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Pain around implants long after surgery... anyone else??

Youngwithbc Posts: 45
edited February 2018 in Breast Reconstruction

I've noticed that I am sore when I press all around the implants, more on the left side than right, but a bit on the right too. Kind of a bruised feeling around the ribcage and on the sides and above too. When someone hugs or squeezes me really tight, it really hurts. I don't notice it for the most part unless contact is made. If I wore an underwire bra, which I don't, I would feel it pressing in and be uncomfortable.

Is it normal to be tender in that area and did anyone else experience this? I am all healed and not bruised or anything and my exchange surgery was way back in April. Just wondering if other people had any kind of long-term pain and what you did about it.



  • youngturknyc
    youngturknyc Posts: 115
    edited November 2013

    I totally have this same issue - pain all around the edges of the implants. My exchange surgery was in May. I also have itching on the INSIDE of the reconstructed breasts (all over) - basically an itch I cannot scratch. My PS was stumped, and said it was not common. Hoping it will go away.

  • mrenee68
    mrenee68 Posts: 48
    edited November 2013

    I to had pain around my implant and my ribcage. My PS said that it was normal and it was part of the healing process. He said that it could take up to a year for the scar tissue to settle down. I know the feeling of pain with a too tight hug or even sitting in the seat of my car caused the back and side of my ribcage to hurt. This to shall pass and it is unfortunately part of this long and painful journey we are on. If it bothers you too much contact your Dr. just to make sure nothing else is going on. As for the itching I have read other women talk about the itching that you just can't seem to itch. Take care!

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Posts: 92
    edited November 2013

    I have learned that nerves can regenerate.......

    I had my implant exchange a year ago...and I am still regaining sensation in areas of my breasts.  The first sensations to return are itching and pain (they are actually not far off from each other.)

    For me, my nipple areas hurt all the time, but especially when touched or pressed against something/someone.  I still am awakened at night with "discomfort" if I roll on my sides, and I was always a side sleeper (I think it's a good excuse to get a new mattress frankly!)

    I can live with this though.  It's all part of the journey.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2013

    I have the same thing, though more on the right side. It's also worse in the area where they removed the lymph nodes and the margin area where they removed around the tumor. Sometimes it hurts if I move a certain way, sometimes it's all the time to varying degrees. I experienced similar nerve pain years ago when I had lung surgery. The docs all said it was nerve regeneration. I was about at my wits end thinking the pain was going to be permanent, and then at the 10 month point it just ended. My current doc says the sensations are normal and will subside with time.

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2013

    I had my BMX in December 2011, and my Exchange in August 2012. Unfortunately, swapping out the TEs for implants never gave me that "Ahhh.." feeling that so many women report. In fact, I was miserable for at least five months afterwards.

    I knew the the PS had done quite a bit of pocket work at time of Exchange. (He had to reduce the pockets because the implants were narrower than the TEs.) He wrote off my pain and discomfort to healing issues and said to be patient.

    I finally found relief in the form of myofascial release (MFR) massage therapy. Turns out I had quite a bit of scarring from both surgeries, and the fibrosis was pulling on and tightening all the muscles around my implants. The therapist got rid of the pain in only five visits.

    There are many reasons for post-surgical pain, and you definitely need to alert your PS. But all too often, they feel their job is done the minute they walk out of the OR.

    You may want to try some conservative measures like physical therapy, stretching exercises, or even MFR. Many ladies have found it to be helpful.

    Hope you find relief soon!

  • Youngwithbc
    Youngwithbc Posts: 45
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for everyone's responses! Glad to know I am not alone and it's not something super weird/wrong with me...

    I forgot that at my last visit, my PS had mention going to see a therapist for the massage therapy and I completely forgot to follow up on that. Maybe i'll try it out. Although I'm so sick of appointments and specialists, I kind of don't want to add another one in there.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2013

    My PS recommended massaging them, as well. There are 4-5 exercises I am to do 3x a day. A couple are a little uncomfortable, but it does seem to be helping. The pains are much less intense, although my right side still hurts worse. There is a video a PS put on YouTube that demonstrates the exercises. I know some PS's don't recommend them, but from what I've found, most either recommend them or take a neutral stance regarding them. I go back to the PS on Tuesday for a follow up check and to see if I will need more fat grafting (I think I will). I hope the 2nd time is enough. I don't have much fat to spare. Although I have had lots of donor offers. :-)

  • Youngwithbc
    Youngwithbc Posts: 45
    edited November 2013

    Could you include the link to the massage techniques? Thanks!

  • mrsgray317
    mrsgray317 Posts: 1
    edited November 2013

    Hello! I had my surgery in 2011, but in May 2013 I had some fat grafting done.  I have recently begun a weight loss program and have been swimming.  I had TRAM flap recon and my breasts are aching now.  I thought it could be the exercise as my muscle tone is pretty bad.  The pain goes around the top of my breasts where the transplanted tissue begins and goes down to the sides.  I went out and bought some very supportive bras thinking that might help, but nothing so far.  I am glad to see I am not alone in this, but I think I had better give my PS a call.  She is a peach and even if it is nothing to worry about she will be glad to know it's happening.   Thanks for listening, friends...

  • lgabbe60
    lgabbe60 Posts: 2
    edited November 2013

    Hi.... I am 12 years cancer free. I had my Mastectomy in 02. Expanders first but my body rejected them. In 05 I had the Dorsi Flap (taken from my back). There were always aches and pains but nothing major. Then in May 2012 (while I was waiting to catch a plane) I turn my arm and body to my left side to pick something out of my bag, and the most excruciating pain came up from back to the left side of my breast. It took my breathe away and I thought I was having a heart attack. It was like a bad muscle spasm (really bad). It went away within a minute. But since then I have the same thing on both sides. It has gotten worse lately. I have an appointment with my PS next week. I never know when it is going to hit (according to how I turn my arms). I think it's scar tissue..... I don't know. I have asked my regular doctor and she said go back to your PS. Anyone else with same problem? Thanks for listening to me too.

  • myhazeleyes
    myhazeleyes Posts: 4
    edited December 2013

    I'm also a little tender on the outsides of the implants still. It has been about 2 years since reconstruction. I still have horrible phantom itching on the inside as well. I was so hoping that was going to go away by now. Does anyone know some ways to relieve the itching, I've tried so many things from creams to ice packs, nothing seems to help, I just have to wait until it subsides.

  • jill47
    jill47 Posts: 85
    edited December 2013

    I was going to start a new discussion but my question seems fitting here, we all seems to be experiencing implants/recon issues long past what we thought was the end of it. First off my breast skin does itch too and nothing seems to make it subside, I moisturize it daily hoping it may eventually help. I have my 6 month post fat grafting appt w/ PS next week, like mrsgray317 I took advantage of losing belly fat from the surgery and lost even more weight as a result my breasts are rippling again on the sides & north poles flatter & dents are back. Over the last month I've been feeling popping right top implant, when moving certain ways. Chest is small, bra size 32" around. Don't know if implant is rolling over my ribs and that's what I'm feeling. Do any other of you feel that popping/rolling of your implant? If this is normal so be it, based on what PS said months ago if fat graft doesn't take (which seems to be the case) we'll do it again in 2014. Maybe the "refill" will make this odd sensation go away. To address you Youngwithbc, I've experienced a lot of pain through all of this, not a day goes by that I do feel some degree of discomfort, I would not be surprised if I still have scar tissue build up around my implants/implants even though they were removed during exchange, My range of motion still sucks after months of PT & off to see a shoulder orthopedic specialist for left shoulder pain still here 14 months post bmx. Thank you ladies.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2013

    I have one definite spot that still hurts (I'm appx 8 weeks out). When they go in next month to do the next fat transfer, he said he was going to loosen some scar tissue. He feels that is the source of my discomfort. It doesn't hurt all the time, just when I move a certain way. It doesn't last long, but the intensity of it almost takes my breath away some days. My non-radiated breast is fine.

  • akler53
    akler53 Posts: 13
    edited February 2014

    I feel the same youngwithbc, feels like brusing. I also have never felt that 'ahhh... thank goodness the TEs are gone' feeling that many speak of. My exchange was in June 2013 and while the iron bra is definitely gone, I still feel a squeezing too tight bra sensation around the implants even when I am not wearing a bra!  I never forget that they are there. Sometimes, especially if I am walking to work, I feel as though there is a snug band arround my chest just at the top of the implants. I even absentmindedly pull  on my bra strap to relieve the discomfort. I worry a little that  this could be mild capsular contrature. Anyone else have this? I really hoped that after 7 months that I wouldn't notice the implants so much.  Massage sounds good but not sure where I'll find a therapist experienced in this type of MFR in Halifax. Will check into it though. In the meantime Thanks Mini1 for the links :)

  • Youngwithbc
    Youngwithbc Posts: 45
    edited February 2014

    I saw my PS recently and she does believe it's a bit of capsular contracture... not surprising since I had radiation and we expected there to be at least a bit of an issue. It is pretty tight and the area all around it especially at the side near my ribs is quite sore to the touch. Having my echo tests are pretty painful! She does suggest I see a massage therapist... I guess I just feel a bit weird about having someone do that? And also don't want to spend any more time on breast cancer stuff, if you know what I mean. Just sick of so many appointments!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2014

    I have a some contracture as well. I am having a procedure next week to release some scar tissue and to have one more fat transfer. Hopefully, that will be all the surgery I will need.

  • Bettyboops
    Bettyboops Posts: 117
    edited February 2014

    hi akler53,

    I could have written your post myself. In fact I wrote one about having implants removed. I too have itching, discomfort all the time around the edges of my implants. They were successfully implanted in May 2013 after TE and nipple sparing double mastectomy. I am getting bad feelings about these implants. I am moderately active, get therapeutic massages, do tai chi, run a business....even so, it always feels like I have a really uncomfortable underwire bra on. I feel they are effecting my immune system. Rashes, arthritis that I never had. Right now, I am reevaluating my decisions and formulating a plan to move forward but I think these things are going to have to come out. Boo hoo- wish things were different.


  • dlz913
    dlz913 Posts: 8
    edited February 2014

    I have pain as well, mostly on the sides.  I had my TE exchange in November of 13.  In addition, my implants are hard, I fear that I might have capsular contracture.  My PS put me on Singular to stop the process but the hardness is about the same.  I too am reconsidering implants and starting to think about DEIP though I really can't take that much time off my job to have that procedure.  :(

  • sistergal
    sistergal Posts: 3
    edited October 2017

    this looks like an old thread, but would like to restart the conversation. My mastectomy/Lat flap surgery has been a nightmare, much worse than chemo. Anyone else? Had mastectomy in December 2016, implant replacement in June 2017 and I still have terrible pain. My PS says he's never had anyone who had pain like this, but when I searched it, it looks much more common. Doing PT has really helped. I first thought that the pain was due to the size of my implant (too big), but as Im researching, I think it might be due to scar tissue. Has anyone identified the reason for the breast pain

  • Cindy50
    Cindy50 Posts: 1
    edited November 2017

    Hi ladies I have been reading your stories and I too am having problems with tenderness and actually sharp pain on and around my right implant and that's not the only problem I am having.I had an 8mm tumor in my left breast and after 5 surgeries my ps told me the only way I could have an implant on the radiated side was to have the LD flap.I had that surgery and also an implant exchange in oct of 2016 .Now i have severe backbone pain and also for about 5 months my right breast is constantly as cold as a block of ice and lately I have noticed that my skin color is getting a little darker like a bruise.Has anyone had this kind of problem ?

  • Bonjh
    Bonjh Posts: 3
    edited February 2018

    it is common. I have the same thing.