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January 2014 Surgery Sisters



  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    Thanks Michelle,

    I thought I was coming down with foot in mouth disease.

    Sorry you and Marissa have crappy colds. They always seem to feel worse in the summer. Hope you both feel better soon. I still love Vicks vapo Rub. My mom used it on me when I was a kid and always snuck in a way to put it under my nose....yuk! lol. It is a comfort thing now, nate rubs into my back and chest, I don't think it is totally altruistic on his part however. Be well.

    mary, I get what you mean about smiling at people. It seems more and more that people are soooo into themselves and don't care at all about others around them. It is sad.  nate is always so kind to people, holding the door open and telling people to have a good and always saying thank you and excuse is rare when he gets a kind response back....just awful. He won't even go "in" the "out" doors or vies a versa. We still try.

    Marissa if I may ask, this is the 2nd time I have injured my lower back, excruciating spasms. I know it is due to degeneration of the discs, getting old isn't for sissies, and a weak "core" So as a PT do you think beginning Pilates are a good way to strengthen my abs? Just curious. If you can't answer for professional reasons I understand. I also used the Tens therapy made by Icy Hot. unbelievable how well that worked.

    Glad you are pleased with your foobs Beverly. How are you healing after your surgery?

    Diane, when is your testing? I know it is getting close.

    Now a request, my cousin who is like a sister, had her 1 year scan for endometrial cancer which has metastasized to her lung and abdomen. She looked at the "film" and thinks the tumors have grown, last years scan showed they were shrinking (she takes prednisone) Anyhow send Jeanine some good thoughts. We will know more next week.

    Love and hugs


  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited July 2014

    Eve - I'll be praying for good results for Janine.  That sounds scary. Hugs to you both.

      My testing is Sat, August 9...3 more weeks. One of the candidates is a 17 yr old testing for her 3rd Dan. Last Wednesday night she pulled her hamstring horribly. She may not recover in time to test, and she starts UC Berkeley on a softball scholarship this fall, so she needs to get better soon. Please think good thoughts for her. She is a truly lovely young girl, with some of the fastest kicks I've ever seen.

    Marrissa and Michelle -I hope you are both feeling better. Colds really suck, especially in the summer.

    Mary- Don't stop smiling at people. They won't all be grumpy, and if they are, we should shine a light on them. If I met you randomly, I would smile back at you for sure.

    Hey Laurie - Hows are your new foobs and nips doing?

    Wishing you all a very happy Sunday!


  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Hi Everyone, sorry I have been MIA the past few weeks but I have kept up with your posts and their is so much going on in all if your lives ! Prayers and hugs for those of you who have been suffering emotional or physically. I think about you every day. 

    I have been riding the chemo roller coaster and I am not a fan of amusement park rides. I moved to weekly taxol 3 weeks ago and have found the emotional impacts harder than the AC. Treatments are on Tuesdays and by Sunday I am an overly sensitive emotional wreck. Generally sad or irritated. Period. Today I woke up not so bad so I am hoping that it will be a good few days. My husband deserves it and I have a friend coming from Georgia to visit for a few days. She will understand it if my bitchy side comes out but I prefer it if I can keep it at bay. 

    My nail beds on my fingers are starting to lift. My thumbnail is the first to go. It popped through my shellac polish yesterday. I am afraid to remove the polish for fear of what the rest of the nails are doing. I can feel a few more loosening up. Yuck!  Bought a dress for a wedding. 2  siZes larger than I was wearing before chemo. This popping right into chemo pause has not been a friend to my belly !  Diane I am so proud of you losing 25 lbs. 

    Eve. Don't you meet with your doctor re your lump this week?  When is Nate's appointment? I will be praying for your cousin, too. 

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited July 2014

    Ann- I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. How much longer do you have on the Taxol? Is there anything they can give you to help even out the mood swings? Know that we are all pulling for you. We all have a tendency to try to stay upbeat, but this is the one place where you don't have to hide the truth. The good, the bad, and yes, even the bitchy are all welcome. You are loved. There is nothing I can really do for you, but today my training is dedicated to you. One of my forms is called Koryo, which is the ancient name for Korea. The movements symbolize the strength and tenacity the people of Koryo needed in order to defeat the Mongols. Today, and every day from now on, they will also be for you.  Even on your bitchy days, you are head and shoulders above the rest. I'm sure Eve will have a special Tiara for you.

    All my love,


  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Aw, Diane, you are so sweet and awesome. Thanks for dedicating the Koryo to me. That is really special and brought tears to my eyes (uh oh, here we go again!)

    Such lovely women in our group. Wish we had a way to meet some day!

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited July 2014

    It would be lovely to meet some day. For now, know we can just share some tears...hopefully healing ones. This is a true silver lining.

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    imageNot a tiara Ann, but I think these gloves will fit you well !

    love you


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    I just lost a long post, arrrrrgh

    Suffice it to say, Diane kick butt for Ann and the rest of us. Our strength is behind you and Ann.

    Would also love to meet someday, when everyone is done with the chemo crap. Where?  Depends upon if it has to be central. White water rafting in northern Arkansas? Skiing in Colorado. Or a cruise? I'm on board with anything. Let's GO!

    Thanks for asking about Nate. he will go to the ENT in Sept. After we get back from our mini vacation. I see the BS on the 5th of Aug.  We'll see, I am not worried, we'll take care of anything that comes our way. All is well.

    I am signing off because I don't want to loose this again.




  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299
    edited July 2014

    popping in to say " hope your all having a good Sunday!!" I think I am finally turning a corner for the better, my cough seems to be lessening. Currently I'm in round 2 of antibiotics, plus taking an antihistamine plus drinking fluids like crazy. I was never sick like this during chemo...not sure what I came in contact with??? Tomorrow I see my PS for a fill. Yes. Let's get this show on the road... When people ask me if I'm "done " with treatment I tell them that I'm still on medicine and have another reconstruction surgery before the end of the year. 100% of the time the look I get is a person who is dumbfounded. Then they usually say something line " oh I'm so sorry" .   Makes me want to scream!!!! To me 1 more surgery is just the icing on the cake compared to what I've been through. In fact I've started telling people " don't worry, the surgery will be cake comparatively" I know people mean well, but looking at me with pity does not get them brownie points with me. 

    On another note, I got my hair colored yesterday. I think now it looks more like I intended to get my hair cut this short. Still way too short for my taste but it's growing :) 

  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299
    edited July 2014

    hi Eve, if your back spasms are secondary to degenerative disc disease my initial thought is that you most likely have gross weakness of the low back. Yes Pilates will help strengthen your core and that is always good. However, you will most likely also need to do some focused work on the low back musculature. I'm a fan of doing strengthening with a large ball ( at least 55cm). Find yourself a good ball program. Also keep your body mechanics in check when doing your daily activites(I.e no bending from waist to pick up things, avoid twisting repetitive motions etc) . I could go on a on but I'll spare you all. Glad you found so e relief with heat and TENS. :) Marissa 

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    Thanks marissa,

    I totally agree with the lower back stuff, I have really crappy posture. I am working on standing up straight and throwing, what's left of my chest, out. lol. I used to have a tight bod really in shape. Since I quit working 2 years ago, everything has gone south by 50%.  I am so ready to get back where I used to be. Thank you for your recommendations.

    I get the "so you're" done now stuff too. Not like you, but no, really are you ever "done" with this stuff.  People just don't get it. sigh

    So what color is your hair? Would love to see a picture of you. I bet you are beautiful. Like the rest of us....Winking

    Ok off to research ballsWinking



  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Eve, the Muay Thai gloves are perfect!  Thank you, my friend.



  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014


    No, thank you for the inspiration. You are one fabulous lady.

    be well


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    Silver lining and soupy post alert!

    My husband ,Nate, worked 80 hours this past week including very late Friday night and then all day Saturday. (major inventory).

    He only had Saturday night and part of Sunday  to spend with his son Daniel. Nate took us along with the dog to Wekiva Island which is an area on the Wekiva river. We spent 3 hours swimming and relaxing and just being.

    This morning at 6 o'clock he snuggled me before getting up to begin another 50 hour work week. Which includes driving 120 miles total to spend time with Daniel.

    Nate whispered in my ear "you are so beautiful". 

    I still have tears in my eyes just feeling those words.

    It doesn't get any better than that.

    Thanks for letting me share, the absolute joy in my life, my husband.


  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Eve, you go and bask all week in the glow of that moment with Nate it is those special moments that remind us of our strength and beauty in just being. Wishing you many more of that Special something with Nate. 

    Bless you!

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    right on, Ann

  • lighthouselady
    lighthouselady Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2014

    Eve - so beautiful.  Thanks for sharing.  Smile

    Ann - I'm sorry you're having a rough time.  Everyone told me Taxol would be a piece of cake after AC, but to me it was HARD.  I had so much pain throughout treatment.... just bone and muscle pain everywhere.  Ugh about the nail problems.  Have you tried icing them during chemo?  I did that, as well as kept dark polish on them for chemo, and I only had some tingling fingertips.  Might be too late but worth a try!

    Today I had another PT appointment with my lymphedema specialist.  She said my range of motion is getting better (doesn't seem like it to me) but there is still a lot of tight, congested tissue all down my side.  Sigh.  So I go back again next week.  It would help if I could go more regularly, but it's a 2 hour drive, so I can only do what I can do, right?  In the meantime, I really need to step up my stretches.  After that I went to have a pelvic ultrasound.  Since I'm BRCA+, my ovarian cancer risk is higher, so my gyn onc wanted me to have this before my hysterectomy.  I wrote about it in my blog today, but for some reason this ultrasound bothers me so much.  (emotionally, not physically)   I've had two kids and so many people have examined me this year....any self-consciousness I have should be long gone.  It's just one more test, right?  But laying there while they insert the wand for the trans-vaginal part and not knowing what she's seeing....ugh.  

    Talking about meeting up - we definitely should plan for that sometime when we've all finished and recovered.  Our Sept chemo group from has moved to a Facebook group and some of us are meeting in Vegas in Oct.  I can't wait!  Happy

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    Totally get it Michelle,

    I am way late for a pelvic. And a colonoscopy for that matter. I just am tired of being exposed, like a lab rat.

    I know you guys have been through so much more than I but it is still difficult. it takes so much of our "self" away. Just depressing.

    Vegas sounds great! A good, fairly inexpensive choice.  So maybe Jan. 2015? Our anniversary date?

    If we share rooms just know I

    truly love you all,  

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Michelle, thanks for your words of wisdom. I have been icing but not always using dark polish onmy nails. Toe nails yes, dark blue at the moment but nails are a very light pink. I will give it a try.  Thank you!

    I so get the WAND thing. I went through years of infertility treatment and it got to the point where there was a room full of doctors and wanna be doctors and my legs would have to open. It was humiliating and no big deal all at the same time. Hard to explain. Hang in there, girlfriend. 

    Great idea for your chemo group to meet in Vegas in October. I would crash your party but my exchange is then.  I am willing to meet just about anywhere, though!  Just no place cold in the winter. Lol!

    Hey, now that I am back on the board, where is Laurie?  Doing ok?

  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299
    edited July 2014

    Eve, your one lucky lady. I'm so happy you shared and more happy to know that you've found a great love. Anne, my fingernails turned half yellow and began to lift. I used a strengthening clear polish by Essie. I used this for at least a couple of months. I also got big ridges in some nails. No hand modeling for me. LOL!! Now my nails are almost normal. They are growing but still soft. Michelle, I'm with you about feeling overwhelmed with tests and "stuff" . I keep thinking that I'm through with so much.... Just a few more pieces to complete this puzzle. I got a fill today and feeling tight. I'm at 450 cc now. A few more "fill" pieces and then onto surgery. Keep going Michelle. Keep fighting. Don't slow down. When it all seems too much, step back and feel blessed that you have gotten through this far. Love, Marissa 

  • levassel
    levassel Member Posts: 254
    edited July 2014

    Hello ladies!  I'm still here....reading posts.  But writing posts is not coming easily lately.

    My nips are coming along.  One is growing back into my skin....and the other is sticking out quite a bit.  Not sure I really like them...I'm always sticking toilet paper under my shirt to soften the look.  

    Still struggling with energy level.  But force myself out golfing nearly everyday.

    I love the idea of us meeting in January to celebrate...I would definately try to go somewhere!  :)


  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited July 2014

    Way to go, Nate! It is so often that the little gestures or words have the biggest impact. 

    I am struggling to get PT  here in Fl. They called me earlier to say that they can't find my local Onc on their list of Drs. What am I supposed to do about that? I don't even know what the list is, but he is at a major cancer treatment center, so he should be there. Then they called back to say they can't get thru to my insurance- again, what can I do? Meanwhile, like you Michelle, I am still in pain and the range of motion isn't getting any better. I really thought that 7 months post surgery, I would be back to normal, movement wise at least. 

    I am having the grandkids each spend the night this weekend and to get Kayden to come without his sister, I had to promise him I would take him to Walmart to get his school supplies for kindergarten. Problem is my daughter won't let me drive her kids anywhere. I've been too sick. I have been driving since early March, and drove from Atlanta to Charlotte and back, but I can't drive to the Walmart that is one mile from the house? I know both she and her husband are a little OCD, so I haven't been pushing, which means I am not seeing them ad much as I would like, but one mile?? 

    And my DD in Ga has a urinary tract infection, a kidney infection and her liver is damaged from too much Tylenol. Thankfully, the Dr says the 3 antibiotics she prescribed should take take of everything.  

    Not my best week. 


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited July 2014

    Wow, Eve, you are one lucky lady! ThumbsUp SmileYou found a real keeper there! 

    I'd love to meet somewhere warm in January. You name the place, I'll be there. It'll give me incentive to lose some poundage.

    Michelle and Anne, I can sooo relate to the loss of ROM. It's been so frustrating...even with PT it has only improved by about 10% and that's just one direction. I work on it every day, but apparently it's still not enough. I don't think I'll ever get full ROM. 

    I've been trying to get ready for my exchange surgery coming up the day after tomorrow!!!! You know...doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning up this messy house. I gotta buy some Spanx and probably some step in sundresses. It's been really hot and humid here. I've been a royal b**** lately. IDK, must be the hormones. It's been one year since I've been on AI's. I hope these moods aren't going to last the next 4 years, or my marriage will be a shipwreck. Already kind of is.... Between mine and DH's meltdowns it's been a real crappy time lately. Just a lot of stuff to deal with, I guess.

    I'm going to stop by to see mom tomorrow morning for a short visit, then it's on the road, check in at the hotel, call the hospital, do the disinfectant thing, etc etc. 

    Woot woot! Gummy bears await!


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2014

    Mary good luck with the upcoming surgery!!

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Mary, you have been under tremendous stress.  No wonder you and DH have had a few meltdowns with every thing you have been dealing with.  I can relate to the meltdowns.  Mine is related to my slam into menopause from the chemo. Haven't started the hormone inhibitors yet.

    Good luck with your surgery and getting to the squishy side.  In a few weeks this will all be behind you and hopefully you can get back or begin to define your new normal.  Thinking of you, girlfriend!


  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    bc101-  Have a great day today and know that tomorrow is going to be wonderful.  You are going to feel better, look great and rock those sundresses!!  Be happy and confident...we are all with you!!

    Big hugs!


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited July 2014

    Thanks you guys! I'm so ready for this! 


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2014


    With ER/pR positive what hormones will you be taking? This is a big debate with my dr. Some say take estrogen to help with menopausal issues; heart disease, bone density loss etc

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2014

    Good luck today Mary!!!!! 

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited July 2014

    Mary - Good luck today. We'll all be with you! Squishy is good! Things will get better and calm down and you will get through this. You have a lot on your plate even without BC. Just keep plugging away and you will come out the other side stronger! Many many hugs to you AND your family.