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I now have multiple brain mets. So scared! Please help!



  • teacher911
    teacher911 Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2014

    Katie, thinking of you and hoping the WBR is successful!  I like the way your onc thinks.  

  • cmhartley
    cmhartley Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Wow, thank you all so very much for the beautiful and comforting words of support and encouragement as well as the cyber hugs and advice.  With all the responses I am assuming I am going to forget to address someone so please bear with me.

    Kathec:  Thanks so much for your stories and to me, you are always welcome regardless of your stage.  I appreciate you stories because it really, really encouraged me and lifted my spirits especially after reading some of the sobering statistics online.

    Chickadee:  So good to hear from you but hate to see we are in the same boat.  I pray that your 5 additional sessions will help.  You have been going at this a long time to so hang in there.  I will try to stay updated with your progress and try to keep ya'll updated also.  I think I've seen your posts in the brain met sisters thread so I will go there also.  You are in my thoughts and prayers!

    Formygirls:  It is so disheartening to read what others have to go through especially when I am feeling sorry for myself.  You seem to have such an incredible and positive attitude.  I so thank you for sharing your experiences with me.  I pray you continue to do well.  I will try to keep posted on your progress.  You also will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Kayrnic:  Thank you so very much for sharing the post "words from ward 4"   I am going to read this when I'm done here.  I sure appreciate the link.  It is so much better hearing from women who have are going through this rather than reading the statistics online.

    Bestbird:  Wow, thank you for all the information.  I really really appreciate that you took the time to share it with me and the other ladies here.  I will check it out.  I've been a little overwhelmed but feel I'm at the point now to do some reading.  Again, thank you for caring and sharing.

    Rose:  What a sweet thing.  Yes, I have always enjoyed your posts also.  I sure appreciate your support and thoughts.  I will keep you all posted as best as possible.  So far, emotionally I'm doing much better.  The headaches are disappearing and the nausea hasn't been a problem.  In fact, I have the best appetite I've had in awhile which is nice.  Other than that, it seems pretty benign other than hair loss and fatigue towards the end.  I've already started and have had 2 tx so only 13 more to go.

    Rafitamia:  Thank you so very much for the info.  It's funny, the day I received your email I also received my turmeric in the mail.  So, it worked out perfectly  I started taking it yesterday and hoping it may work.  Other than that, I do milk thistle, a great multivitamin/multimineral supplement and Valerian Root to help relax. 

    Well, again, I'm sure I forgot to thank someone.  I do thank each and every one of you for taking the time to stop by and to send me support, love and encouragement.  You all never cease to amaze me.  What a wonderful support group.  It has really been my guiding light and support over these past 4 years and hopefully more to go.....just another bump in the road!!!

    hugs to all


  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited January 2014

    ((((Katie)))) So sweet of you to reply to everyone. 2 down and 13 to go already! Yay! I will be thinking of you... you have a whole bunch of us standing with you. I hope you're able to enjoy some of your favorite foods, now that your appetite is better. Keeping you close in my heart...


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895
    edited January 2014

    katie- how do you use ur tumeric? Sadly i only use it in cabbage soup (any other way and i cant stand the taste!) Need somecideas cuz i know i should use it lol but i grew up on micky d's so this isnt on my palet!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,356
    edited January 2014


    Just catching up. No, not a good way to start the year, but it seems that you may have many options. My thoughts are with you. We are here for you.


  • Brendatrue
    Brendatrue Member Posts: 487
    edited January 2014


    You certainly have received some incredible support and guidance from many of our wonderful forum friends. My heart goes out to you and my thoughts will include you as you face this long held fear, learn what you need to learn in order to get the care that is right for you, and continue treatment. I am glad to hear that you have already made some progress with regard to how you feel both physically and emotionally. Please let us know how you are doing if you feel like it, and know that many of us will be sending positive thoughts your way even when we don't hear from you!

  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134
    edited January 2014


    Sending hugs and prayers your way - I'm glad the treatments are going well so far.  Thinking of you and hoping the WBR gets you over this "bump in the road."  Keep us posted!

    Hugs and light and love,


  • cmhartley
    cmhartley Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Texasrose:  I ordered tumeric capsules from Puritan's Pride online.  I really don't know if the supplement is good or not I just liked their prices, ease of ordering and the capsule form.  Let me know if you need anymore info.  I'd be glad to help.  I am assuming it can't hurt.

    Hang in there,


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895
    edited January 2014

    oh i actually bought the cooking spice :)

  • stagefree
    stagefree Member Posts: 360
    edited January 2014

    and it doesn't hurt and may help... :)

  • Chickadee
    Chickadee Member Posts: 469
    edited January 2014

    I'm supposed to go back on gemcitabine this week so I already emailed the onc.  Want to see what she knows about adding turmeric or how to get the most effective use of it. 

  • cmhartley
    cmhartley Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    Chickadee, please keep me posted as to what your onc says.  I started the Turmeric without checking with my medical onc.  I guess I figured it was pretty benign.  With the WBR I will be off of chemo for a bit so I guess it should be okay for now.  Let me know how you do with the Gemzar.  It sucked for me but I'm not convinced now a lot of it wasn't due to my brain mets acting up.  We'll see.  Maybe we'll try it again.  

    Doing pretty good today.  Tapering down Dex to every headache, good appetite finally (after about 2 mos), no jittery feelings, slept fairly well and good energy this morning so I feel blessed.

    Again, thank you all for the words of support and encouragement.  I am so touched and feel so blessed!


  • Cafelovr
    Cafelovr Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2014


  • bestbird
    bestbird Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2014

    Katie, thinking of you today and sending very best wishes for a smooth and successful treatment with outstanding results!  Fingers and toes crossed for smooth sailing every step of the way!

  • Australia
    Australia Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2014

    Katie, wishing you wonderful success with the wbr with minimal side effects. Its amazing what the body will endure and bounce back. Love Gail xxxx

  • Bonitaj
    Bonitaj Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2014

    Hi Katie I am still a new kid on the block so to speak. I am glad to hear you are doing well.. I pray your WBR goes well and that any side affect are minimal and that you are living and loving life for many,  many years to come. God Bless and Keep you. Bj Sending you BIG HUGS AND MUCH LOVEWinking

  • EnglishMajor
    EnglishMajor Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2014

    Thinking of you, Katie and wanted to let you know.

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited January 2014

    Sending good thoughts your way, Katie.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903
    edited January 2014

    Oh Katie!  Just seeing this news.  Big Texas hugs!  

    Praying for abundant mercy, courage and grace for you as you stare down your giants.  May they all fall with a big nasty earth-wobbling THUD.

  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777
    edited January 2014

    Prayers go out to you Katie. xoxoxo

    My onc said ok to Turmeric (I started taking the capsules about a month before my dx) but he said no to Artemisinin, although he didn't know anything about it.  My DH discovered it and someone on this board wrote about it awhile ago.  Artemisinin is supposed to work like a chemo but only go after the cancer cells.  If it was a miracle cure we would all know about it but it must have some good effects for going after the cancer cells. Recently, my husband said that it might make the chemos less effective or something to that effect.  I would be cautious about using it but you may want to research it and see what you think.