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Anyone else waiting for a biopsy appointment? I need a friend!



  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited July 2013

    Since microcalfications are common, I would guess that 'rare calcifications' means there are not very many of them in your sample.  There are different patterns of calcifications.  Here's an excellent site on calcifications so you can get an idea of typical calcifications. (courtesy of momzr).

    I think they often Xray the samples they took from your breast (at least if they were trying to biopsy calcifications).  If there is a different pattern of calcifications in your sample than in your mammogram, then I think that means the results don't match.  I would guess that means the biopsy didn't get the area they were trying to sample.

    I assume your tumor is not a sphere, but is elongated.  I would guess that the parallel and perpendicular comments mean that if you take a cross section of the skin  (like you cut straight down into the skin) that in most benign tumors have smooth, round edges, and their longer dimension is parallel to your skin.  If I can make a rough analogy, the sewer pipes ( benign tumors) that run under the street are mostly parallel to the street (skin).  If they built a well  (more likely a cancerous tumor) in the middle of the street, the well is mostly perpendicular to the street (skin).

    But these interpretations are just guidelines.  The only way they can tell for sure is by taking a biopsy. 

    I had a lesion under my nipple (under ultrasond) that was perpendicular to the skin.  It ended up being benign (and not LCIS or atypical or hyperplasia).

    They are probably doing the MRI so they can see if there is something suspicious under MRI.  Each imaging technique shows different things.  The more negative imaging you pile up, the less likely it is that you have cancer.

  • Hoppie
    Hoppie Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2013

    Just checking in DeltaD and hoping you are on vacation and enjoying yourself!

    Leaf, thank you so much for all your info. The website was helpful as was all the info you provided. I'm scheduled for a contrast MRI this Thursday, I've already had a core needle biopsy of the tumor, which came back b9, but the radiologist said that does not match what she saw. Not sure of the shape of the tumor, her report only says that it is perpendicular to the skin with irregular margins, bi-rads 4a.

    The waiting is very difficult. Test after test after test! You hope and pray with each test you're going to get good results, but in my case, good results seem to mean more testing!

  • Tracy516
    Tracy516 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2013

    Hello! I felt my lump in March 2013. The last three months have been, dr appts, mammo, ultra sounds, then sent to surgeon who did the core biopsy right there and then!!! It must depend on dr or insurance? Don't know! Then on July 16 a lumpectomy and SLN biopsy! Now I wait til Wednesday!! Grr the wait is sooo long! I just want to know what I have to do!! I feel ya! Try to relax because it will stress you and I get stress headaches on top of that!!!!!! Hugs!

  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited July 2013

    Waiting sure is awful. Why does it take such a long time? Some factors are that in the US, they do many breast biopsies (over 1 million each year in the US per this website; there are about 140 million adult women in the USA), that overall about 80% of the biopsies are benign (so a lot of biopsies are done that end up NOT being cancer), and often it can take more than a week to get insurance to OK something like a stereotactic biopsy. 

    For me, distraction helped.  Some people did exercise, retail therapy, doing things you enjoy (or, things you don't enjoy), meditation, etc.  Some people need anti-anxiety meds (usually gotten through your general practitioner).

    We all want to be ready for whatever is ahead  for us.  But most of us don't worry about being in a traffic accident (unless we or someone we know has just been through one).   But according to this website, almost as many people die in the US from a traffic accident as die of breast cancer. 

    All the 'what if's are awful.  But you are not alone.  There are lots of people here who are going through the same thing.  No matter what the outcome, there are people here who will have gone through something similar to yours. 

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    Well I got the results of my biopsy today. Happy birthday to me...I have breast cancer. The diagnosis is poorly- differentiated duct carcinoma. Negative for lymphoma secular invasion. Estrogen and Progesterone Negative. Her-2/Neu analysis negative. Not sure what all this means except Dr. Said it was an aggressive type of cancer. I have to go in for an MRI now. More waiting. Since I have a cancer positive lymph node we have to see if it has spread anywhere else. I have to decide whether to have a mastectomy or breast conservation surgery. I have implants so that complicates matters as far as radiation goes. It is all so surreal. Not sure what to do or what to think...

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    DebDylan...the Radiilogist checked my lymph nodes with the US at the time of my biopsy. She found a suspicious looking one and decided to save me a trip and did a FNB on it at the same time of my CNB. I am so scared. I think I am still in shock...

  • NLMMichigan
    NLMMichigan Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2013

    I have been going thru this since march 27th. To say that I was scared was an understatement. You are in good hands now , now you tackle this one day at a time.. I have four doctors I work with. Surgeon, breast augmentation, oncologist and holistic doctor. After talking to many woman I took them both off and glad I did. I had a small tumor left side 1cm and early cancer cells right side. Surgery is hard more emotionally for me. Had to sit in house for 3 weeks with a lot of alone time. Getting the drain tubes off meant freedom!! Keep yourself surrounded with positive happy people, funny shows and things to read. Just finished third chemo. They seem to keep getting easier I hope. Basic thing to do is rest , eat well or what your body will eat during it and drink water . The bottom line is take everything one day at a time, do not overwhelm with all that is coming at you . Bring a book and compile and take notes for your doctors apts and if you can bring someone with you. I seem to forget things and need help. Find other woman locally that had bc you can talk to , have lunch with text once in a while. Paying it forward helps. Remember this is a journey and you will get thru it. May want to see what resources your hospital has . American cancer society has The Look good feel good program that is free for makeup. I made apts with nutritionist oncologist that was free to learn what to eat as diet changes need to be made, buying more organic and grass fed meat and chicken, we also called Culligan and put 25.00 per month reverse osmosis systems on our water and no more water bottles and plastic getting hot. Also thru away plastic containers for hot food storage and bought pryrex . Exercise at least 30 minutes a day helps with so many things including nerves. Let me know of you would like to talk

  • sbetts
    sbetts Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2013

    DeltaD I am so sorry. The waiting game should have been the worst thing you had to experience. I cannot tell you enough how truly sorry I am that you are going to have to cope with this but you will.. You will cope with it and come out on the other side. While the sky looks dark remember that it is always darkest before the sun begins to shine.

    You are in my prayers and we are all here for you. Just drop a line and we will gladly help talk you through anything.

  • Marcyv
    Marcyv Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2013

    DeltaD, I am so sorry.  I had the same thing happen to me in March.  They wanted to do a biopsy in a week???  I have to wait a week??? wait wait wait.  Next they tell me it is cancer and now want to do an MRI and identify other areas in both breasts that they want to Biopsy.  Why did this happen to me?  Is this really happening?  now I have to wait 4 whole weeks for surgery??  4 weeks!  Won't the cancer spread by then???  Those were all of my fears.  MelissaDallas is correct.  The cancer they found took years to develop and a few weeks won't make any difference. 

    I have since had my mastecomies (both) and am scheduled for my implant exchange  in September.

    There are three things I would like to say.

    1. The waiting was the worst time of my life.  That was the worst of it.  No matter what the outcome, you will feel so much better when the surgery is over and you know what you are facing.  The not knowing is the part that is so helpless.  Once you know, you can arm yourself for the fight.  When I woke up from surgery I was so damn happy.  It's over!  It's Over! NOW I can move forward!!! For me, it was a wonderful freeing feeling. 

    2. My imagination was my worst enemy. I had imagined everything to be so much worse than it really was!!  I'm not saying it is a peice of cake, but all those nights lying awake scared to death... they were so much worse than anything I actually experienced. 

    3. You are a member of a very special club.  Not everyone ever has the opportunity to challenge oneself to this level.  You will find you are stronger than you ever thought you could be and will feel empowered every day you look back and say "look what I did today!".  No one wants this.   But we have it. Take a moment and look how strong you are!!!

    I know I said only three things, but there is at least one more.  I found this board just a few days ago.  there are so many things I wanted to know about the stage I am in,  so many questions that just weren't right for my dr.  I felt quite alone in my experiences.  This board has helped me so much and I really feel part of this community.  Then I read this thread. Could it be only a few short months ago I was crying in my husband's arms at the news?  I have never been a teacher or mentor, but what I have gone through so far, although not nearly as much as these lovely woman that are mentoring me, may actually help someone in the beginning stages. 

    No one wants this.  I don't want this. But, we have no choice so again, we have a unique opportunity to see things most people don't ever get to see. It is not just a fight.  it is a journey of self explaration, self awareness and strength.  All of my prayers go out to you! Please keep us posted. 

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2013

    Thank you all for the words of encouragement. All you ladies on here and fighting are such an inspiration. It is helpful to not feel alone and know that my fears, anxieties and emotions are normal. My appointment with the Plastic Surgeon is on the 12th. I am now waiting for the MRI appointment. The biggest decision now is mastectomy or breast conservation surgery? How to decide? How to decide with what little info I have now? Just breathe...

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2013

    Hi Deb. Yes I have been given the choice but I have yet to speak to the plastic surgeon. My appointment is on the 12. I really don't have enough info to make the decision. I just want to get the MRI done so I know if it has spread or not.

    We will overcome this! I am currently reading a book called Breast Cancer- 50 Essential Things You Can Do. I truly believe an active approach to healing involving nutrition and vitamin/mineral supplementation will help me feel more in control of my body during this whole process.

    This is the most frightful experience I have ever been through so far in my life aside from when I thought my son may have leukemia but turns out it was something curable.

    Positive thoughts and let's keep talking it through.

  • DeltaD
    DeltaD Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2013

    I have not even thought about a preventative MX in the right breast.  I guess I will see what the PS says on the 12th.  I have implants so a lumpie will most likely cause my implant to harden and I will have to have surgery to fix it anyway and in the the meantime have "frankenboobie".  Little joke there.  All joking aside, because I have IDC it would appear to me that chance of recurrence is quite high and a MX makes more sense.  I do not want to mess around.  I have also booked an appointment with a Naturopathic doctor at at an integrated health cancer clinic.  All the research I have done points to proper nutrition, supplementation and exercise to help stop the spread of cancer to other parts.  5000 IU of Vitamin D and 1000 mg of Calcium Citrate are recommended daily with K2 to help absorption rates.   

    I find it strange that an ocologist is not involved at this stage...

  • sbetts
    sbetts Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2013

    So they can tell if its spread on a MRI?

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited August 2013

    I had a bmx.  The bc was in the right breast only, but I decided on a bmx on my first appointment with the BS. We had an MRI done 2 days later, which showed something on the left breast, but Radiologist read the slides twice and really felt it would be calcium deposits.  After the BMX, the report showed no cancer in the left breast.  Before surgery, when I asked my BS what is the purpose of the MRI if I was already scheduled for a BMX, he said it's to know how to plan for the surgery, to have another piece of information before they start the surgery itself. It was more to gather information.

  • sbetts
    sbetts Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2013

    I'm just curious. (I am new to this journey as well)... Why would the lumpectomy be off the table? My tumor is larger and up to this point they have always told me it is an option. Can they actually tell you that it is NOT an option?!?!?

  • jenny_lyn
    jenny_lyn Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2013

    I'm so scared too. My core biopsy is tomorrow afternoon. They are being really good to me though. I had the ultrasound on Friday and all of a sudden I have a biopsy date. I'm not sure if I should be more worried because of that or what. I am right there with you. I'm super emotional and then I'm fine. I hope everything works out for you and I'm sending up some prayers for you and everyone here.

  • Marcyv
    Marcyv Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2013

    I chose the BMX even though there was only evidence of IDC on one side.  I was told if I did the lumpectomy and had radiation and later wanted the MX it would be very difficult if not impossible.  I also figured if I have it in one, I'll probably get it in the other and I didn't want to ever do the wonder and worry again!  Final pathology after the surgery showed THREE IDC on the right side and insitu in all for quadrants on the left!  I made the right choice for me. 

  • lolasimply
    lolasimply Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2013

    I am... I just joined this group this morning, and posted my story under the not diagnosed but worried... T minus 19days til I have my u/s guided breast biopsy. I'm not it's not urgent.. which means I wait.... but I understand.  :)    not much of a comfort this waiting game though eh?!

  • lolasimply
    lolasimply Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2013

    Delta sorry, since I'm new I didn't realize you posted a while ago.  sorry to read that your results are cancer.  hugs to you and I hope you are coping.

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2013

    Me! Me! (waves furiously!)

    Today was my mammogram and ultrasound, and I have a core needle biopsy scheduled for first thing Tuesday morning the 20th of August (didn't see this post was over a month old, sorry!).  I've actually had this bump for awhile, but with no health insurance, well, you're pretty much screwed.  Now that I have insurance, there's finally the opportunity to get it checked.Radiologist believes there will be a surgery, what kind will depend on the biopsy.  So, I'm preparing for the worst, hoping for the best.  I have several friends who have been through it, as well as a strong faith.  So... here goes!

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596
    edited August 2013

    Holy Cow MarcyV! And I thought I was lucky! Sorry about the nasty final path surprise, but I'm so glad you did the mx!

    How are you doing? I'll bet you're ready for the exchange! Hugs!

  • yjohn
    yjohn Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2013

    I found a lump in my left breast a few months ago and prayed it would go away. Not. It's still there, had a mammogram and a sonogram this week. The doctor that explained the findings was so nonchalant that after I heard the words "massive" "2 inches in size" and "right away" "biospy" I shut down and dismissed her. I realize she probably does that all day, but hey I don't hear news like that every day. The nurse however was so sweet she even walked me out to my car. I was an emotional wreck. Now the wait for the biospy appt. is driving me insane. I so want this done so I can move on to the next step. I have an appt with the surgeon on 8/27 so the hope is to have the biospy next week so I'll have results for the surgeon at the 8/27 appt. I'm so teary eyed, I don't want to do anything, folks are telling me not to worry...I just feel so sad, my comfort food....B & J's Chunky Monkey is not even working. Some folks are telling me in an indirect way not to make such a big deal out of it. Really?? What do you do while you wait? I got the part that you go on with your life but the quick onset I'm tears from out of blue is wearing me out. I hope to find some comfort here. .

  • yjohn
    yjohn Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2013 prayers are with you...hope you're doing something relaxing this weekend.

    I hope to get my biospy appt this week. The waiting game is the pitts.

    Take care

  • qdcmomsha
    qdcmomsha Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2013

    Hi DeltaD. Yes today I was informed by my onco that I need a biopsy because of multicalcificafions in my right breast. 50% benign which means 50% malignant right? I am a 5 yr survivor. Just when I started to feel normal again BAM. I'm now waiting for a call for this biopsy. The thought of chemo and radiation freaks me out but I'm going to try to stay positive and hold on to my faith that it will be benign. I hope,by now you had yours and all is well. Life sure can be tough sometimes.