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Faslodex Girls Thread



  • asly
    asly Member Posts: 6

    yes, I have gotten more migraines since being on Faslodex.  All my scans have been clear including a recent brain MRI for that very reason! I have to go see a neurologist to see what's going on but my onc says it's not cancer :)

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Tina, I'll be interested to hear the answer seeing as I'll have surgery on my back in 3 weeks time....

    My first few days of faslodex were relatively se free - just an increase in hot flashes and night sweats. Not nice, but livable with!  However, yesterday I woke up feeling nauseous (day 5) and proceeded to vomit andcontinue being   nauseous during the day.  It eased off a bit last night, but I've woken up this morning nauseous again. How long does it usually last?


  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394


    The only nausea I have had has been the afternoon of the shot. Never on Day 5, so I am no help.


  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    I'm no help for either question, but Nicky I hope you feel better soon.  Maybe something you ate?

  • NYCchutzpah
    NYCchutzpah Member Posts: 148

    I have found that ginger tea helps with nausea. I make a cup of regular tea and add a few slices of fresh ginger to the tea and let it steep.

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758


    I had intermittent nausea in the first months, and now an occasional icky, gorge-rising feeling that I can't peg to a particular time in the cycle. I've never vomited while on Faslodex except for a horrible multi-day episode last year that I initially blamed on the treatment, but soon realized must have been food poisoning or a particularly nasty virus.

    My usual tactic is to swallow two ginger capsules. When the nausea is particularly bad, I slug down some over-the-counter anti-nausea syrup. I carry ginger chew candies in my purse and deploy them at will--even when I don't feel sick!


  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394

    I admit to a fondness for candied ginger. I do eat them during day 1 and day 2 for medicinal purposes, but find reasons to enjoy a few more pieces during the rest of the month.


    and for you folks that enjoy some time in the kitchen:

    When I was doing the whole chemo/rads thing, I made my own ginger ale which is VERY spectacular. I can post a "recipe" for that too if there is interest.


  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    Let's have that recipe, Susan. I may not make it, but will enjoy reading how to!


  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    thanks everyone. Still not feeling great, I'm pretty sure it's not anything I've eaten. I have anti nausea meds, so I can keep it in check. I was just wondering how long I could expect it to last. 

    I'd love your recipe Susan!


  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162

    Oh dear, you are all making me very nervous as I will soon be a Fanny Pack girl and hoping to be driving 2-3 hours home the afternoon of my injections.....   I guess this is one more question to ask when I go to meet the Dr. at the trial site.


    I hope by the time you read this you feel fantastic and on top of the world again.


  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Janet, a lot of ladies have no trouble at all, or just a little fatigue.  That's me.  It would be good if you took a walk before getting into the car.

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    I had my second round of injections today, and so far have had little or no side effects. Yay!  Aside from rather sore bottom, feel good. I do not look forward to the shots, but it is a small price to pay if this gets me back on track.


  • sespebadger
    sespebadger Member Posts: 11


    I'm back on this website after a few years of thinking my bc was gone...but it's back. Just got news last week that I've got a tumor on my chest wall and mediastinal (new word for me!) and some mammary lymph nodes, my sternum and a rib. Going to start Faslodex and a clinical trial drug and xgeva next Tuesday.

    I would change my diagnosis...but not sure how to add new info. Would just add that I was on Tamoxifen for a year or so and then Femara.

    Thanks you everyone for sharing experiences and tips. I really appreciate all your help!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186

    So glad there is a falsodex thread. I have been on Fal. for 5 mos, not many side effects, but now my tumor marker is rising form t e 20's to 70's have any of you had that. I am very tired too, SE maybe or cancer growth?? I take armidex as well

    I get two shots at a time 500 mg falsodex...

    Main bad SE was vertigo on day 4-5, but now do not get that any more(I prayed a LOT and was prayed for....... the vertigo was bad) How have you gals done witht he tumor marker(27/29)

  • Minnie72
    Minnie72 Member Posts: 46

    so glad to have found this thread! Im actually at the infusion center getting my second round of herceptin and first faslodex shot.  Thanks for sharing your experience!  Im also supposed to get lupron but questioning that one since i have no ovaries!  Had anyone had two anti hormone for treatment?  

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394

    Lupron would be an odd choice with no ovaries. I would make sure that a doctor answered that question. Nurses can't generally change the orders.


  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Minnie, someone forgot you have no ovaries.  That happened to me last month at the cancer center.  Once mentioned, they deleted Lupron from my list of drugs.

    Bestock, welcome!  They don't test my tumor markers so I can't help there, but fatigue does seem to be a side-effect of both drugs.

    Went through the snowstorm to have my 12th set of shots.  Someday I hope I'll catch up to Susan.  Actually I wrote that wrong -- Susan I hope I never catch up to you.

  • RobertaH
    RobertaH Member Posts: 2

    Hello ladies, first time on a chat line but I felt it might be good to hear that the shot's were not bad for me. I read all the tips, took their advise and no problems. I'm doing double doses and have had 3 rounds, I think of it as my magic juice injections. The only side effect I've had is a bit soa one time and have noticed that the hot flashes are BACK!  I really don't mind them because I look at it as the med's are working same as Tamoxifen which I was on for 23 years. Yes....23!  I started taking a double dose in 1990 at age 28 when my cancer met'd to my T7vertebra, took that until 2005 when I went on single dose.  I've been blessed with no met's, at least I thought until 1 1/2 years ago when it raised it's wicked face again at T5 and my Pelvis bone.  I really thought I was the 1 percent that snuck through this diagnosis but I'm hoping Faslodex will jump start my system back into remission. I was on  AI for the 1st year then new spots at T11/12 so I went on Femura which didn't do well for me at all so we switched to Faslodex last October. I've been doing fine, no fatigue or other SE's and I just wanted to give an example of someone how didn't have a bad experience with the shots. Thank you for this site...Roberta

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    RobertaH, welcome to, and thank you for sharing your experience. This community is always great about sharing tips for dealing with SEs and problems, and it's wonderful to hear when meds go well with that "magic juice" too.  

    • The Mods

  • Minnie72
    Minnie72 Member Posts: 46

    Im home from my treatment and I am very sore from my butt to my legs.  And they did both cheeks!  No lupron for me (yes pajim, they forgot!) and glad because that would have been another shot!  Now I know why my kids cry when they get shots!  Thanks everyone! 

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394

    I am hydrating... drinking drinking drinking.

    Pam, I actually knew what you meant. :-)  May we both get many, many years with this stuff.

    Roberta, 23 years? That is astonishing! I am most sorry to welcome you back. That 1% is an elusive place, but after 23 years, I can't imagine you wouldn't have thought you were one of them.

    Tina, hope your injections go well tomorrow as well.

    I am sure I have forgotten tons of folks. Brain is frazzled today.


  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    Thank you, Susan. Back at'cha.

    Pam, Susan's out in front, it's true. Guess we should start calling her the Leader of the Pack!

    Roberta, Minnie, sespebadger and all other newbies, welcome. You'll find us a friendly, cheeky crew.

    Bottoms up, all!


  • sespebadger
    sespebadger Member Posts: 11

    O.K.......I need the scoop.....I had my chemo in a big room full of folks. But these Faslodex injections.....They must be done in a treatment room since it seems I will get them on my cheeks (the ones I sit on)?  And I'm getting Xgeva in my arm or tummy?

  • NYCchutzpah
    NYCchutzpah Member Posts: 148

    I get my shots in the same room that people get their infusions. I get the same chair and wait till the nurse has my shots ready. Some nurses do the xgeva (arm) first some prefer do do the falsodex (each cheek but not where I sit) first. I just want to get it over with.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Tomorrow I start Faslodex. I'll be getting it at the hospital's onco day clinic this time. I'm The Queen of Allergies so I wanted to do it at the hospital with my port already accessed in case of a bad reaction. I'm also going to take an antihistamine beforehand.

    After this, assuming all goes well, I'll be getting the shots at my local health fund clinic (general clinic, not oncology). 

    It will be interesting to see what SEs come along, especially since I'm very jetlagged right now - I got back from the U.S. on Monday.


  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    good luck Leah! I'm another allergy queen,  I had my first faslodex shots last week with no problems. Hope it'll be the same for you


  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    I get my Faslodex injections from my doctor's nurse in the same examination room where I see my doctor. Several times I had to wait in the practice's large, completely open chemo room for a nurse when my regular nurse was out. On those few occasions, the mere thought that I might have had to pull my pants down in public and moon 12+ strangers shot my blood pressure into the stratosphere. I think the chemo room nurses may have tried to inject me there, but I insisted on going into an exam room. 


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186


    They GIVE THEM TO ME AT THE SAME TIME, AS THEY SAY IT hurts LESS???? If I relax it is not so bad, I find it weird to hear they do it in a chemo room ---How embarrassing..

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Well, I'm having it done at Shaarei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem. It's a religious institution so there's no way they'd ask anyone to pull down their pants in a public area. They even put in IVs and ports privately.


    edited to add: NYCchutzpah, I hope there's at least a curtain around the chair!

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    not sure if be happy to have my shots in the chemo room! I get my shots at home, the nurse calls to the house. Same for my xgeva shots, so it's not an issue for me!
