How are people with liver mets doing?
RonnieKay , i am sorry your team lost
but i have been away from the states for so long , i don't remember which team is what hehehehe i am becoming senile with my chemo brain. But you see you have Margeuax she makes your forget the world specially if at this age you are taking her to the library for reading , she will probably turns out to be a genius. Kiss her for me too and God bless you both.
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I just got my scan results - not such good news. The bone mets are growing, as did one of the liver tumors. So it's on to Navelbine for me.
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Dear Leah,
I am sorry for your results , but i got the same ones on xeloda and i moved to another one. Nevalbine works well on the liver i hope it will destroy it. Are you taking zometa or xgeva for the bones? Xgeva seem to be holding off the tumors better. When will u start on nevalbine? Remember there are still other options too. Palbociclib is newly approved for HER2- tumors. My prayers are with you . Please keep me posted. Hugs.
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Sorry, Leah. The right cocktail is out there. Pray that Navelbine is it!
Prayers for you and yours,
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I'm sorry Leah - you and I are similar in diagnosis,dates, etc., so I feel your anxiety. Lots of good comments here about Navelbine, I hope this works for you for a long time with low side effects. Keep us posted.
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Leah, Xeloda is a chemo that failed me completed, as did doxil and adria (those 2 since October 2014!!!) I'm now on to Halaven & hope something positive comes out of it as my bone & liver mets are mult. So ... hang in there! I understand how it feels. I keep reminding myself I got nearly a year of out taxol, though, so who would have thought!!
Please keep us posted on Navelbine and how you handle it. It's another possible option for me.
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Oh Leah......I am so sorry about the scan results, I know we were all waiting to hear and so hoping for good news. What is encouraging though are so many of the posts of others who tried several treatments before finding the one that did work for them. Praying that navelbine will be the one that works for you! When will you start your new treatment? Many prayers for you. Never say never and never give up.......I say this to myself all the time.
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Leah...I'm sorry for this news....but navelbine worked wonders on my liver mets, so I'm hoping it blasts the liver & bone critters for you. Please ask any question you have...lots of us have experience w/the periwinkle plant. Praying for strength and healing for you...and all!!!
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Leah... I am sorry you are dealing with this, but you are closer to the ONE that will help you, hope that navelbine will be the last ONE and very soon you will report to us the good news. Praying for you and all.
Insurance approved my MRI and I am going on Friday. Funny its on my daughters Bday at 7:15 and she was born at 7:10.
What is the periwinkle plant? did someone take it? any success stories?
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Thanks to everyone for your support. It really makes a difference.
Ellamailana, Navelbine is derived from the periwinkle plant, hence RonnieKay's remark. I love to tell people who want me to try alternative (untested) treatments because they are "natural" that in the past I used an extract of the Pacific yew tree. Yeah, taxol. So now I can claim periwinkles too!
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0 - interesting experience I had in Oct...while visiting my son's family in Long Beach, CA, we took a day trip to Joshua Tree National Park. Truly amazing & we met up w/a group of grad students from U of Illinois, who'd traveled over 4 months, visiting "natural wonders" in different parts of the world. A focus in their journey was human impact on plant species. I shared with them that I had just had 22 mos of chemo, derived from the periwinkle plant. I was asking all sorts of questions about their adventures, but they just wanted to hear about my treatment & were awed by it. They were leaving the next day for Costa Rica's rainforests. Thanks to the brilliant minds who tap into the natural wonders & find these things that keep us alive. Next may be the turkey tail mushroom. Studies are underway at my center, partnering w/Bastyr (a natural medicine univ in Seattle) and my onc said it may be something he'll consider for me down the road. I pray navelbine heals you!
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Leah , I am so sorry that you have had progression and I do hope navelbine does a good job for you. It is always frightening starting a new chemo because there are so many unanswered questions about how we will react to it. Side effects and how it will effect our disease.
leftfootforward, Congratulations on your good scan results!!
freebird, I don't have anything to add to what others and yourself have written about how to deal with your situation. It must have felt like a huge kick in the teeth. You can't change other people but you can change how you react to them to minimise any damage. Reading your recent posts, I think you have sorted that out for yourself.
I haven't been on for a few days as I have been struggling with the side effects of the my gem/carbo. I was SOB earlier this week. I was fine sitting and resting but sounded like I had some sort of COPD disease when I struggled the short distance to the use the toilet. I briefly considered just peeing myself but knew I wouldn't have the energy to change out of any wet clothes. That lasted about 2 days and I am feeling much better now so we went ahead with my second cycle of gem this morning. My onc asked if I wanted a blood transfusion but as I am feeling better I postponed it. I am coming up to my week off treatment and don't want to spend a day in hospital for the BT, if I am managing OK now.
Regarding navelbine and periwinkles, I have always been interested in where some of our chemo drugs come from. Halaven came originally from a sea sponge but is now made synthetically. Doxil was a bacterium found in soil and I think someone else has mentioned the relationship between the taxanes and Western yew. There is a project called Drugs from Dirt. It's not just looking for chemo treatments but other drugs as well. You can sign up and send a sample from your local area.
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I've read that Taxol is derived from a tree, so I just googled it and found it comes from the "Pacific Yew Tree". :-) Penny
Praise God for providing science and scientists with the things and skills they need to do their job! It makes you wonder how they even knew to try nature. I mean, was it like, one day, a scientist was looking at a plant and thought, "this would make a great chemo!"? LOL
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So many medical discoveries have happened by chance. Fleming found penicillin when his Petri dishes became contaminated and he noticed that the contaminant killed the bacteria growing there. Gemcitabine one of my chemos was was supposed to be an anti-viral until someone noticed it also killed leukemia cells. Since the late 18th century, people were vaccinated against smallpox using cowpox after Jenner noted that milkmaids who became infected with cowpox were protected against the more deadly disease, smallpox. Who knows were the next discovery will come from?
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well, its official... MRI confirmed i have 5 lesions in my liver and my doctor wants to schedule a surgery
So damm scary and lonely
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So sorry to hear this Ella. I know how frightening it can be. However, I would think if surgery is possible, that is a good sign. Often times there are too many lesions or they are spread throughout the liver such that surgery isn't possible. My thoughts are with you.
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I agree with Sarah...knowing the liver's ability to heal, I wish you successful surgery & complete healing. May God take your fear & grant you peace...don't forget we're all here for you!
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So sorry, Ella. I wish you peace and healing.
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Ella, i am so sorry to hear about your liver lesions, but since surgery is possible this is not a bad sign. Most of us are not elligibale for surgery. I know it is frightening and you are alone, but know we are all here for you for support and prayers. My thoughts our with you wishing peace and healing.
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Ella - sorry to hear about the lesions, but the ability to have surgery is a great sign. Keep us posted.
- Penny
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Praying for good results & peace during Monday's procedure, Penny.
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Penny , i second RonnieKay to wish you good luck on your procedure monday , may it bring you helaing anf peace of mind . Sending you prayers.
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Thanks, guys. I'm having a lot of pain on my right side from my abdomen up to my neck and shoulder. I know that can be a sign of cancer growing. The funny part is I can't remember which lobe I had done and which one they're doing on Monday lol.
:-) Penny
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Nevermind - just read the report from the last procedure. It was the left lobe that was done. So they'll be doing the right lobe on Monday. Tomorrow I start a cycle of Xeloda - it's supposed to be "synergistic" with the spheres.
:-) Penny
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Checking in this morning.......ella, I am so sorry to hear about the lesions, adding my prayers to all the others for you. Especially prayers for peace and calm as you start treatment. It's so overwhelming getting this kind of news .....I always feel better once we start fighting it! Many, many thoughts and prayers will be with you!
Will be thinking of you too, Penny on Monday. Praying that the procedure on the other lobe will go smoothly and that you will have an easier time in those 4 hours that they have you lying flat. Praying for no pain!
Hope all of you that had treatment in the past few days are doing well. Taking it easy...resting and eating well. Thinking of you all today.
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Thank you very much everyone for such a wonderful support, means a lot..
Penny, can they give you something mild so you could sleep through the procedure? ask them
Hope it will go easy tomorrow and praying for easy and happy upcoming week for everybody.
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Good Day Ladies:...Well Thank goodness for the warm and sunny weather in Idaho!! I finally feel good after 4 days of weakness/nausea/vomiting/exhaustion ....from my chemo treatment last Tuesday (Red Demon) A ....You know weather plays a big factor for me with my mood and mind set...and having my body feeling well of course.....
I am getting excited about next Sunday when my best GF comes for a visit from Oregon...I've know her for oh I say 20 yrs...and she is taking vacation just to come and visit me...I am so happy!!
I hope everyone has a good week...with positive results from scans/tm/etc....
I love you all Carla
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Freebird, enjoy your time with your friend and have a good time, glad the weather is helping. Hugs
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How are you ? Hoping you are well and dealing better with the treatment's side effect , resting and enjoying your days. Prayers and God be with you.