking in to report on SE from first treatment this past Friday. Felt great on and no nausea. That lasted until the next day and then hello...

    Sunday I was nauseous and horribly constipated. I finally got business done via a dose of Metamucil. All day Sunday I kept on the Zofran to curb the nausea. Went to work on Monday and nausea persisted. I had to break down and take Compazine to help take the edge off, which made me sleepy.

    Monday evening I wound up with horrible heartburn and it carried over to this morning. Tried to go to work but got sick and had to come home and lay down. I crashed for three hours and felt somewhat better. Ate some soup and Jello. The heartburn is rearing its ugly head again but I talked to my nurse and she said I could take OTC meds to help with it.

    I feel miserable and wish it would just go away!! Then just realized that this is j how I feel after my first treatment and there are three more to go! 😢

    Trying to hang in there but I am so angry at how I feel. I want to feel normal and move forward but I keep hitting these walls.

    Okay, pity party over. Hope everyone else is feeling good out there and if noy, hugs.


  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    Twinky, The side effects should be similar for the other infusions. I kept track of my SE on a calendar and gave it to my MO at the next visit. I had HORRIBLE nausea with the first infusion, but the docs found a combination of meds that worked for me. Compazine just messed me up. I ended up using a scopolamine patch and Zofran. It worked very well for me. I took (and still take) Prilosec for heartburn.... and it worked! The worst days for me were days 3-5 after infusion. Sounds like it's the same for you. BTW, constipation was only a problem the first few days for me.

    Chemo stinks, but you will get through it! I lost it a little myself today.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Agree with Poppy: I am still battling nausea on CMF. I too am on the patch: Poppy were you allowed to take zofran for break through with the patch? I think it lasted a week the first few treatments, but am not thinking it is lasting just 5 days.

    Twinkie, start with the Prilosec immediately. I took it and still do for at least a week after treatement

    You WILL get through this


  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    Toby! It's great to see you!

    Yes, I used Zofran for break through. But since I had no side effects from Zofran and because my nausea was so bad, I took Zofran around the clock. I used the patch and Zofran for the first 6 days because I didn't want to end up flat on the floor or in the ER.

    Twinky, If you still have nausea, call your MO. There are others meds to try. They should be able to find the right combo for you. Are you taking Dexamethasone (Decadron) before and after infusion? Are they giving you Aloxi prior to your infusion? These made a huge difference for me.

  • Ratherbecooking
    Ratherbecooking Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2015

    Twinky: I am so sorry to hear you are having such a rough time after CT #1... I too had an awful time with my first infusion, and really just wanted to give up. I was really angry and felt like I was going to lose my courage. My MO also told me I'd be back at work in a few days (ha!) - no way do I think that is the reality for many of us. If you possibly can take time off from work, do so on the days following the infusion. After CT #1 I needed 1 1/2 weeks at home, after CT #2 my numbers were way down and I was told to avoid people, so I'm first going back after 2 1/2 weeks and only for two days because CT#3 is this Friday.

    All of which is to say: rant and rave and have a pity party all you need to. Then rest and hydrate and take whatever you need to take to get through the first weeks. Although the SEs continue with each infusion, you will get better at managing them and knowing what makes you feel best. Thinking of you and hoping you start to feel much better this week.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,429
    edited January 2015

    Twinky - Yes to the steroids!!! Ask about Emend. It's pricey but really works either in with the infusion or orally later.

  • Sjacobs146
    Sjacobs146 Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2015

    twinky, my MO said to stay ahead of the nausea, cause once it starts, it's hard to get rid of. They gave me Emend pre-transfusion, which is supposed to last 3 days. I took compazine starting the next day' even though I did not have nausea yet. I also took Prilosec in the morning starting day after transfusion, that took care of he heartburn. Once you get through the first cycle, you'll learn what you need to do to battle the SEs

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited January 2015

    Hi all, my first time here. Found out today from onco that I start this regime next Tuesday. Am out of state visiting family getting some quality time with Dad before the fun begins. I am trying to read old posts to see what I need to do to prepare and what to ask for on day 1. One thing is a scopalime patch as they gave that to me before my BMX and I was fine. Any suggestions appreciated. This kind of blind sided me as BS said no chemo after surgery, but that was before we got the oncotype score. I'm bummed that ILC doesn't respond that well to chemo as IDC but have to give it my best shot. Feel like I'm waiting in the roller coaster car for the ride to start.