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TORADOL (ketorolac) linked to Recurrence Prevention



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    The following is a partial response from Dr. Michael Retsky in regard to a forwarding of TectonicShift's post(with her permission)

    "That is good information. Please thank the person who sent it. I edited a book with Romano Demicheli on the breast cancer project. It was published a few weeks ago by Springer/Nature. Here is title and link -

    If that link doesn't work, I am sure you can find it online at Amazon.

    Much is pretty technical but some is readable and useful for interested persons"

  • carmstr835
    carmstr835 Posts: 147

    I found the book and would love to read it, but I don't have $130. I found the free previews very readable, just too expensive for my financial situation.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Carmstr, I now get what Michael was saying. Don't worry about the publication. It will go down in price. It's meant for the big wigs in the field that have library budgets.

    What I liked is that he said Tecnocshifts information is interesting. Interesting to a science person means they don't have an answer. Which with a science person sends them on a search ------to search or develop a study

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    From Michael Retsky:

    There are several chapters in the Springer Nature book that will be very useful to members of

    the breast cancer group. Reconstruction is discussed in one chapter by Jayant Vaidya a UK

    surgeon who is PI of the intraoperative radiation project. He also presents new and very important information

    on reconstruction. CIrculating tumor cells before and after biopsy and surgery are measured and reported by

    Mazen Juratli et al. I will see if these chapters and others can be open access to patients in the breast cancer group.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894


  • 123justme
    123justme Posts: 169

    In reply to:

    • More research on Toradolfrom 123JustMe May 21, 2018 11:23AMKetorolac Lowers Breast Cancer Risk in Patients With Elevated BMI
      Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
      Save Recommend Share Get Topic Alerts TAKE-HOME MESSAGE
      • This retrospective series was designed to evaluate the impact of intraoperative nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use on breast cancer recurrence. Patients receiving intraoperative ketorolac (but not diclofenac) appeared to have a reduced risk for distant recurrence (HR, 0.59; P = .03).
      • The reduction in distant recurrences was particularly pronounced in patients with an elevated BMI given ketorolac.– Neil Majithia, MD
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Solfeo Hello, :) again. Glad you are doing well. Me too. I know you posted way back when about the doc not wanting to do Toradol. But if you could cut and paste that discussion here, it may convince someone to seek talking to their doc. Searching through many pages can be tough for folks.

    I received a PM from Retsky a few weeks ago, I really should have done something with it, but something was going on. Oh Vey, I'm worried about my memory. Seriously, glad you are good. Pm'd with !23 today because of above post. I said to her that the work that we all did in 2015 was at the Masters level of problem solving. We had such a team. But I was saddened by so few viewings. This thread had 8,000 viewings therabouts. But the composite thread to direct folks to all three threads only had < than 600. Changed forums, Didn't improve viewings. Perhaps you could make a suggestion as to where it might get better viewings.

    The number of women, that if they had a singular < 10$ injection, may have been the difference with recurrence is unknown. Bummer

    Solfeo, another friend is going to start a Paleo diet thread soon she's working on the format now . Her name is Egads. You may remember I studied the Microbiome at the same time as when we were working on Toradol. The Microbiome study lead me to Paleo as a really healthy diet. BUT, I stopped b/c I like my wine and the diet said I couldn't have my wine. Hahaha Hard cider was the thing. NO NO NO. I dropped it then. Learned today Red wine is good, forget the hard cider.

    Now have Egads who I have asked to be our Coach. It should be much fun. She's excited to be Coach. Kinda, Mostly, She's a hoot.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Solfeo, your post two boxes ago is a perfect boost for here. :)

    I will post you. Egads just mentioned that she wanted to include Keto and a few others.

    Nice that you are doing so well :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Solfeo yes, it should be done with each surgery. That is until new research says otherwise. There is a post on the composite thread from Technoshift. I will cut and paste it back here.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    It will take a few minutes to transfer things


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    Jun 29, 2017 11:25PM - edited Jul 1, 2017 07:51PM by TectonicShift

    I think this topic is very important.

    I had to have my port replaced recently. I had gotten my measurable CTCs down to zero before the surgery (down from a pretty high number). I had the surgery and I had gas anesthesia and I did not ask for Torodol beforehand.

    Immediately after the surgery, my CTCs shot back up to a positive double digit number - forget what exactly but enough to make me very nervous after six months of zero CTCs. My doctor said he wasn't surprised - that surgery and infection and wounds cause the release of nasty hormones that send cells into hyperdrive and the proliferation of new CTCs didn't surprise him. We worked hard to get the CTCs back down to zero after that surgery and did so successfully.

    About four months later I had to have the new port removed. For this second surgery I asked for a shot of Torodol before the surgeon did anything at all. Also there was no anesthesia, just topical Lidocaine. I was awake during the procedure. But I was "cut" to get the hardware out of me. It was definitely a surgery, albeit small. This time, after the surgery, my CTCs did not go up. The first test after the port removal the CTCs were still zero.

    I believe that possibly the lack of opioid anesthesia and the Torodol shot may have made a difference. Maybe not, maybe a coincidence. But I'm glad I had the Torodol shot before the second surgery. I will try to never have surgery of any kind again without it.

  • This topic intrigues me. Tectonic Shift, how do 'work hard' to get your CTC's down to zero? What do you do? Thanks for any advice you are able to offer....:)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    solfeo why

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    solfeo a disagreement on Another thread caused you to delete all your thoughts here. Sad because you thoughts here were on the moment and time. GREAT LOSS.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Posts: 1,173

    TORADOL (ketorolac) linked to Recurrence Prevention

    bumping this for another user

  • Does anyone know why sas-schatzi no longer posts?
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
