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TEs. A Beginner's Primer



  • RAM2013
    RAM2013 Member Posts: 19

    Iwannacookie - I had the same fears and have the same issue with my PS. My TE's are all under my arms and I have a big gap in the middle of my chest. Somewhere in this thread is my question asking the same question... is this normal?! I was reassured by several of the wonderful ladies here that this was indeed normal and that all is corrected in the exchange. Look back and see if you can find my original question.

    Hang in there, it really sucks when you don't feel comfortable enough with your doctor to have a conversation. Mine is a pompous ass who does not feel anyone's opinion but his own matters. He is supposed to be the best which is the only reason I put up with him. Thank God for this forum and the ladies here willing to share their experience and hope with us!

  • RAM2013
    RAM2013 Member Posts: 19

    Iwannacookie- here is the thread.

    I have just had my second fill and am now up to 225cc's.

    Most of the fluid is filling in at my sides and slightly around my underarms. The skin pockets near the middle of my chest is still saggy. The PA ( I haven't seen my PS for more that a minute and a half since my surgery) said that this is fine the doctor fixes this in surgery.

    This doesn't sound right to me. Does anyone have any advice here or similar experiences? I'm kinda freaked out about it. I don't want to go through all of this only to be deformed...


    Mischief46         Joined: Jul 2014Posts: 164


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    Sep  5, 2014 08:48PM         Mischief46 wrote:    

    my TE's are filled to 350cc and feel like they are under my arms more than on my chest. Plus, there is a huge gap between them.  My PS says he will bring them in at my exchange and not to worry.  The TE's do fill out wide before they actually fill out. If that makes sense.

    Smilinkitty     Blessings20…     CAJoined: Oct 2011Posts: 3,744


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    Sep  6, 2014 01:50AM         Blessings2011 wrote:    

    twoam - when the pocket is created for the TEs, the pectorals and often times the anterior serratus muscles can be cut or stitched. Both of those muscles have origin points that begin around the back. That's why you can have referred pain from the TEs. If you are cleared to shower, try letting the hot water hit your back to relax the muscles. Also, a nice back massage helps!

    RAM2013 - those darn TEs will just fill up any old way they want to. Don't be alarmed by wonky shapes. One day you will get to the point that you can actually SEE your projection begin! Mine were so weird they touched in the middle, and wrapped around under my armpits.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    Ladies - For some reason, TEs tend to fill W I D E before they fill OUT.  The TEs-under-your-arms feeling (or the John Wayne walk) is very common during this phase of reconstruction.  (Moon used to walk into doorways with her TEs.)  The wide feeling will go away with exchange.  I hope that helps you all a little....


  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Awesome responses ladies!!! Thank you once again for keeping my neurosis at bay. lol

    RAM--that sucks that you also dislike your PS.  Fortunately, arrogance often does equate to excellence.  While I don't feel particularly warm and fuzzy toward my PS, I am confident that she will give me a great rack!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    Iwanna - TE expand laterally and vertically when the saline is added so they can feel a bit like they are under your arms, and this is very common.  Most PS will do some pocket work at the time of exchange to create a more tailored pocket to hold the implant, eliminating some of that wide feeling.  Be sure to discuss this with your PS prior to surgery though - it is important that the doctor has your input about what you want.  Some people want more, or less, cleavage, and some want more width, others not - so this is important to talk about.

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Special--I will definitely bring this up with my PS.  I have a check up with her in 3 weeks so I'll ask her about it then. I'm glad for the suggestion because I wouldn't want to assume anything and be disappointed later.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Definitely talk to you PS. So that they know what you expect and so they can tell you right away if it is possible with your previous surgery and your skin, etc. 

    And, yes, when my TES were finally filled all the way- 2 long years after I started this process, I did walk into doorways!  LOL.  Those things just stuck out so porn-like! LOL and I am now a C cup. My P'S removed the side boobage /dog ears at my various sx. It was like when he put in one TE again he worked on that. LOL get my money's worth. My P'S filled 100cc every week and I had no problems until my final 2 fills. Ouch then! LOL last filling was only 50 and he had to work to get that in..9 months out they have definitely settled in. I forget they aren't mine except when the kinda slosh when I push on them for fun.... LOL

    My phone is still wonky so it's hard to post often enough. 

    Much love to all. 

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    I'm feel sheepish about asking so many questions. Especially because I have so few answers to give back to this community--at least right now. But I just noticed a new oddity and I'm wondering if I should be concerned. If I arch my back even slightly, I can feel my inframmamary fold being pulled/stretched, and I can see the ligaments under my breast very clearly.  Can anyone else feel and see those ligaments being pulled on?

  • RAM2013
    RAM2013 Member Posts: 19

    My PS wants to put in breast shapers after the TE's. The breast shapers stay in for two months and then the permanent silicone breasts are placed.

    Has any one else done this process?

  • Michele2013
    Michele2013 Member Posts: 232


    I have not heard of breast shapers before. Would like to know more though.

    Are you in the US?

    I am hoping to have my exchange by December.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ram, I have not heard of shapers before. Did you need a lot of pocket work? Perhaps that might be a reason for those. You could try the Exchange City board to see if anyone had those. That board is for those who are ready to exchange or have finished so maybe someone there could help you with that. 

    Iwannacookie, I don't think I'd worry about stretching feelings if there is no pain. The surgeon was in that area placing alloderm (probably) and cleaning up the pocket. So stretching the stitches that may have been placed would be normal. Sometimes it hurts. I had very sharp pain there from the alloderm.  It went away. But of course you call your doc if it increases, gets painful, swells, or red! 

    Much love to all. 

  • RAM2013
    RAM2013 Member Posts: 19

    Thank you Michele2013, I am in the US. I will let you know if I get more info or share my experience after my surgery, the are supposed to place the shapers on November 4th.

    Thank you Moonflwr912 I will do that.


    Iwannacookie, I can't say I had that experience. although I could feel my tissues on my expander rub and skip over my TE. That went away as I continued to get filled. Is it something like that?

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Moonflwr--it's not just a feeling of "stretching", it's the way you can see it.  Let me see if I can explain it better--You know how your tongue is attached to the bottom of your mouth; when you stick your tongue up to the roof of your mouth you see that narrow piece of skin--a frenulum, that holds it in place.  Well, if I arch back there appears to be 2 "frenula" (not ligaments as I had originally stated, but that's how they appeared to me at first) that connect the bottom of my breast to my trunk vertically.   I feel that my range of motion is restricted by this; that if I were to bend back too far, it might even tear them (like what would happen to someone who was tongue tied and forced their tongue up too far.).  I have a strong feeling I'm sounding pretty odd or crazy right about now.  But these "frenula" are visible and palpable. Anyway, I made an appointment to see my PS next Tuesday.   Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience.

    (Just to warn you, if you look up the word "frenulum" in Google images, you will see some images that you might find disturbing.)

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    iwannacookie - Does it look like this?  If so, It could very well be Mondor's cord (or more simply cording).  


    (Liberated from a website called  "Mondor's Cord, also known as "superficial thrombophlebitis" is not so much a complication as it is a minor annoyance. Basically, Mondor's Cord is nothing more than inflammation of the veins. It is usually caused by trauma (surgery in the case of breast reconstruction). Doctors usually recommend warm compresses and ibuprofen for treatment, although many women manage fine without these things. While Mondor's Cord can cause some discomfort, it is by no means "painful", nor does it develop into a more serious complication. It resolves by itself in a matter of days to weeks.

    Mondor's Cord, pictured above, may appear in the crease of the breast, or in the armpit / upper arm, although the latter is usually only seen in women that have transaxillary breast augmentation. Additionally, there may only be inflammation of one vein, or there may be several that inflamed and swollen. It is never anything to be alarmed about, but always let your surgeon know about things like this, just so that he or she can be sure to add it to your medical records."

    I hope that helps you a little... ThumbsUp

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    OMG!  That's IT!  Thank you AZ! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! How did you find that?  I have 2 very prominent cords and a couple less so.  They look exactly like that picture.  In my estimation they do hurt but maybe that's more in my head because of worry.  I'm wondering why they seemed to appear suddenly, after all this time.  But then again--I have been a very naughty patient.  I design residential landscapes and always find myself participating in the installation too, rather than simply overseeing it. Thank you again!

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    I just did a search on this website with the words "cords" "cording"  "mondors" "mondor" and "mondor's", and came up with only one other reference to this.  Is it really that rare?!  Surely with all the unfortunate thousands who engage on this website, there must be some others with this same issue.  

    AZ--how did you know or find out about this?

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    iwannacookie - I think MereMere posted a picture on the picture forum some time ago and (I think) it was Zenful who identified it as cording.  Before that, I'd never heard of it either.  Glad I could help...


  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122

    Iwannacookie - I have the Mondors Cord going on too, and regardless of what the article says, I find it very painful, not just uncomfortable.  Especially when I am trying to stretch or reach something, even if it is very close.  PS did say it should resolve. 

  • noonrider
    noonrider Member Posts: 203

    Help!!!! These TE's are going to drive me crazy. I had no idea I have the level of sensory issues I do until now! I have always detested wearing a bra. I have a tic disorder and bra straps and the band set off a shoulder tic so I try to buy clothes that allow me to go braless even though I am not small chested. But now these TEs? I feel like I have a permanent plastic bra implanted in me, stuck to me, and I can't get it off.  I am 3 weeks post op from my BMX with recon. My first fill will be next week (so just about the 4 weeks mark) and I'm trying not to freak out. I don't know how I will stand this. I don't know when I became such a sissy lala baby! 

    I think some of the problem is the burning skin. I had a tummy tuck 5 years ago and I do remember the sunburn feeling, and wanting to take my pants off whenever I was home because I didn't want anything touching my skin. What I don't remember is how long that lasted. What about now with the BMX? How long has that lasted for you? 

    My drains were just removed on Tuesday (at 19 days) The sites are still REALLY sore and sensitive. I've been told I have to be off all narcotics for my first fill and at this point I don't see that happening…like…ever. I have been taking one first thing in the morning when I get up and another before I go to bed. 

    I'm really tempted to say F*** this! Take the TE's out and I'll just go flat, or give me a tiny implant. Maybe later I'd try recon again when I'm past all this stuff. Maybe this last 6 months has just been too much for my body and mind? Maybe I just have too much on my plate right now? Maybe I just need a slap in the face and need to pull up my big girl panties? Only they keep falling down! 

  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122

    noonrider - So sorry you are having these issues with the TE's.  I guess this must be just one more thing that PS's differer on, because mine made sure I had pain meds all through the TE phase.  Even though I have already had exchange, I still have the iron bra feeling, and have often wondered if I should just throw in the towel and go flat.  Maybe we lack patience?  Wishing you all the best!

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Noonrider--I hear you!  The TEs are painful and, for a lack of a better word--clausterphobic feeling.  I think most of us have wanted to rip them out of our chest on one or many occasions.  But you have to keep reminding yourself of why you're doing it.  The end WILL justify the means.  (At least that's what I've been telling myself.)  I can tell you with some confidence that a lot of your pains will fade.  You will feel worse right after each fill, but those bouts also fade pretty quickly too.  The tightness has not gone away for me, but it's definitely more bearable now than it was a couple of weeks ago.  The skin sensitivity is the worst though.  My left breast is completely numb, but the skin and nipple on my right breast is so sensitive that I either have to walk around topless, or else bind myself with an ace bandage to keep anything from brushing against it.  Even that doesn't always work.  I stopped taking the prescription painkillers on my own because was I afraid of becoming dependent on them.  But I have found that if I keep a steady state of Naproxen (Alleve) in my system, the discomforts are bearable.  The trick is that you can't let up with it--you have to keep taking the pills at the regular intervals to keep the level up.  If you can't tolerate NSAIDS, maybe Tylenol will work.  Rest, take deep breaths (that works surprisingly well), and try to distract yourself.  

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • vfay49
    vfay49 Member Posts: 51

    noonrider, I have had issues with my TEs since my BMX in April, mainly the iron bra feeling and the feeling of having side boobs.  Because I am a little claustrophobic, I initially had concerns of not being able to deal with the feeling of wanting to rip the TEs out of my chest. This feeling did pass, and I have made peace with them.  I knew from my research that not all women have the same experience with their TEs.  My PS kept telling me during fills that everything I was experiencing was normal so I just continued to move forward.  As many women on this site have pointed out, you have to remind yourself that the TEs are only temporary.  What really helped me mentally was that in the back of my mind, I knew that I
    always had the option of removing the TEs and trying a tissue-based flap
    procedure or going flat so I didn't feel trapped. However, I felt I
    needed to give the implant reconstruction process my best shot.

    Although the majority of women on this site say that they feel so much
    better after their exchange surgery, some still experience the
    iron-bra feeling or muscle tightness after their exchange, which has
    been a little discouraging.  My exchange surgery is next month.  It is a wait and see situation.  I am hoping for the best as I do for you and others on this site.

    Hang in there!    

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360

    Vfay, I still had the iron bra feeling after exchange but it is almost gone!  It's been almost 2 months since my exchange.  Sometimes it strikes for a few minutes if I pick up something heavy like a case of water or push or pull something too hard.  Other than that, I hardly notice my implants anymore.  I think part of the iron bra feeling after exchange was due to my TEs being filled to 450cc and my PS squeezing in 550cc implants Happy  Plus your pecs are just tight after being operated on.  Hang in there, ladies.

  • noonrider
    noonrider Member Posts: 203

    After surgery when the PS went to update my husband she asked if I was a swimmer. I'm a pretty muscular person! When she did my tummy tuck 5 years ago she made similar comments about my abs. Anyway, when trying to place my TE's she said she needed to use "quite a bit of force" to create the pocket. When I went back at 2 weeks post op, still miserable, at first she was worried about why I was still in so much pain. She went back to check her surgical notes, "Ok, never mind. Now I understand. You have a LOT of bruising inside, I'm sure. Your pecs were pretty difficult to deal with." Also, I have a lot of edema behind the  nipple. At this next appointment we'll be deciding if I keep my nipples or not. Honestly, if I have to have surgery again to have them removed I will just have her take everything out. 

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360

    Noonrider you just had your BMX 3 weeks ago so you still are having mastectomy pain.  By usually around 5-6 weeks, that will be better and you'll be just feeling the tight expanders.  At least I hope so!  I hope none of you give up on your TEs too soon.  It will be a distant memory in a few months.  Smile

  • willowreed84
    willowreed84 Member Posts: 31

    Noonrider, I was in pain and using pain meds for 8 weeks.   After my 3rd fill the te's shifted around to a more comfortable spot.  I still have muscle spams on the right side and I use a muscle relaxer when it gets bad.  I don't understand why you need to give up your pain meds.  The muscle spasm is different than the tight bra feeling.  I think we are stuck with that.

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    I don't mean to invalidate what willowreed just wrote, but I've had my final fill, and now it feels like my TEs have shifted to a place that is less comfortable. I accept some of the blame for this though, since I've been brazenly physically active. Sometimes I can manipulate the TE and push it into a more comfortable position.   Still--when I look back, the pain has definitely steadily decreased and/or my tolerance for it has increased.  I think one of the worst parts about all of this is not necessarily the level of pain, but that the pain seem relentless.  It's like a ball and chain that we carry around with us all day--while we try to work, socialize, be with our family, run errands, etc, and then even at night--forcing us (or at least me) to lie all night on our backs, often making it difficult to get to or stay asleep.  I've had worse pain, but none so constant and long-lasting.  Today I found myself appreciating this website more than ever; more than even when I was first diagnosed.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hugs to all. What they said! I really can't add anything, they pretty much said it all. 

    Just try to remember you need to heal from the i sude too, so even if everything looks good outside you are still healing. 

    Much love. 

  • noonrider
    noonrider Member Posts: 203

    Does anyone have any hints on encouraging the drain site to heal. One of them is right in the crease under my breast, and I hot flash like every 10 minutes so its always sweaty there. It still burns and itches like crazy. That side was hyper sensitive while the tube was in so I'm sure the nerves just need to settle down. Its not red hot looking like an infection, but there is yucky white stuff in the hole. I think just because it can't dry out. Naturally, I'll ask my ps when I go in on Weds, but why wait to ask when I can ask the experts here? LOL

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Noonrider--definitely get a professional opinion.  But in the mean time I'd gently clean the area and then let it dry as well as possible, exposed to clean air for a while (an hour or so), then dab a little antibiotic ointment on it and cover with a bandaid.