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Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • jobur
    jobur Member Posts: 494
    edited March 2016

    Monika, Hope the Miralax did the trick for you. I have also heard warm prune juice. Not yummy, but not as gross as it sounds. Fingers crossed that you are able to enjoy your Chicago trip with no problems!

    Ziz, Sounds like pretty good results from your scan. Hope your US doc agrees and you are able to stay on this combo.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited March 2016

    It's hard to find old-fashioned prunes with pits in a jar or can of syrup. I used to love those even as a kid - not very appetizing in looks but I think they're great - if I could find them, I'd have them in stock in my pantry.


  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394
    edited March 2016

    Amy, Found them!!! You can also find them at Walmart, but I don't have one anywhere near me, and it is a store I prefer not to use.


  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited March 2016

    Susan!!! That's it - yay. I order from Amazon all the time so will be placing this as my next purchase - thank you so much! I can almost taste it.



  • sonyarizzo
    sonyarizzo Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2016

    Hello ladies, Happy Friday. I hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected.

    I know that a bloody nose is a symptom of ibrance(it's only bloody when I blow) is this a sign that my white blood cell count is low?

    I also have allergies and it has been warm and dry here lately. I don't usually get bloody over it though.

    Leaving for a cruise next week and want to stay healthy. I also did an IV vitamin C infusion today so I hope this helps to boost my wbc.

    Bloody nose started a few days ago. I have been on ibrance for only two weeks. Blood work on Tuesday. Just praying that WBC isn't supper low.

    I feel ok. Just a bit tired and emotional. What's up with that? Menopause? Meds? Being young and facing my fate? Who knows. I'm sure we all get there from time to time. hormones suck!!

    Had my faslodex shot yesterday. Last one hurt really bad. I think I learned a few tricks this time around. First of all I asked for the serum as soon as I got there and I held them in my warm hands, I also think that laying down helps to relax you. I had the nurse massage the area right after each injection and I went food shopping right after and didn't really let myself sit down much. Walking helps! Just a bit sore at injection site. Oh and I got some lidocaine cream and rubbed that on before the injection,wrapped it in saran wrap and then put an ice pack over that. So much better than last time.

    Anyone else feel like faslodex hits your hormones like a ton of bricks and then tapers off? Emotional wreck for a few days and then back to myslef. Weird.

  • Kaption
    Kaption Member Posts: 2,934
    edited March 2016

    Sonya, I can't really help with the menopause, as I'm older already "paused" a while back. But, I certainly understand the roller coaster emotions with the diagnosis. Some days you feel strong and sort of normal. Then you have a couple of bad days and wonder if that is how you'll feel from now on- but then you bounce back! I bet your cruise will really help. The change in climate may help your nose bleeds too, but you might want to let your MO know.

    Thanks for the Faslodex tips. I'm likely to be on it in a few months.

    Do enjoy that cruise!!

  • sonyarizzo
    sonyarizzo Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2016

    Thank you kaption. Surgical menopause is tough. I had my ovaries out when I was 37. It's not been easy. No menopause is easy. Looking forward to a Chang in scenery and climate.

    I keep messing up the timing of my ibrance. I started off taking it at 7. Now tonight I forgot and took it at 930. My memory is horrible. I guess the answer is to take it back 15 min every night till I get back to 7? I only have one more week before my week break. Has this happened to anyone else?

    Also we leave for our cruise next Wednesday. I am not due to start my next round till the following Friday. I'm wondering if insurance will let me get my pills early because I do have to take one pill while I'm away two weeks from today. Hope they do or I will be starting my next round late.

  • junieb
    junieb Member Posts: 945
    edited March 2016

    sonyarizzo - I use the calender on my cell phone to remind me to take my Ibrance. I set it to have a reminder alarm go off at 2:00 p.m. every day of my 21 days on. Otherwise I'd probably forget too.

  • theziz
    theziz Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2016

    I've been on ibrance for about 9 months

  • Sarah0915
    Sarah0915 Member Posts: 81
    edited March 2016

    I haven't done this with my Ibrance specialty pharmacy yet but my regular pharmacy has always been able to get a vacation over-ride to fill my prescriptions a little early if I am going to be out of town. I'm going to be facing the same thing in a few weeks and it will be interesting to see. I wouldn't worry too much about starting one day late though.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2016

    I'm not good about taking them at the same time and haven't had any problems. I'm usually in a two hour window. I get busy with the kids and forget.

    I have managed to catch their cold/virus. Sore throat and cough. No fever. Called pharmacist and she ok'd OTC cough meds. Was extra tired this afternoon. Any advice?

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited March 2016

    Zills, my onc had me take an extra week off Ibrance when I was sick with that cold virus, and I did have a day of fever. I was a little nervous about extra time off, but I figured the extra week would lessen the chance of a secondary infection. What does your onc say?

    Sonya, like Zills, I'm satisfied with a two-hour window. If I want to shift the time, I do it in two-hour increments. I figure the first week is the most critical for taking it at the same time, because that is when it is building up to a steady level in your system. (Eight days to reach steady state according to .)

  • NicciJ
    NicciJ Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2016

    For myself, I use the alarm on my phone or I would never be able to take it correctly. And believe it or not, I use the pill case they sent! Lol! I know most everyone said they don't use it, but I found it useful because I ran into not remembering whether or not I already took it! So many times that I thought, well crap! If its gone in that day's slot then you must have taken it!! Ha! I swear I STILL have chemo brain even though it has been a year and a half since the last treatment!

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited March 2016

    I'd be lost without a pill box, especially for the letrozole because I can't just count the pills and calculate the days like I can with Ibrance. But how many times have I panicked before figuring out that the missing Ibrance pill is in my little purse pill box!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2016

    Thanks!My onc is out of the country. I just started round 3. I'll call the office in the morning. I'm tired, sore throat off/on and lots of junk in my chest. But don't feel that bad considering.

    I don't use a daily pill box because of my little ones. I just try to be mindful when I'm taking them.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited March 2016

    I agree w others, a window of two hours shouldn't hurt. I have missed a dose for over 24 hours and just moved on to the next day dosage at the regular time. When I was in the hospital last month, I was on the 7 day break, but my onc extended it to 14 days waiting for my counts to improve. So I think you are safe and shouldn't worry too much.


  • Kaption
    Kaption Member Posts: 2,934
    edited March 2016

    Zills, I've had a cold too (DH also) No fever. I was tired and congested with loose cough from drainage. Docs preferred Mucinex or Delsym. But, when I just happened to get a brain MRI last week, PCP said I have a severe sinus infection. I'm allergic to most antibiotics, Now I'm seeing an ENT on the 29th. In the meantime, neti pot and Mucinex have kept the symptoms under control. Just a little extra tired this round.

    I always take my meds with breakfast. Most regular meal.

    PET scan tomorrow.

  • Lynnwood1960
    Lynnwood1960 Member Posts: 1,107
    edited March 2016

    Another 2 hour window girl here! I cant commit to an exact time with my schedule

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited March 2016

    Kaption we will be cheering for good results on PET, and that cold....mucinex is suppose to be good.

    Sarah hoping you could get the RX that you need asap.

    Zills what age are your little ones? Best wishes for a quick recovery. A little rest would probably do you good.

    Deanna hasn't checked in, what's up? Did I miss something? Or you just taking it easy.

    Question: Onco wants Dani to have BT every wk, she is on off week now from the 2nd cycle of IBR. Starting 3rd cycle midweek. But Onco insists she takes BT tomorrow regardless, bcs last wk Neutr/Lymph were low and Pltls were low, so he wants to see if she is good to go. But she has rebounded in the past, and she hates to be pricked there a logic for the BT or is just over cautiousness. When I asked PA if she could skip it, she said no. Doc wants. thanks, gn

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2016

    Good luck with the PET Kaption!

  • lalady1
    lalady1 Member Posts: 530
    edited March 2016

    Kaption - rooting for a good scan, please keep us posted. My next PET is April 7th. Sonya - I'm with Lynwood giving myself a 2 hour window to take Ibrance with dinner as it's my most regular meal. Your insurance should allow your meds early - please call them. Where are you going on your cruise? I am heading for Spain/Portugal in July for round 7 and I flew to Utah during round 1. Suggest you sit/rest as needed to keep energy level. Zills feel better!

  • sonyarizzo
    sonyarizzo Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2016
    thanknyoubladies for the info on the 2 hour window. I just can't seem to remember to take it at the same time every day.

    Lalady1. I'm going to call my pharm company tomorrow to see if I can get it over nighted and receive it Tuesday. I should have don't that last week but I'm a scatter brain. We leave Tuesday night.

    We leave out of ft. Lauderdale and then go to Haiti, Puerto Rico, st. Thomas, st. Marteen and st. Kitts. I'm really excited and I hope my Tuesday blood work is good.

    During the week off do you guys get your energy back? My stomach has been a mess, I feel like my hormones are totally off wack from getting two faslodex shots in one month and I have no energy. Just hoping to feel some what normal. I take the last pill of this round on Friday. Our cruise leaves Thursday.

    Spain/Portugal sounds amazing!! My MO said I should try to live life as normal as possible. We all should try to make as many memories as we can.

    I started a bucket list and this cruise is on it. Just looking forward to some time with my fam, and possibly some time off of cancer. I'll certainly try. 💗
  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited March 2016

    I had the privilege of planning and coordinating a wedding in Portugal about 3 years ago. What a fabulous opportunity. I met some wonderful people, toured amazing sites, tasted delicious food and simply savored the culture. I highly recommend Portugal.


  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited March 2016

    Good luck tomorrow, Kaption! I'll be thinking of you and sending lots of calming, posiitve thoughts!

    Your upcoming Spain/Portugal trip sounds wonderful, lalady!

    MomATT, if Dani is on a unique combo of drugs, perhaps her onc feels constant surveillance is necessary. I was told that our recovery pattern is usually pretty consistent, so I was only retested during cycle #1 and the cycle during which I'd gotten sick (in December) and had to stay off Ibrance longer, and I was told to just go with that. But my onc was involved w/the trials (over 6 years), so has a lot more experience w/Ibrance than some oncs do, which probably makes it much easier for her to give that kind of advice than someone who hasn't had many patients on it or on it long enough to have that kind of experience. I would certainly hope you can trust her onc's judgment.

    Oh, I wanted to share a hair tip. This morning I tried a shampoo my DH recently bought, and I was pleasantly surprised at how much fuller my hair looked after I dried it. It definitely had a plumping effect. I'm still not comfortable with the idea of a biotin supplement, but using it this way works for me!


  • sonyarizzo
    sonyarizzo Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2016

    dlb823 Where did your DH find this shampoo? I like the fact that it has zero sodium chloride and zero parabens...Now this may be a matter of opinion, but since I have been using essential oils for over 3 years now, I have been told that putting things on the this case the scalp...has the same effect as ingesting it. I thought I would just let you know in case you wanted to research that. I could be totally wrong, but this is what I have been told about the essential oils. I know your feelings on biotin and just don't want you to get it into your system if it is something you are trying to stay away from : )

  • linda714
    linda714 Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2016

    is there anyone out there still on the clinical trial for ibrance/femera. I have been on since June 2014 and would like to communicate with someone still on this original trial.

    Thanks. Linda

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2016

    Kaption, Hope the scan today shows good news!

    Lalady, Your trip sounds amazing! It may have been adrenalin, but being on vacation made it possible to forget about cancer for 10 days and I could attribute tiredness to many other things. It was duringmy off week and ended up extending the time off the drug a few extra days. Onc had no concerns. Have a wonderful time!!

  • Kaption
    Kaption Member Posts: 2,934
    edited March 2016

    Thanks all. Scan is done. Just tired from getting up at 5:30 for early scan. Not sure when I'll get results since MO is gone this week

    Also, my MO was fine with biotin.

  • moissy
    moissy Member Posts: 371
    edited March 2016

    Kaption - 5:30 - oh yikes! Glad you're done for the day. Hope you can make time for something fun and distracting while you are waiting!

  • sonyarizzo
    sonyarizzo Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2016

    Kaption Glad your scan is done. Praying for good results. Does your oncologist office have a head nurse, or a patient coordinator who can give you results. Preliminary results should be able to be given to you today. I would call the office and ask that they keep an eye out for preliminary results. If a nurse can't give them to you, then ask that another MO in the office read them to you. Sometimes you have to be pushy to get what you want. I learned that you don't have to wait for results, if you keep asking, you'll eventually find the right person to give them to you. Good luck and keep us posted.