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Fall 2015 Rads



  • one_bad_boob
    one_bad_boob Posts: 31
    edited June 2016

    Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my lumpectomy. I've been seeing a therapist who is a survivor and she's been working with me on my fears and anxiety around it returning. She's been a blessing. year ago. June 30 is my first post-treatment mammogram.

    So far I'm tolerating Tamoxifen. Aches in my hips, knees and feet have started up again. Still having hot flashes but I've been able to manage them. My primary care doctor is not happy with my weight gain and my labs came back as pre-diabetic. Ugh...

    I've been trying to focus on what I've experienced since the end of treatment to keep positive about this upcoming appointment. I did my first 5K (walk) to support Seattle Cancer Care Alliance where I received treatment. I raised $1,000. I went to Oakland to see Prince perform one of his last live performances. I swam with a dolphin (me with Thelma).

    I don't know about anyone else, but since cancer, I have a really, really difficult time hearing sad news. I went into a deep depression when Prince died. I can only tolerate watching the news for short amounts of time. I'm struggling to process our current state of politics and recent violent events. I've stopped talking to anyone about current events other than my husband. This was not me before cancer. Anyone else experiencing this?


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited June 2016

    Onebadboob, congratulations on your 5k. Hugs on your lx anniversary. I love the photo with the Dolphin. It must be very soothing to be in the water with them.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited June 2016

    OneBadBoob: that first annual mammogram, post-treatment, is a psychological nightmare for many of us! (literally so in my case. Still getting the blue greebles on occasion) But I hope the therapist can help you with that. Come back (here or elsewhere) to let us know how that went? Please? PM me if you feel more comfortable doing that.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited June 2016

    One_Bad_Boob, my MO warned me that it's when treatment is over (as she puts it, when we stop torturing you), that it can catch up to us. Be good to yourself! The anniversary mark is tough.

  • cuddyclothes
    cuddyclothes Posts: 98
    edited June 2016

    It's almost a year to the day since I had my lumpectomy. I so understand what you're saying! When Prince died it hit me so much harder than I would have thought.



    One of my favorite pictures!

  • one_bad_boob
    one_bad_boob Posts: 31
    edited June 2016

    Thank you everyone for the responses. Glad to hear I'm not the only one going through this. I will definitely post after my appointment on June 30.

    Cuddyclothes: I LOVE that pic of him.

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Posts: 985
    edited June 2016

    OneBadBoob- your profile pic is strong....rock on!

  • molliefish
    molliefish Posts: 650
    edited November 2022

    wanted to drop in to check any info I left myself in regards to rads side effects and possible tx. Starting rads on the right side on Wednesday. 15 txs, no boosts this time. Fingers crossed.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Posts: 650
    edited November 2022

    day one today, so far so good

  • molliefish
    molliefish Posts: 650
    edited November 2022

    so some skin reaction… speckling she called it… not too itchy but looks annoying. I am better off than most xoxox

  • molliefish
    molliefish Posts: 650
    edited November 2022

    so I wish I could find the thread from2015. They tell me today theydon’t recommend aloe for radiated skin but todo what has worked for me in the past. Hello sister, nothing worked in the past as well as aloe. Grrrr. I don’t have time to do saline soaks right now. I went back to school in 2020 and I work full time. I take rads after work and then write papers and do school work at night. Only 7 days of tx and 15 days of school left this semester. What to do, what to do?

  • weninwi
    weninwi Posts: 825
    edited November 2022


    I used Skinceuticals topical Vit C (actually Phloretin CF) on my breast after radiation. Skinceuticals Vit C is expensive stuff, but it is also well formulated and top quality. I think Vit C can burn if applied too heavily, but I used it sparingly or lightly. First moisten the skin lightly with a wet finger, then lightly apply the Vit C. I did this immediately after radiation treatment, and didn't end up with any skin damage, but I'm not really sure if this was because of the Vit C. Before starting radiation, I was told "No" to any oral anti-oxidants, but no one said "No" to topical. I wasn't on this board when I had the radiation, so I have no idea if topical Vit C has been discussed as a good or bad idea.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Posts: 650
    edited December 2022

    ya so it has been a journey this time. My skin is a mess. The docs don’t seem to think it’s that big a deal so I’ll use them as reference. I wasn’t able to see anyone at the Thursday clinic until,after my last treatment and the doc, not my doc, first response was ‘oh……….wow’ so not super comforting. He said and I quote “well at least it’s not blistering”. What….???? They want to see me next Thursday to see if I need meds .

    I mean seriously if you want to see us before we are done our daily, you shouldn’t a) schedule my second tx on a clinic day and b) put my machine maintenance on my second Thursday and c) my last tx on the clinic day. If you want to see me, book me an appt. Make sure you see me. Now I have to go back a week post tx to see how my burns are doing. How are they doin? They fucking itch, I have a clear outline of the treated area which I was told was not the axila but that fucker is burnt to a crisp, and my boob is swelling. If I wasn’t already experienced at this I’d be fucking livid. And I am. Both. Grrrrrrrrr