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Unilateral mastectomy & reconstruction



  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited November 2014

    Sparkle- lorazepam (Ativan) stays in the system a few hours longer than alprazolam (Xanax) .  If you are looking for a bit quicker anti anxiety relief, then you can try Xanax. Remember, both of these can cause dependency if used regularly over long period.

    Fourminor, I am using Palmers cocoa butter cream right after shower and so far the scar does not look too bad. I wish I had used it on my scars right after cholestectomy sx because they look don't look too pretty.

    Iswhatis-diazepam is not in the same family as hydrocodone. 

    Hope everyone is on the road to recovery.

  • Sparkle2014
    Sparkle2014 Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2014

    Has anyone with UNI MX and scheduled LIFT decided to postphone the 2nd surgery to wait maybe a good 8 months or more -  my 2nd surgery is next week,,,   I wanted to get in before WINTER SETS IN,,, as dressing with knee socks, boots, scarves, gloves, 4 layers and jacket when healing on two sides becomes more difficult - if I wait till May or June 2015,,,  that all would be easier to heal, plus I would be off from work and be able to rest outside vs being stuck inside as temps now in 40's-50's and being outside sitting is not fun,,,   just also not sure if body feels up to 2nd big surgery in a 4 1/2 month period,,,  just weighing options...


    PS said just had to wait 6 wks after last fill which I have,,  but he did say not to worry if keep TE IN LONGER, as he has one patient still has TE and she had her MX over year or two ago but she doesn't want to go thru surgery yet again,,  thoughts?  


    I bring this up as my MX is on RIGHT, I had RT frozen shoulder 5 yrs ago that never fully recovered and have severe pain in that whole rotator cuff and rt shoulder joint and my worry is that the 2nd surgery and lift to left may really or could stir things up a lot to leave me worse off then am now,,,  and getting in and out of all the cold weather clothes,,,,,  I would hate to say god I wish I waited longer so the site really isn't so raw to go in again, or maybe people here feel go ahead and get it over with - so in same insurance year and so can begin to heal and able to try to move on to my new normal/?  any advice, welcome.. thanks

  • Fourminor
    Fourminor Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2014


    I'm having my third fill this week and after fourth we are going to assess whether I am done or need one or two more.  Assuming I'm cleared from having chemo--still waiting for MO appt---I'd be up for exchange I guess mid winter?  I was actually thinking the opposite--that getting all of this done well ahead of warm weather would be good as by the time I need to put on something revealing, I will hopefully be fairly healed.  I hadn't considered the dressing myself issue, but I have not had too much issue with the mastectomy; was able to pull a shirt over my head by week 3.   I wonder if the real culprit is your shoulder.  Have you had orthopedic consult?  

    If its a real bother to you, I don't know there is harm in waiting as many sisters have to wait because of other treatments. 

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168
    edited November 2014

    Fourminor, I am in agreement with you. I had my mastectomy in July and it has been a problem all summer to try to wear something to kind of hide it and I have said, would have been better in winter with sweaters and jackets.  I am due to have exchange in December and I hope it all goes well.  This summer, I was not allowed to be in water at all, so could not even go to the pool with my grandchildren.  Hope to get this done and be able to physically if not mentally, put this behind me by spring.

  • iswhatis55
    iswhatis55 Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2014

    I am having my exchange 6 months after Uni MX (tomorrow!) and can't wait to get it over with.  Agree with wanting to be done by next summer - no lake for me this year. :(   But next year, just wait!  Also good to get done in same insurance year.  That being said, you need to be comfortable and not rush what you're not ready for.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2014

    I agree with everyone, rather get it over this year for insurance, and I also couldn't go in pool or boating all this past summer, I have had 7 surgeries in 9  months, am due for one  more and I am wanting to get it done this year, I also want it behind me as fast as I can. My lift was in Juky and we are still working on the scar as it is constantly irritated from wearing my bra on the implant  side. I could not wait to get my TE out,,, and you may need revisions like myself and they take time to heal also,,,you cannot  rush yourself  if you are not ready, we are all different and so are our PS,in what they want you to do as far as instructions and waiting periods. I am finally feeling like myself again and I am doing everything I did before my SX. So it has been almost a month since my last revision. I can't wait till I can get back to work, realistically I am shooting for first of the year,,, a whole year this BC has robbed of my life from beginning to end,,, I am ready to take  my life  back!!!!    Good luck with your decision Sparkle, 

    Healing Hugz to all,,,,, J

  • scary
    scary Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2014

    My uni mast. was early March, then i saw PS in April, who said he wanted to wait until end of June to put in expander.  I had fills every two weeks thoughout the summer, and I couldn't swim during that time either.  Just three weeks after my last fill, I had my exchange surgery and other breast reduction this past Wed.  I go back to followup later this week.  Now that it's winter, I feel better getting whatever revisions need to be done (if Medicaid covers them), like draining/removing dog ears if the drains don't do the whole job, which they probably won't.  I want to be able to swim by next summer.  So I understand wanting to get it over with, but I also understand wanting to take a break from surgeries, especially since there are other things in life that need to be tended to.  So it really IS an individual decision.  Hugs.

  • momwriter
    momwriter Member Posts: 276
    edited November 2014


    I had my UMX two years ago when I also got a TE. I still haven't done the exchange- keep  putting it off for different reasons. I wanted to wait a long time after radiation. Then I didn't want to do it before the summer because I wanted to swim. Then we moved this fall and I needed to be able to lift. Then it's the holidays. So I'm hoping I'll be brave and go for it in January. 

    The TE hasn't caused me problems-  the main issue is that I'm very lopsided and I'm not sure that is going to change if I just have implant exchange without lift. I was not going to do a lift, but now I'm not so sure. It sure would be nice to be more even. And if I get callbacks on mammos anyway because of my dense breasts then I'm not going to worry about callbacks because of scar tissue. But I am curious to see how recovery is from exchange and lift. Do you have to get a drain with TE and lift? 

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136
    edited November 2014

    I am scheduled for reconstruction with lat flap on Dec 29.  I want to enjoy Christmas this year, but have surgey by end of year.  From what I understand, the reconstruction process is at least 6 months-and I want to be done by summer.  Last year-I could not lay in the sun, swim, barely walk on beach-let alone wear any cute clothes.  I own beach timeshares two weeks in the summer-and this year, I want to be able to enjoy it.  It has been one year already for me...I am so over it already.  To say this crap sucks is putting it mildly. 

    Yes-I had to wear two drains for my lift with TE placement.  I had mine done at time of uni.  Dec 29-they both come out-and momma gets her new knockers :)

  • scary
    scary Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2014

    vettegirl, you are so funny.  but i totally agree with what you're saying.  i paid to buy chemicals to maintain our pool, and i hardly got to use it; such a waste.  and when i went to the beach after my fills (because it was right nearby), I could only get my feet wet.  so this coming summer, i plan to enjoy everything in the outdoors that i possibly can.  good luck with your surgery.  hugs.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2014

    ji everyone,, I cant believe it has been a year since my mammo that got my DX of BC... My oncologist office just called to make an appt for my right mammo.... wow.... i asked if he had me for an ultrasound mammo and she said no,, regular,,,,, I told her i had reductuion and lift on my right in july and still have healing issues so no regular mammo for me.. she stated she will talk to dr and get back to me.... oh boy,,, time to worry about the results already....i also need to go to dermatologist for a few skin tags taken off but I am scared to death they will tell me more cancer,,,,,,,, does it ever end????  should I demand an ultrasound????...... I dont want to wait for regular mammo as I have one more procedure to do on that side,,, i want to get it over with,,,,, any help on this ladies????..... healing HUGZ to all..... J

  • scary
    scary Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2014

    i will have that same exact question in January when i am due for the mammo on my left/reduced breast.  i don't want them squishing it wrong or something.  maybe ask ps for opinion on whether it should be mammo or ultrasound?  if he/she insist on u/s, ask for a letter that you are still having work done or that mammo done just after surgery is not recommended at this time, or that mammo may not read accurately during recon.  let us know what happens.  hugs.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2014

    thanks scary,,,, it isnt going to be done till towards the end of this month,,,,, until then,,Scared

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited November 2014

    It looks like most of us are plagued with anxiety when it comes to waiting for mammo, biopsy result, pathology report, etc. or the possibility of recurrence. I wonder if some of us have a mild form of PTSD. I hope this will get better with time.

    Jeanie, I feel for you. Hang in there. Btw, did you try the KT tape? 

    Scary, hope you are doing better with pain control. How was TE placement surgery compared to MX? I will have sx for TE placement in January.

    Iswhatis55, yay! Best wishes on your surgery tomorrow. 

  • scary
    scary Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2014

    Loveroflife, when i had the mastectomy, the pain went away pretty quickly.  then the TE recovery pain was worse.  But the absolute worst post pain was the most recent surgery, which was exchange on right with a small bit of lipo from tummy, and left reduction.  I have the most pain from the reduction side, but even that is getting a little better each day.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited November 2014

    Scary, thank you for sharing your experience. I'm glad you are recovering. I won't be getting a reduction though because I'm small, but instead the healthy side will be augmented to match the mx side. I'm not looking forward to the surgery. 

  • Sparkle2014
    Sparkle2014 Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2014

    everyone of you have such terrific advice!  I think the Pre-Op apt just got me into a panic - plus was totally PMSing bigtime, I think I just need to GO FOR IT!  go ahead now (as will be same insurance year and I already met the deductible!!  and I am not yet sure what my insurance plan is for 2015 - and PS has no worries over putting implant in as it will be 7 weeks from my final fill which was mid September,,, 

    It is the Post Traumatic whatever - absolutely - I think many of us on here have - whether we want to admit it or not - been traumatized by having Breast Cancer Diagnosis (it shocks the life out of us!) - sure does!!!! 

    I also was feeling very anxious as I had to TELL MY BOSS and HR Dept that I would be out for maybe 2 months or 2 1/2 months and there is a lot of GUILT involved in telling them and knowing that my sweet co-workers will be the ones who wind up taking up the burden of one women down in customer service department & no one gets a raise (as the company is very frugal) - they get stuck taking more calls, processing more paperwork, and who knows if they really feel I need 2 months to recover - people who never have gone through anything like this sometimes tend to not grasp how painful the surgery and recovery is  nor grasp how emotional the whole thing is - it is natural - people don't want to do more for a company who doesn't acknowledge the fact that they pitch in (I wish the company would give raises to these people in my dept as they are being put out and should be compensated for extra effort but that is not up to me to decide) - I can not worry about whom may feel that way - but I do feel I get the cold shoulder from one girl next now (as if she feels I am milking the situation - she is a bit gossipy and talks behind other backs)  they may all not have thoughts like that - or they may - all I can do is try to do my best to heal without complications, and try to not take on too much as if I can allow it to heal nicely - maybe I won't need to go back in again for a 3rd surgery - but yes (GUILT is one of the emotions - I wish it wasn't,  as none of us asked for this BC stuff). 

    Part of the situation is that many of us actually look ok to other people - and no one can see that we may be in pain - or feeling a side effect from a medication, or having not slept as worried over a test that we have coming up or are waiting for result and sort of freaking out that they may call and say something has come back,,,  so the physical impact, the impact of fear on regular basis, the fact that we may feel a tremendous amount or fatigue or now have financial debt over trying to win this battle - and all the DR appts and being so vunerable - I think that other people see what the media portrays,,,  early detection saves lives etc..  but not everyone realizes that women with BC have multiple surgeries, complications, infections, long term chronic pain issues, increased health issues and more quality of life changes...

    Plus, if I can put a SPIN on it - it may go a lot better then I imagine.  Hearing all of the words of wisdom helps - I was thinking today that yes, just go ahead and do this,,,,  as if I decided to wait till late spring - who knows what may happen in those 7 months!  at least right now - my support team (my Mom and my Aunt are healthy and so the timing of next week I guess makes sense,,,,and you just never know if you put something off too long - you have to worry about it approaching everyday too and your whole situation may be turned upside down by something else unexpected, right?


    Jeanie - a full year - wow, and I do believe your DR can say you NEED the ultrasound etc...  you definitely have been through a lot - 7 surgeries in 9 months - big hug for that - and please TRY sewing a soft cotton piece from soft pima cotton tank or T shirt along the edge of the barely there bra bands or genie bra - that may soften the rubbing along your stitches - I know what you mean as I had rubbing that was driving me crazy - but I did try to alter the bands so that nylon material in the seemless bras wouldn't be so snug and it helped..  keep me posted on what test you plan to go in for soon :)

    iswhatitis55 - Good Luck on your exchange!!  I hope it goes really exceptionally smoothly and you come to feeling pretty good,,,  let us know when you get back on here and I send you my prayers and strength..

    Fourimor - yes - you are right - going ahead will make me get to point where I can move on sooner vs delaying it more and yes I may have serious shoulder issue - I definitely do!  it is just that even if I do, I can't have any shoulder surgery now as the shoulder is same arm (right side and I am right handed) - they say no surgery that arm for many years,,,  I will plan to try to go to PT maybe few weeks after the swap surgery and lift,,,, and I will plan in moist heat and ice to shoulder too during the weeks will be recovering - I also have exercises they gave me - just too lazy to do them!

    and lets all just realize we're in this together - it is November a time to give thanks and I am thankful for this site as it has given me support that I have not gotten from my close friends nor family (as you really need to get advice from those who have BC and have gone though what each of us goes thorugh)


    so Thank you to you all...  2015 has got to be a better year for each of us,,,  I am going to try to focus on how lucky I am and the fortunate things in this situation (there are many more good things when I look at it that way)


    hugs - & strength and blessings to you all



  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited November 2014

    Sparkle, I understand your concern with not being able to use both hands after exchange for implant n  a lift on healthy breast. There are so many things to worry about...coworkers carrying your work load (and yes,the guilt), worrying about surgery, and the worst-the unknown. I would drive myself crazy because naturally I'm a worrier too. I would  rather be warrior than a worrier in facing my anxiety (still learning how hehe) It is tough to stand in the middle when you are facing choices. What I learn over the years is that once you make a decision,the burden of indecisiveness is lifted off your shoulders and you feel much better.  You just deal with what is going to be ahead of you. I'm sorry I don't have any advise to give you because I have not walked the path. You have a loving support team, mom and aunt, to help you. Stay focus on the positive.  Best wishes on your surgery next week. You go girl !!

  • frostecat
    frostecat Member Posts: 223
    edited November 2014

    Sparkle, I haven't been able to post but have been reading your scenario.  For, me I want everything over in this crappy year of 2014!  Medical insurance plays a key too, and I it will be nice that you will be able to hide under clothing.  It was a bit awkward this summer for me being very lopsided.  Nothing a sweater or scarf can't hide.

    I know the guilt associated with the workplace, but you really have to focus on you.  Catty women co-workers can throw you for a loop, but don't let them, they really have no idea what you are going through, and hopefully they never will.

  • Fourminor
    Fourminor Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2014


    I too feel anxious about asking for more time for the exchange surgery.  It was part of what motivated me to go back to work next week, four and a half weeks after surgery.  I figure if I came back a little earlier than I had planned, they would see I am not trying to take advantage of anyone.   At the same time, I would have gladly carried an extra burden of work in trade for dealing with breast cancer for the rest of my life, so I can't feel guilty about having to be out.

  • scary
    scary Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2014

    speaking of lopsidedness, i went through the whole summer like that too.  now that i have had my exchange, and even though the implant hasn't exactly dropped into place yet, i feel so much better (in clothes, that is, lol).  my neighbor just saw me for the first time since the surgery and her first words were "wow, you have smaller boobies".  I took that as a HUGE compliment!

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited November 2014

    Fourminor, that is a good way of thinking for not allowing guilt to affect you. None of us ask for BC. I would rather carry the extra burden of work too than dealing with breast cancer. The next time guilt creeps up on me, I will think of what you said. 

    Scary, hopefully, the back and neck pain will go away now that you are smaller. I'm glad you like how you look in clothes. 

  • Sparkle2014
    Sparkle2014 Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2014

    thanks gals - it just dawned on me today to ask if anyone here had or tried to get any financial assistance from their state or job when took time off to recovery?  when I had DX of BC in May and surgery in June - I had only been at my job for 6 months and someone had said you need to be in a job for at least a year to get any help - well now I am at my job 1 year since my hire date..

    I even hate to ask my HR director as I am very pleased they allowed me to be out and return (unpaid) and hope that I can get through 2nd surgery and also go back and keep my position...  so maybe I just keep my trap shut and not rock the boat - even though I have no money, no savings and owe family a lot of $$$ from this -


  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168
    edited November 2014

    sparkle2014 the would likely depend on what state you live in.  I live in Kentucky and they do not have general assistance, only temp assistance for families with children and then, it would be only for extremely low income. I was off 4 weeks and returned to work. I will have exchange surgery in December but should only be out 2 weeks. I was worried when I was first diagnosed as to what would happen if I could not return to work and had to go for disability because I worked for the government for 25 years and I know that is not an easy route, unless your have a very bad prognosis. Thankfully, I didn't have to try that, and just returned to work and hope to have enough vacation with the holiday's, to get me back to work after exchange.

  • Fourminor
    Fourminor Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2014

    If you didn't have LTD from work, I don't know that I would ask there.  But damn that i pay a crapload of taxes and what the hell does it get used for if not to help a citizen of this country out who's in a situation like this??

    Find your state's social services website and start probing around.  

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited November 2014

    What state are you in?  Here in California, we pay into state disability insurance, which supplemented my income when I was on leave for surgery.  It does not seem fair that your employer would penalize you if you ask questions regarding financial help. 

    "The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is a United Statesfederal law requiring covered employers to provide employees job-protected and unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons. Qualified medical and family reasons include: personal or family illness, family military leave, pregnancy, adoption, or the foster careplacement of a child.[1] The FMLA is administered by the Wage and Hour Division of the United States Department of Labor"

    I would call your state employment development.

  • Sparkle2014
    Sparkle2014 Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2014

    it is pretty SAD that as AMERICANS, if one of us who has paid taxes and state taxes year after year - that the help available typically is for very low income women with kids,,,  seriously, if you are a SINGLE low income women with no kids, it is like no one cares,,, and all the cancer organizations offer assistance in terms of driving women to appts, wigs, prosthesis supplies, I have called around, asked at the hospital, called cancer care, pinkaid, local 211 site etc...  they gave me list of food pantries, others said their funds are all gone for 2014 year, so basically I gave up looking for aid as it seems there really is none unless you really are disabled and home bound with severe limitations - which is why I hesitate to even mention to my job as I don't want them to be looking for reasons to try to let me go after I do return - if they feel I am a risk or pose issues - I will be first one on the cut list and a job when you are over 40, female and living in CT which has been is huge economic crisis since 2008 and not bounced back - finding a job, any job here is soooooooo difficult and my job is 14 mins drive away from my house, no highways involved and it is not glamourous but I can wear yoga pants, sweatshirt stuff, no makeup and that is fine with them - so I do feel grateful for that and finding another job would suck!!!  so that is motivating me to sort of say - ok 8 to 10 weeks max and TRY to get back there by maybe the 7th week,,,,,  hopefully!!  and when I was trying to find this position and had been out of job from 2012 to 2013, I interviewed almost everywhere and was told overqualified at most places!  and it was depressing and financially tough too and I had applied for state assistance - I think I applied fall 2013 - they did not send me a letter until middle 2014 - no joke!  by that time I had had my job and wouldn't qualify for their aid and I also had just gotten my BC DX - so that is how slow the CT state is - it is SAD as I mentioned that we as country are so ready to help out people in other foreign countries and the ones who like me worked since was around 11 and worked 10 to 13 hr days for about 15 yrs after college and when I need some AID, it is no where to be found!! 

    so by time I would get paperwork in and they would process, I will most likely be healed and just a waste of time,, it makes more sense to just borrow more from the family (vs using the energy I need right now - seems I need it to get through surgery and heal and stay calm - dealing with state assistance is stressful, they grill you and require so much documentation and I just don't feel I would get it anyways and it would take forever!)  hopefully getting back to work will motivate me as I do understand how fortunate it will be to get to go back to a job!


    I wonder which state is the best to live in if you have BC and are single and low income,,,?  certainly is not CT,,,  LOL


    thanks again, great advice - wish State had a more smooth system but they don't - it is insane how dysfunctional the state of CT is...  g night

  • Fourminor
    Fourminor Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2014


    One thing my husband and I were remarking on just yesterday is that if you are someone who isn't poor, finished school, and works for a living, you soon enough realize that there is no safety net for you.   This is what the Republicans figured out and why they retook congress yesterday.   

    Is it possible for you to return part time for a while until you are ready for full time work?

  • Sparkle2014
    Sparkle2014 Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2014

    thinking I may be far better off waiting till May when I can sit outside in yard on patio and heal and be out of work maybe less as not as difficult to get dressed in warm weather - now I have to put on bra, tank, short sleeve T, long sleeve cuddle dud top, long sleeve T, and knee sox and clogs and yoga pants or pants and coat, and scarf, and gloves and drive 15 mins to get to work and then take off coat, scarf, gloves and just a huge amount of USING and rotating the shoulders....  where as in May - I am good with bra, cami, T and open cardigans and yoga pants,,, and slide sandals,,,  and maybe my BODY is not really ready for a 5 hr surgery and anesthesia and pain pills - I know what I feel like now, I can get through winter fine as is - I like my routine of working and not dealing with recovery or bandages or pills....  and PS said the implant could actually do better if wait a bit longer then 2 months after final fill - the rush is to get to point in mind that whew I can move on - but in all reality, I doubt after the exchange and lift that I will wake up and say wheew I can now move on!  I may feel that way in 5 yrs when I see no recurrences,,, I like my job, like my dept, like my commute, like most of the co-workers - and had not had plans to go looking for new job at all in 2015 so really, I may need to say - maybe I need to enjoy the Thanksgiving with cousins, aunts, uncles, and family who come in and Christmas and New Year's and feel fairly good - know I will feel as I do now - I can handle the shoulder pain - it hurts when I do tons of excel spreadsheet work but when I am not given huge excel projects with so much clicking back and forth and looking back and forth at tiny numbers and type font - if doing regular work flow - I can get by ok there for the PT schedule - where as if have surgery now, I will still have to return in January and have 4 months of all that bundling up as they do not believe in heat - the building there is FREEZING - I have a space heater that is near by but it still requires dressing like I outlined above...  so I will still be very fragile in  January tp handle that then handle all the data entry on top of it,, and I have decent insurance plan - not a huge deductible so it isn't as if I need to put up $5k before anything is covered...  I may have to put up $2k but if I think I would prefer to do this in warm weather and when won't get super depressed over being indoors and freezing - maybe I wait and shoot for May and if decide I want to do it earlier like in March, I would/could always move it up...  right?  it is a lot to digest, I am just talking out loud and I know you all will say go with your gut ..

    thanks for letting me vent




  • Fourminor
    Fourminor Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2014

    Sounds like you have it figured out Sparkle.  I can get behind that rationale!