Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850
    edited February 2019
    1. Friends, question for anyone whose ever been on chemo.  My Onc. said theres enough anti nausea med in the drip for about a day or two.   He ordered these two scripts for me to take.  My gosh the side effects sound terrible, I'd rather throw up!  Has anyone used either of these two meds?   Only generic versions now.  They are : Ondansetron HCI  and Prochlorperazine. YIKES.  Recommendations?
  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673
    edited February 2019

    I tool the Prochlorperazine (aka Compazine) for nausea a couple of times during chemo. It worked great. I found I didn't need it a lot though so I can't comment about taking it for several days and how it made me feel. Every chemo is different and every person experiences it differently - I think I only had minor tummy aches. The Ativan was what I took the most of as it helped me to sleep after all of those dang steroids. That and the anti-constipation meds - someone recommended starting those now. I can't agree enough.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850
    edited February 2019

    Thank You Jen, I picked up generic Senokot which I think you recommended.  So I will start that tomorrow.  HUGS

  • piggy99
    piggy99 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2019

    Thanks, snooky! I hope you find your magic bullet to ride until "the next big thing" comes around!

  • Seaway
    Seaway Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2019

    Snooky; I can't remember what the anti-nausea meds were but as I recall they gave me some during the treatment or before and I took home some pills to take for a few days. I don't recall being nauseous really although I didn't eat very much.


  • 42young
    42young Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2019

    Thanks everyone for sharing. I hope this drug will work for us for many years.

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited February 2019

    Snooky, I've done all the anti-nausea meds and my favorite is Emend. It makes you foggy-headed for the few days you take it but no nausea! Sometimes you have to try something else and have it not work great before insurance will approve it because it isn't generic like the others. I like Odansetron (Zofran) and suggest you get a prescription for the under-the-tongue ones. Compazine didn't agree with me. I was taking it for Adriamyacin, the Red Devil so that could explain it. I took too much and had some weird hallucinations. Not terrible, just weird.

    Jensgotthis has the right idea about starting constipation meds early. There isn't enough fiber in the world to cure the constipation caused by anti-nausea meds! I liked Miralax because it makes things happen gently with no stomach cramps.

    Are you taking Taxol alone? If so, you may not have a lot of nausea. My biggest side effect from it was a toenail fungus. You might want to pre-treat with an anti-fungal as that took a year to go away completely.

    If you have to take the Neulasta shot for white blood cells, be sure to take Claratin the day before, day of and day after. That should keep you from having bone pain.

    Numbness in my toes was another annoying "thing".

    The good news is that I got in remission for several years so it was all worth it!! I pray that happens for you too!

    42young, I pray that you do as well as so many friends here on this thread. We are Ibrance Dancers (even the ones who have left Ibrance behind)! We choose joy and believe we will one day find a cure. Join hands with us and believe!!

    Love to all of you from PatGMc

    (Diagnosed with BC on this day 25 years ago!! Who knows what the next 25 will bring for me and for you?!)

  • LaurenH
    LaurenH Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2019

    Pat - I love reading your posts. Congrats on 25 years! May your next 25 be magical and full of artistic whimsy!

    Snooky - I had Taxotere (both come from the pacific yew tree but taxotere is from needles and taxol is from the bark) but I had zero nausea with it. Rather I had some neuropathy (warded off with B12) and terrible skin and nail issues. Weekly dosing schedules have improved these issues (i had the every 3 week kind). I pray it is easy on you!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited February 2019

    Hello all.  I wish I could chime in on Taxol, but I have not had it.  Prayers to Snooky and 50sGirl.  

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850
    edited February 2019

    HI Candy..... I will try to keep in touch, but if you've read along past threads, I'm going to a friends house and so don't  know about internet.  My Onc told me that this was easily doable treatment, that I could drive myself and then stay alone.  Well, I can't.  At least till I know what the reaction will be.  Keep telling myself 9 times, that's all I have to do it. And of course, I've been reading the bible daily and GOD has shown me (of course I dknew it)  that I would not be alone.  If our Lord Jesus suffered all that he did 2000 yrs ago Chemo is a no brainer.  I have no clue how people who do not have faith live through this  life. But anyways, Your friendship means a lot to me.  Always you're in my prayer too.  Much Love

    I have the script that you suggested Pat.. Thank You. TOENAIL fungus..  I've been fighting different fungal infections all my life. Geesh, took me 5 years to get rid of it.  I read about fungus being all through your body but didn't really believe it.  However, I took the intestinal cleanse a year ago.  And ladies, it's true.  It can get in your gut. It's gross, gross, gross, but it's now over too. So glad I did it. If anyone wants to know protocol pm me would love to share.   My poor immune system was dealing with fungus for so many years no wonder it had no time to fight cancer cells. My depression decreased enormously after that cleanse.

      I too am an artist, of sorts, PatgMc Started out in decorative/toil painting 25yrs ago. On canvas or board (oil paint} it became my passion.  Life got in the way and had to quit only to pick it back up and drop it several times.  5 yrs ago in a dark time in my life I grabbed onto my one talent, on canvas I started painting reproductions of the past masters.  The results were amazing I had no idea that I had been given that talent by GOD. For 5 months I practicaly lived with a brush in hand.. Hand to drop it. {Circumstanes}  But will be picking the brushes back up... I don't really consider myself an artist because I look at paintings , pics etc and try to recreate what I see. WHILE you have original ideas,   You're an artist! I'm a proficient craftman.  Anyway,  Thank you for encouraging me to go back to my canvas'..   Much Love

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850
    edited February 2019

    Pat,    Yes toxil alone.  My breast tumor decided to grow outside my body. My fear of an ulcerating tumor was much bigger than my fear of chemo. ha.  So tomorrow, I go to the "big chair"  Two anti-horm. failed me.  dang dang dang


  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850
    edited February 2019

    Hi girls to anyone who had Falodex inj.   I only had them 6 times. But for the last 2 months the pain in my right butt cheek is quite painful, eps. when walking.   Its been over 6 weeks  since I had them and the pain is still there.  And no, never took the Claritn     Thanks

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850
    edited February 2019

    Well  heck,  I am not normally an open and communicative person, but I just gotta say that you girls will never know how much all of you are carrying me thru this.. You're god given.  I thank you with my whole heart.  Wanted to tell you all that before I have to lose my internet connection since I'm going to stay with a friend for a few weeks.  All the love in my heart goes out to you Ladies 

  • Wanderingneedle
    Wanderingneedle Member Posts: 220
    edited February 2019

    Pat, compazine is an antipsychotic so no wonder you had hallucinations! I used the zofran first and added the compazine if it wasn’t enough.

    Snooky, I’m starting Doxil tomorrow along with Faslodex, my doctor’s next try at shrinking my overzealous tumor. The 5 cycles of abraxane was not enough and I/L quit after 7 cycles. Wishing you the best with the Taxol

  • 42young
    42young Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2019

    Thank you PatGMC. It works well for many of you, so i hope it will do for me too.

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited February 2019

    Snooky....I had 15 infusions of Taxol. One every three weeks and then a week off. I had no issues whatsoever except for neuropathy. My neuropathy is bad in my feet. It is a cumulative drug, so it actually got worse after I was finished. I wish you the best!


  • LaurenH
    LaurenH Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2019

    Snooky - is your butt check red and inflamed? (Infection) If not, it might just be a scar tissue knot that you are feeling. Call the Onc’s office and ask. I don’t have much pain with mine unless I press directly on the spot. They do mine high - practically in the hip so I don’t press against that spot much very often

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2019

    My dry eyes tearing a lot!!! and burning and itchy..help!! I use Systane but really don't get much relief ,any suggestions.TY

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited February 2019

    Sharlene...My eyes have been burning and itching and watering for the past couple of weeks. I haven't used any eye drops. Hope someone has a suggestion.


  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,030
    edited February 2019

    For those suffering from burning or itchy eyes, first make sure you are drinking lots of water. Second, try using Ocusoft lid scrubs before you go to bed. My optometrist recommended them for me-I was skeptical but they really help. I think our lowered immune systems makes us more susceptible to eye infections. The lids scrub remove any trace of makeup and dirt, etc from our eye lids and lashes.

  • Wanderingneedle
    Wanderingneedle Member Posts: 220
    edited February 2019

    I have used the eye scrubs and they really help. I also use the individual dose eye drops as they don’t preservatives like the bottles.

  • Amica
    Amica Member Posts: 237
    edited February 2019

    Yes, I agree, the preservative free individual dose eye drops. Also a brand called HyLo is good.

    I don't post a lot but read this thread consistently, and find a lot of inspiration, solace, and useful information on this thread --- you are an amazing bunch of ladies!

  • Seaway
    Seaway Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2019

    Amica; I so totally agree with you. I too read this thread consistently and find inspiration, solace and useful information via this amazing bunch of ladies. Couldn't have said it better myself.


  • Leigh68
    Leigh68 Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2019

    I had a very interesting appointment with my MO yesterday. She told me that she has a handful of young, asymptomatic patients with MBC like me (I'm 50) who have not progressed since diagnosis over a few years (>5). She stated that it isn't clear if it's the meds working or if their immune system just started behaving as it should. Stupidly, I didn't ask for details (type of BC, de novo vs. recurrence, mets location). She went on to say that some of these women elected to stop therapy altogether (against her advice). Although I am less than a year into this nightmare, it gave me a little hope! Maybe my immune system just had a little stumble and is now back on track!

    Another tidbit of information she shared is that my facility, the University of Virginia is planning to become a center for a PIK3 inhibitor trial very soon.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2019

    TY so for suggestions for dry eyes..It is an ibrance side effect correct? Unsure of how lid cleansers can help with the dryness that causes eyes to tear. I understand about preventing infection..Sometimes I awaken and eyes won't open..now that has to be pus like matter but I wouldn't have that if I could keep them from tearing..And yes I agree with hydration being helpful..Also read about three 20's for those of us who use computers ,kindles & phones .Every 20 min look away for 20 seconds and look 20 ft away..Thanks again all of you..

  • LaurenH
    LaurenH Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2019

    Sharlene - it's the combination of Ibrance and whatever estrogen blocker that we are on that just dries everything out to our core. When our eyes get dry, they water (which makes no sense to me). I get it all the time. dry eye solutions like preservative-free drops generally help - as does hydration (which helps with all of the dryness). i might try this scrub mentioned above also. Thanks for that.

    Leigh - you totally made my day! I am 49 with one bone met that was blasted with radiation and I remain asymptomatic and NED. Like you, I am only 1 year in tho. Thank you for the dose of HOPE!

    Love to all,


  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited February 2019

    Just a little reminder of my friend, Luane, who had bone mets, then was in remission for a few years. She and her husband had always wanted to adopt a baby so they applied. Her doctor wouldn't write a letter saying she was healthy enough because he felt sure she would recur (a doctor she soon fired, I might add).

    Long story short: The baby they adopted is named Rachel and she's now a Sophomore in high school. Luane remains cancer free and on no treatment. She went in for a scan last year after choosing not to for several years. Still in REMISSION!

    Why can't this happen for anyone reading here? There is no reason! God is still in the healing business.

    Love and Hope and Joy to you from PatGMc

  • Leigh68
    Leigh68 Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2019

    Pat, you're posts are always so positive and uplifting. You outdid yourself with this last one!

  • holmes13
    holmes13 Member Posts: 192
    edited February 2019

    pat thank you for always having something positive to add. that story really gives us hope

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited February 2019

    Thanks for the info on dry eyes. Are the eye drops over the counter?

    Pat...Such an uplifting post. God works wonders.

    I see my onco this afternoon for results of my CT and bone scan I had last Friday. For some reason, I feel uneasy. Hope it's just the jitters. Wish me luck!!
