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Anyone else waiting for a biopsy appointment? I need a friend!

DeltaD Member Posts: 16
edited June 2014 in Waiting for Test Results

Just wondering if anyone else is waiting for their first biopsy appointment.  You want to wait together?  I discovered a lump in my left breast at the 10 o'clock position on June 19.  I had a mommogram done on the 24th and an US done on the 25th.  On the 26th i was told i need to see a Surgeon for a biopsy as the lump looks suspicious.  It is abnormal and has a blood supply.  Saw the Surgeon on the 2nd of July and he stated I need a Core Needle biopsy.  He told me he would put an urgent on it and I should receive a call by the 5th for an appointment.  Well, it is now the 8th and I am still waiting to hear when my biopsy will be.  I am going mad!  I will be fine and then BAM something makes me think of it and I am in tears.  Every show I watch has someone getting diagnosed with cancer or dying from cancer.  I am anxious and jittery.  I am sad and angry.  This is not right.  Waiting SUCKS and the doctors don't seem to care!!!



  • Kate1983
    Kate1983 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    I have an appt with a surgeon on Thursday. They want me to get a biopsy after they did an ultrasound today. The waiting game is horrible but it makes you realize the importance of your life. Maybe we needed this to get our life pointed in the right direction. I'll send some prayers up for you!!

  • casonpa
    casonpa Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013

    Count me in too. My biopsy appt is scheduled for this Thursday at 2:00. Hang in there, we will all make it through.


  • coryja
    coryja Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2013

    I am waiting also! I hate waiting (for anything)Tongue Out.

    I am doing much better right now- at first I was having anxiety attacks (nothing that has ever happen to me before!) but I think I have now reached a state of normal stress. (But I have this horrible gut feeling that something is just not right with me and that I am going to receive bad results from this biopsy- do not know where this is coming from since that is not my normal state of thinking. I am very rarely doom and gloom)

    I could just kick myself right now though- the radiologist said he would be ok going ahead with the biopsy right away, but would 'prefer' to see the mammogram and reports from a biopsy I had 4+ years ago. (I am in my 30's so I do not receive regular mammograms yet) I figured if that is what he would prefer, then it was the best route (and it really is if I wasn't losing my mind in the waiting)- but now two weeks later the office still has not been able to get my old reports and films. They said to call back on Friday if I had not yet heard from them for an update. 

    Last biopsy (4+ years ago) was for a lump that turned out to be b9. This time it is for suspicious microcalcifications in the same breast. I did not ask him if it was in the same area as the previous biopsy (there is a clip in there for location/reference). I had never even heard of calcification's in the breast so was a bit confused with the whole process! (I thought I was getting an infection in the other breast and was expecting some antibiotics- much rather prefer that than all this!)

    Just have my fingers crossed that what ever he saw is just tied or related to the scarring or calcifications from damage done from the old biopsy stuff!

    Good luck to everyone else who is waiting. Try to stay as busy as possible! (I am having trouble with this- but hear that it is great adviseInnocent)

  • Annette47
    Annette47 Member Posts: 108
    edited July 2013

    Waiting is the worst part of the whole process.   If it makes you feel better, I had to wait almost 6 weeks for my biopsy - it was originally scheduled for the day Sandy hit (we are in NJ and got hit hard), so was cancelled.  Then the breast center where I was having it done was without power for almost 3 weeks, and I couldn't even schedule a new appointment until it reopened.   I had my first mammogram on October 4th, got called back for the 9th, was then recommended for a biopsy, but it took a while because they wanted me to track down my old films first, then the whole mess with Sandy and I didn't have the biopsy until November 15th!

  • firestorm531
    firestorm531 Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2013

    If you were expecting a call on the 5th, I would call in and ask about the appointment.  I'm surprised so many people aren't able to get biopsies at the time of the US...

    Hopefully you'll get in soon and can stop playing the dreaded waiting game!

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    Still waiting. I feel just awful for you Annette47. 6 weeks? I would be in a corner rocking back and forth! I just hope that I get in next week because I am away on vacation the week after (which I told them). I have called them and put a bug in their war that I will keep being a pain in their butt until I get my appointment date! Lol. I am awful aren't I? Coryja... I am with you!

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782
    edited July 2013

    What a wonderful topic to start!  I wish all of you well.

    For those who are having a core biopsy, mine was a piece of cake.  Since I'm a cowgirl, I wore my boots, belt with big buckle and my levi's.  The radiologist commented on my outfit and we ended up talking about horses.  The biopsy did not hurt and I hope you all will have a pain-free biopsy.

  • casonpa
    casonpa Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013

    Well ladies, tomorrow is my biopsy. I am starting to feel the walls coming down. Looks like a Xanax day for me :( going to try to keep my mind off of it, but I guess we will see what the outcome will be. Those who are waiting for those appt, keep on them about it. If they can't do it, try to find someone who can. Good luck and everyone keep us posted

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited July 2013

    We know how hard the waiting is... so we also want to send you all hopes for best results and ease and peace while you wait.

    ---The Mods

  • laura11103
    laura11103 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2013

    My heart goes out to all of you waiting... I am also in the waiting game but a little further along...  but not much... just try to remember that  no matter what happens, you will be okay!  That's what I do and its the truth...  I'm just thankful we have modern medicine and machines to detect this crap and get rid of it for us...  the whole thing is scary, one day no worries and the next this...  good luck to all of you and don't worry, the biopsy doesn't hurt...

  • DiddleyDoo
    DiddleyDoo Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    Hi - I'm in the waiting room with you.  My bx is scheduled for Tuesday, but even then, you have to wait for the path report.  Ugh!  I hate waiting, too!  I agree with Firestorm and would call about your bx appointment.  You shouldn't have to wait so long to get this scheduled.

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for all the wonderful messages! I got the call today. Biopsy is scheduled for Friday the 12th at 12:45. So nervous. The worst part is I will have to wait for the results until the 30th as I am going away on vacation the week they wanted me to come in for results! The 30th just so happens to be my 43rd's either going to be a good one worth celebrating or a very upsetting day. Either way I suppose I will never forget my 43rd birthday! Now for more waiting...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2013

    Delta, I had been told I needed a lumpie and the doc wanted to set it up 2 days before I was leaving on one week vacation

    since my trip included driving, I delayed the lumpie till I came home

    yeap I was nervous but it really was not something that swould change in a week and all did work out fine

    oh yeah, stay away from folks who make dumb jokes about BC...not now~~

  • Lilmo61
    Lilmo61 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2013


    Would love to be your friend!  But not too sure I would be a very good influence on you.  Waiting...Waiting..Waiting.  Sealed  Trying to keep mouth shut.

  • kekedawn
    kekedawn Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    I am having a roller coaster ride right at this moment. Three weeks ago I went in to my doctor concerned about a pain in my left breast. After examination doc. found a spot on right breast so had me go in for ultrasound of both breast. At ultrasound I was told left breast was fine but some concern on right breast, most likely fibroadenoma and to come in 6months later for another ultrasound. 3 days later my doctors office called and wanted me to go to another doctor for a consultation for a biopsy. Needless to say I was very suprised. Went in yesterday for consultation with surgeon and they want to do an excisional biopsy. I'm assuming both of my doctors are just being very proactive. I just turned 28, I have two small children, and never thought I would find myself in this situation at this point. My grandmother is a bc survivor and I thought the first time I went in they were just going to tell me I'm a hypochondriac and there is nothing wrong so go home. I've been nervous, trying to keep faith, know that statistics are in my favor, but can't help but be a little afraid. 

  • casonpa
    casonpa Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013

    Eating lunch with hubby trying to pass the time till my biopsy appt. I am so sorry that we all have to be here but am so thrilled for all the support here :)

    I am trying to come up with a list of things to ask doctor today. One of them is "What exactly are you concerned about? Can you show me on ultra sound?" Also, how long before we hear anything? Trying not to worry, but heck in my mind I'm thinking about treatment and what cancer it will be. I know it is not good to think this way, but I prefer to be ready than in complete shock. Keep us posted ladies and know that I am thinking of yall

  • TXKathy
    TXKathy Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    I am waiting for my biopsy tomorrow morning at 10:30 AM. Today I am calm and ready to deal with it. Although yesterday I was a wreck, my poor husband. I was really surprised that they found a highly suggestive 1.8 cm irregular mass during my mammogram yesterday. I have had calcification that they have been watching for the last 18 months. Last summer I was told nothing had changed from the last two diagnostic mammograms and the dr felt it was safe for me to go a year... but I had the choice to come in six months. I talked with my family dr and he agreed but wanted to check me in his office in six months to see if he felt any changes. So that is what I did, and he felt nothing unusual in January. Now this.... and the report says I did not return for recommended 6 month follow up. It has made me feel like I did something wrong. But regardless, I will deal with it no matter cancer or not. I want the mass removed ASAP and then we will go from there, one day at a time. So true how quickly life can change. I am still hopeful that this it is nothing of great concern, but from the reaction of the dr yesterday I am trying to prepare myself for cancer. I pray all those waiting like me, a sense of calm and positive thoughts while you wait. I feel blessed that I can get it done so quickly.

  • casonpa
    casonpa Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013

    Well, didn't have the biopsy. Apparently they could not see it on ultra sound and the doctor doesn't want to go in blindly. I'm being referred to a surgeon to see what they think. The doctor is concerned because it is palpable and it shows something on the mammo where we feel it. Now about a month ago, they saw something and took 60 pictures of it, now nothing? So now I wait for referral, I am also goin to push for a MRI or just get it out of me. I am supposed to start nursing school next month and am so stressed with all the unknown I am dealing with this lump :( prayers and advice please

  • coryja
    coryja Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2013

    Still waiting to be able to schedule my biopsy. They said when I called on Monday to call back on Friday (today) for any updates on getting my old records for review. There is still a bit of hope that after comparing records that they will decide that a biopsy is not necessary. 

    Just hoping that I get at least some answer today- even if it is just yes or no to biopsy. Going to wait until after lunch time to call in hopes that the get today's mail delivery in-case my records show up in that batch.

    I just get a bit concerned when the radiologist says he does not want to wait on this and he wants to biopsy within days of seeing my records and comparing (if a biopsy is needed of course) but it takes this long to get the records. - as is: what is the point in rushing after seeing the old ones if I have already waiting this long- why not rush this first part instead just in-case?!
    I do not think he may have realized the trouble they would be having getting the old records. I wonder at what point I should have them speak to the radiologist and see if he really wants to keep waiting. It is not convenient for me to get the biopsy until the week of July 22- so a few more days is no big deal: but I really want that appointment set up.
  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    T- 3 hours til my Core Needle biopsy. I am starting to get really nervous. I am shaking. Waiting for the results will be worse. Wish me luck.

    Good luck to all those who are waiting as well. Stay strong!

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    Well, it is not looking good. Turns out I have two lumps side by side and one of my lymph nodes looks suspicious. They took a fine needle biopsy of the lymph node and 6 Core Needle biopsies of the two lumps. I am trying to prepare myself for the worst...

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    Deb I am sorry for the diagnosis. Stay strong! I have to play the waiting game now. Trying to hide my bandages from my kids so I don't get questioned.

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    I sometimes think I will go out of my mind with worry and panic.  I have not told my kids or any family members except my husband, of course.  I truly think all the supression of my feelings (trying to be strong for everyone) is making it worse!  My best friend is setting up a "freak out date" for me.  She is gathering things for me to break and I am allowed to get ALL my feelings out in a safe environment with her to supervise.  I can cry, scream, exagerate, break things, "what if" all I want til I am exhausted.  Get it all out of me so I can go home and be a rock again for my family.  I think this is a great idea.  In the mean time I go through my day and I am distracted and then for a moment reality seeps in..."I may have cancer"...and then I panic and my mind starts going a mile a minute.  I then get distracted by life again.  It is a cycle.  Still waiting for results...

  • casonpa
    casonpa Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013

    You are right, it's is a minute by minute that we are going through. My radiologist dept called to check up with me to see if I have made my appt yet to have the excisional biopsy? I told her that I thought he said that we should just have a surgeon look at it and se said no, he wants it out. I am still a birad4 and I informed her that I am waiting on a possible MRI. She suggested to go with whatever my doctor recommends, but if its out, we know what we are dealing with. So very confused :(

  • thatgirlinok
    thatgirlinok Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone! I too am waiting and going crazy! I went to my yearly Mammogram on June 17th. The next day they called me and wanted me to come back in because they found some "calcifications". I had follow up appointment July 1st and had Ultrasound and Core Biopsy. (I was very fortunate because they gave me the option to do the Core Biopsy the same day!) Then a call July 5th and said I had "atypical cells" and wanted to refer me to a surgeon to remove them. So now I am waiting for the consultation appointment with the Breast Surgeon on the 23rd. From what the radiologist described and I've researched I'll be getting an open biopsy, but I don't know if its to be incisional or excisional. I really don't know what to expect.

    I  know I've been very lucky because really all this has happened within a month and some of you have waited much longer, but still the waiting is killing me! I go from being fine to freaking out! My birth mom passed away from pancreatic cancer June 9th of this year. And evidently there IS some link between Breast Cancer and Pancreatic!  To make matters worse, my boyfriends late wife died of cervical cancer a few years back--so we are both on pins and needles with the idea of cancer!

    I'm glad I found this post as I need a friend as well! I don't know how you are all being so strong! Have you gotten any more information? The waiting is horrible! I try to keep a positive attitude that if it is cancer, its very early, which is the key! But its so hard!

    Please keep me posted on how your biopsies go and what treatments you choose. I'm praying for us all! (sorry for such a long post)

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2013

    Hi Thatgirl. The waiting really is awful. Incisional/excisional tend to be used interchangeably but you are having an excisional biopsy. Do you know which kind of atypical? Ductal or lobular? There are a lot of us being followed for high risk conditions. Fingers crossed for you that all that is found is what you already know about & nothing worse. Vent away in the meantime!

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    Called my doctor's office today to see if my biopsy results are in.  The receptionist says she did see something come in with my name on it this morning.  I asked her if the doctor looks at the results when they come in or if he waits until the follow up appointment.  She says he looks at them as they come in.  Since I am leaving for a vacation tomorrow, I asked if the results show something urgent will he call me?  She responded no and that he will not give results on the phone and will wait until the follow up. The doctor is only in the office Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  I was supposed to have my follow up on the 23rd but as I am going with my family away on summer vacation I booked the follow up for the 30th.  I am wondering if going on vacation is the right choice?  What if it is a fast spreading cancer?  Will a week delay make all the difference in the outcome?  I don't know what the right thing to do.  If I cancel my vacation and find out the results are benign I just ruined my family's summer vacation!  I am so confused.  Knowing my fate is at my doctor's office and I can't know until the 30th is killing me.  It doesn't seem fair somehow.  It is my body and my test results but they are holding them hostage from me due to the doctor's schedule!  Arrgghhhh  This whole event has been so stressful!  Why can't he just call me on the phone and let me know something?

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2013

    Yes, there is a right answer-go on your vacation. Most cancers are extremely slow growing and MONTHS make little difference. A week certainly won't. If there is anything wrong you have plenty of time when you get back. If they saw something urgent you would know about it.

  • nancyhb
    nancyhb Member Posts: 235
    edited July 2013

    Go on your vacation and enjoy it!!  If it's not cancer, then you've had a wonderful time with your family.  If it *is* cancer, then you've had a wondeful time with your family, and you'll savor that time even more.  Melissa's right - most cancer is very slow growing (you'll see and hear that most cancer has "been there" for several years before even being discovered) and a week really isn't likely to make a difference. 

    If you're really going to struggle with waiting until you return from vacation, then you can always call your doctor when he's back in the office next week and ask for the results over the phone.  Additionally, you could call the doctor's offce back today or tomorrow and explain the situation, and that you're extremely anxious about the results and really need them before you leave town.  Sometimes, doctors can be accomodating when they know results are anxiety-provoking.

    But, again I say - go on vacation!

  • Hoppie
    Hoppie Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2013

    Hi DeltaD, just saw this post of yours.

    Honestly, I would go on your vacation and have the time of your life, easier said than done I know, but you cand do it and may even enjoy yourself. And I agree with Nancy, I would absolutely call your doctors office and ask to speak to the supervisor/office manager. Explain your situation and if you can't get the results over the phone, maybe you could stop by their office and pick up a copy of the results. My doctors office has yet to call and talk to me about my results, I have called 5 it es and the biopsy was done on July 9th. The Breast Center received the results July 10th. I received all of my info from the Breast Center, they have been absolute angels!!! I also received copies of all tests and reports from the Breast Center.

    My MRI is scheduled for next Thursday and was doing okay up until last night. My pathology came back benign, positive for rare microcalcifications (not sure what the rare means) but the radiologist is saying that those results do not match the imaging and my recent nipple retraction. She explained that most benign tutors are parallel to the skin, mine is perpendicular and benign rumors usually have smooth or rounded edges and mine was irregular. Just doesn't make sense to me and is really stressing me out.