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Cytoxan Taxotere Chemo Ladies- February/March 2013



  • bikergirl
    bikergirl Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013

    Chemo treatment #2 on 8/14-wondering if side effects will be the same or worse.  Little nervous.  Hair is beginning to fall out.  First treatment just left me a little tired, constipated, but by day 6 felt normal again.

    Ladies-did your side effects get worse with each treatment?  I have been off work for 3 weeks to see how I would do with first treatment, but think I should go back part-time. What do you ladies think?  Would just be working at a desk with no direct patient contact (I am a nurse).

  • Nocompromises2013
    Nocompromises2013 Member Posts: 136
    edited August 2013

    Hi Biker girl

    I had #2. Aug 2nd was pretty similar to round 1. Day 4 was worst for me couldn't work that day but did normal days 9-4 on day 6 and 7 and played 18 holes of Golf day 8. Today is day 10 and am doing 8.30-5.30 hours ( pharmacist) - hope that helps you but we r all different roll on #3 ;)

    Sorry to hear u missed sturges:(

    Worst SE seems to be itchy scalp

  • indenial
    indenial Member Posts: 125
    edited August 2013

    Hi Bikergirl,

    Mine didn't exactly get worse with each treatment but each round was a little different. #1 was easiest, #2 & 3 were hardest because of one-time side effects, #4 wiped me out most (energy-wise) but wasn't overall as bad/painful/etc. 

    I would have had a hard time working for the first week or so after each treatment (especially because I had a lot of mental fogginess each time). Could have worked during the next 2 weeks before the next round though. (I am a stay-at-home mom and was able to take care of my son every day but arranged playdates for the first few days after each round to ease the burden on myself, but we resumed most normal activities by the second week, just at a slower pace/more time to rest.)

  • bikergirl
    bikergirl Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013

    Thank you Nocompromises and indenial for the feedback.  Hope everyone has a good week.Cool

  • elkatho
    elkatho Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2013

    Bikegirl...My rounds were a little different each time but I have been working part time through it. I received chemo in Wednedays. Week of chemo I take off Tuesday-Friday. The next week I work 5 hours a day and the third week I work eight hours. I am also at a desk. I am in a position if I have to leave I can and it will not directly effect much. For me it was good to work some to help me focus on something else besides the cancer and treatment. I am tired at the end of the day and go to bed earlier than I typically did. Plus I do not have kids to care for and my husband does most of the cooking.

  • ckmoss
    ckmoss Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2013

    bikegirl--Ive only had the 1 and will be doing my 2nd one on the 15th. I've worked full time through it..Im at a desk.  Ive had to take of day 11-12 honestly felt like it was day 3 all over again.  And Ive had to take today off..exhausted ..however, I went for blood test today and levels were fine.  I had a lot this weekend..around 10 hours sleep in 36 hours..major stress (BFF in scooter vs city trash truck wreck..took her leg, concussion..but is doing a bit better)..and my oncologist said that although I may feel like Im takes you longer to "catch up" sleep, etc..when you in going through this.  I guess..because I have slept 8 good hours the past two nights..but sure doesn't feel like it.  I hope yours goes easy you 2nd time

  • bikergirl
    bikergirl Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013

    Hey fellow Chemo ladies-

    Had treatment #2 yesterday.  A little tired, but meds they give me to take at night helped me sleep.  Onc doctor is releasing me to work part-time next week with no patient contact/just desk work.  I am happy about that. Going to have my friend buzz my head as the hair is really coming out.

    For anyone having constipation problems, try the Senokot S-I also eat prunes, whole grains, raisin bran cereal as well as drink lots of fluids. So far, no constipation this time around.

    I hope you girls all have a wonderful week!!! Thank you for all your responses.

  • bikergirl
    bikergirl Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013


    Good luck with your treatment today.  I hope you friend recovers well. ((hugs))

  • franky
    franky Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2013

    Just checking back in.  My hair did finally fall out.  It stayed in until Day 14 after the 1st infusion.  It came out little by little on days 14, 15, 16, 17 - just thinning but not patchy.  On day 18, it really started coming out I was picking it off my clothes all day - pretty gross but still possible to pull off without a scarf / head cover.  In the shower the morning of day 19, I went from thinning hair to a 90 year old woman in the nursing home look.  We went to the salon and said shave it all off that day.  I thought it might throw me but it really didn't.  It was nice to not be covered in hair as I was in the past 2 days. 

    I had my 2nd infusion 2 days ago and still feel great.  I have been working in the office full time the whole chemo period thus far.  No real side effects except the hair loss and trouble sleeping the nights I am taking steriods.  Feeling really lucky!  Just wanted to let everyone know it's not so bad for some of us.  Sorry for those of you having a harder time than I am. 

  • Colette64
    Colette64 Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2013

    Is this what they call the Stephen Jones regimen? My onc is recommending that and I am looking for the right forum.

  • Colette64
    Colette64 Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2013

    Hello everyone,

    Ok , I did my research, and it is indeed the Jones regimen,so I will be starting that chemo very soon.

    I read about possible side effects, and I found that " TC was associated with more low-grade myalgia, arthalgia, edema and febrile neutropenia".

    My concern is the edema. I am at risk for lymphedema, after an axillary nodes dissection, is there a connection?

    Thanks for any info.


  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited August 2013

    Colette64- I did a quick search on the internet about the "Stephen Jones" regimen.  I did find that he is breast cancer doctor connected with Baylor college of Medicine in Dallas Texas and has presented some data on a clinical trial about various chemo regimens for metastic bc at the 2003 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.  I'm not sure exactly what kind of information you are searching for. 

    The chemo regimen on this discussion thread is the chemo regimen where two drugs, Cytoxan and Taxotere are adminstered every three weeks for at least 4 rounds.  Some gals here like myself received 6 rounds.  If this is the chemo regimen that you will be having, this is just one of the chemo threads you may be interested in.  You may also join a chemo thread for the month that you start having chemo so you can get through the chemoland with other people.  If you have questions, please post them.  Wishing you the best. 

  • Colette64
    Colette64 Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2013

    Thanks melrosemelrose,

    Yes it is the right treatment, 4 rounds every 3 weeks of Docetaxel/Cyclophosphamide, commercial names are taxotere and cytoxin.

    So it seems I am into right forum :-)

    Is it as bad as they say?

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited August 2013

    Colette-- Anyone who has made a ALD or a SND is at risk for developing lympehdema.  That means one needs to be mindful of that fact and may want to take precautions.  The Lymphedema Forum here has a wealth of information and some very knowledgeable women who frequest that forum.  Here is the link to the Step Up Speak Out lymphdema website which has a great deal of information about lymphedema: .  If you are concerned that you are possibly developing lymphedema, you may want to get a referral for physical therapy from your breast surgeon.  It would be good to have a referral to a physical therapist that is knowledgeable about LE and breast cancer patients.

    Fluid retention is a side effect this chemo regimen because of the chemo itself and maybe from the Decadron (steroid) if you receive that drug to help prevent nausea.  I don't know if the fluid retention and the lymphedema are connected.  If you have experiencing edema, you will know it--- one because you will be weighed every 3 weeks before receiving the round of chemo and second, you would see it yourself ( ie) ankles, fingers, etc.  It is a good idea to note your side effects on a calendar and also to call your onco if you have questions about your side effects.  If you need help, always call your onco no matter what time of day it is or if it is the weekend.  It is your onco's job to help you get through your time in chemoland and there should be an on call onco available 24/7. 

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited August 2013

    Colette-- I don't know what stories you have heard about this chemo regimen.  Everyone's body handles the chemo differently so I can't say if it is bad for all of us.  I had what I would call minimal side effects.  Yes, I lost my hair, had a sore mouth/tongue a few times, my taste buds went on vacation for 10 days after having a chemo round, and had the usual tired and fatigued feeling.  I did have on occasion light bouts of constipation and diarrhea but nothing that was not manageable.   I didn't experience any heartburn but I did burp a lot (... like burp like a drunken sailor and the kind of burps that you would tell a teenager not to do!!)  I'm glad you are asking questions and wanting to read up before you start your chemo.  Knowing about how to manage your symptoms is important so you are aware and you don't panic when you do have a side effect. 

    You may want to get these two cookbooks which I found very helpful ....

    Eating Well Through Cancer by Holly Clegg and Gerald Miletello, MD ( had shopping lists, menus, helpful tips on handling side effects)

    The Cancer Fighting Kitchen by Rebecca Katz (great recipes and pictures and other tips about what to eat.)

    You can go on Amazon to check them out since a local bookstore may not have those books in stock.

  • melody46
    melody46 Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2013

    Colette, Everybody is different, looking back on it it was doable, I didn't have as bad a time as some with side effects yet some things were more difficult for me like fatigue. You will get through it and these message boards are wonderful for support.

  • sarajaneevans
    sarajaneevans Member Posts: 29
    edited August 2013

    I know that we are all different and that each of our experiences wlll be different..I am just coming down from #3, and now "over the hump" (: Yippeee-  #3 has by far been the worst, but I know too, it could have been a whole lot worse so I feel blessed. I'm just curious about what #4 might have in store-

  • Colette64
    Colette64 Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2013

    Hello ladies!

    I am so thankful for your replies. I am trying to get mentally and physically ready for the chemo, after having fought hard with two oncologists to convince them I do not need any chemo. They ended up convincing me, so I am going for it.

    My last onc recommended I do the cytoxin/taxotere treatment instead of the more conventional ACT, and I liked that onc.

    He is reachable via email all the time, so I can ask him many questions, but I am trying not to overuse it, and the women in the forum have actually experienced the stuff, so you gals are a better source of info.

    Regarding the edema, onc said it happens mostly in the legs, and rare. I am already followed by a PT, and so far no lymphedema, just nasty cording.

    We'll see, hopefully my bad luck is all tapped out by now, and everything is going to be all right.

    Thanks again for the support !

  • Nocompromises2013
    Nocompromises2013 Member Posts: 136
    edited August 2013


    I am on day 15 after round 2. So far so good. Ditto melroses Minor SEs as above ( minus the burping :) and definately no swelling or oedema

    My 2 major probs were a raging toothache after rnd 1 and currently cellulitis at Mx site in round 2 both issues dealt with with a course of ABs

    TC is definitely doable.

  • bikergirl
    bikergirl Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013

    I am on Day #3 after #2 round.  Felt energetic yesterday (probably SE of the steroids) but did not push it too much.  Today, fatigued, did not walk today.  Took a long nap this afternoon, so I feel a little better. No constipation with this round so far.  Keep up on your liquids and your whole grains and fruits, girls.  Got som errands done today. Hope to go back to part-time work next Wednesday.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend Laughing

  • Johnetta
    Johnetta Member Posts: 42
    edited August 2013

    I want to thank all of you ladies for being there during my treatments. I haven't posted much, but have read the posts and been SO encouraged and helped by them. I will start radiation on Tuesday and am hoping the radiation page will be just as helpful as this one has been. I will continue to stalk this one I am sure. Wink

    I have a blog and wrote one on chemo treatments. Here is the link if anyone is interested. And again, THANK YOU ALL!

  • bikergirl
    bikergirl Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013


    Good luck with the rads.  You know you are always "one of us."  Let us know how things go

  • bikergirl
    bikergirl Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013


    We have to give it all we have got so we don't have to "look over our shoulders" so much.  We are all here for you.Laughing

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited August 2013

    Wishing you the best Johnetta!!!!!

    Please do keep coming back here and posting from time to time.  The reason this thread is still active is because everyone continues to come back and support each other.

    BTW:  Since you are heading to rads.... check out the Miaderm radiation cream that can be purchased on Amazon.  At the time I thought I would be having rads, a friend of mine recommended this cream to me.  Her sister is a radiation nurse and says the cream helps.  Here is the link for the Miaderm website so you can read up on it---  Here is a link to Amazon where you can purchase the Miaderm ( the 4 pack is the cheapest route to go) --- .  FYI:  I have no affiliation with the Miaderm maker or with Amazon.  Just passing information that has been shared with me by other rads gals.

  • ckmoss
    ckmoss Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2013

    I am on day 4 of my 2nd treatment. The first 2 days I guess bothered me the most..I seriously can't stand that jacked up steroid it clouds my mind really bad. I conquered that by taking ativans (Onc RN recom) every 6 hours and ambian at night.  Mainly slept through first 2 days. Fatigue really bad the past 2 just kind of laid around.  I have to be very careful of what I nausea..but feels kinda like a big jagged rock that is thinking about bringing on nausea..if I eat to heavy.So eat small mini meals. I can tell you the fatigue kinda reminds me of the flu I had once..without the stuffiness,etc.

    My 1st chemo, about day 4 to the 12th day..I had what felt like cuts in my tongue and it burned constantly. Instead of getting the magic mouthwash..I swished with Listerine..the old fashioned yellow burned like fire!!!  But all pain/burning/cuts were gone by 2nd day.  THIS TIME..I iced my mouth with ice and popsicles through Taxotere..and have swished with yucky Listerine since day tongue and mouth have felt normal ..not even sensitive..and food pretty much taste normal.  I don't eat spicy now though. I don't know if its the Listerine or the icing or both.

    My main thing is kidney cramps ever so often through this.  Comes and goes.  Has anyone had that?

    Collette-Ditto to all above. Honestly, as bad as I have hated this chemo..It was the one course of treatment I wanted whole heartedly. If there is a stray cancer cell in my big toe or anywhere else I want it OUT!..I try and document every day going through so I kinda know what to do.  Melrosemelrose has a great list of over the county remedys that help with SE.  I have every one of those..and am taking B vitamens. I was taking biotin..however, I quit as I think the Cancer Gods are they stomped the crap out of that drug..waste of money right now (this wasnt on her list). As far as the other things you listed edema..etc...You have to way the risks of any treatment with the benefits.  I did not go find out every little horrible thing chemo could cause as..its pretty much the only game in town if you want the cells gone from all over..and thats not even 100 %. I was told to stay away from Mr Google..and I have..mainly get all info from this site and my BC team.

    Franky-It is awesome that you haven't had much in the way of SE! I hope that continues for you!!

    SaraJane-In what way was 3 worse? Longer recoup time or worse SE? I'm very very happy you are past that point!

  • ForMyGranddaughter
    ForMyGranddaughter Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2013

    My hair hasn't started to fall yet, today makes day 9 since my first treatment.  I make soap, shampoo bars, hair butter and other skin + hair care.

    I have an 100% natural herbal hair butter that stimulates the scalp + promotes hair growth.  I currently put it on my hair, brows + lashes and have seen growth . . . especially in my lashes; however, the "tingle" may be too much for an irriated scalp.  I am my own guinea pig and will continue to try to use the butter on my scalp, lashes + brows to see what happens.

    I will work on creating a soothing scalp cream that will reduce itching.  I'll let you know.

  • angelred115
    angelred115 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2013

    I am glad to have found you ladies. I had my mastectomy Jan. 23, 2013. I have been on my own. I do have  my son for support. 

    Have had 20 Chemo treatments. I have 4 more to go.  Have had reactions. Chemo drug was changed and have another reaction.  Going for treatment tomorrow. Will know what the doctor will do next.

    I am scheduled to receive 38 radiation treatments when chemo is over.

    stage 3

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607
    edited August 2013

    ckmoss--- Save you biotin and try it again once you finish with chemo.  I bought a bottle from Sam's and never used it.  Fortunately for me, my hair has grown back with no problem.... just a little wavy now ( had straight hair before chemo).  I also try to eat healthy. it got on the website and put a search in  "What foods to eat to help hair growth" or something like that.

    All of you gals going through chemoland now.... hang in there.  I know there are some days you feel okay and others days, you just feel like crap and just fatigued.  Keep eating well, sleeping and resting and get out for a little walk and exercise.  Wishing each of you a good week and minimal side effects.

  • bikergirl
    bikergirl Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013


    Try the Biotene for dry mouth oral rinse.  The problem with most mouthwashes is that they contain alcohol.  This can be uncomfortable and alcohol can be drying.  This was recommended by my dentist, my friend who is my dental hygienist, AND my onc group.  They also have a small spray mist and a toothpaste.  You can find it by the rest of the oral care.

    Hope this helpsLaughing

  • sarajaneevans
    sarajaneevans Member Posts: 29
    edited August 2013

    Ckmoss, the side effects lasted much longer this time,a full week. Foot pain ( walking on marbles,the big ones)made it difficult to walk, I experienced some of that with treatment number 1, skipped number 2 totally,but back with 3.. Joint pain was more extreme with 3 ..but I know it could be much worse after reading so many experiences of others on this site ..

    @for my granddaughter: your natural herb hair butter sounds very interesting!!!