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Has anyone felt BETTER on tamoxifen?



  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    I am doing great and have my own thread dedicated to those taking 5 years of Tamoxifen and living daily life. My hope is that someday, someone will come across it and say, "If she can do it, I can do it." Way too much negativity from people who have not taken the medication. Thankful to have a medication to ward off excess estrogen from my breast cells, happy to have had a great mammogram and a "see you next year." Everyone have a great Thanksgiving, and it is great to be alive to share with friends and family!!

  • ShockedAt48
    ShockedAt48 Member Posts: 95

    GardenGirl11: I am happy to report no significant side effects since starting the pills in September. Maybe hair thinning but it's hard to tell since this whole process is so stressful and could be caused by that.

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Anyone in Illinois enjoying the beautiful weather?

  • GardenGirl11
    GardenGirl11 Member Posts: 7
    Hi everyone!

    ShockedAt48: I hope the hair thinning is temporary or stress related. I felt like I was losing more hair when I was pre-surgery and during recovery but not so much anymore. I was stressed more then.

    I just got back from a short Christmas vacation with the family and I am hesitant, yet ready, to start taking the Tamo. My Onc told me to wait until after the trip to start, which I was going to do anyway, but I'm glad we were on the same page. Currently, I feel pretty crappy with my periods being back to crazy after I had to stop taking Progestin. Here’s hoping that Tamo helps me lose the 10bs I’ve already gained being full steam into the holiday sweet-season. Lol. I also want the energy back that I’ve lost since I stopped taking Bupropion. Also would Santa bring my mojo back. Thanks! :D

  • Treat4
    Treat4 Member Posts: 4

    I am so glad to read your post GardenGirl11, as we have several things in common. I am starting mine this week and have been very hesitant to start. I had to wait to change from Buproprien to Effexor. Have to say I’m feeling better with the change there. Hoping firvtge best on side effects. It’s so encouraging to read these posts. I was resigned to thinking only bad things were to come with it. Let’s keep in touch. Good lu

  • sm627
    sm627 Member Posts: 142

    Hello Tamoxifen sisters,

    Wishing all of you that are starting your Tamo bottle this year good luck and little SE. I can say that after 3 months of taking Tamoxifen AKA my best friend/protector against getting more BC. We are finally getting along and can live together for the next 5 years. Now the first few months have been an adjustment period and there were days when we did not always get along, but we have worked out most of our differences. Most of my SEs are mild and if they do get a little more annoying they don't last to long throughout the day.

    One of the women on said that she says Thank You to her Tamoxifen before she takes it each day. I have been doing that too and I think it might make the side effects not so bad.


    Wishing everyone a healthier New Year!

    Hugs and Love to all,


  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406

    Sara, I like that. I tell my students all the time that attitude is half the battle but I never thought about it that way when it came to Tamoxifen. I’m going to start doing that.

  • sm627
    sm627 Member Posts: 142

    Hi TaRenee,

    Hope the positive attitude with Tamoxifen helps you. It is nice to meet another teacher on what do you teach? I teach preschool children. I noticed that the Tamoxifen slows be down a little bit, so I am not running after little ones anymore I let the other teachers do all the running.

    Wishing you all the best for 2018!



  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406

    Sara... I teach Drama. For the last 14 years I have been PreK - 5th grade (every class one day a week for 45 minutes) but this year I was moved to middle school so I have 6th - 8th grade, 2 classes of each grade level, 5 days a week. I totally understand not being able to run after the little ones. They do zap the energy, and that was before I got “sick”.

    We were out of school today due to the big storm. Around here it was kind of a joke. This is what we got.


    But I live in a rural area and the roads don’t get cleared so after a lot of melting in the sun today we have icy roads so no school tomorrow either. Today I spent the day on the couch in my pajamas, mostly sleeping. I haven’t been feeling good so the day off was a blessing. I’m sure I’ll do more of the same tomorrow. It’s too cold to go anywhere even once the sun is up and shining with the wind chills in the single digits I think I’ll stay in!

  • sm627
    sm627 Member Posts: 142

    Hi TaRenee,

    LOL wow that snow doesn't look like it could close down schools but glad you got the day off anyway. You teach Drama that is wonderful! I love to arts too and try to do as many art projects with my preschool children at school/work. I loved my 5th grade teacher who was also my drama teacher. She had so much positive energy, but at the same time she made sure that we had Romeo and Juliet down to a T. What do you love most of teaching Drama and what age group do you enjoy working with the most?

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well I hope you feel better soon. Hope you haven't got the cold bug that seems to be going around.

    Wishing you well and good healing thoughts.



  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406

    Sara, well believe it or not, School is closed tomorrow too. We got all of a half day in when we returned from Christmas and have been out ever since. The roads in the shade are stilly icy as it hasn’t gotten above freezing yet. Hopefully tomorrow. But, we have an optional work day and I’m going in. I’m tired of staring at my 4 walls!

    I have loved Drama since I was introduced to the stage when I was in dance classes and got to perform. I was in my first play when I was 5. I even had A line. (1 Line, but it was a big deal to me) I just love being able to become someone else. I think I just want my students to find something to make life more fun, and for me it was always Drama. For the longest time I really thought my place was in elementary school. The kids would never have seen a lot of stuff if it hadn’t been for me. We did HUGE plays every year (full length musicals. With up to 120 kids in grades 3-5). Yeah, I was crazy a lot. But it was so wonderful seeing them pull it all together for the performances. Now, I’m in middle school and I’m thinking new things as far as topics. Middle school is hard. Kids are mean. Hormones are WAY out there. So I want to just give them an outlet for all that somehow. If I can make a difference for one kid, I think that’s something

  • sm627
    sm627 Member Posts: 142

    Wow TaRenee, 120 kids that does sound like a lot to manage, but at the same time so rewarding seeing all the different creative stories the children are able to tell on stage. I am with you about being able to help make a differences in a child's life it is the best feeling in the world knowing that you have helped make their life a little better. The teenagers do provide a great challenge you learn how to not take things personally with them. What ideas are you thinking about topics or what you would like introduce your Middle school children to? How was work today did you enjoy not being around your 4 walls.

    Has Tamoxifen been good to you at work as far as not experiencing to many side effects and if you have how have you dealt with them?

    Wishing you warmer days soon with lots of sunshine to melt away all the icy roads.

    Warm Hugs,


  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406

    Sara, work was amazing today. Even tho I had a full day and EVERYONE was present and accounted for. 😉 I just got in 7 New plays for class, ranging from Frankenstein to James and the Giant Peach. I am excited to have some new material.

    New topics. Well, this semester the kids are doing some original plays. One of them deals with a school shooting. One of them is about racial issues and one is about dating issues in middle school. So I know they are wanting to do some acting on those topics. I’m trying to find some appropriate scripts for them. The world is NOT as kind as it was when I was growing up.

    Hmmmm Tamoxifen hasn’t been terrible as far as SE go, but I do not enjoy the hot flashes. I don’t control the temp in my classroom because we have a boiler system. I can turn it off, which I have done. I open the windows (the kids complain about it being cold. I told them to wear a coat. It’s not THAT cold in my room. I am learning to dress in layers that can come off easily as well as be put back on easily when I need to. And I drink a ton of water so I’m always running to the bathroom when I get a chance. Gotta stay hydrated or the leg cramps come with a vengeance!

    Snow is melted. Roads are good, and almost all the schools around us are open again. 9 days below freezing isn’t something we are used to here. But that 45 - 50 degrees we had today... it felt like a heat wave! I was hot! lol. Or maybe it was my friend Tamoxifen.

    Last night I was up late watching the college football championship game, so I was also tired. But it was worth it. My team won! lol

    Take care,


  • sm627
    sm627 Member Posts: 142

    Hi TaRenee,

    Wow 45-50 degrees that is a heat wave and maybe Tamoxifen helped it be a little more on the warmer side. Hope you stays that way in the 50s for the rest of winter. That is wonderful that you have so many interesting topics for the children to explore along with having them create their own. You are right the world has changed so much and it is so scary what young people are being exposed to. Your students are lucky to have you has their teacher to help them express these changing times in a creative way.

    Thanks for the tip about drinking more water I need to start doing that. I have been getting a lot of leg cramps thanks to our friend Tamoxifen. I am noticing it is taking me longer to move up and down from dealing with the little children. I love you have your students wear jackets if they are cold they should feel lucky that they are inside you could always have them preform their plays outside in the freezing cold!

    You love football too? Football is my favorite sport to watch ever! my NFL team is the 49ers, but I also like the Eagles, New Orland Saints, and (the Raiders sometimes). What is your all time favorite team?

    Wishing you well with the plays and hope the days get warmer and you have fewer hot flashes.

    Take Care,


  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406

    Sara, all time favorite NFL team is the New Orleans Saints. I grew up on the MS Gulf Coast and they were the closest pro team. I’ve loved them for as long as I can remember. Who Dat fan for life!

    I now live in NC and have developed a love for the Panthers as well. I have been to 1 game in Charlotte and I loved it. I was a total nerd the last game day. Saints shirt and Panthers hat. But I was really glad the Saints won.

    Today we were in the 60’s. Tomorrow it could get up to 70. Three days ago it was 4. So yeah, guess who is getting sick. Ugh. I’ll be spending my weekend in bed or on the couch, no doubt. And it’s not even 7 and I’m already in bed. Yeah. Not fun. But the weekend is coming and I’ll have time to rest.

    One good thing, hot flashes have calmed down a little. They seem to cycle so we’ll see how long this lasts!

    Take care

  • tlfrank
    tlfrank Member Posts: 76

    I just started taking Tamoxifen this week. Question: How long did it take your side effects to show - so far I don't feel a thing.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703

    tlfrank...I have been on tamoxifen for 3.5 years , and have never had any side effects at all .I was very nervous about starting to take it ...I feel amazed that I don't feel anything either , especially seeing I have bad reaction to nearly all other medications. .

  • Cpeachymom
    Cpeachymom Member Posts: 249

    tlfrank- I think it takes afew weeks to build up in your system. I didn’t have much hot flashes for the first month. Now they’re a nuisance, but it’s the only side effect I have. Then again, I also get Lupron shots, so they go hand in hand to put me into “medopause”.

  • tlfrank
    tlfrank Member Posts: 76

    Lucy55 - I'm hoping I'm with you. So far nothing - maybe a little nausea but I could be imagining it.

    Cpeachmom - I'm 54 and haven't had a cycle since last march, fairly certain I'm already in menopause so not sure why I'm on Tamoxifan. I was told to take vitamin D, and calcium supplements, and that if the SE were too much they would switch meds.

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406

    If you are nauseous on the Tamoxifen try taking tums. I take it for the calcium and have found if I take it when I take my Tamoxifen I don’t get nauseous anymore. Plus the MO said the calcium is good for me. So added bonus there.

  • lifechoices2017
    lifechoices2017 Member Posts: 6

    Hello Tamoxifen Ladies; Im new to this post. I was roaming to see who else may have started recently on tamox...and here you are! I just started Jan 1; no awful SEs; other than the hot flashes. Im 49; so I was getting those prior to my diagnosis and everything so I guess I was already prepared. Have you had other SE's?

  • Bhmomma
    Bhmomma Member Posts: 4

    I started Tamoxifen in November for high risk. My most recent physical last week had my blood sugar elevated blood sugar (119) and elevated platelets. All blood work was normal last yearMy primary didn’t think it was related to Tamoxifen, but I have lost 12 pounds since year, ramped up my exercise significantly (gym 6 Days/wk) since starting on this crazy journey last spring.

    Otherwise, other than about 2 weeks of nausea a few weeks in, I have been tolerating without side effects.

  • lifechoices2017
    lifechoices2017 Member Posts: 6

    Yeah, I have no other health issues (no high bp, cholesterol is good, not diabetic) all is well...other than that daggone cancer dx (lol)... I havent had anything tested since completing rads (Dec 27) and starting tamox (Jan 1). I'll see what its like when I go for my followups w/the MO, RO and surgeon on Jan 31st. Im hoping to get back to the Y in Feb at least just to be able to get my walking in.

  • lizabethm
    lizabethm Member Posts: 105

    Girls, I'm happy to hear that many of you are not suffering terrible side effects while on Tamoxifen, I will be starting that this Spring when I finish radiation. Keep sharing! It means a lot!

  • Treat4
    Treat4 Member Posts: 4

    I just started taking my Tamoxifen on Jan 2nd. So far so good for me. I was very nervous about SE. These posts are very helpful and encouraging. I’m 55 and believe it or not haven’t completed menopause yet...we think. My last cycle was in May 2017. I’m worried the doctor will change me to a different drug after I do well on Tamoxifen. We shall see....

  • NotVeryBrave
    NotVeryBrave Member Posts: 169

    The only thing that felt better for me with Tamoxifen was the increase in vaginal discharge initially. After being thrown into menopause with chemo, it was a relief to not have that dryness and irritation. However - it was short lived since I went on to have a ridiculous abundance of discharge, every day and all day.

    I also had immediate leg cramps that nothing helped. Horrible spasms multiple times each night despite hydration, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, tonic water with Quinine, stretching, bananas, pickle juice, soap under the sheet - you name it. Can you tell I tried everything? I even got occasional muscle spasms in my abdomen and neck!

    I also felt like I was having a worse and worse time with concentrating and was becoming depressed with no energy.

    I quit taking Tamoxifen in early December. I decided 3 months was enough and I was tired of no sleep and feeling like I couldn't hold a thought. I just finished Herceptin and am anxious to see how I feel with no meds in my system.

    I feel like the mental or emotional problems are better. The leg cramps have finally gone away just recently. I still have the increased discharge so plan to see the GYN about that.

    I'm hoping to try a lower dose of Tamoxifen in the future. I don't know if I'm truly in menopause since chemo stopped my periods. I'm afraid of the AI's since I already have osteopenia and some joint issues.

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281

    Ive been on it 6 weeks and only SE I'd joint aches. Feels stiff but better with exercise
  • lifechoices2017
    lifechoices2017 Member Posts: 6

    Ive been on Tamox 22 days now (tonight 23 @ 6pm). I don't feel any SEs other than hot flashes, but I was getting those before...I guess I pay more attention to them now that that is one of the SEs. I do randomly get the arm twinges. I was getting those right at my surgery (Oct 19th) but they stopped. Ive noticed since being on tamox that they come and go; i guess another healing process (i'll take it)! I do feel like when Ive sit for a while my body feels stiff when I first get up but then Im good once I start moving. Im hoping that once I get back to my walking at the Y that that'll help; it certainly cant hurt! I think I may also try the water aerobics later this summer. Im 49; my cycle stopped PRIOR to my starting tamox; and I havent seen anything since Nov 4th (started tamox Jan 1). Im not sure if the rads (Nov 29-Dec 27th) affected anything, but I still get the breast tenderness and all, but nothing else. I think I was in perimenopause anyway so it stopping was probably soon to come.

  • Sahmeranah
    Sahmeranah Member Posts: 1

    I am almost certain that the answer is an emphatic "NO WAY" -- but in case I'm wrong: is there any mechanism through which I can give an unused prescription bottle of Tamoxifen to someone else? (My oncologist prescribed Tamoxifen to me and I had the prescription filled prior to surgery -- but after radiation we decided to go with an AI instead of Tamoxifen. Thus the unused month supply.) It's no skin off my nose to simply throw the bottle away but it pains me to do so when I know that a month of medication is a big expense to people who don't have good insurance coverage. No need to tell me I'm an idiot and there are laws governing prescription drug circulation -- but if there is a way that I can give this medicine away to someone who needs it please let me know. Thanks much.

  • oceangirl654
    oceangirl654 Member Posts: 59

    Yes, I don't really have PMS anymore because of tamoxifen, so that's a plus. I also don't have my period as often as I used to, so that's nice too. On the other hand, my period has lasted 12 days now (of spotting) so that's not a plus.