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Is there a natural estrogen blocker? help!



  • OK I'll chime in then. The thing to realize about holistic medicine is that it doesn't always match up with conventional thinking and it's not like a trade-off of herbal remedy for a drug. What I mean is that there's not really an estrogen "blocker." What there are, are remedies that cause the estrogen you do have to turn to a healthier mix. I'm in a bit of a rush right now or I'd look this stuff up and give you names of things, but the short of it is that there are 3 kinds of estrogen in the mix and only estradiol is the harmful one. DIM will lower your estradiol and raise the other 2 more protective ones.

    I did find a thing this past summer though that took my estrogen down quite a lot and that was a 21 day fast. I had just turned 56 and was still bleeding on a regular 24 day schedule and I did the fast. I got my period the second day of the fast (you should have heard me cuss b/c it was only 2 wks from the last one!) and then I haven't had another one since. I pray I am done but either way, it must've taken my estrogen down much lower. If you have weight to lose and esp belly fat, lose that weight, whether you do it by fasting or not--fat produces estrogen.

    betterway--how is your wife?

  • Abigail, why don't you make that cream? I use coconut or olive oil and beeswax.

  • thought of it but taking care of this beast takes most of my time, changing dressings several times a day now. other info> I googled what is lymph some toe ago google said the chemical make p is like that of blood. I don;t think so: blood doesn't burn, snot doesn't burn, nor does spit. lymph burns & I conjecture that's how it is curative as if I'm able to leave a dressing on for longer than usual, if I'm sleeping or like that, the stuff disolves bits so that they're able to come off & be discarded. with the thyme and camomil though it's been growning & filling in, soom a month of frankensence, will be interesting if it then begins to come appart again. been less blood recently and I[m able to stop it better with pressure and bits of scott pt's. usually no need to undress & seer it off with very hot water

  • labelle
    labelle Posts: 134

    Abigail, you might try Breast Balm from Moon Maid Botanicals, primarily at calendula cream, no lanolin.

  • appreciate the information labelle

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Posts: 320

    I used a calendula cream with no lanolin when I was going through radiation treatments -- it's called My Girls cream. Website lists ingredients: "A unique blend of Hungarian calendula, rosemary, honey, and beeswax plus natural oils; jojoba, olive, coconut, and avocado oil."

    It's a little pricey but i needed only one jar for the six-week treatment. I bought it at my hospital's gift shop, but it's available online at Amazon and others

  • Here's a study that showed that melatonin and resveratrol are as effective as aromatase inhibitors as letrozole (in vitro, anyway)

    Just not sure how that would translate into supplement use.

  • Yeah, I was thinking that might be the case, Kayb. I tried an online conversion calculator, but gave up! Although, the amount of melatonin that was effective was the same as the amount of letrozole (20 nM), and the dosage for letrozole is only 2.5 mg. So, maybe it would just be the same amount of melatonin.

  • Hernie
    Hernie Posts: 664

    Clinical trials are using melatonin doses in the milligram (mg) range to achieve plasma melatonin concentrations in the nanomolar (nM) range. So no, the doses would not be several grams, but the target bloodlevels are many times the physiological levels.

  • I just found a huge website with tons of info about all kinds of nutritional interventions and here's one about flaxseeds and BC: Nutrition Facts I've listened to this one several times and kept stopping it when I got to something I needed to read. If you scroll down on the page you'll find lots of other videos about BC but the site is huge and covers many other health issues as well. The takeaway I got from this video is that 1 teaspoon of flaxseeds a day can stop BC growth and that within a very few weeks you can turn it around. Also that it is about as effective as tamoxifen with many fewer side effects, and that fiber in general is effective b/c it helps to carry out the extra estrogen, rather than allowing it back into the system to wreak havoc. I take it that when it goes back into your system it's like the evil twin. This makes sense to me b/c I always did have a "sick gut" and if I hadn't gotten BC, I no doubt would've ended up with colon cancer instead.

  • Hi, i'm new to this site. I have been on Arimidex for almost three months. I feel like I have aged 20 years,

    my joints and my bones are terriable. I have an 11 year old girl and an 8 year old boy. I need to get off these

    pills to enjoy their childhood. I have never heard of DIM I tried to Google it and I can't find it

    Could you please tell me what it stands for. Thanks

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Posts: 337

    its a mixture of various broccoli, crucifor type vegetables the curative chemicals they contain

  • Ahope4life: It's Diindolylmethane

    Or just google DIM and broccoli. What kind of diet are you eating? How is your weight? How old are you? Yes, yes, I know, personal questions and you're welcome to DM me with these if you prefer. Also, folks on here--correct me if I'm wrong but isn't arimidex for those past menopause? I don't know much about these meds. I thought tamox was for before and arimidex for after menopause.

  • labelle
    labelle Posts: 134

    DIM is sold on Amazon. DIM and flaxseed (or a product called Brevail) are used to modulate estrogens. There are several threads on here addressing various supplements many of us use rather than the anti-hormonal drugs commonly prescribed.

    Tamoxifen can be used by either post or premenopausal women, AIs are for postmenopausal only (either naturally postmenopausal or in chemopause or taking something to suppress the ovaries, like Lupron shots).

  • Google BioResponse DIM

  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845

    Piper, yes, tamox is for pre-meno, and arimidex for after. However I was put surgically into menopause so I could take letrozole (another AI), because it is more effective in lobular than tamox

  • Interesting Momine, because originally I went to an onc before I knew I was going to do holistic and he listed tamox as the drug of choice for me. I didn't have confidence in him and sounds like I was justified.

  • april485
    april485 Posts: 1,983

    pipersdream, tamoxifen is also prescribed for post menopausal women and for men too. It is the aromatase inhibitors that are only prescribed to post meno folks. Tamoxifen can be either or.

  • Thanks April, but I was pre-meno when I went to see the onc and I have ILC. I have now gone 6 mo w/o a period and I was never even late before! Woo hoo!

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Posts: 320

    Pipers, I don't doubt that you had valid reasons for that oncologist to give you pause, but your being pre-menopausal would make tamoxifen the only choice available to you (in the conventional realm).

    Great news about your periods waning! I went 15 months but had one exactly a year ago, so the clock had to reset. I used to kind of like my periods ... I'd appreciate the monthly purge and would feel a sense of renewal. However, I hated every minute of that last period and would be very happy if it truly was its final episode!

  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845

    Piper, the only reason my doc endorsed the aggressive approach, i.e. surgical menopause to make letrozole possible, was that he was involved in the study that showed letrozole more effective in ILC. The study was not yet out at the time, but when I suggested the surgery, he backed me and suggested there would be proof down the road. I am not sure the study had made all the rounds by the time you were DXed. Also, many doctors are reluctant to go the surgical route, which is understandable.

  • Hipericum Perforatum reduces Estrogen.. might be taken as tea.


  • I'm taking Dim Plus (2 pills a day) instead of Tamoxifen. My Dr isn't happy about that, but it's my body and my cancer journey. I take a lot of supplements everyday and I juice daily and eat a plant based vegan diet with very little sugar. Watch your labels sugar is in everything. I buy all organic with the exception of thick skinned fruits and vegetables. Make sure to give all produce a good wash and rinse. Do some form of exercise most days for at least 30 minutes and get 8-9 hours sleep every night. I take magnesium glycinate 400 mg. an hour before bed everynight and I sleep like a baby. I drink 64 ozs of alkaline water everyday. Cancer loves an acidic environment and can't live in a higher ph level. I check it daily with oh level strips and I stay right around 7.5. Drink green tea and dandelion tea everyday. Use pure Stevia drops as your sweetener. It is the safest one and it's high in alkaline. My email address is if you would like to know the supplements I take you can email me. The best information for alternative healing is The Truth About Cancer and Chris Wark all about his cancer healing journey. You can find them both on u-tube



  • dtad
    dtad Posts: 771

    Hi everyone...I take DIM in leu of an aromatase inhibitor. I also have lost 30 pounds and try to exercise daily. This has been shown to lower recurrence rates by 40 percent. Hope this helps!

  • Hi to all :-)

    Can anyone tell me.....

    If you've been taking an AI for quite some time (me 3+ yrs) and then stop... does all the bone and joint pain go away and if so would it take days, months or years? Or has anyone experienced this pain to be permanent? I'm thinking about trying some of the alternative methods mentioned here. I'm in Albany NY....anyone know a alternative physician I could see about this? My oncologist has said before....try anything you want but I'd like you to stay on AI. I've had it....with the swelling and terrible pain and stiffness in ALL my joints.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Posts: 2,701

    Samrodun, have you tried the supplement curcumin? I swear by it for med induced joint pain due to lack of estrogen. It's not an overnight thing -- takes a little while to build up in your system -- and different brands seem to work better/worse for some of us. I've tried several, but Life Extension is the one I always go back to.

    Also, here are a couple of resources for finding a good integrative doc or ND in your area.

    Good luck. I do think SEs can often be managed with some integrative help, but we're all different, and you may have to try more than one thing to find what works best for you. Deanna

  • Where can you purchase DIM, grape seed extract,etc that have been mentioned in these posts. Thank all of you for sharing.

  • I get my grape seed extract on Amazon. Clinical OPC.

  • dtad
    dtad Posts: 771

    Hi all. I get my DIM on Amazon...

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Posts: 207

    I am reading this thread with interest. I am scheduled to see my MO in a couple of days, and I am very interested in alternatives to AI, the side effects of which sound really bad to me.