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What part of day-to-day life during your breast cancer experience has been most challenging for you? Take our poll. Podcasts: Experts discuss research & issues



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    Easing Cancer Pain in People With a History of Addiction

    May 10, 2024

    Dr. Natalie Moryl discusses how she works to control pain in people with a history of addiction.

    Pain is a common side effect of breast cancer. The cancer itself may cause pain and nearly all breast cancer treatments may cause some type of pain. If breast cancer is metastatic – meaning it’s spread to parts of the body away from the breast, such as the bones or liver – it may cause pain in those areas.

    There are many medicines that can ease cancer pain. Opioids are narcotic drugs that are commonly used to treat moderate to severe pain caused by breast cancer or its treatments. While effective, opioids can be habit-forming, which can be a problem for people with a history of addiction.

    Listen to the episodes to hear Dr. Moryl discuss:

    • the difference between chronic and acute pain
    • the difference between withdrawal symptoms and addiction
    • pain control options for people with a history of substance abuse disorder

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    The Boob Bus

    May 24, 2024

    Rena Vanzo started The Boob Bus to make mammograms more personalized and fun.

    There are many reasons women don’t get annual mammograms, including the distance to a mammogram facility, lack of transportation, or not having a primary care doctor. 

    Licensed, certified genetic counselor Rena Vanzo wants to overcome those barriers. She’s started The Boob Bus, a mobile mammography bus that also offers genetic testing and cosmetic procedures, to make getting a mammogram feel more like going to a spa.

    Listen to the podcast to hear Rena discuss:

    • how she came up with the idea for The Boob Bus
    • the services offered on The Boob Bus
    • why screening mammograms are so important
    • how she wants to grow the business

    Listen now or read the transcript.

    Photo courtesy of Master of Business Creation, David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah

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    Genetic Testing Saved My Life

    May 31, 2024

    Dr. Brooklyn Olumba explains how discovering she had a BRCA2 mutation led to earlier breast cancer screening and detection.

    At the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, Dr. Brooklyn Olumba was part of ASCO Voices, a program that gives people in the oncology community an opportunity to tell their stories. Her talk was entitled “Genetic Testing Saved My Life.”

    Listen to the episode to hear Dr. Olumba explain:

    • how she came to have genetic testing at age 25
    • when she started breast cancer screening
    • how she advises young women about screening

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    Predicting Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Risk in Young Black Women

    Jun 1, 2024

    Drs. Holly Pederson and Elisha Hughes explain their research on polygenic risk scores.

    Black women have a higher risk of developing triple-negative breast cancer at a young age than white women. At the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, Dr. Holly Pederson, of the Cleveland Clinic, and Dr. Elisha Hughes, of Myriad Genetics, presented their research on how a polygenic risk score can help predict the risk of early-onset triple-negative breast cancer in Black women.

    Listen to the episode to hear Drs. Pederson and Hughes explain:

    • what a polygenic risk score is
    • the results of their research
    • how the results are being used

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    Top Breast Cancer Research at ASCO 2024

    Jun 2, 2024

    Dr. Eleonora Teplinsky explains the results with the most immediate implications for people with breast cancer.

    The 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting featured five days of presentations and educational sessions on all types of cancer. Dr. Eleonora Teplinsky, a board-certified medical oncologist at the Valley-Mount Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center in Paramus, NJ, summarizes the top breast cancer research.

    Listen to the episode to hear Dr. Teplinsky explain:

    • the DESTINY-Breast06 study on Enhertu compared to chemotherapy for metastatic hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer
    • how circulating tumor DNA may help predict recurrence
    • deescalating treatment to reduce the risk of side effects

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    How Are Your Oncologist’s Communication Skills?

    Jun 4, 2024

    Dr. Fumiko Chino discusses her research on doctor-patient communication.

    At the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting Fumiko Chino, MD, presented the results of research she conducted with on how doctors’ communication skills affected how well breast cancer patients stuck to their treatment plans.

    Listen to the podcast to hear Dr. Chino explain:

    • why she wanted to do the study
    • the results
    • how to have good conversations with your doctor

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    Research on Side Effects at ASCO 2024

    Jun 21, 2024

    Five researchers discuss their research on the side effects of breast cancer treatment.

    At the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in June, an entire poster session was dedicated to treatment-related side effects.Listen to the episode to hear:

    • Dr. Miriam Klahr discuss links between high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy :42-2:20
    • Dr. Ana Ferrigno Guajardo explain her study on sexual function in young Mexican women with breast cancer 2:21-4:44
    • Dr. Mingxiao Yang talk about how acupuncture and yoga may help ease chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy 4:45-5:56
    • Erin Hong detail the results of a study on the Amma, a scalp cooling cap to prevent hair loss from chemotherapy 5:57-9:52
    • Dr. Laila Agrawal report the results of an online survey on sexual health after breast cancer 9:53-11:50

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    Bias in Healthcare AI

    Jul 16, 2024

    What happens when AI reads a mammogram? Data journalist Meredith Broussard discusses her experience and diagnosis.

    In late 2019, Meredith’s routine mammogram showed an area of concern. Both her doctor and AI — an artificial intelligence program — read her mammogram. Her doctor looked at the images and knew she had cancer, while the AI reading wasn’t so clear.Listen to the episode to hear Meredith explain:

    • how AI is taught to read and interpret a mammogram
    • the factors a doctor considers when making a diagnosis versus the factors an AI considers
    • how bias is introduced into AI
    • why she wants a doctor to read her mammogram rather than AI

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    What Is Palliative Care and When Do You Use It?

    Jul 26, 2024

    Palliative care focuses on pain and symptom relief. Dr. Joe Straton explains why it’s appropriate for anyone with breast cancer.

    Palliative care is often confused with hospice care, but the two are very different. This podcast is the audio from a special Virtual Community Meetup featuring guest moderator Dr. Joe Straton.

    Listen to the episode to hear Dr. Straton discuss:

    • the issues palliative care addresses
    • the difference between palliative care and hospice care
    • the appropriate time to request palliative care
    • insurance coverage for palliative care

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    edited 8:48PM

    Podcasting From the Chemo Chair

    Aug 9, 2024

    “I started the podcast to show people that you can live through cancer,” Carly Fauth.

    Carly Fauth was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2024. Scheduled to start chemotherapy in May, Carly decided to start a podcast called Chemo Coffee Talk, which she records from her chemo chair during her twice-monthly infusions at the Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center.

    Listen to the episode to hear Carly discuss:

    • how recording the podcast takes her mind off chemotherapy
    • how she selects her guests
    • what she plans to do with the podcast when her chemotherapy regimen ends

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    Osteoporosis and Breast Cancer

    Aug 16, 2024

    Osteoporosis can be a side effect of several breast cancer treatments. Rheumatologist Dr. Anupama Shahane outlines treatment options.

    Certain breast cancer treatments, including the aromatase inhibitors – medicines that stop the body from making estrogen – and certain chemotherapy medicines can compromise bone health and lead to osteoporosis.

    Listen to the episode to hear Dr. Shahane explain:

    • the difference between osteoporosis and osteopenia
    • osteoporosis risk factors
    • how osteoporosis is diagnosed
    • osteoporosis treatments

    Listen now or read the transcript.

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    Summer 2024 Breast Cancer Research Round Up

    Aug 30, 2024

    What does the latest breast cancer research mean for you? Dr. Holly Pederson explains.

    The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force updated its screening mammogram recommendations. Having a double mastectomy after being diagnosed with breast cancer in one breast doesn’t lower the risk of dying from the disease. Certain types of exercise can reduce the risk of metastatic recurrence and neuropathy caused by chemotherapy. 

    What does all this mean? Professional Advisory Board member Dr. Holly Pederson discusses the details of these studies and how they may affect you.

    Listen to the episode to hear Dr. Pederson discuss these studies:

    Listen now or read the transcript.