Take our poll: How are you feeling as we near the New Year?
ABC Game
Unbirthday (Remember, in Alice in Wonderland?)0 -
Veteran's Day0 -
Washington's birthday0 -
the generic Merry X-MAS
0 -
Yom Kippur0 -
Feb, 6- New Zealand Independence Day
How about candy?
0 -
Almond Joy0 -
butterfinger0 -
DOTS..0 -
C? I think we missed it
no dopey me doesn't know my alphabet....lol
Easter eggs..coconut cream..yum0 -
Fudge0 -
gum balls
0 -
Hershey Kisses0 -
Ice Blue Mints......Brach's0 -
Jujifruits0 -
krackle....Hershey's0 -
Lemon Drops0 -
Mr. Good Bar0 -
Necco Wafers0 -
Orange Slices0 -
peppermints0 -
Quench Gum0 -
red hots!0 -
salted caramels0 -
Tootsie Rolls0 -
U - unicorn pops (twirly type sucker)0 -
Valentine Candy Hearts0 -
white chocolate0 -
Xtremes by Airhead0
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