Gardening, anyone?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Good afternoon friends- the dry desert is finally getting more moisture from the summer monsoons! We have had about four days of rain off and on the past week, including two good soakers yesterday. My yard is so grateful. We may get some more this afternoon too, I already see the clouds building.

    I am a bit worried about my chinese pistache tree though as it is getting yellow leaves and a bit too early to see fall color changes here. It may be stressed from the heat. I will ask the tree people when they are here to prune the ash tree out front in another couple weeks what they thing is going on. The tree was planted five years ago and looks very healthy otherwise. I know sometimes when trees get stressed, the leaves talk to you.

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    Nan, I love your fairy gardens! Probably several pages back I posted mine. I have so much fun with them . It combines my fascination with bonsai, miniatures and gardening. I will post mine again. I had them outside a few days but the chipmunks or squirrels started digging so I have them in a sunny window now.


  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    I havent been on in several weeks and am enjoying catching up. Jealous of all the vegetables I see and wish I had a veggie garden. My flowers are very happy this year so I thought I would show you the combo of allyssum and ageratum Iam loving. I love this so much I told my hubby I wanted to paint the door of our white house "ageratum". He said no.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Twohobbies- I love that flooring of purple flowers. Just beautiful!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703

    TwoHobbies ..yep ..they certainly look like "happy flowers " to me 😃

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Going to pull my dead pea plants this weekend.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072

    Ladies, I am a month behind in post reading. Been working too much which is a blessing but I'm not keeping up with much else.

    Nan, just saw your post. Next spring I would love more advice on the mini hostas. I'm going to have to curtail my big spending on gardening for a year or so but will be doing small projects for sure.

    I have two hummingbirds that I have been stalking with my camera. I've only gotten one good pix so far which I still need to download to the computer. Maybe today.


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Hummingbirds are really hard to take pictures of - but been lucky in that I've gotten a few picts.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Good evening friends- well, the southwest is finally getting some rain and I am going to Home Depot tonight to pick up some small mums to plant in the garden as things begin to cool and to help the front garden that got trashed in the heat this summer have a bit of life for the next few months. Got a few other things in pots I will put in the ground too to spruce things up. I will have to start over next spring with some of the perrenials that got fried this year.

    I was out in CA this past week visiting family and got a few photos of some nice flowers in bloom, and my sister's lemon treet that is chock full of fruit right now. We had fresh lemons off the tree several times during my visit. YUM!




  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    One more update (ha ha, you don't hear from me forever, now multiple messages). I went to Home Depot last night and going to replant some things in the front garden now that it is cooling down, the rains are more abundant, etc. Got these two pretty pots to have on my table, a coneflower plus some daises and other things in a different planter. Touch of fall in the air.......



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Very nice. If we don't get any rain in the morning, I a, going to go out in my garden and see if I have more beans ready to pic

  • rosaann
    rosaann Member Posts: 2

    Please can someone explain the difference between grass shears and hedge shears? Obviously hedges are a lot tougher than grass. So, if I buy something that's advertised as hedge shears, will I be able to cut the grass edges with them? Sorry to be so dim.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    Here are some of our sweet potatoes. They have been gently rinsed. Once dry I will wrap them in newspaper.

    Our friends, Kathy and Scott, came over to help gather them.

    We gave them a large grocery sack of sweet potatoes as well as herbs, cucumbers, peppers ... .

    Last year when I had the hard chemo, Kathy gathered ALL the potatoes. She did all the cleaning and wrapping.

    She was one who has "showed up" for us thru all of this.

    I feel blessed.

    Coach Vicky

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Coachvicky- I love sweet potatoes. Those look yummy!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Tomato harvesting has begun. As fast as I am harvesting them, they are ripening. Processed the first small batch that came out of the garden this morning into crushed tomatoes and froze it. As they ripen I will add to the container until it's full.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Beans are done. Grandson picked apples and tomatoes - the apples were turned into apple butter. Tomatoes were made into sauce and daughter tried drying some tomatoes and made sundried tomatoes! She had a great time with my garden. Corn is almost done.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Looks like by the weekend Iwill be processing more tomatoes. Got about a dozen ripening right now.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Mommy, What do you do to the tomatoes to freeze them?

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Boil them til skins pop, let 'em cool in an ice bath, peel them and then crush 'em

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Good morning friends and Happy Labor Day! Where did the summer go? We will have a couple good months now of the best weather of the year. Been getting more moisture so the gardens are coming back to life. I pulled out a lot of the dead stuff in mid August and replanted the rock garden over the past few weeks and things are looking better. More on that soon!

    Here is a shot of a gerbera daisy in the sunlight this morning for your enjoyment!


  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    teka I hope you enjoyed some of your garden. It sounds like the deer sure did.

    Jazzy such a pretty picture. I love the gerbera daisies.

    This is when I assess what worked this summer and what did not in each spot. I was super happy with my ageratum and alyssum combo. Just gorgeous. Moved my sum and substance hosta to the shadier back and much better result. Hostas on the east side look quite ratty the last half of the summer. Think I might move my coral bells over ther next spring and rip out the hostas all together. A gardeners work is never done.

    Always love my sedums. They are blooming now and covered with honey bees. That is my sign of summer ending. I managed to get a shot of this guy this morning before I scared him off.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Twohobbies- I love the sedums too, both of mine are getting ready to bloom. I have one that is a grape color (just starting) and my fav is in the back garden and turns a mauve color. You never see that mauve color in flowers which is why I love it!

    The butterfly on your flowers is just perfect!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Got to get out to the garden to get more of the tomatoes in to process.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    We are in the middle of smoke here - got our apples and tomatoes picked - I will be making sauces and frozen sliced apples for pies. Need to stay indoors the air is so heavy.. No air conditioning we have one air filter for the room I'm in. Here is what the sunset looked like last night. No orange, no mountains just a pink sun.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Went to Santa Fe yesterday to spend time with a friend and we walked into town on a trail I have been curious about and saw lots of interesting wild flowers. Below are my favorites from our time on the trail

    Wild geranium


    I am not sure what this is, not in my wildflower book but love it


    Sacred datura (white flower) that is very commmon here and featured in many Georgia O'Keefe paintings. With globemallow


    Saw some fabulous globemallow clusters yesterday. One of my fav wildflowers


    Cool Native American indian garden where corn is planted on the outside, and bean and squash on the inside


    Perfect yellow rose in a garden we walked through at the Shrine of Guadaloupe


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Jazzy, Great flower pics.

    Gma Foley, You probably had the same yellow sky we did this morning. We're getting smoke from Oregon and eastern Washington.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    BTW, the smoke from the fires is all the way down here in NM. Warnings on the news about anyone with resp issues (me) and outdoor time. I had a scratchy throat after being outside yesterday on my walk.

    Please be safe friends whether you are in the path of the wild fires or the path of the next hurricane heading along the east coast.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Everyone, please take care no matter what is headed your way. Everyone is in my prayers.

    This is us today:


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Air quality is bad here too. Ash falling in Seattle. Not sure which fire it's from.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Wren all the Columbus Gorge is blowing north. Stay safe!