Anyone here with another primary cancer diagnosis??
Anyone here with another primary cancer diagnosis?? Testing to see if I do right now.
i have two primary cancers diagnosed 6 months apart, breast and thyroid.
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I had another primary colon cancer diagnosed within 1 month of bc dx. I ended up having a "double" surgery on the same day: mastectomy with auxiliary node dissection and sigmoid colon resection.
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Beatrice, did you have to undergo the radiation for the thyroid cancer? My husband has a cousin who had it too and she had to stay away from her family while on it because she was radioactive from it. Crazy!
Maggs, did the colon show on the scans and that's how they found it?
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I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 2 breast cancer in October. Just diagnosed with Melanoma. Not sure which stage yet, waiting on the SNB results. Pet scan did not show any active areas. My oncologist seems more concerned With the Melanoma than he was about. My breast cancer. I am wondering if the chemo lowered my immune system enough to allow the Melanoma to become active. So far they have said it is thin, which is good however it does have rapidly dividing cells which is alarming. I have three taxols left and then on to Rads. Not sure what the treatment course will be for the Melanoma yet..........
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Breast and Thyroid for me too.
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Good luck Northwinds! My mother is a skin cancer survivor and thriver! You can beat both!
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sinsin, my colon cancer didn't show on any scans. I had some occasional symptoms (bloody spotting after bowel movement and complained about it to my GP. My GP claimed that I was to young to order colonoscopy (you have to be 50, lol), and that's probably hemorrhoids...But when I was dx with bc I insisted to have colon checked and that how it was discovered. 😒 luckily colon it was still fairly early (stage IIA), and didn't go to any lymph nodes.
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I don't know if I will need radiation, I am waiting for surgery to remove the thyroid and I'll know after that. I am recovering after the exchange and I did not want to have the thyroidectomy too soon to allow for some healing first.
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My friend is dianosed with ovary cancer. It is actually the primary stage but she is having the difficulty with the treatment .
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I was diagnosed with cervical cancer many years ago and have not had a recurrence (1978!) and all paps have been normal since. So, that makes me a "two types" of cancer person although not simultaneously.
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lung cancer 3 1/2 years after tx for BC
and had melanoma 20 years before BC diagnosis.
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breast and thyroid as well
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Wow! Lots with thyroid cancer. I wonder of there is an unknown connection between it and breast cancer. I am worried that I may have gastric cancer.
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I had stage 0 colorectal 12 years before stage 1 breast. Sinsin - what makes you think you might have gastric cancer? Are you having bad symptoms? What kind of tests are you having? I hope you get good news soon.
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I've been having indigestion, gas, and bloating for awhile now and it's been getting worse. I have had an endoscopy, colonoscopy, ct scans, MRI, ultrasound, you name it. I have several liver lesions, a hyperdense lesion in my spleen, and now mild wild thickening of the bladder wall. Yet no source to be found. I'm trying to get an endoscopy ultrasound with stacked biopsy to find out for sure. I've been told that's the best way to find it. But I have a very irregular period, a hormonal imbalance that causes severe depression that I am on drugs for, night sweats, acid reflux, bloating, gas, you name it. I'm just a ball of misery and I'm scared.
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I'm sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. I hope they can figure out what's going on soon.
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Me too. I see my 2nd opinion GI Wednesday. Hopefully they'll do an endoscopy ultrasound.
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Yes I had Ovarian cancer stage 4 in 2003. I am 10 years ovca cancer free...but now stage 4 BC
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I had Estrogen + BC Stage IIb in 2007. 8 Rounds of Dose Dense Chemo and 33 Rounds of Rad. Had been doing fine then went in for headaches and the Doctor ordered a MRI of my neck. Luckily I had a swollen saliva gland last year and had an MRI and US. One of the five nodules (which they didn't mention at the time) had grown significantly and of to another US followed quickly by a FNA. If that weren't enough my PCP called me at 8:30 at night (that's never good) with a diagnosis of Murthle Cell Metaplasia of the Thyroid.I am waiting to see the Doctor for the Thyroid removal and a definitive diagnosis of the Metaplasia. Seems Murthle Cell Cancer can only be diagnosed through removal.
I am concerned but dealing!
Be strong and keep on your doctors!
New Orleans
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Yikes Terrina! Sounds like they caught it somewhat early though! Best of luck to you and may there be no more surprises!
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I have been diagnosed with a GIST tumor in my stomach, a type of stomach cancer. It is small 2cm and reportedly slow growing, but I need to have a stomach resection to have it removed. My onc tells me I am lucky it was found early. When I had a ct and pet scan when first dx with BC they noticed something in stomach. My onc thought it might be just thickening of stomach lining, so I went through chemo, surgery and am now in radiation treatments and it was back burnered. Finally had ultrasound guided biopsy and now have to meet with foregut surgeon to discuss surgery.
I am so tired from all the BC treatment and early menopause, and now this. It's all a little bit too much.
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Hello CatieMae, Welcome to community. You have been through so much and understandably so tired from all the treatment and now having to deal with the prospect of having more surgery.
We just wanted to send you our blessings and let you know that we are thinking of you. We hope you get the support and help from the wonderful people in this community!
Hugs from all the Mods.
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Just diagnosed with lung ca - new primary. Sx is on the 15th.
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CatieMae, how are you doing?
IsthisforReal, sorry you have to deal with this. See my response on the lung cancer thread.,
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Have any of you been tested for P53 gene mutation for another primary cancer?
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wifesupport - yes, I was tested for TP53 along with over 40 other known cancer-associated genes. I had no mutations found.
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Just got the results from a thyroid biopsy. Positive for papillary thyroid. I just finished my bc radiation treatments on April 28th. And now, here we go again. Meeting with the surgeon tomorrow. I'm completely emotionally and mentally depleted. I look at the positive in that I am thankful that it is not bc metastasis to the thyroid.
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I had endometrial cancer in 2006, bladder cancer in 2007 and 2010, followed by stage IV bc in 2011 (actually 2010, but it didn't show up on mammogram or ultrasound and drs. couldn't figure out what was causing the pleural effusions.) My sister also had three cancers (kidney, leukemia, and bc) but all of ours were after age 50. I was tested for PTEN and P53, but both results were negative. Something must be screwed up!
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DCIS in 2009 and Endometrial Cancer Stage 1a in 2013 - perhaps from tamoxifen which I was told to stop taking (duh!) Both very early - so consider myself very fortunate.
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Breast cancer a year ago, acute leukemia two months ago. Both without the common symptoms..