Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • Stllivin
    Stllivin Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2017

    Just curious, how low hasanyone on Ibrance and Femara, WBC's been and how have you or your MO brought them up?

    Thanks in advance for your response.

  • PinkLemonade16
    PinkLemonade16 Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2017

    Z - thanks! I like your attitude and sense of humor. I'm going to go with my gut and ask my MO to give it another month or so on the letrozole/Ibrance... maybe until I have a six month scan, at least.

  • MJHJAN1014
    MJHJAN1014 Member Posts: 622
    edited May 2017

    stillivin, I am thinking that my lowest ANC(absolute neutrophil count) was around 0.7. This was after my week off from Ibrance. My MO had me wait an extra week, checked my CBC again before I restarted the Ibrance.

    Best, MJH

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875
    edited May 2017

    Hi All,

    So, here's a different spin on the question of how long it takes for Ibrance and Arimidex to kick in. As I likely indicated, I have a Pleurex Catheter to deal with the effusion. Three rounds of Taxol did not seem to have an impact on the effusion so we switched to Arimidex and Ibrance.

    I'm only two weeks in on the Ibrance and about five weeks in on the Arimidex. The last two drains of my lung seem to be going in the right direction (600 mL as opposed to 900 mL). Is this possible this early? Would love to think so but it seems unlikely.


  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited May 2017

    Ibrance would be early, but it could be arimidex. We seem to forget these hormonal treatments are powerful alone. Ibrance just gives them a boost.


  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited May 2017

    Pat (Sadisservant), I am so excited for you! If 3 rounds of kick-your-behind Taxol had no effect and barely over a month into the new treatment, you've reduced the fluid by a third, that is wonderful!! Yay, Arimidex!

    I've had a friend on just an AI for lung mets for about 8 years and she remains NED.

    I'm just going to stop right here and celebrate for you, friend.

  • Stllivin
    Stllivin Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2017

    MJH. ~Thank you for your response. After the week wait what was your ANC?

  • bright55
    bright55 Member Posts: 146
    edited May 2017

    hi everyone i continue to read your posts i am in awe with the responses that most of you are u having with this drug combo

    I am on leterzole only (as ibrance not approved in australia yet) Ihave stable mets to lungs with low tumor burden

    just had 9mth bone scan..no progression elsewhere yippie!

    Uncertain how long just letrozole will work for but maybe 2 years....hoping our PBS approval for ibrance comes down this month.

    All the best Cheers Bright

  • bright55
    bright55 Member Posts: 146
    edited May 2017

    hi pat thankyou very much for comments on your friends lung ned ?feel betterSmile day for me cheers bright

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,030
    edited May 2017

    Pat (Sadiesservant),

    My drainage started lowering almost immediately after starting Ibrance. I took Letrozole alone for a month while I waited to check with my pulmonologist before starting Ibrance. The letrozole helped a bit but the Ibrance really started to dry things up. It quickly lowered from 750 to 500 then 250, then hovered in the 100's for a few months. After 5 months on Ibrance my catheter was able to be removed. My oncologist was surprised it took that long. Hope you also have great results and can get that catheter out! Jane

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    edited May 2017

    Has anyone experienced swollen ankles and legs while on Faslodex and Ibrance? I am worried that it's my heart causing this from all the chemo 😖. Off for weekly blood work.

  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited May 2017

    Dianarose, I have. I'm on my third course of Ibrance/Faslodex, and I started having an intermittently swollen right ankle last month. Not huge, but noticeable. My onc didn't seem concerned, but I am a bit. Haven't had that happen since I was pregnant 35 years ago. So far, other than a bit of tiredness, I have seen any other side effects. Wasn't sure it was the medications but couldn't attribute it to anything else.

  • cive
    cive Member Posts: 265
    edited May 2017

    Pat (Sadie), Even though my TMs came way down with just Letrozole, didn't do much for my pleural juice.  But eventually if you keep draining it, it should dry up (Took Clair about a year with Ibrance).  It took a year to do both sides of me.  Does your MO schedule you for scans or TMs?  I'm on my week off at the moment, my MO wants my WBC to be 1.5 or better to start next course.  Hopefully my TMs will stay the same or drop.

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875
    edited May 2017

    Dianarose, I have slight edema in both feet/ankles from the Arimidex. Not sure about Faslodex but I don't think this is unusual so likely no need to worry.

    Cive, the questions of scanning is on my mind and one of the things that I intend to ask my MO about when I see him next week. I have not had any scans since January when I was first diagnosed. He doesn't seem to look at TMs and I actually wondered how effective scans would be if most of the cancer is in the pleural lining. Is it possible to see this? The radiologist recommended a follow-up bone scan after three months - I'll remind my MO on Tuesday.

    Finally... Chicagoan.. thanks for that. I am so looking forward to getting rid of this catheter. It's not that big a deal in many ways but it does cramp one's style a bit! One of the homecare nurses tried to convince me that travel was okay... as long as it was a cruise... as long as you have someone with you.... as long as you pack those darn bottles.. and as long as you can get a quick flight home if things go sideways. Gee, doesn't that sound like fun! I have this image of backpacking across Europe with nothing in my backpack except PluerX bottles.

    I opted to buy myself a new car instead. Happy

  • Susandes013
    Susandes013 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    Hi, I have just started IBRANCE (125mg daily) 1 week ago as an addition to Letrozole which I have been using for 4 years. In the 4 years the tumour decreased in size from 5dm to 1cm in 6 months. 6 weeks ago my bi-annual CT showed an increase in size to 1.1cm. So IBRANCE has been added and I am hoping it will keep all well. So far no change. I had a varied blood test just before I started the IBRANCE and will have another each 2 weeks - my oncologist will use this to monitor my status.

    I will let you know my updates.

  • cive
    cive Member Posts: 265
    edited May 2017

    Pat (Sadie), ThumbsUp  Don't you just love new car smell.....

  • sandibeach57
    sandibeach57 Member Posts: 1,387
    edited May 2017

    Dianarose, I had ankle and leg swelling right after IV chemo AC. I am on 5th cycle Ibrance/Letrozole and only occasional (very slight) swelling of ankles. But I blame it on those skin tight leggings..

  • Scwilly
    Scwilly Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2017

    Susandes: welcome to this thread. I am hoping you get minimal side effects and many successful months/years with Ibrance.


  • Scwilly
    Scwilly Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2017

    My reply was duplucated - so I've deleted.

  • lalady1
    lalady1 Member Posts: 530
    edited May 2017

    Pat (Sadie), Cive and Z - I'm still on this thread because the dumbos at Cigna reupped my Ibrance instead of switching me to Afinitor which I am supposed to start next week. If it does not arrive I will do round #19 of Ibrance and add letrozale and drop arimidex (following BOLERO 4 when Afinitor arrives). FYI to all - after about 12 rounds of Ibrance +faslodex+arimidex, I stopped needing monthly lung drains - my left lung pleura had been providing lovely bottles full of beer colored substance with a souffle of foam on top that went from 700cc to 300cc to nada. IR Dr said "don't come back unless you are having breathing issues". Please note pleura were killed by Ibrance+fas, not by arimidex. Sadie - glad you got a new car! I have my Baltic cruise planned for last week of June; LAX- Stockholm, then Helsinki, 2 days in St Petersburg, then Estonia, Germany and end in Copenhagen. All in a lovely jaunt courtesy of my miles on BA! I highly recommend cruises for many of us, as we can go at our own pace, travel safely and not have to pack/unpack each day. Onc said to avoid salad bars and raw fish as our immune systems are down and use wipes where possible. I have yet to get sick on a ship, and use spandex socks to avoid ankle swelling on planes. :) Please plan summer holidays!


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,510
    edited May 2017

    Susandes013, indeed, welcome! So glad you found this forum, and thanks for sharing. We sincerely hope that the Ibrance kicks it back.

  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited May 2017

    Micmel, good luck tomorrow with your scans!! We'll all be thinking about you and pulling for you!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,039
    edited May 2017

    Joy~ thank you so very much for remembering, that touches my heart.😊Thank you. I am hoping for a good one but will. Have to wait a little for results. The weekend or longer since i scan on a Friday. Been a bad week for me caught my DHs cold so I'm back on antibiotics yet again. So much fun having like no immune system at all! The cold is a horrible one yuck! Not to mention I had my Xgeva shot and I have those side effects to dance with as well. Cancer sucks. But you ladies are wonderful thank you again Joy. So kind. ~M~

    Welcome Susan, these women are wonderful and kind. Sorry to meet you here but it is a warm knowledgeable place to be. Prayers always for all.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,030
    edited May 2017

    Sadiesservant-Totally hear you about the travel. I didn't make any plans when I had the catheter in b/c I didn't want to drag around all those bottles or have to explain the apparatus in my chest to airport security. Enjoy your new car! I'm off on my first vacation post-diagnosis tomorrow and looking forward to floating in the ocean.

    Micmel-Prayers for peace and calm as you await your scans tomorrow. I hope that the results will be good.


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    edited May 2017

    Micmel- saying some extra prayers for you 💕

    Platelets are holding their own on the lower dose, 273 today

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited May 2017

    Micmel, when they slide you into that contraption tomorrow, picture all of us dancing around and listen for the fiddler. We expect you to have a remarkable response!! That is my prayer.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,039
    edited May 2017

    Pat & Diana ~ 💜😊thank you so much! It means so much. Hugs! ~M~

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited May 2017

    Free Ibrance from Pfizer for our UK friends! Celebration time!


  • dancingdiva
    dancingdiva Member Posts: 317
    edited May 2017

    hello to all the new ladies. A lot of useful information on this thread. Go back and read as much as you can.


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    edited May 2017

    Doing a happy dance for all our U.K. Friends 🎻