Take our poll: How are you feeling as we near the New Year?
ABC Game
quilted jacket0 -
Robe0 -
Sweater0 -
tank top0 -
underpants0 -
V-neck sweater0 -
waist coat0 -
x-ray gown0 -
Yamika0 -
zories (aka flip flops)
New topic: special days/occasions
A - anniversary0 -
Birthday0 -
c - cookie party (our 11 year old son can't wait for this year's annual cookie party - always in early december and he's already talking about it....0 -
D DAY0 -
Easter0 -
Father's Day0 -
Graduation0 -
Halloween0 -
Independence Day0 -
July 4th0 -
Kwanza0 -
Lincoln's Burthday0 -
Mother's Day0 -
New Year's Day0 -
Oktoberfest0 -
Pinktober (Sorry! I couldn't resist! Glad it's over!)0 -
Quanza0 -
Ramadan begins July 90 -
Samhain0 -
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