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Worried About IBC, But Not Diagnosed

moderators Posts: 8,558

If you are concerned that you may be exhibiting symptoms of Inflammatory Breast Cancer, please post your questions or concerns in our Not Diagnosed But Worried forum. The IBC forum is dedicated to our members who have been diagnosed with, are in treatment for, or have completed treatment for IBC.

If you're unsure what IBC can present as, please take a moment to look through our section on IBC on our main site,

As always, our community rules prohibit the posting pictures of symptoms for diagnostic purposes, and we urge you to seek a qualified medical opinion from your doctor when symptoms appear.

The Mods


  • kaydee01
    kaydee01 Member Posts: 1

    I had a bluish/reddish mottling of the skin on my breasts (worse on the left than the right) ten weeks ago. It hasn’t gone away. I assumed it wasn’t breast cancer because I’d had a mammogram and a breast mri a month prior that were negative. I’m going to get a biopsy of this next week. I had assumed it was an autoimmune disease, but having read about IBC, I now wonder if I have cancer. My mother had ductal carcinoma in situ twice and my aunt died of breast cancer. Does anyone have any information on whether IBC rash is raised or under the skin or if there has to be tenderness or swelling to be IBC? I’m very anxious about it. Any help or similar stories would be greatly appreciated.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Hi there, kaydee01. We understand your concerns, and we’re sorry you’re dealing with this! IBC does tend to have symptoms that present similarly, but every case is different, and we’re not able to offer any diagnostic or medical advice. But if you’d like to ask your question and get feedback from the community, the best place to do so is in our Not Diagnosed But Worried forum:

    The Mods