Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • sandibeach57
    sandibeach57 Member Posts: 1,387
    edited November 2017

    Leapfrog. We are here for you. Trust your gut instincts. Also, this would be a good time to seek legal advice. You are right, you need ALL your strength (emotional and physical) to fight cancer. There might be others on this forum or other forums with similar situation to advise you. I am praying for you to find the right pathway with your troubled marriage.

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2017

    Leapfrog...All I can say is WOW! What a difficult situation to be in...let alone dealing with your cancer issues. I won't even begin to give advice. But, it seems like your husband is determined to stay in this co-dependent situation. This has to be devastating to you mentally. Maybe, by not coming home, he will see a different picture and come to his senses. Sending you many hugs and prayers while going through this most difficult time.


  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2017

    Thanks SandiBeach and nonahope... I had to wait for morning in the US to hear from him and now it;s almost my bed time. We're trying to work through this by email, which I often find is better than talking. It gives you time to think what you want to say and how to say it. I've had a bad day but I'm feeling strong again tonight. I've had a lot of support from the three friends I confided in and my son has talked to me on Messenger and backs me about staying away from the stressful situation at home until it's resolved. I'm fairly confident that I can make my husband see that his co-dependency with her is leading us all onto the wrong path. I know he loves me, which is a big thing after forty years, and he doesn't want to lose me and, as I feel less stressed here at my son's apartment, my son has told me to stay here so that I can get myself healthy.

    Thanks so much for your input and thanks to the Mods for allowing me to ask for support in this way. I chose this thread because I've got to know a lot of the girls on this thread.

    I'm going to bed, hopefully to sleep well. Goodnight and thanks Heart

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2017

    Awww, Leapfrog, so sad that you are going through this right now. But, as we all know, life doesn't stop while we are busy fighting MBC. bummer

    I posted earlier about my son, the doctor, not getting it when I tell him about SE of my TX. Is he really allowed to read our posts here? I think he would benefit from that.

    Putting our conversation in context, he and I use the word GRIT to describe ourselves. There's actually a book called GRIT. Anyway, he thinks I have GRIT and, therefore, should be able to rise above these SE. We were having a conversation about my diabetes and the new med I have to take, Trulicity. He knows and worries about the serious effects of uncontrolled diabetes for me. He wants me to do an exercise program that I started and dropped out. I was telling him how hard it was for me to go there twice a week. He looked at me dumbfounded when I told him there are some days I am unable to get out and drive that far much less do an hour of exercise on machines!

    In his defense, he usually sees me at my best. Adrenaline or excitement helps me have more energy when going to his house to help with the kids. So, I haven't really let him see what life with MBC is really like for me.

    So, now you have the whole truth. He's usually very empathetic and he knows I'm doing remarkably well with all I am dealing with. It's very hard, I think, for him to think of me not doing everything that could improve my health. He just wants the best for me.💗

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,530
    edited November 2017

    Good morning ladies,

    I'm reading and scrolling. So much information. I'm praying for us all and taking every tip to heart. You ladies are amazing.

  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721
    edited November 2017

    Leapfrog, Words cannot adequately describe how sorry I am about this situation. You have received excellent advice from others here, but Iwould like to reiterate the advice regarding a lawyer. Please contact one. Most important of all, take care of you.

    Hugs and prayers, Claudia

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2017

    Leapfrog, I am sorry for your situation and will keep you and all others here in my prayers. I think everyone should feel free to reach out for support here even if it's about something besides our cancer because cancer affects everything in our lives.

    Nonahope, praying your taxol treatment is easy for you with no nasty SE,'s.

    I'm having my broncoscopy on Wednesday at 3:00pm. I think the worst part for me besides waiting for results is fasting for 8hours. No food or WATER! Don't know how I will manage that with dry mouth and bad veins. Sending prayers for all of us here.

    Love and prayers,


  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2017

    Faith....Will be with you in spirit at your appointment. Afternoon appointments are not a good choice if there is fasting involved....that will be very difficult. Hang in there! I sure wish you had an early morning appointment.


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited November 2017

    Leapfrog, this is an awful situation for you. I have no advice but agree with legal advice may be appropriate for you right now. Life keeps happening despite a cancer diagnosis. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Faith wishing you a good result from your bronchoscopy. Maire

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2017

    Leapfrog, I am sorry to hear about your troubles. Your son sounds like an amazing person and I am thankful he is there for your support. Without knowing more specifics, I agree with the others that you might need the advice of a lawyer to protect you.

    I just returned from my 3-month appointment with my onc and I wanted to send some positive news for those who are struggling with a Stage IV dx. My onc told me I am doing as well as anyone possibly can with Stage IV. There is no evidence of any cancer activity (I had extensive bone and liver mets) and only 1 lymph node is still enlarged at 2 cm. She said she won't use the word "remission" or NEAD as it can have multiple meanings and I still have lymph involvement, but she is extremely happy with my progress. She is keeping me on the same ibrance regimen because of my history and it is working for me, but we are treating it as a chronic disease that we can manage for now. It is still tough, and I have the fatigue and everything else we all rightfully moan about, but it gives promise that I have much more life to live. So hang in there as it is possible. I am also a great believer in the power of a mighty God whose love is free to everyone.


  • nkb
    nkb Member Posts: 1,561
    edited November 2017

    Intothelight- I love your good news! It lifts my spirits and gives credence to the make it a chronic disease until we have a cure theory.

    Just wish that we could figure out the key to doing this for everyone.

    Leap-Just my nosy opinion-DH has a duty to you and son first. Sometimes men wait too long to go to marriage counseling or another fix and they sadly lose the marriage they didn't want to lose because the wife has moved on. Let him know what you need and let him know you are serious. (also of course put everything in your name and protect yourself)

  • Hobbes12
    Hobbes12 Member Posts: 88
    edited November 2017

    Into the light: wonderful news so happy for you.

    Leapfrog: I agree with the others, seek legal advice, and find a counsellor for yourself. Tell your husband that he needs to go with you for counselling before you would consider coHabiting again. There are huge trust issues that you need to work on together. If you were an Canadian, I would advise you not to leave the marital home as you would be in danger of losing your dower rights but I have no idea if Western Australia has similar laws. Check with a lawyer soon.

    I think that some of the fears expressed here about going out are understandable but should be challenged. My oncologist encourages me to be active and live my life. I going to the gym 2x/wk, paddle with a breast cancer dragon boat team, take a French class and an art class. I find that here activities refocus me and keep morbid thoughts at bay. If you enjoy staying home great, but don’t be afraid to do what you love.


  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2017

    intoLight....I am SO THRILLED at your news! I can't tell you how happy I am to know that you've improved so much! And I see that your treatment is the same as mine so that makes me doubly thrilled. I have no doubt that I'll be giving a similar report here eventually. I know this treatment is slow acting but to know that it's given you so much improvement is very heartening. I couldn't have heard about this at a better time!

    To the rest of you who have given me support and advice (and a number of PMs) thank you so much. I feel so much less alone now and I can report that I'm making progress on the home front. The advice about a lawyer is good and is usually the correct path to take, I acknowledge that but I don't need to do that for a number of reasons: my son is a lawyer and, although he can't act for me, he has told me of my rights and what I can do if it's necessary but mainly I don't have worries about my husband's love for me. It sounds strange but there's such a strong bond between us that I know I can overcome this hurdle and, from his emails, I've come a long way towards achieving that. He knows that his loyalty must lie with me and he knows he's wronged me; therefore I have a lot of leverage. I'm not being naive; I know my situation and, in the light of day after a night's (almost a night, apart from the wakeful spells spent thinking), I can see my way clear to resolving this issue and taking my power back. The problem has grown to this level because, until now, I've been too ill to do anything concrete but I'm a lot stronger physically now and, with my wonderful son's support, we will achieve our goal, which is to keep our family together. It seems strange, I know, but the bond that my husband has with me is strong; he's just a weak man who is, unfortunately naive and believes he's controlling the situation with this girl when, in fact she's manipulating him. He's now beginning to see that.

    Grannex....I can't see what would be wrong with showing our posts to your son if you think it would help him. We all have user names. There's nothing here to identify us and I think I mentioned that my husband is a doctor and I've been with him for forty years. I know from how I've seen him grow as a doctor in those forty years that there's nothing like time, experience and hearing many different stories from patients for doctors to learn what it's really like to experience side effects. I agree with you about the adrenaline that kicks in when we see people we love! I know that people get a shock when they see me because I suddenly light up, I can feel it happening, from the excitement and pleasure of their company and they're surprised because they expect to see what they think a cancer patient looks like. Sometimes perhaps we do look really ill but, with MBC, when it's reasonably controlled, we're someone with a chronic illness whereas and I hate to use this word, they're expecting to see someone who looks as if they're dying. It would be a good idea to explain to him about the adrenaline surge too, I think.

    Once again, thanks to you all for your love and support. My well of resilience has filled itself and I'll be fine. I always bounce back as soon as I have a plan and I have a good one this time!

  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2017

    Faith...it's Wednesday morning in Aussie now so your bronchoscopy is coming up today your time. I wish you had a morning appointment. It would be so much easier. I'll be thinking of you and praying for a good result.

    Hobbes12...it's great that you can carry out all those activities. How much you must enjoy that. I have to say that with my bone mets those activities would be too risky for me as bones would be snapping all over the place! I've found things I love to do at home and I'm enjoying my life the way it is. Once my oncologist gives me the green light on exercising again, i'll be into it. For now, his mantra is "Rest!" accompanied by a glare!! A joking one.

    Back to you Grannex...re reading your post. I can understand where your son is coming from. You're his mother. Sons don't like to see their mother suffer and can blind themselves to reality to avoid it sometimes. It comes from their love and compassion for us.

    Sending love to you all Heart

  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited November 2017

    Leapfrog, sounds like you have a plan and are in a more positive place all around. And of course you have all of us in your corner.

    Hope, I'll be thinking of you Thursday, hoping the Taxol does its good work with minimal se's.

    Metster, it's a fine line with the scans, wanting proof-positive of how treatment is doing, versus the damage the scans do to our bodies. I say enjoy being scan-free for a while, maybe request one in 6 months.

    Chris, yippee for your good news - it's like a bouquet a flowers to us all!

    Today was a good day - my Zometa infusion went well, only one stick and even my bp was normal. Now I'm drowning myself in water and will be up and down all night going pee, but worth it to help my poor kidneys.

  • Frenchhorn654
    Frenchhorn654 Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2017

    Leapfrog... I do not think you're over reacting.. you and your son deserve better, am proud of you for asking for it. hugs and hugs to you....

    Introtolight.. so happy for your good news!

    Made myself a cozy reading corner this past weekend.. a little place for quiet reflection.... to read and write and I love it!

  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited November 2017

    Good luck today, Faith! That test really wasn't bad.

    And good luck tomorrow, Hope. Thinking about you.

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2017

    Chris...I am so happy to hear your news from your checkup. I hope we continue to hear this good news with each and every visit. These are the kind of results we love!!

    Jo...You are quite active. I think that's terrific. I can't imagine having the energy to do your type of activities, I agree, we have to push ourselves sometimes to remain active but it's so important for our physical and mental health.

    Leapfrog....I'm happy you have a plan in order. And, it's great your son can guide you on the legal issues. Hoping/praying all works out for your family.

    Faith...Thinking of you and will be there in spirit this afternoon!

    JoynerL...Thanks for thinking of me. I had lunch/dinner out with friends yesterday...I went overboard on the wine!! Guess I was feeling sorry for myself and psyching myself up for this next treatment plan. Oh, how I wish I were still on the Ibrance/Femara combo.

    I saw the results of the bone marrow biopsy on my health portal....I find it strange that they report it as "breast cancer cells" in the marrow. But, I guess that's good that it's not something new? Just confusing to me.

    Have a good day!


  • nkb
    nkb Member Posts: 1,561
    edited November 2017

    Nonahope- My MO told me that the breast cancer cells in the marrow is the best case scenerio of the possibilities that I faced (leukemia post chemo, myleoproliferative disorder, myleosuppression and some other not good options) the breast cancer in the marrow was the most treatable of the choices. So oddly I was relieved, knowing that the other options were not as treatable. Now that my bone marrow is unloading the cancer I feel much better and hope that you will also.

  • amarantha
    amarantha Member Posts: 330
    edited November 2017

    Hi ladies, wow, a lot going on here, a lot to respond too. First of all thank you to to all of you lovely people who virtually just flew to France for a group hug. I would take you off the beaten path away from the Eiffel Tower, into some beautiful castle-laden back-country, because Paris is waaaay too tiring. I hope you like cheese :D

    Leapfrog, I read your home situation with great interest and much sorrow. I second what sandibeach and Hobbes said, you are not in any way over-reacting, if anything, you've been putting up with a crazy situation for far too long, there has been betrayal on several levels including financial. Sounds like some serious sorting out needs to happen with both legal and financial counselors, as well as a mariage counselor. I'm not sure you will really wish to salvage the mariage when it all comes out in the open (this young thing sounds terribly manipulative, by the way) - it sounds like it has been a huge drain on you. It's not the mariage which is crumbling, but the double life he has managed to hold on to for so long, the illusion. Maybe something new can be built, if you both really want it. For goodness sakes, for now it sure sounds like you are better off away on your own, and just being super wonderful to you. Thank goodness for your son. I hope things get worked out swiftly !

    50's girl, in answer to your question, my white counts were above normal, in the "red", but apparently no big deal. Whatever.

    Faith. Thinking of you !

    Cjctov : the cream I found mentioned on this site is Imiquimod. I have not been able to convince my oncologist to let me try it, but I did ask her to look into it. It has obviously not been approved for use in skin mets in France but in the U.S. there have been a few trials that showed success.

    Now for all of you who have encouraged me to leave my oncologist, this is the ironic thing -- I had a feeling something like this was going to happen (!) - after our appointment (uneventful for once) she told me that she was leaving the Hospital at the end of the year, and also the only other person in the service who has looked after me (her superior) is also leaving. So I will be seeing an entirely new person at my next appointment ! So actually now is the perfect time to seek treatment in another cancer center (Curie Institute in Paris, or the Cancer center at Villejuif) -- and I'll be offending absolutely nobody, on the contrary, would have their full support !

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited November 2017

    I'm praying for all of you tonight, thankful for the excellent news Chris got, giving everyone hope. If this can happen for one of us, it could happen to any of us, right?

    May God help each one of you with side effects of the medicines and side effects of relationships. It's good to remember that we are asked to live one day at a time. Such a cliche but so very true. And all of this will pass.

    Love and big hugs all around from Pat

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2017

    Nkb....Thank you so much for that information!!

    Amarantha....Wow! Everything happens for a reason. Good luck with finding a new oncologist.

    Faith...How did your bronchoscopy go?


  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited November 2017

    Leapfrog, I'm with our French tour guide when she says, "I'm not sure you will really wish to salvage the marriage when it all comes out in the open." My DH and I were separated when I was dx and now we are back together. I understand how being alone now would be very difficult.

    Faith, thinking of you.

  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 406
    edited November 2017

    Thanks amarantha and jaycee....I do intend to salvage the marriage. It's worth it, crazy as that might sound but I do appreciate your advice and concern.

    And to everyone else who's commented. So very many thanks for your love and support. You're all wonderful and I appreciate the way you've all come to my side and reached out to me.

    I can't write more because my laptop is threatening to sleep if I don't charge it. I feel a bit the same myself hahaha!

  • ciaci
    ciaci Member Posts: 315
    edited November 2017

    For those who didn't receive a welcome kit from Pfizer for the Ibrance, go here to sign up for their support program, and they'll send you one, free of charge. There's also info on paying for Ibrance if your insurance company doesn't cover it (or all of it):


    I had to laugh out loud at the size of their pill organizer, though (compared to the one I use when I'm away):


  • nkb
    nkb Member Posts: 1,561
    edited November 2017

    Ciaci-interesting. My MO and the PharmD told me specifically not to take the Ibrance out of the original bottle and put them into a pill organizer!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2017

    Thanks everyone for thinking of me. I think the biopsy went ok but I still have no results so waiting anxiously. It was also probably not a good idea to have a flu shot the day before even though I was told it was okay. I feel like I've been hit by a mac truck.SickTired I didn't think about the fatigue, cough and sore throat from both procedures.

    Hope, I pray your taxol treatment went ok. Also praying for everyone else's needs, especially those waiting for test results. It's a tough waiting game.

    Love and prayers for all,

    Faith (in the future).

  • airlinegal
    airlinegal Member Posts: 252
    edited November 2017
    See Onc tomorrow for results from Pet Scan last Fri. Trying not to be nervous. Been on Ibrance and Femara for 17 months. Hopefully, I will still be able to continue on this medicine. Do any of your Onc call you as soon as they have the results or make you wait til your scheduled appt?
  • ciaci
    ciaci Member Posts: 315
    edited November 2017

    Nkb - I think the reason for not transferring them is so that we don't get the days mixed up; that's probably why Pfizer's organizer contains the whole 28 days' worth at once...

  • nkb
    nkb Member Posts: 1,561
    edited November 2017

    Ciaci- that wasn't their reason. I think that they feared them being damaged or lost or not wanting them to be handled a lot. Pill organizers usually are a good thing for not forgetting (for me anyway)- if I am home it is not a problem- it's out and about where I could go oops.

    Airlinegal- with my first PET, I had it Monday and got the results on Tuesday at an appointment (a very bad news PET so wanted to give it in person) with the second one I got it on a Friday and got an email Friday afternoon with the good news-she did not want me to wait until appt on Monday. This time I will do the PET on a Monday and have appt on Tuesday so I suspect I will get the results at the appt. The radiology department has a policy to have the written results in the chart within 2 hours of scan. The amazing amount of waiting people do for these scans seems cruel. Hoping for great news for you!