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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2016

    Thanks, Molly!

    By the way, I found it helpful to take some Aleve (or whatever you like) before the mammogram and used an arnica-based cream (Traumheel) on my left breast afterwards. It minimized the tenderness that any pressure on that breast seems to provoke.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2016

    Thanks for the tip, Hopeful!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited May 2016

    I always take two aspirin a couple hours before a mammo. Seems to help.

    Welcome Hopefloats. Glad you found your way to BCO, a great place for information and support. The worst part is at the beginning when you are making all the decisions, once you have a treatment plan, then you just do it and get it over with. I was fortunate that I was able to work throughout treatment, but with that you just have to see how things go. I'd get as much done ahead of time as possible (also schedule a dental exam because you don't want to have any surprise issues there when you are dealing with this). I would recommend to take all the help you can get as your energy level will be lower, for sure. If people 'let me know if you need anything', tell them exactly what they can do that would be helpful (bring meals, take the kids to their baseball practice, mow your lawn.....whatever). Keep us in the loop!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2016

    Welcome Hopefloats, does your team plan on doing the oncotype Dx test prior to deciding on chemo?

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2016

    I sent an email just yesterday requesting this to be done so I am hoping so! Do they take tissue during the BMX in order to do this or will I need to arrange another appointment? It's not common here, and up until 2 years ago was considered private and cost a patient $4000 per test. Since Canada's health care is covered, this test was finally approved to be paid for by our health care system in 2014. I'm only learning about it here, because until BC affected me sadly, I didn't really pay too much attention to the advancements out there. I'm thinking I will likely opt for chemotherapy regardless of score... Just for peace of mind- but I will definitely want a lower dose and shorter regime! (So much to think about!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2016

    They use a sample from your tumor taken during surgery. Your tumor is plenty big to get a good sample from.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2016

    You're welcome, Molly - and good luck tomorrow. I'm thinking of you.

    Hopefloats, I'm sorry you're here but glad you found your way to a very supportive, caring community. It's not the same as having a supportive partner/spouse but on the other hand, we all 'get' it and we're always available. You don't have to worry about having to overburden anyone, either.

    On another note entirely, Hopefloats, it's been appalling to see the fires up there in Alberta this spring, particularly so early in the season. I can't imagine... I hope this is it for the season but that's probably unrealistic.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2016
    Molly, I hope everything went well today and you're doing o.k.
  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2016

    Thank you for asking. It went well I just didn't like the way the good news was delivered. Instead of saying everything looked fine the tech said that the radiologist says that everything appears benign. Anyway good news. Thanks for being in my pocket.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited May 2016


  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2016

    Thanks for the welcome! I am getting frustrated here... I have been told my BS triaged my case as urgent, and wanted to complete BMX with 6 weeks of diagnosis, but in talking to his assistant, it sounds like June 23rd may be the next available date based on a variety of factors. She hasn't called back to confirm this, which leads me to believe my BS is trying to find an alternate/earlier date for OR availability.... But I just want to get this ball rolling. As much as having a few extra days of "normal" sounds lovely... Let's face it- I don't think anyone considers this waiting post diagnosis to be normal. It all consuming. :(

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2016
    Molly, I forgot about that "appears benign" business, which kind of freaked me out.

    I queried my BS's PA right away about that after my 1st post-surgery mammo - that and the BIRADS 3 status. She told me that's very typical in this situation and nothing to be concerned about. They are taking into consideration post-treatment changes and the fact that they don't have anything yet for comparison. (My next one (a few weeks ago) was BIRADS 2, since they could see stability and some resolution of post-treatment changes.).

    I hope that helps a bit!
  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2016

    Thank you, Hopeful. I think it is because they don't have previous films for that side. This is my non cancer side since I had a uni mx last September. I would rather hear that I have micro calcs, they appear to be benign and what the birads rating is. Not just that little line that leaves me going wth?

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2016

    That's all the info they gave you, Molly? No wonder you're not happy. You'd think they could include a bit of descriptive verbiage, right? At least now you have a baseline film for that side, which helps. Still, it would seem reasonable to me to call your BS or ordering physician and ask for some details. Otherwise, it could be hard to feel much confidence in the results, I think.

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2016

    hi all... The last 2 days have been so weird! Had no pain prior to DX, nor over the last month- and then suddenly last night and today I have a sharp stinging and tenderness in the area directly above tutor (tumour is at 11 o'clock, and pain is at about 12).... Is this normal? I'm hoping it goes away, and doesn't stay for the next 3 weeks before myBMX

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited June 2016

    Gee, I don't know. Did you do anything different with your arms? Lift something heavy? Do gardening or anything repetitive and out of the ordinary?

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2016

    I had a partial-hysterectomy years ago so I never pay attention much to my "cycle", but it just donned on me that my breasts are slightly swollen and my joints are achy as I'm likely about to ovulate. Perhaps I've had these pains before at this time of month, but pre-diagnosis I wasn't as focussed on every pain and tweak? I'm at a loss... I'm hoping in a few days, it will go away... Perhaps the tumor sits close to a nerve, and when I'm swollen at this time month, it feels sore? Trying to not think it's anything worse!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited June 2016

    I don't think it is anything worse. As you said, it is probably probably related to your cycle and you just never noticed it before, whereas now you are noticing everything.

  • pepper43
    pepper43 Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2016

    Hello everyone!

    It's Oncologist official- I am Stage IIB IDC. Things have moved quickly for me since my screening mammogram and diagnosis. I had my port installed and ECHO done yesterday (it's 4 AM in my neck of the woods- gotta love cancer related insomnia), I'll be taking my chemo ed class later this morning and getting my hair shaved for donation and my first AC infusion on Thursday morning.

    Wired and tired all at once. I look forward to getting to know you ladies.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited June 2016

    Welcome, pepper. We will be thinking of you on Thursday. I was almost relieved to be starting chemo, because that meant I was another step closer to being DONE with treatment.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited June 2016

    Welcome pepper43. This is a wonderful group of ladies :)

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited June 2016

    Hi, Pepper - Sorry you have to join us but glad you found us. This sounds like an emotionally grueling week - I wish you the best as you make your way through the next stages of your treatment. If you don't have some Ativan or similar to help your mind shut down so you can sleep, this would be a good time to request an RX. I'm not big on drugs but really couldn't have made it through without Ativan.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited June 2016

    I got a prescription for sleeping pills. I could NOT sleep, so they were a life saver for me.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited July 2016

    It's so quiet here. I hope it means everyone is doing well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited July 2016

    I am good & have been busy. We did a bathroom makeover earlier this summer, finished off a landscaping project we started last fall, are rebuilding a deck right now, & getting ready to tackle gutting the kitchen (in other words, DH and I have gone insane! Loopy).

    Hope everyone is doing well & doing something fun over the long weekend.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited July 2016
    Hi Friends - I have been quiet but not far. Just entering the site after many weeks and wow seeing the bike waiting for me in Chicago - one day, one day! Thank you Mary Jane. I'm sure I didn't read all the posts but hope all is well with everyone.

    Molly and Ruth - Nice to hear you are both doing well. Wow to your house projects Ruth. I have a number of projects half way...come to visit me and finish them please!

    My health, family and work are well. It is summer and people like to visit us during this time so that keeps me busy. My poor brother is at the end of his illness. I will be flying to visit them again on the 14th.

    Hugs and Happy 4th to all 🇺🇸
  • jenisis1975
    jenisis1975 Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2016

    Good morning everyone!! I am new to the site and looking forward to getting to know others who are going through this roller coaster of a ride.

    I went for my routine mammogram and its been a whirl wind of a mess since. June 7th after biopsies were done I was diagnosed with Stage IIB IDC. My first chemo treatment (TCH+Pertuzumab) was June 27th. Once we are done with chemo we will do surgery and follow with radiation. My first chemo treatment went well I think. I had 2 days (Friday & Saturday) following treatment that I didn't feel well. Also ended up with a bad UTI after treatment. We are unsure if treatment caused it or it was just bad timing. Dry nose, eyes and my mouth is very sensitive. Tooth paste burns....YICKES!!

    Now I am having the dilemma I cut my hair short before it decides to fall out or just wait? Hate to jump the gun. My mother had Hodgkin's Lymphoma and they told her she would lose her doubt. Well she jumped the gun and shaved her head. She never lost her hair. Shocked Would love to know what you ladies did. Anyone not lose their hair after chemo? What about eyebrows and eye lashes? Eeeeekkkkkkk.....the thought just freaks me out a little.

    Best wishes to you all from Texas!!

    Jenn Happy

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2016

    jenisis - I had 6 TCH (Perjeta had not yet been approved) and did not lose my hair until after the second infusion, at day 24, which is actually pretty late. That meant that I had hair through 1/3 of my treatments, and didn't need my wig until that point. I can tell you that if you wear a wig they are a bit hot and itchy so I would put that off as long as possible - especially in the summer months. I clippered my hair at that point, but did not shave it completely down to the skin, I left it about 1/2" long, and I never lost it all. I also did not completely lose my lashes or brows. This differs for everyone, but with brow pencil and a lot of eyeliner and a wig nobody could tell what my status was.

  • jenisis1975
    jenisis1975 Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2016

    SpecialK- Thank you for the info. I will be receiving 6 cycles (every 3 weeks). Next treatment is 7.18.16. I am struggling with whether I will prefer a wig or a cap. I am 40 yrs and I work full time job. 2 children (7 yrs and 2 yrs) so I am out and about a lot. It is very hot in Texas right now so really not sure. Guess I will cut hair short if it starts falling out and let it do its thing. Maybe I won't ever have to shave my head either. ;)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2016

    jenisis - I had almost waist length hair at diagnosis. I did cut it short before I started chemo and I sent the ponytails to this site and they made me a hairpiece that can be worn under a hat, but has a soft fabric top, called an "underhair" and it was fantastic! I think now it is called a Diva Halo Wig on their site. Best money I spent on anything during the whole experience - it was about $300. Check if your insurance will help pay for your wig if you purchase one - get a prescription from your MO for a "cranial prosthesis" and submit it to your insurance with the receipt and a claim form. My wig was about $400 (Racquel Welch lace front, great wig!) and insurance covered about $350 of it. I also took the wig to my hairdresser and had her trim it so it looked more like my own hairstyle. The underhair was more comfortable than my wig and even though I wore a fedora or a ball cap it was much cooler and not scratchy. If you wear a wig I recommend a wig liner to protect your scalp. I never went out without a wig or that hairpiece because I wanted to appear as normal as possible when I was away from home, but I did wear bandanas at home sometimes, or a polarfleece cap at night. I live in Florida and the AC made my head cold at night.