When is a bruise not a bruise?

LMJ62 Posts: 1

Hello there,

I have a question for anyone that has had this happen. Two weeks ago i had a bruise show up on the upper area of my right breast. It looked like a small hickey but since then it has more than doubled in size gotten darker and has some dark spots like pits in it. That breast has also changed shape slightly and feels more dense. I have also noticed some discoloration starting around the lower part of the nipple on that same breast.

I just want to know if this might be an indication of IBC and I should have it looked at. I have not found any lumps and there is no redness or warmth that I have noticed, but I am concerned that the bruise is getting bigger and not better.

When I look for information about causes of bruising on the breast all of the results show up as IBC. Has anyone else ever had it start like this?

Thank you!

When it first appeared it was like a small 1/2" hickey this picture is week one and about an inch

This is today at two weeks and it is over two inches and darker



  • kicks
    kicks Posts: 319
    edited January 2014

    See a DR!  Something is going on but there are quite a few possibilities.  Does not look at all like my IBC presented itself.

  • kjsimpson
    kjsimpson Posts: 2
    edited January 2014

    Not how my IBC presented, but that doesn't mean it isn't something to be concerned about.  The best place to start is with your doctor and a mammogram if you haven't had one in the last year or two.

    I didn't think breast cancer presented as a small rash either, until I became concerned that my small rash wasn't going away on it's own and saw the doctor.  Since I hadn't had a mammogram in years, I made sure I got one quickly.  That action likely saved my life.  My IBC was diagnosed about as early as IBC can be diagnosed.  That improves my survival-thrival chances considerably.

    Get it checked out quickly and don't live in fear.  Best wishes. 

  • paradiseflower
    paradiseflower Posts: 4
    edited January 2014

    Wow. My breasts are doing the same thing. I did not notice it really until my gyn exam 2 weeks ago.

    My nurse practictioner saw these lumps/hickey looking marks and asked me if I had felt or seen them.

    I told her that I thought they were acne or keloids.  They just popped up out of nowhere. Now since my

    gyn exam, I have at least 5 or 6 new lumps that have come up. They show up flat and red, then they raise get slightly

    bigger, and get darker. So I am going to the UCLA breast center for a total boob workover. My gyn wants me to have a diagnostic 

    mammogram and an evaluation for neoplasm. ??? This is really nerve-wracking. I would take and show photos, but you all may flip

    out, because it does not look good at all. 

  • Jilljudd
    Jilljudd Posts: 7
    edited January 2016

    Hi, I'm a little in shock right now. I was getting in the shower and saw this black/blueish bruise on my breast. It wasn't there yesterday and I didn't injure my breast. I had a biopsy done on this breast in 11/2012. I have noticed in the last year that it looks like I have a dimple on this same breast when I look at both breasts in the mirror. Should I be concerned about this?

  • Wildflowers123
    Wildflowers123 Posts: 8
    edited June 2014

    Oh Jesus go get that checked! LMJ62 and Jilljud please don't wait! After having bilateral mastectomies in jan 2014 for stage 2 triple neg cancer, IBC showed up 5 WEEKS LATER and was stage IIIc. Not to scare you, but you need to get this checked FAST. It travels like a beast! 

    Please keep us updated and prayers to all of you. 

  • Jilljudd
    Jilljudd Posts: 7
    edited June 2014

    Did yours look like this?  All other pictures I've seen of the bruise were redish and my is more blue/blackish.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,840
    edited June 2014

    Dear LMJ and Jilljudd, Welcome to the BCO community. We are sorry you are dealing with the worries that accompany breast changes. We concur with the advice offered here by several of our members that it is best to seek the attention of a physician whenever you notice breast changes. We are not physicians and cannot diagnose your situation or comment on your pictures. We do realize how very stressful such changes can be. Remember that you are hearing from women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer but there are other possible reasons for changes in the breast. Only medical attention can confirm any diagnosis, cancer or otherwise. Please keep us posted and let us know how you make out at your appointments. The Mods

  • kicks
    kicks Posts: 319
    edited June 2014

    See your Dr.  Only your Dr can DX whatever is going on with you.  Remember that IBC is rare (only between 1% -5%) of all DXd BC.  However, if every one who got a rash/skin issue on breast were IBC, it would be probably the most common.  Of course it is ppossible so you need to see your Dr sooner rather than later.  It is possible to get a bruise without remembering/knowing where you got it.  Depending on what yoir Dr says/tests ordered, an appt with a Dermatologist can be a good idea.

  • Wildflowers123
    Wildflowers123 Posts: 8
    edited June 2014

    Jilljud, they are right - only a dr will tell you if this is IBC. No, this is not how IBC presented itself with me. Initially, I thought I had torn something related to reconstruction as it looked more like a broken blood vessel - and nothing like a bruise or rash. Everyone is different, but kicks and the mods are correct - IBC is very rare, and this is very likely nothing. 

    Take good care

  • Jilljudd
    Jilljudd Posts: 7
    edited June 2014

    I know that you guys can't diagnose me.  I just wondered what other's experiences were with this.  I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow and get an appointment.  I would still appreciate more feedback on if the bruising for other people looked similar to mine or not.  Thank you for your help.

  • Wildflowers123
    Wildflowers123 Posts: 8
    edited June 2014

    Jilljud, I think the mods were a bit upset at my panic response. Oops. :( I'm glad you are contacting your doctor tomorrow. Breast cancer can present itself in many different ways - usually different for everyone, nd I think we can all agree that when researching these breast changes, Google images will have us all in a state of panic after your first search. Lol. 

    In my case, after bilateral mastectomies and reconstruction, my recurrence presented itself in what looked like a torn muscle under the skin. So hard to explain. It looked like a cluster of broken blood vessels and it was raised a bit. A lot of what I've read says that IBC usually doesn't have a specific lump or tumor, but mine did. It changed quickly - within a week it was totally different than how it originally presented itself. By the time my surgeon looked at it, it covered 1/3 of my breast. I seriously thought I was having a reaction to the implant - thought maybe it was infected or something (I was still healing from surgery). I NEVER thought for one second that the cancer could be back - I had just finished 5 months of chemo, had surgery, and was on my way to recovery. 

    I apologize if my wording in my original response made you panic in any way - that was not my intention, and it was a bit of a knee jerk reaction. 

    Please let us know how things go tomorrow. Try to stay calm...I know easier said than done, but in the big picture this really probably is nothing. 

    Take good care. 


  • Jilljudd
    Jilljudd Posts: 7
    edited June 2014

    Kelly, thank you for taking the time to reply and explain things. I want you to know I will be praying for you. I understand things are different for everyone. My late husband had Melanoma so I understand that cancer isnt always by a textbook.  I'm of course praying this is nothing. I couldn't handle telling my two girls mom has the "C" word. They've been through hell and seen way to much destruction from cancer already. I'm sure it's nothing but nor thing I've learned along the way is that ignorance is definitely not bliss. Early detection is the key. Again as I lay in bed writing this post I will lay my iPad down and pray for Gods healing on you. I will let you know what I find out. Hugs Jill 

  • Wildflowers123
    Wildflowers123 Posts: 8
    edited June 2014

    Jill, I will be praying for you and your children. Yes, please let me know how things go. Thank you for your prayers. This has definitely been the biggest challenge I have ever faced. I'm 39, and my husband and I have a 15yr old son. I never thought I would be processing this type of news this early on in life. Thankfully, both my husband and son are amazing at keeping me smiling and looking forward, and we have been blessed with incredibly supportive family and friends (and even strangers!) in our small town. 

    You are right about early detection. Best to be on top of your game which it sounds like you are. I'm so sorry to hear about your late husband. Wow. I seriously have no words. :,( 

    I pray for you and your kids, and hopefully your summer will be wonderful, and full of happiness - without the "C word". 

    Waiting to hear 


  • kicks
    kicks Posts: 319
    edited June 2014

    I never developed reddened skin.  My IBC presented itself overnight as an enlarged node under my arm.  I found it one night when in the bath and it definately had not been there the night before.  It was about the size of an almond.  It took me a week to get in to see my PA as she was on vacation.  It had enlarged greatly in that week.  I saw her at 11 that morning and she had me at the Radiology Clinic at 1 that afternoon for a new mammo (last one was about 6 weeks before and was the same as previous years) which turned into a sono and biopsies then.  Had the path. report the next morning at 8 - IBC.  In the 17 days til I started neoadjuvant chemo, the node continued to enlarge, my breast enlarged, nipple inverted, and peau d'orange developed.  I never developed reddened skin, had itchiness or any pain.

    I'm older - I was 63 when DXd.  This Aug will be 5 yrs since DX and I'm still here and still NED (No Evidence of Disease).  Of course, no one knows lies ahead but I will happily take ever day I am granted and try to live it to the utmost.

  • Jilljudd
    Jilljudd Posts: 7
    edited June 2014

    I called my doctor today.  They wanted to see me this afternoon but I already had a dental appointment.  I volunteer in the morning tomorrow so they are going to see me at 2:30.  I'm sure it's nothing but I like to err on the side of caution.  Thank you all for your input.  I will update after my appointment.


  • Wildflowers123
    Wildflowers123 Posts: 8
    edited June 2014

    said a prayer for you at 2:30pm. 


  • Jilljudd
    Jilljudd Posts: 7
    edited June 2014

    I saw my doctor.  He feels it's a bruise but with the slight dimple he ordered a mammogram and ultrasound on my left breast just to be sure.  He felt no bumps and I think he's ruled out IBC as far as the bruise goes.  My appointment for the mammo/ultrasoun is Thursday at 12:15.  They said that the radiologist will come out after and give me results.  I thought that was odd because I've always had to wait for the doctor to call me so we'll see if that happens!  It would be nice!  thank you for your prayers.

  • Wildflowers123
    Wildflowers123 Posts: 8
    edited June 2014

    Excellent news! I know it's not confirmation, but I would think it gives you a bit of peace of mind knowing that he thinks it's probably nothing. I will keep praying, but in the mean time, try to relax - go have a glass of wine and put your feet up if you can. 


  • Wildflowers123
    Wildflowers123 Posts: 8
    edited June 2014

    How did you make out Jilljud? Thoughts and prayers.

  • itstweety
    itstweety Posts: 2
    edited January 2016

    hallo i found this bruise when i went to shower today i didnt feel it nd it didnt hurt me. the whole bottom of my both breast is bruised nd the color is blue nd red with many blue dots

    it looks like that. i wore a push-up bra this week. so could it be from it?? nd the bruises apeared at the same time so its kinda weird.... could somebody help me please... is it urgent??should i see a doctor??

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,840
    edited August 2014

    Hello itstweety

    It is probably nothing to worry about, and is likely related to your bra, but we always recommend that you go to your physician to ease your concerns. 

    Thinking of you, 

    The Mods

  • itstweety
    itstweety Posts: 2
    edited August 2014

    thats a relief... thanks you =)

  • kicks
    kicks Posts: 319
    edited August 2014

    It is probably nothing to be concerned about but at least a call to your would be in order and probably seeing him/her would be best.  There are so MANY possibilities as to what is going on with skin issues even on the breast.  The vast majority have absolutely nothing to do with BC and even fewer with IBC which is rare (1% - 5% of all DXd BC).

    No one here can tell you what is going on, we are not medical personnel - only your Dr can.

  • worriedperson1
    worriedperson1 Posts: 1
    edited January 2016

    hi I was hoping you could help me. Six months ago I found a small yellow bruise on the underside of my breast. It was about the size of a finger and so put it down to trauma from overly zealous boyfriend. Six months later the bruise is still there it is still small but has doubled in size and is now a reddy purple. Boyfriend is training to be amedic and doesn't think I should be worried and ice contacted gp but they can't see me for ten days. I'm frightened by the prolonged bruise after reading all about ibc. Would you let me know what you think? I wish you all the very best

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,840
    edited October 2014

    Hi worriedperson1, and welcome to Breastcancer.org. We know how hard it can be, waiting to see your doctor, and how worrisome and anxious it is! Only your doctor can accurately diagnose what's happening with your breast, so it's good that you've already made the appointment. Also keep in mind that while these kinds of changes to your breast are something to be taken seriously, IBC is very rare and only makes up between 1-5% of diagnosed cases of breast cancer. You can find more info about IBC here. Try not to over think it in advance of your appointment. Keep us posted with how it turns out, we'll be thinking of you!

    The Mods

  • kicks
    kicks Posts: 319
    edited October 2014

    See your Dr!   No one here can tell you what is going on - we are not medical personnel who are actually seeing you and any scans/tests they feel needed.  Your BF in training to be a medic does not the education to make a DX either.  I've known many Medics over the years and they are trained for emergency situtations primarily - not DXing BC.

    IBC is rare and it is also very aggressive and rapid.  Not 'hanging around' for many months to progress.  You've waited 6 mths to check what is going on so 10 more days isn't long.  The vast majority of skin discoloration has nothing to do with any of the types of BC.

  • Jilljudd
    Jilljudd Posts: 7
    edited October 2014

    Hi Everyone, I just wanted to post an update.  Sorry I didn't get back here to do so sooner.  But I had my Mammogram and it came back normal.  The bruise eventually went away and I started bruising in other areas as well.  So I just wanted to let you all know mine turned out to be nothing.  Hope yours all do too! 

  • flowers1993
    flowers1993 Posts: 1
    edited December 2014


    Can anyone give me some advice I found a bruise on my breast 2days ago I'm 21 years old I had a lump in the same breast not long ago and they said it was just a cyst I'm just wondering what this unexplained bruising could be

    P.so how do I upload pic

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,840
    edited December 2014

    Hello flowers1993,

    Sorry your concerns have brought you here but welcome!

    We tend to discourage members from posting pictures of their breasts as the members here are not doctors and could not tell you for sure what your bruising may mean.

    We do encourage you to see your doctor asap about your concerns.

    Sending you our best and warmest wishes,

    The mods.

  • kicks
    kicks Posts: 319
    edited December 2014

    See your Dr. No one here is medical personnel so no one can diagnose you.

    'Bruises' (redness/rashes/discoloration) can be caused by MANY possibilities. (I get bruises/'marks' all over the place from bumping into 'something' that I don't remember doing.). Why have you jumped to posting about a bruise in an IBC Forum? IBC is rare - only between 1% - 5% of all DXd types of BC.

    (I see there are still some photos in this thread - surprised as the Mods normally remove them shortly after they are posted.)