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How are people with liver mets doing?



  • daughterof
    daughterof Member Posts: 47
    edited June 2022

    Hi all,

    Is anyone here taking antidepressants? My mum is really struggling and she saw a psychiatrist who recommended Escitalopram.. but I'm reading online that Escitalopram and Letrazole have MAJOR interactions and can even be life threatening. I don't even know who to listen to anymore..

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2022

    daughterof, I started taking lexapro & lorazepam about 2 weeks ago. I think it was a good choice for me for mental health

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited June 2022

    moth: please let us know how you are doing. We all are thinking of you

    daughterof: lorazepam kept me from falling over the edge. I use it only occasionally now. I do .5 mg escitalopram daily. I was using it before my DX. I cannot speak to interactions.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2022


  • rk2020
    rk2020 Member Posts: 697
    edited June 2022

    Moth - I wish I could make this nightmare go away for you. I wish I had more adequate words of comfort. Know that you are in my thoughts and I think it’s fair to say we are all here to support you as much as we can. I pray for your physical and emotional comfort, for peace in your heart and strength to help you through the coming days. Hugs.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,121
    edited June 2022

    moth - sending a gentle hug and hoping the docs can find the solution that allows you to bounce back. We've seen it here. Pulling for you.

    Daughterof- if you use the search function with the word Lexapro, I think you'll find some personal experiences. There's also a forum here for mental health topics (it's under day to day matters), where you might post the same question. Regarding the drug interaction - can you talk to your mom's oncologist? They may be more familiar.

  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,017
    edited June 2022

    Dear Moth, we are thinking of you every day and praying liver improves. Lots of embraces, Saulius

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,138
    edited June 2022

    Moth- Thinking of you and praying for strength for you.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,677
    edited June 2022

    moth, I'm praying for comfort for you. Thank you for the update.



  • concerned_daughter11
    concerned_daughter11 Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2022


    I don't post often, as I mostly read through the forums and pass info onto my mom who is stage IV, but on the occasions I have posted, you have always responded with great information. I hope that the chemo works and that your liver function will improve.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited June 2022

    moth: oh my sister. I was so praying for a more hopeful post. I am sad and mad for you. We are all here for you, holding you tight in our cyber arms.

  • lafsunshine
    lafsunshine Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2022


    Just know we are all here for you, hoping you can draw strength from that. Healing prayers are being said daily for you and B-A-P.

  • d37
    d37 Member Posts: 73
    edited June 2022

    Moth, I’m so sorry to hear of what you are going through. You are in my thoughts and I hope that things will turn around for you. Denis

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited June 2022

    Moth did you wind up ordering the synthetic TUDCA?? My Alk Phos dropped 300 points in 3 weeks with it and my bilirubin went low perfect. I know you didn't want the regular one but you did mention that you forgot about there being a synthetic one and you were going to order it ?? Maybe you could do milk thistle I know many have success with that too. I pray your liver gets better please keep us posted.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited June 2022

    Right now I am terrified that I have Ureatha mets... I thought I had an ifection so I did a urine culture it came up clean...but every time I take one there is always trace blood on the report nothing I can see...but I have pain when the stream is coming out not just at the end of the stream like a typical UTI... the report after 24 growth said my WBC was high in in ..but my WBC in blood work is normal so clearly something is going on in there ... I am so scared. I am waiting to hear back from my MO she did call in cipro yesterday before we had results to try and give me some relief but If i dont take the AZO pills it hurts when I pee...

  • daughterof
    daughterof Member Posts: 47
    edited June 2022

    Nicole, could it be tiny kidney stones? They could scrape your uretra as they pass causing tiny lacerations and blood in urine. I hope you find out the cause and effective treatment asap.

    Moth, as another daughter already said, I don't post often but you're usually one of the first to reply. I'm glad lexapro is healing your mind and I hope your body follows suite.

    My mum will be taking Zoloft in stead it seems.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2022

    nicole hun, we found z synthetic tudca and ordered but it's taking time to get to Canada 😟 hope it arrives soon. Maybe I should do another thing while I wait

    Re your bladder- 1) I read trodelvy is now reported for urinary bladder & study in has history of acting there, maybe that's the region? 2) I've been on antibiotics for months, way for trodelvy. Recommend it "fosfomycin". Old med very effective, one area only. Use it once a week unless there's a slighter breakup then I can use 2-3 days in a row every 4-6 ,mos or so. Hope it helps

    Thank you everyone for comment here & private & ig & FBI & email etc. I hsd cisplatin yesterday. Steroids help me feel s bit less pain and more energetic so there's that. I'm hoping the liver will decide to improve tho I've read it can take long time? I'm stubborn & hopeful (& the ativan is reducing the amount of crying in this so feeling hopeful) I appreciate hearing from you all so very much- feeling blessed, can't explain. I have to reply fast as after a while I get stoned & useless so really thank thank you

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,138
    edited June 2022

    Nicole- I am with daughterof. I think it could be tiny kidney stones. I have a history of kidney stones. They can cause small amounts of bleeding as they scrape the urethra as they pass. And I can have burning and pain when I pee also, and I think "there goes a stone". Get it checked, of course, but I am thinking it is tiny stones.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,677
    edited June 2022

    nicole, I'm sorry you're dealing with another worry. I hope it's nothing that can't be easily fixed.

    Dear moth, I had to laugh when I read your post about typing fast before you got stoned. Go for it! And to quote your friend who sent you the awesome package, " This calls for all the swear words - I'm sorry about all the fu*&ing bullsh!t the a$$h)!e universe is throwing at you." That was priceless, as are you!


  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited June 2022

    Thank you all for your thoughts. I just got back from ER..they did a CT and found i guess thats good. they also happen to look at my liver and said its the same so hopefully my PET in 2 weeks says the same... My MO says its most likely Non-infectious cystisis .

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited June 2022

    nicolerod: I had a UTI that would just not go away no matter what they threw at it. I finally had a more specific test and came back as "proteus mirabilis" and was treated accordingly. It went away! It was pretty much the worst UTI I have ever had in my entire life. I had to wear Depends because I couldn't control my peeing. I felt like a toddler.

    moth: I hope the synthetic Tudca arrives soon. No bear will have to suffer to help you!!! Hang in there, Girl!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,257
    edited June 2022

    Sending you all the gentle hugs that we can, Moth Medicating. Whatever we can do to be there for you, we will.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited June 2022

    Elderberry what is the specific test you had?? Were your cultures showing No infection? Mine are no infection.even after 24 hour growth

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited June 2022

    nocolerod: I'll go back and see if I can find the name of the test, if it has a specific name.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited June 2022

    Scans today results tonight ..for those that pray 🙏

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902
    edited June 2022

    nicolero- prayers

  • rk2020
    rk2020 Member Posts: 697
    edited June 2022

    In your pocket today Nicolerod and praying for the best possible outcome. 🙏🏻

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,677
    edited June 2022

    In your pocket, nicolerod!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited June 2022

    Ive had progression.... I have not talked to my MO yet..but yea..I believe in bones and now lung met... so once again not more than 6 months on a treatment. This was the longest I only have 2 treatments I am nearing the end

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875
    edited June 2022

    Nicole, I’m so sorry to hear you have had progression. It’s so difficult as we watch the number of possible treatments get crossed off the list. (I’m still waiting on results from my scan Monday morning. (Not reported yet. Holding my breath, hoping that the current treatment is working as my list of potential treatments is getting pretty short as well.) I’m praying that the next treatment pushes it back. Sending hugs.

    And sending positive thoughts to Moth. Hope your liver numbers have settled down.