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Cytoxan Taxotere Chemo Ladies- February/March 2013



  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013


  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Posts: 301
    edited December 2013

    Headeast -- your elf is a cutie!!

  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    thank you, I love my elf!

  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013


  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    i am doing e-cards with my elves

  • audra67
    audra67 Posts: 127
    edited December 2013

    Thanks so much KBEE, school counselor, Melrose, and Headeast! 

    Sorry for the poor me today...just feeling awful and wanting to do something about it...

    I have had aches in my hands even daughter suggested I stop chemotherapy and only do 2!  That sounded like such a wonderful idea! 

    But I won't I want to do everything I can to prevent the reoccurrence so I'm going to hang in there!  I really had never thought of quitting...but when she mentioned it I got so excited in my mind like what a great thought! 

    Anyhow thanks so much for the support and I will try to be the supporter instead of support-e soon!  :)  This is just killin me!

    Headeast= your dog is darling!

  • Bluegrassharp
    Bluegrassharp Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    Audra, I have stage III BC, and have plenty to be afraid of, but much to be thankful for also. I have come to believe that the worst possible "side effect" of BC would certainly be to allow fear of the future to rob us of the joy of the present. The reality is that the present -- the "right now" -- is all anyone healthy or sick ever has. The future is always a big crap shoot. If I get run over by a truck next week, I don't want my last thought to be, "Oh damn, I wasted my time worrying about BC!"

    So far, what works for me when unexpected anxiety slaps me upside the head is first to try a Scarlett O'Hara -- I'll decide to think about that tomorrow (and then I don't). If that doesn't work, I try deliberate distraction -- get up, read a book, call a friend, start an annoying postponed project, exercise (an annoying project by definition), catch up on one of these online discussion threads... If distraction doesn't lift me out of my funk, I reread Matthew 6:25-34 (see my signature below), especially verse 27: "And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?" Although from the Bible, the idea that worry is (worse than) useless for things outside our control is not just a Christian concept, it's just a 100% logical truth. Then I can usually go back to my chosen distraction, which now feels much more satisfying. If that weren't the case (so far), I'd be the first in line at my pastor's or a psychologist's office. No shame in being as proactive for our emotional well-being as we are for our physical health!

    Audra, Wren is right on target when she points out that posting even our negative feelings here is healing. We see that feeling sad, angry, fearful is a normal part of the journey and that we are not alone. I like your idea that sometimes we are the supporter and sometimes the supportee -- a lovely definition of true friendship!

  • VirginiaNJ
    VirginiaNJ Posts: 314
    edited December 2013

    Well said Bluegrassharp (and those those that offered words of comfort).

    Audra, I have been feeling the same as you... Very very achy headachy depressed pissed off at everyone. I joked yesterday that I "hated everyone" and every little comment people made annoyed me. Had a FB friend message me asking me how I felt, and I told her that I felt really crappy, and she said "but it will pass!!!!" I said "yeah I know" then she said something about going out for beer and sushi and I said well, that won't be until well into the new year and she said "but the time will go really fast" and I felt like replying "for whom will it go fast??????"

    Anyhow, I think it's the evil neulasta lol. Last night I had excruciating bone pain sleeping- well NOT sleeping. It seems to have passed.

    I also totally get where you are coming from on the recurrence. I lost my mom at a very young age (both her and I) to BC, so it's always been a part of my life. I had a lumpectomy the first time, I am kind of gob smacked that it came back. And now that I have had the reccurrence and the double mast, I am terrified of it coming back again. So I TOTALLY get where you are coming from there. I asked my onc, "how are you going to monitor me for mets?" and she said through physical exams and blood work. While she found this cancer with a physical exam, my cancer did NOT show up in my bloodwork... I know that my PS will do MRI's every 2 years to check the implants (to make sure they are not leaking) but it does definitely make me anxious.

    Prior to surgery I felt like I was literally going to go crazy (I still feel that way). I saw a psychiatrist and she put me on an anti-depressant, but it made me barf, so I only took it twice. I agree with the others, it is helpful to talk to someone, though I do find this board very cathartic....

    We are getting a killer snowstorm...supposed to have upwards of 10" of snow! :O Trying to motivate myself to wrap some presents or bake a batch of far no luck.

    Hope everyone is hanging in there!!!!!!!

  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 27
    edited December 2013

    FairyDogMother - I just love the picture you posted! That's so awesome that you do themes. My guy shaved his head and surprised me before my hair fell out and it made me feel better to have him bald with me. These men are so sweet. I've tried to have control over my attitude through this and wore different wigs to each chemo, but I adore the creativity you have with doing themes!

    I am pages behind on reading this thread but saw the pic and had to say something. Hang in there all you who are struggling with TC right now! 5 weeks out now and things are starting to get so much better for me. Hair and eyebrows are filling in (although still very short), muscle weakness and soreness is lessening and neuropathy is intermittent and mild. I'm looking forward to where I'll be in a few more weeks.

  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    thank you, Audra!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    I have felt good enough today to actually give my house a normal cleaning. First time in I can't remember when. It does feel good to have it clean! The things we take for granted. I am going to finish a sewing project this afternoon and chill on the couch this evening. I am missing my GS's 5th bday party today thanks to my friend nadir:). But, next year I won't be missing a thing!

    well said BGH!

    stay warm ladies~enjoy peace and comfort this week-end. You deserve it!



  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    headeast, your pups are adorable! Thanks for posting:). I have a rescued Boxer. She has surely been my best friend through this.

  • schoolcounselor
    schoolcounselor Posts: 229
    edited December 2013

    Hi everyone,

    I'm really tired this round, jut absolutely exhausted. I could lie in bed all day. In the middle of a snow storm so we are are all home here. It must be the anemia, I am just so tired. I popped into to visit my BS the other day. I was there seeing a dietician, I asked for her and she told me to come right in without an appointment. I missed her and so made an appointment with her. She said she will be monitoring me every 4 moths going forward, in addition to my MO. I also made an appointment with my OBGYN, since I am two months late with that. The MO on call said to me, if you have had a clear pap in the last three years you should be fine, really that's what you say to someone with BC, who had a clear MRI 3 months prior to diagnosis. Hmph! Also going to meet with my Cardiologist for an office visit soon.

    My BS encouraged me to take advantage of the Reiki, Accupuncture, pilates and yoga that the cancer center offers for free. I think I might just take them up on it. I'm just rambling and just tired......

  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    Thank you, Keepthefaith! I just wanted to share my elves with the ladies in this thread and give tou a smile!

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Posts: 301
    edited December 2013

    Headeast -- lovin those elves!! Thanks for sharing!

    SC -- I am super duper tired this tx as well. Even though I only had the C, no T, in this infusion, I am just dragging. And my leg muscles are really weak -- it's an odd feeling. This is the most severe crash I have had as steroids wear off. Could be also, due to the accident I had yesterday (got rear ended on the freeway) that the extra adrenalin and emotion involved with that has pulled me into deeper fatigue.

    Mellie -- thanks for checking in and letting us know that things will get better. Glad you are doing so well!

    KTF -- A clean house feels so good! I got halfway through my bathroom this morning before I just had to give up (too tired) -- but the clean tub looks so much more inviting! Think I will take a soak and then go to bed!

    Hope all have a peaceful night!

  • KBeee
    KBeee Posts: 695
    edited December 2013

    Does anyone know when your general doc takes over from your MO for general illness? I am getting a cold, which is rapidly transitioning into either a sinus infection or bronchitis. I am scheduled to see MO on Friday for 4 week follow up, but if I need to see a doctor before then, I would much rather see my family doc...but I do not care to be scolded by MO for doing so.

    This is my own fault because in the last week, I kind of entered "I'm sick of this and I do not give a crud" mode and was not careful about using hand sanitizer, taking supplements, etc. which was really dumb with a daughter who's sick. So I got what I deserved, but want to kick this without more visits to MO. If I call, they will probably say what they always back in a few days if not better...and I will probably flip out if/when they do (tired of always being to,d that). it ok to call family doc on monday, or should I at least call MO first?

  • schoolcounselor
    schoolcounselor Posts: 229
    edited December 2013

    I would call both. I went to see my Family Doctor for a stomach ache, my OBGYN for another issue. All my doctors are working as a team and calling each other, so that they are both on the same page. If they are not, please make sure they are. I'm off to see my cardiologist for an office visit and she will send her notes to all of my doctors as well. Heck, I even have my therapost getting my medical notes!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    kbeee, Call both and see who can get you in the quickest! I don't think your MO will care who you see as long as you get better! I have been having allergies and am worried about infection also. Trying to stay ahead of it with allergy meds, nasal spray. I hope you get better soon! Don't wait too long.

    Having hair fall out this morning:(. Just pulling it out in clumps, but can't bring myself to buzz it, maybe I'll be sick of it soon! Wearing a hair net right now!

    I hope you all enjoy your Sunday~



  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Posts: 301
    edited December 2013

    KBeee -- I was told at the start of chemo to see my PCP for any illnesses which came up. My MO has. Busy practice, and while they encourage you to call for SEs, they want you to be proactive about getting treatment for any illness. So I agree with SC -- see your family doctor, make sure to fill him in on where you are with chemo, and ask him to send any results/notes to MO so those are in your file by the time you see him on Friday. Meantime, call MO office and tell them that is your plan -- if they have any serious objections, they will say so. Good luck -- hope you feel better quickly!!

  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    Call both. Today the MO should have a dr or rn on call.

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Posts: 607
    edited December 2013

    KBeee--- Call your family doctor tomorrow and get in as soon as you can.  You want to get it checked out and headed in the right direction.  You probably should just call the MO's office to give them a heads up; I wouldn't think they would get upset.  If you can, do what you can until then to try to stay ahead of whatever you have.  If you have already started taking Tamoxifen, you will need to take something other than Benedryl or OTC meds that contain the same chemical since Benedryl is a Tamoxifen absorption inhibitor and should not be taken if you are on Tamoxifen.  I'm sure you have a routine that you usually follow when you are getting a cold/sinus infection/bronchitis of OTC drugs, warm showers, hot lemonade with honey, humidifer, etc.  Rest and hope you feel better soon!!!!!

  • momat927
    momat927 Posts: 88
    edited December 2013

    Hello everyone, I have been posting with Dec chemo but i started Taxotere Cytoxan Dec 4 so hope you don't mind my joining in here, as well. (I think I am losing track of my posts, so if I already introduced myself, sorry for duplication.) i suddenly have a purple spot, mildy elevated, only about a tenth of an inch, on my hand. I wonder if Taxotere might typically cause this kind of thing? I don't want to become hypervigilant! Thought I would check in about it. Thanks, Amy

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Posts: 607
    edited December 2013

    momat927- Welcome!!!!  We welcome everyone here, no matter when you started your chemo!!!

    You may want to put a call into your onco about that purple spot to check to see what it may be.  If it is bothering you or growing larger, you may want to call today.  Remember there is always an onco on call 24-7 so don't feel like you shouldn't call because it's the weekend or after hours.  Make sure you tell your doctor know when you noticed it, what hand it is on and the exact location on your hand.  You may even want to text/email a pic of that spot to the doctor.  It is always better to check to see what something new is rather than wait.  I know that if I didn't call in, I'd probably just get more anxious about the spot and start staring at it too much.  Hope you are doing well.....Again, welcome.

  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    Moma, welcome! I had something similar with all my TCs. I don't have a port and the skin got burned right where the poke was. A large burn, first red and then purple, ending with burned skin after two or three weeks.

    Like Melrose said, all your MO. I usually took pictures of them and mentioned that to the MO or person on call. They actually asked to see the pictures and text-ed them to person on call. I hope this helps.

  • QuirkyGirl
    QuirkyGirl Posts: 67
    edited December 2013

    I have a general question about timing. I'm on day 8 and felt wretched days 5&6. Now that I'm feeling better, do things usually contnnue on an upswing or should I prepare myself more more/new types of yucky days as a head into nadir?

  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    QuirkyGirl, everybody is different. In my case I felt very tired on days 7-14. You might want to clean your hands more, use more Biotene mouthwash and keep drinking water to prevent mouth sores. Whatever you can think you have to be careful of doing because you might more be prompt to infections.

    Fruits and vegetables have to be thoroughly washed and disinfected. I didnt eat any raw vegetables or fruits during chemo, only cooked and I am sure I was exagerating, but gave me peace of mind.

    Try to eat red meats to bring your RBC up and Blood Builder.

  • KBeee
    KBeee Posts: 695
    edited December 2013

    Quirkygirl, I tended to feel a little tired the second week, but the general yuk feeling was gone. By the third week, I felt much more like myself.

  • Headeast
    Headeast Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    QuirkyGirl, I found this article that might help

    It has a section of foods during chemo or radiation

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Posts: 301
    edited December 2013

    Quirky -- I found that once the yuckiness was gone, I had to be careful not to push myself too much. Second week I felt more tired, and had some muscle fatigue. Would generally try to just take it easy and be careful to avoid infections and sick people. Last 4-5 days before infusion I tended to feel pretty normal! though I did find the fatigue to be worse with each treatment. Everyone is different, though, so bear that in mind.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    QG, I felt yucky, achy the first 5-6 days, too. Then, I continued to feel better as far as being less achy;  although I did notice I tire more easily and sleep longer periods at a time. I have been walking when it's nice outside but don't seem to be walking as fast!:) I hope you continue to feel better!