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TEs. A Beginner's Primer



  • iwannaseeyoubebrave
    iwannaseeyoubebrave Member Posts: 67

    Same question to Julie.  I was told I don't need to stop my tamoxifen.  

  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68

    wondering the same thing.  tamoxifen isn't on my list from surgeon of medications to stop. I did question it though. ( any excuse to stop taking it..)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    Tamoxifen is a clot risk - most docs ask you to stop it prior to surgery, just as they ask you to stop taking aspirin for the bleeding risk.

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360

    A lot of PSs recommend stopping tamoxifen up to 2 weeks before surgery because of the increased risk of blood clots because of surgery.  Oncs are very different though.  I had a substitute onc that I saw in June because my regular onc was on a medical leave.  He told me to just stop the day before and then start again 3 or 4 days later once I'm walking around more.  My reg onc returned and I emailed asking her 9 days before my surgery date.  She said to stop 2 weeks before.  I replied that my surgery was in 9 days and she was ok with the 9 days.

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96

    Mischief & Susan-  I don't know why but it does seem the closer I get to the surgery,the more uncomfortable these TEs are.  I can't remember the last time I got a solid night's sleep...heck, I would settle for 3-4 hours strung together!!  

    Juliecc-  Wow!!  One more day!!  You must be so excited!  I know you have lots you want to get done (don't we always try to get everything in place before our sx?). Anyway, try to relax this evening and know we are going to be there cheering you on!!

    Counting down...


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360

    Thanks, Ally. :-)

  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122

    Juliecc - Good luck today! Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • ojoyjoy
    ojoyjoy Member Posts: 44

    Julie- wishing you the best for today. Sending out love and light for a easy exchange! 

    Any of you ladies know how much smaller the implant looks cc wise than the TE?

  • iwannaseeyoubebrave
    iwannaseeyoubebrave Member Posts: 67

    Ojoyjoy, that is the million dollar question!  From what I understand it's difficult to determine since the expanders have a hard back side that stretch the cc ' s forward versus the soft and pliable implants that mold with our bodies.

  • ojoyjoy
    ojoyjoy Member Posts: 44

    Iwanna- well, shoot! I guess I'm just going to have to see what my skin can handle. My PS just said to me before I started the fill process "don't go too big". My NP said she would help me in figuring that out. I'm handling 50ccs a fill so I think I'll have 2 more and call it quits. That would put me at 450ccs. 

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    And it's proportional too. I'm 5'4 with a 27" rib cage, and it doesn't take many CCs to see a difference in me.  Now if you're 5'10 and much larger framed, it would take a lot more CCs. So there couldn't be a single number--it would depend on your size.  And then there's your individual anatomy--how your chest is shaped, etc. Not to mention that different implants are doing to have different effects as well.  I'm really starting to see the wisdom of filling until you like the overall size you have and then telling your PS what you like. 

    As far as "too big," there's looking out of proportion for your body and there's too big for your skin to stretch. 

    I tried a 45cc fill once and ended up in tremendous pain for a good 4 days! 

  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122

    ojoyjoy - I quit at 470cc (original goal was 600cc). My PS, and most others from what I understand, do not speak in cup sizes. He told me that as a general rule (VERY general, depending on a persons personal body, and he was speaking specifically in regards to my body shape, and being 5'9" 155lbs) that 200cc's MIGHT compare to 1 cup size. 2 weeks after my last fill, and things had settled a lot, I said to heck with it, and went in for 1 more. I just felt more comfy having that wiggle room. I am now at 540, completely done, and I am going to have to trust him to do what is right for me. He did say, that if he still went with the smaller implant, he would remove any extra skin, and make sure the implant was compatible pocket wise. At this point, I have done so much research, and made every decision to the best of my ability. I feel comfortable at this point to put in my PS's hands. Obviously I am going to be a walking advert for him, and he hasnt done me wrong yet :). It feels good to let that worry go. Will deal with whatever happens, when it happens.

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    Cup sizes are very different for different frame sizes. So, again, it's all relative.

    Here's what I found on reddit's "a bra that fits" (


    There's widespread misconception that certain cup sizes equate to
    certain breast size. When people hear "DD" they tend to immediately
    think "big boobs!" This is not the case, however, because cup size is not static. A bra's cup size is determined relative to its band size. What does this mean? A 36DD is NOT
    the same as a 30DD - the former holds more volume than the latter. All
    the DD indicates is that there is a 5 inch difference between your bust
    and underbust. Each cup letter corresponds to that difference in inches
    (A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 and so on).

    As an example, you might think you're a 34B, when in fact, you
    could be a 28DD! Both hold the same volume of breast tissue, but the
    28DD is meant for a woman with a smaller frame than the 34B. These are
    called sister sizes, and you can read more about them here.

  • Ninany
    Ninany Member Posts: 12

    Mine are five fingers apart!  My PS is doing a lateral capsulorrhaphy (pocket work) to bring them closer together.  Thank heavens, five fingers is a lot.

  • ojoyjoy
    ojoyjoy Member Posts: 44

    Twoam- I know we can't really go by cup size, as I've learned from this forum but it's the only way I know how to reference my native breasts, arg. Thanks for the reminder! The main thing for me is to have the proper portion for my body. I'm short, have a small waste and a booty. I guess you could say my body style is curvy/hourglass. My upper chest is more on the thin/boney side. My native breasts were a full C/ small D and it balanced out the "junk in my trunk", lol. Just hoping to have the same balance after the exchange is done. So far my skin, although tight, is holding up because I slather my chest in coconut oil. It's been softening up enough to get 50ccs a week. I'm thinking maybe two more fills for a total of 450ccs. We'll see how I feel after next weeks fill. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    joy joy have you gone to Whippetmom?  Go to Breast Implants 101. Read the directions, get the info written down emal her and she will help you with the sizes and types of implants. She is a wonderful resource here. 

    Ninnanny, a lot of things can be fixed at exchange. Make sure your PS is aware of what you want. Then trust him or her. This is their business. Believe me, they want you to look as good as possible. 

    Julie hope everything went well. Check in when you can. 

    Much love to all. 

  • ojoyjoy
    ojoyjoy Member Posts: 44

    Moon- yes I have gone to Whippetmom and trust her suggestions. I was just a little confused on the fill to implant part of things. She will get back to me and clarify. She really is an amazing woman! I have so much gratitude to her for all that she does to help educate and support us here on BCO. 

  • cammee616
    cammee616 Member Posts: 21

    This is probably a stupid question but I'm gonna ask it anyway....I just had my expander put in 17 days ago...i have found that I can finally sit up on my own and can be up for a few mins at a time without too much discomfort before the feelings like something is stabbing me between my ribs comes back...if I am laying on my back on the couch I am comfortable and in no pain (unless i sneeze or cough). In fact, I cannot even sleep in my bed at the moment because I cannot get comfortable (i've been sleeping on the couch) maybe my mattress is too firm...I dunno..but is this discomfort i'm feeling normal? and how long til I can move around again comfortably without feeling like i'm being stabbed? I have found that wearing the surgery bra helps me to stay comfortable longer (sometimes) while standing but in order to be pain free when laying down I have to remove it...I'm starting to think boobs are overrated and wondering why I'm putting myself thru this .. my doctor gave me hydrocodone for pain and I also have ultracets...neither of which really do much for me...I just wanna know when I might be able to get up and move around without feeling like i'm dying..any help would be appreciated

  • iwannaseeyoubebrave
    iwannaseeyoubebrave Member Posts: 67

    Cammee, I'm sorry you are hurting. I was on sleeping on the recliner for at least 3 weeks. It's so hard to get comfortable but rest assured that it does get better. I started feeling better around my 3rd week and kept progressing from there. Keep taking those pain meds as scheduled and muscle relaxers too. It helps to stay ahead of the pain.  Hang in there,  it does get better!


  • bethq
    bethq Member Posts: 177

    Cammee I also had pain meds but what really helped the most was Valium (muscle relaxer) and warm showers. I could not sleep in my bed for many weeks but an accomplishment this week is that I can "somewhat" lay on my sides.

    I too questioned why on earth I did this, but now as I get closer to the exchange I feel good about it. You never get used to the TEs but they become more bearable.

  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68

    Cammee, I too had stabbing pain, mine started a few weeks after Surgery.   None of my pain meds even touched it.  My PS thought maybe it was a nerve. It lasted for about 3 weeks. Mine was on my side just at the edge of the TE.  It finally went a way after DH gave me a massage all around the TE's for about an hour concentrating on my sides where I was getting my pain. It never came back.. Sounds like your pain is under the TE's??  I headed right for the shower first thing in the morning because I felt so stiff and uncomfortable and a hot shower always helped.  I really feel for you right now, I hope you can get a hold of this pain and move past this.  I also told my DH I was going to stop this whole barbaric procedure they call reconstruction.  I had decided breast where no longer a priority. But just at my breaking point things started to get better and now I hardly notice them. (except at night)  Praying you get some relief soon.

  • noonrider
    noonrider Member Posts: 203

    HI there. I don't think I will ever have the time to read this whole thread! I just finished chemo and will be having BMX with recon the beginning of Sept. I'll have attempting nipple sparing with TE's placed at the time of surgery. Now that I've finally made the decisions (much to the frustration of some extended family members!!) I'm getting nervous! I had a tummy tuck with muscle repair 5 years ago, so I'm familiar with feeling numb (I'm numb from belly button to crotch) . I had drains in for that, and my ab muscles were sewn up like a corset so it took about 3 weeks before I could stand up straight. It wasn't pleasant, but I lived through it. Loopy So here I am. Off to do more reading! 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Camee,  first, I am sorry you are in pain. That is no fun. Also, no question is stupid. That's why we are here! We've all had questions.  So ask away. I would also recommend what the ladies above do. Take your pills and perhaps a muscle relaxer. Don't be afraid to take your pills. It is hard to catch up to the pain. You have to stay ahead of it. 

     Did you have alloderm? Sometimes that can cause a feeling  almost like a broken rib pain. It does get better. 

    I had my first expander at my mastectomy so my pain was around for a long time. Besides the surgical pain from the incisions, you also have a Tissue Expander. It is placed behind the muscle. It is made to push out skin and that muscle. It's going to hurt. The doctors always forget to mention that part. LOL.  But it does get better. As I said if you have an alloderm sling to help hold the TE, that is also stitched in. No wonder you cannot sleep!  

    I slept in my recliner for a long time because I have knee trouble and couldn't make it up the stairs during after sx and chemo. I'm sleeping in it again now because I just had my knee sx. LOL.  

    Please read Tip #3 above. LOL.  KEEP YOUR END GOAL IN MIND.  This is one of those times you question " Why oh why am I doing this?"


    Much love

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360

    LeSpring, you past tummy tuck sounds very painful!  Your BMX might be a piece of cake in comparison.  Expect more drains, though.  I think most people have about 4 and they are USUALLY removed by week 2.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Le spring,  welcome! BMX isn't pleasant either.  But you will get through that as well. I did have 4 drains. One of which was in for a long time. Everyone is different. So we will hope yours goes well! I had pain from my BMX fir 3 weeks on pain pills. After that 3rd week it was much better. You will get through this. 

    Much love

  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68

    LeSpring, I only had two drains and they were in just over a week. Sounds like my BMX recovery was easier than your tummy tuck.  Hopefully you will be able to say the same.

  • cammee616
    cammee616 Member Posts: 21

    Thanx everyone...a warm bath helps some..cant take a shower bcuz the water pressure in my shower will throw me against the back wall lol...and i try not to take too much pain meds cuz i have a 5yr old and i have no one close to help with him (family is in pa while im in alabama) family has been great but they can't keep the child constantly...besides I need him here to help me by getting me things that I can't get up to do...I see PS again for post op on wed...I think you're feels like it might be hitting my ribs...hopefully it will lessen as they fill as I've read others say...I'm sure by this time next year (hopefully) this will all be forgotten and I'll agree it was worth if I could just get my chia pet hair to grow quicker and straight lol...(it resembles a bad perm from the 80's right now)

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    Ask to see a physical therapist, can prob do something to ease the pain. 

    I think the concept in general, of get fills til you like what you see when you are dressed.  Then tell your ps that. Some might stop then and some might then over fill their standard amount.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    cammee616 - I had the rib pain too.  So have many others.  Mine lasted three weeks or maybe a month, but eventually, after a couple of more fills, it disappeared.  Most suspect that the pain is due to the TEs shifting as they're filled and sitting on nerves.  Once they fill larger and change position a bit, the nerve is freed and so are you!  Hope that helps you a little...  And Moon is right, there is no stupid question.  We were all right where you are once.


  • noonrider
    noonrider Member Posts: 203

    Thank you for the warm welcome. Any input from those who've had nipple sparing surgery? My biggest anxiety is around pain meds. Percoset is terrible for me and I'm allergic to morphine. I have 5 kids at home who all have Down syndrome. I'm a busy mom! That's why surgery is waiting until fall when the kids are back in school. Getting through chemo was tough, getting through surgery will be even more difficult. I expect a good month of being mostly miserable. I wish I could just sleep that month away.