Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • airlinegal
    airlinegal Member Posts: 252
    edited October 2017
    Happy Belated Birthday Patg...did not think I would be here past the first year of this diagnosis...made it thru 15 cycles of these Meds without any major se. Yeah!
  • ciaci
    ciaci Member Posts: 315
    edited October 2017

    airliniegal, in response to your post the other day, I said I was taking 50,000 units of D3 weekly, but I misspoke. After seeing your latest post, I went to check the bottle. Sure enough, it's D2. I can't find anything credible online (most sites that are pro-D3 are trying to sell D3!), but will ask my oncologist next week when I see her...

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2017

    Good morning..

    PatG...Wishing you a very happy belated birthday!!

    Not sure about the difference between D2 and D3. When I asked my oncologist about Calcium/ Vitamin D supplement, he said if I was going to take it to make sure it was D3. I didn't ask about the difference at the time.

    Popette....Welcome! Glad the Ibrance is working for you. Hopefully, someone can answer your question regarding surgery while on Inbrance. Hope things continue to go well for you!

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited October 2017

    Happy birthday, Pat.🎂

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited October 2017

    PatG, 1949 was also my year of birth and other than this little bump in the road in August my 68th year has been a good one. I visited my husband in NZ after he sailed there last year from the Caribbean. We sailed and visited his family. I had bought our house in Victoria in January and there was much to do regarding the sale of our Vancouver house. I needed also to train for what I called my swan song trek in Nepal in May. I had led a trek to Mustang, Nepal in 2012 just before my first BC diagnosis and had no idea that I would be diagnosed MBC after my second trek to Mustang but I am so proud of myself. That accomplishment alone gives me great happiness for my 68th year. Sorry for the length of this post and I really do wish you all the best Patg in your year ahead.


  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071
    edited October 2017

    ParG, I hope you had a big celebration on your 68th birthday. Someone once told me that she was too old to celebrate birthdays. I think, the bigger the number, the bigger the celebration should be. Happy birthday!

    Hugs from, Lynne

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,530
    edited October 2017

    Wallaby - I didn't have nausea from the faslodex. I did have a really sore behind especially after the fifth round. To be honest it's difficult differentiating the side effects of Ibrance and faslodex bc I started them both at the same time. Hot flashes, exhaustion, dizziness, some bone joint pain. I did get the cough but it's weird and starts out of nowhere. If I drink water and or have a cough drop or both it goes away.

    I hope this is helpful.


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited October 2017

    Happy Birthday Pat🎂 I'm just had my 69th. Hard to believe I still feel like 17 ( in my head). Remembering my mom at this age and she could run rings around me even up to 90. Guess I didn't get her genes.

    I've been taking D3 for 10 yrs at my MOs suggestion. I really need it this time of year when the dark days come. I need sun .. to chase away the blahs. Tanya so that explains the bizarre cough I get from time to time.

    Just back from blood tests. Stage 3 neutropenia so I had a shot today. My insurance won't allow me to give them to myself so I have to go to the hospital the next 3 mornings. They let me do it 11 years ago why not now? Insurance companies. Bah Humbug. Take care all

  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721
    edited October 2017

    hI all, back from vacation! We had a great time and we were able to ride almost everyday!

    Welcome to all the newbies. Sorry you are here but you will get the best support and encouragement here. Pat cm, happy happy belated birthday! Yay to surviving another year! Love all the good news here.

    Jaycee is right, I have been on 75mg Ibrance for 19 cycles and have seen lots of great results. I started at 100mg because my body does not like meds, after 6 months I wanted off but MO persuaded me to try lower dose. So glad I did! It had worked well for me.

    Hugs and prayers


  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited October 2017

    Claudia! Welcome back. I'm so glad your trip went well. I'm about to finish cycle 19, too. Pet/CT on Halloween, of all days. Still feel pretty good except for some neuropathy in my lower legs and feet. My therapist, who prescribes Ativan for sleep, asked me why not just try to get rid of the pain and not have to use Ativan to sleep. I'm going to the NP at my neuro's office Nov 1 to ask about Lyrica, Neurotin, etc. Does anyone take a prescription drug for neuropathy? Mine is getting bad in the daytime, too. I've always had it but after chemo and now these drugs, it is worse.

    Happy birthday, Pat. I'm in the 68 club, too. I'd like to show an artist friend your work. If you posted a link, I've lost it.

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited October 2017

    Several of us seem to be in our late 60's. I only have about two months left, I turn 70 in December.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2017

    Happy Belated Birthday Pat! Oh, be to back in my late 60's again. Enjoy this time of your life, unfortunately, as a friend of mine said, "nothing gets better as you get older", even if we don't have cancer.

    Anyone here in their 70's? I was 77 in August. It still hard for me to believe I'm that old but I intend to keep on, keeping on. I think we all have lots to contribute as we age, there is much to be said for the wisdom that comes with age. I believe we roll with the punches better.

    God bless us all as we tread this road ahead.

    Faith (in the future).

  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited October 2017

    Happy birthday, Pat!!

    I am 71....:)

  • cive
    cive Member Posts: 265
    edited October 2017

    For my first 7 cycles I was on 125 mg, but every other cycle was only 2 weeks on instead of 3 to let my WBC come up.  If you calculate it out over 6 months you will actually get more Ibrance that way but I had my MO change me to 100 mg.

  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited October 2017

    Palisadesmom, I have ZERO words of wisdom on supplements. That said, my MO said essentially what yours did: (he's a researcher and the senior partner in his oncology group) "Take them if you want, but I see no evidence that they make any difference".

    Welcome to our wonderfully supportive and knowledgeable group!

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2017

    Count me in that 70's group!! I was 74 in April. Not sure how much wiser I get with age, though!!

    Faith...Did you have your scans today?


  • wallaby715
    wallaby715 Member Posts: 183
    edited October 2017

    Tanya_Djamila: Thanks for your reply. I had my first TWO Faslodex shots today and I'll have to say the anticipation was worse than the actual injection! So far, so good. I'm sure I may be saying something different after the weekend or after a few more of them. One thing I did not realize is that there are going to be TWO shots every month, not just one. Guess it doesn't make much difference...just evens out the sticks on both sides! I'm just hoping it works.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2017

    Nonahope, thanks for remembering, yes I had my scans today and I'm sitting here nervously waiting for the results. Sometimes I hear within hours but not today. I'm telling myself that no news is good news. Thanks for thinking of me and for your prayers. Don't know why, I'm so nervous this time, maybe because I've been off Ibrance for three months now. My MO seems to have good instincts so I'm trusting that if he's okay with this break, I should be too. Also trusting that God is good and there will be no progression. I'll let you know when I hear hopefully good news.

    Hugs to all and wishing everyone good scans

    Faith (in the future).

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited October 2017

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes, my friends. That day I had what I call "La Nausee", a little French nausea where you throw up delicately and without drama. Phenergen fixed it but we delayed our celebrating a day and had much fun. I'm so thankful for laughter-filled times with these people I love. God has blessed me greatly.

    Faith, I'm sorry you must worry longer about the scan results. I firmly believe it's all going to be good and you're going to inspire us all to take 3 months off! I will be praying for peace in the meantime. God has this!

    Jaycee, thanks for asking for the art link. I don't have a current show but past exhibitions at www.lrossgallery.com show some of my work. There's a partially finished Facebook page called Artist Pat Godfrey McRee. (One day I'm going to get my behind in gear and finish the page!)

    Speaking of artists, my funny granddaughter just called to say she won first prize at a costume party. She went as artist, Bob Ross with her friend as an easel holding a landscape painting. (Google Bob Ross and you'll wonder why a pretty little 13 year old chose THAT costume!) We are a nutty bunch!

    Have a wonderful week-end, my friends!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2017

    Pat, happy birthday. I will reach 65 on my next one, and plan on celebrating at least 10 more! I love your granddaughter,s costume idea. I think creativity is why Halloween works!

    I love all of the artists on this site. I am a musician and not an artist, but I appreciate the skill I do not have.

    I am still enjoying vacation. Today we drove to St Louis to visit the science museum. I enjoyed watching my 3 year-old grandson playing with all of the exhibits. I used a wheelchair so we could last as long as he wanted, and we stayed a long time! Tomorrow we carve pumpkins, read books, and probably play games some more. He isn't allowed much tv so we play a lot. I am soaking it all in! Sunday my DH will dedicate (baptize) the baby. Since my son is the pastor, it is special for my husband to baby dedicate the kids. He also performed their marriage.

    Nancy, prayers are still with you and your struggles. Faith, I am praying for great results. I marvel at all of our different approaches to this medicine and realize that simple trust is sometimes the best.


  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited October 2017

    Chris, I love hearing the story of your family. It sounds like you're having a lovely time, making memories. Tell us about your music....perhaps post a video? We'd also love to see pictures of the baby dedication.

    Here's to us old chicks rockin' the Ibrance!! And who else in their 60s and 70s has hot flashes keepin' them young?!

  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2017

    Thanks everyone for sharing my relief and happiness at the latest results.

    Hobbes......yay! I'm thrilled for you too.

    Hugs to everyone who will be getting results next week...good luck...don't forget to share like I nearly did!

    Pat!! Happy birthday....I'm so happy to read that you've exceeded all predictions. That's so fantastic and encouraging!

    I look on the hot flushes and night sweats as the treatment killing the cancer cells. Whenever I'm having one or the other or both, I say, "Kill, kill!!"....yeah, that'll get them running.

    Palisadesmom....I don't take any supplements that my oncologist hasn't recommended in case they interfere with treatment. At his recommendation I take calcium because a blood test showed I was dangerously low on that...cancer and Letrozole both leach calcium out of your bones. And I take magnesium and have Vit B12 shots because I tend to become anaemic and don't process Vit B12 through food.


  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2017

    I lie about my age everywhere I can get away with it because I think that if people are told they instantly categorise you in an image they have of everyone that age and, besides, like the others in my age group, I don't feel it. I certainly don't feel as agile and fit as I was but that's the bone mets, not age. I'm 67 and will be 68 at the end of November. I intend to get a lot older yet.

    You know what? I think we're all doing really well, those of us in the 60s and 70s club. I bet we cram more love and life into a day than anyone without our hot flushes, night sweats, "La Nausee", aching muscles, painful bones, sore injection sites, messed up veins, thinning or no hair and, in my case, really skinny legs because I can't do enough exercise. Enjoying life doesn't mean rushing around having coffee mornings, lunches, shopping and all those other things people do to fill up their days, thinking busy means productive. Enjoying life means sharing love and support and spreading joy. For me, anyway!

    Faith...good luck with your results. Thinking of you.

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited October 2017

    leapfrog.....Amen, sister!! But....skinny legs? I haven't had skinny legs since I was a girl! And even though I eat less than ever, I'm gaining weight with dear old Arimidex + Inactivity. My husband has instructions to put this on a sign above my hospital bed one day:


    (Mind you, I plan to be really, really old when that happens. Maybe I should go ahead and make my sign in case he gets too old and feeble?)

  • ceci4555
    ceci4555 Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2017

    Hi everyone, happy to hear the good news Hobbs, interesting fact about onco drugs.

    The zoledronic acid hit me a bit harder than I was expecting so I haven't been around much.

    I've lost my appetite considerably and it's been quite a few days now (I got the infusion on wednesday and it's saturday); my lack of stomach stenght makes it harder to stay hydrated so it's a vicious cycle which makes me worry about my kidneys although I have been urinating normally and only vomited once so far thurday/friday.

    Also my depression seems to be getting worse and I tend to isolate. If you don't hear from me much it's most probably because of this reason (just so you don't think I died or disappeared once I got the support I wanted, I really see you as friends now, you matter to me, I'm just too sad and weak to go online sometimes or don't see the point).

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2017

    Good morning!

    Faith...Will be waiting with you for those "good" results.

    Ceci...Your symptoms are very similar to mine with the Zometa! I had no vomiting, though. I would insist on some blood work to check you creatinine level. Keep us posted.

    Not only is there great support on this site, but such great senses of humor!! I've been told I have a "warped" sense of humor...!! Whatever it takes to get us through these trying days works for me.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071
    edited October 2017

    Count me in as a member of the 60/70s club. I am 67. Sometimes I feel like I am 30 , and other times I feel like I am Closing in on100. When I was diagnosed more than 2 years ago, my DH asked me to hang around for another 20 years, so 85 is my goal, and maybe I will go a few years beyond that. My problem is that I never know whether my aches and pains are from my bone mets or just my old age, I mean my middle age! I have decided it is age-related. Perhaps it is from chasing my grandchildren around the house, but I do enjoy that.

    I am afraid that I cannot join the artistic talent club. If I have a talent, it is so far undiscovered. I have yearned to paint beautiful pictures, build breathtaking sculptures, write meaningful songs, bring people to tears with my melodious voice, or dance across the stage with such grace that I look like I am floating. Alas, none of this will ever happen. Instead, I will enjoy the talents that others possess and are willing to share with the world.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • singlemom1
    singlemom1 Member Posts: 260
    edited October 2017

    Palisadesmom -- I am taking  few supplements. Oncologists recommends D3 because I am low.  I also see a ND with a background in oncology. She has me on a probiotic, Omega 3s, magnesium and methylfolate for folate and B12. I have a gene mutation - MTHFR and have trouble with absorbing folate and B vitamins. The ND test for b12 is more specific than the typical blood test. Magnesium also helps somewhat with stress and sleep.  However, I have noticed a pretty big difference in joint pain since I started on the correct dose of Omega 3. I pay for a high quality brand recommended by the ND but I really notice  difference. 

    Happy Birthday Pat!

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875
    edited October 2017

    Great target Lynne. I’m 55 and really hoping to see my 60’s! Mr. Cancer is not behaving well at the moment but hopefully Madame X will put him in his place.

    Glorious autumn day here in Victoria. Yard work is calling...

    Pat (2)

  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited October 2017

    Lynne, I bring people to tears with my voice but probably not in the way you meant!

    Ceci, one thing I promised myself with this dx was to avail myself of all methods of comfort. That means meds, therapy, and support of all kinds. So please talk to your doctor about depression, eat whatever sounds good (big plate of mashed potatoes for me), or stock up on Ensure for those days when nothing sounds good. Sending you extra prayers of comfort.

    Pat(2), my family hails from Victoria. My grandmother settled in San Francisco, I'm convinced because it reminded her of her Victoria home. It's such a beautiful city.