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Starting Chemo September 2015; join us!



  • Shelly52
    Shelly52 Member Posts: 133

    Hello warriors! Like most of you,I am one year out and am doing well. Had a 3D mammogram on remaining breast that came back fine. I have dense tissue so will alternate with an MRI and Mammo every six months. My sister, who is c free but considered high risk is on the same schedule. She gets care from a breast center that seems to do great work.

    I see my MO every 4 months. Am on Letrizole (requesting Teva or Roxann manufacturers) and have rotten side effects - very achey joints, hands, and slow growing hair. I am committed to staying on the drug. MO advises that I can switch to aromasin to see if side effects are fewer. We'll see. I do find that Yoga helps a lot - if I can find time to get my fanny to the classes.

    Went to a dermatologist today to check on a brown spot on my scalp and get a full body skin check. The brown spot was nothing and they froze it (will scab and fall off). They did mark up my body and found 13 moles they will remove. Wow! Most are very tiny (like a pin head) and I would have never expected a concern. Derm advises that they are likely nothing but since they appear darker than others, should be removed and biopsied. She said that BC peeps have a slightly higher risk of melanoma. Sheesh!

    Dermatologist also advised higher dose of biotin for hair --5,000 units and another OTC vitamin mix that you put in water and drink. Can't recall the name now, but I will teport back if interested. She said she takes some every day and it helps hair and achey joints. You put 10 drops into water. Of course, I will give it a go. I am all about good hair and ache free joints.

    All the best to each if you. Stay strong!!


  • Cinque
    Cinque Member Posts: 150

    Fatigue...yes its the little bitch treatment left behind. I always had so much energy and I have precious little now days. I have opted not to take AI so I cant blame them. I think its an accumulation of yhe diagnosis and the brutal treatment. I exercise and eat well, I have no small children to look after so I cannot even imagine how tired you are. I do however push myself to go out I have lovely friends and I always enjoy myself when I am with them...they are truly angels. Make some time to go doesnt need to be am epic on my way home now from having a champagne yes Im tired...but Im always and fun times to you all.

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    Fatigue! I was scared mine was because of Herceptin doing something bad to my heart, but the cardiologist ruled that out. Senior oncologist at my one-year check-up said the fatigue and my persistent memory and concentration problems are lingering effects of chemo that should continue to improve slowly. HER2+ women on the Herceptin threads here say that they start to feel less exhausted a couple months after their last dose, when the drug finally washes out of the body, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed --- and doing my best to keep moving to build up my endurance (walk every day, and *sometimes* succeed in getting my b*tt onto our dust-gathering exercise bike).

  • ozigran
    ozigran Member Posts: 16

    Hi everyone. Good to see many of you are doing ok.

    Had a mammogram and ultrasound on the 12th and saw doctor on Friday for report. Now I am scheduled for a biopsy on each breast this afternoon. The right breast has two complex cysts. The area they want to biopsy on the left was there 12 months ago and was described as "trapped fat". But now it is being called "suspicious" though it hasn't changed in size. I am worried about having a biopsy on my already swollen, from radiation, boob.

    Have an app with doctor for Friday to get results.

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    ozigran --- I hope all goes well with your biopsy (((hugs))) and that it does show just fat (((more hugs))). Hoping they give you adequate pain meds

    I understand your worry --- the ultrasound of my operated side mentioned something unusual about two nodes in my operated side armpit --- nothing was mentioned last year. The oncologist at my one-year control last week said all imaging was "okay" --- but why then was the matter mentioned in the report now, not before treatment? I am so tired of labs and radiology departments and doctors :(

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    Freaking out because I have to have my big toe nail removed today :( It died last winter during chemo, and the bottom edge separated Friday. The edge is rough and sharp and rubs painfully when I walk :( I am SO TIRED of doctors and blood draws and procedures and especially SEs :(:( :

    Update: got the nail removed, and I did not die.


  • ozigran
    ozigran Member Posts: 16

    Thanks Tessu. Hope your toe isn't too sore.

    Biopsy was ok. Just fine needle on the right side but core on the left. Now the wait for results, fingers and toes crossed.

    I only have four Herceptin to go. No AI's for me, only 1% ER+. That's if nothing new is found.

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    Update: my toe got more sore until I changed the bandages again last night (well, 2 AM --- hurt too much to sleep) --- but now it's settled down, pain is controllable with paracetamol :):):) Looks AWFUL but then I've never enjoyed seeing my "insides" hanging out. Will be awhile before it will fit in my normal shoes, but plastic bag then Crocs works for now :) Sorry I'm such a baby about all these SEa, but I seem to have lost any resilliency I might have had before breast cancer. You ladies here keep me afloat <

  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Member Posts: 453

    Yes on the fatigue! I try and exercise at least 5 days a week but the last month it's been kinda hard. I'd like to nap instead. I too loath going out after work with friends unless it's just hubby and I.

    I couldn't imagine taking care of small children on top of it, kudos to those moms of young ones out there! (Cajun ;))

    I am trucking along on my trial and my echo cardiograms to check my heart since the trial includes Herceptin. So far so good holding a steady 55-56 EF #. I finished my many shots of immune booster and nuevax (who knows if I'm getting it it's double blind) so now I only have Herceptin every 3 weeks. I was happy to read that the fatigue could be from herceptin as well as bouncing back from chemo.

    We are planning on a an oomph maybe next May. I'm not BRCA Positive but staying on Lupron shots monthly has to do some damage to the body and this OOMPH will hopefully put my body into a more natural menopause. (even if at 38) If i remember there are a few of you that have had this done and any suggestions or experiences you could share would be welcomed. I figure there will be discomfort and pain but what about the air they pump into the abdomen since it's a laparoscopic surgery?

    I feel less focused too and asked for a prescription of adderall. I will try it after my reconstruction surgery tomorrow, yes already it's tomorrow and I doubt I'll sleep tonight! My reconstruction we decided to go with a straight swap of expanders for gummies. If the area doesn't heal we will fall back on the lattisimus flap surgery.

    one step closer

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    Wishing you successful surgery and a record-setting speedy recovery, El Tigre!

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    yay ozigran!

    Tessu, I dont have a left toenail. I had it surgically removed after I tripped over concrete in college and it kept growing into the bone.

    El tigre, will post about my laparoscopic hyst and menopause at 35 soon. It has its ups and downs.

    I won all 4 of my trials since returning to work. Suck it, chemo brain! But I still stutter in court (never did before chemo). I wish it would stop. It's like reaching for something that is not there in my brain.

    Hugs ladies!

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    cajunqueen, does the top surface of the toe with no nail ever stop hurting? Will I be able to wear normal shoes again? Super congratulations on winning all your trials!

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    The Pink Glove Song :)

    Today I discovered a fabulous thread in the Humor and Games Forum called You Know You're a Cancer Patient When... If you need cheering up, check it out :

  • Greyt2mphrn
    Greyt2mphrn Member Posts: 80

    Hi Guys! I am officially off the cancer treatment road because I lost my insurance. Although my MDs ordered a bunch of tests - Pet Scans, CT Scans, Dexascans, Ultrasounds, MRIs with anesthesia- all cancelled because no insurance. I can't even afford my medications. So I wish you all the best because  no help is coming. Just got to get out and try and find the rare, mythical creature- a job with health benefits.

    So glad that the biopsy came back clear!

    Tessu- so sorry you are in pain. I broke my toe- crushed the bone so I know the pain of de-feet! Hah! I crack myself up.

    Neuropathy is keeping me from dancing and since my boyfriend left me because of the BC- I don't think I even remember what sex is. I feel ugly, deformed and in pain since finishing radiation. I have a massive open sore under my breast from radiation treatment which I can't get any help with. Just feel so depressed, so yucky, so deformed and diseased from all BC treatment.

    One last thing- I am so aggravated that it is Pink October!!! Get past the awareness- you have had to live under a rock not to know and move onto treatment and cure!!!!

  • Cinque
    Cinque Member Posts: 150

    I hear you Grey in Australia the pink brigade is out in force too.....funny I dont feel pink and pretty. Cure please, better treatment please for all kinds of cancers.

    Shit news about your insurance.

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689
  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    Tessu, here it is in all its glory!

    Grey, if you contact Big Pharma, they have programs for people can't afford the estrogen blockers.


  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    I can't sleep so I thought, why not share my hysterectomy experience? I'm not 100% sure why I went for the total hyst and not just oomph. Something about the tubes? I did not feel pressured but didn't really care at that point, I was worn down and worn out.

    The surgery was pretty easy. Good surgeon, terrible hospital. Laparoscopic left 3 small scars to add to my many others. I also had a McCalls cauldoplasy (sp?) to keep organs from falling out, lol. Recovery was easy.

    Menopause gets the thumbs down. I was a mess emotionally for a couple of months. I take low dose Effexor for night sweats, which were truly terrible. I often feel like I have a UTI but don't, so I have a bladder spasm rx now, Pyridium. I wake up in the morning feeling old. Joints hurt, stuff like that. My hair is dry and coarse now. My skin breaks out. Sex hurts. And not just a little bit, but grit your teeth and bear it for 5 minutes every couple of weeks for your marriage, type of pain. It is clearly NEVER going to be good again. It is like being cut with a razor. When I have more time, will consider Mona Lisa procedure. I have tried Scream Cream from a compounding pharmacy and it felt like having my vagina set on fire.

    Hot flashes are not so frequent now. I'm on bone density shots.

    Overall, it isn't terrible but it isn't good either. I feel like I'm 70 in more ways than one.

    As far as the gas in your stomach, it was much less painful than my first and second C/S. Walking as much as you can right away helps along with prune juice & stool softeners. I did a bowel cleanse first.

    Good luck with the decision, hon!

    ETA: No regrets. :)

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    cajunqueen, thanks for sharing your toe photo. If mine heals like that (and doesn't hurt much) I'll be very satisfied

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    My apologies to anyone offended by my Pink October post. I used to hate the idea, and I blame the media's infatuation with the "BC was such a wonderful gift!" ladies on my husband's frank refusal to accept that for some, the future is not automatically rosey, and for some, treatment and its consequences are simply pureh*ll.

    But this year the Finnish farmers who chose to wrap their hay bales with pink plastic instead of white raised $10,500 that is all going to Finnish cancer research and treatment. Would it have been even more inspiring if they had donated directly? Maybe, but I applaud any help we can get to help women cope with this disease.

  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Member Posts: 453

    Thank you Tessu! I'm working from home this week recovering. I hope my left side heals well or else it's another surgery. I have 2 drains and 2 wound vacuums attached to my softer than expander rocks in my chest. Every once and awhile they "purr" and then my hubby looks at me like i farted HA!

    When we checked into surgery there was a basket of rocks, these rocks said various things (see below). I thought it was a nice gesture and a nice comfort that they were there in case patients and or spouses needed one or wanted to contribute to the basket.

    This surgery was quick and I had a painless IV (for once) in my good arm. I also i had a cool and calm anesthesiologist. Love those guys! This one said, "first we have a double martini coming up!" Then something a bit stronger. He offered dilaudid right away. Very nice drug, very nice guy. Of course I blurted out, "you're the best!" right after he said who he was LOL I should have become one of those docs, everyone is happy to see them.

    I had them remove the other nipple for symmetry and to be more balanced when and if I decide to do the nipple tattoos.

    I woke up alert, numb and high, all good. He said i'd start feeling it pretty soon and asked if i wanted another double martini until they get me situated in my room. I was going to stay the night just in case, my choice. Hells yeah I want another dose. each dose lasts about 20-25 min. The nurses were awesome I even had a few cute guy nurses, eye candy helps the healing right? ;) (purrrrrr)

    I'm sitting here with my purring contraptions trying to work from home and starting some origami. I made a bird, a very off balanced bird. (purrr)

    Cajun - So sorry you feel like you are 70 :( 70 yr old don't run marathons though - keep kicking ass!

    I feel that old at times as well since being on lupron. I appreciate you posting about your oomp. When we do mine it'll be ovaries and tubes as well. I had no idea about bladder spasms. I have had issues during sex with pain too but coconut oil has solved some of it. Other issues are the mental kind and mood swings. Is the mona lisa procedure the laser procedure you mentioned earlier? I hope these softer implants will help me feel more whole, I think that's a major part of the sex issue for me currently, The exanders just remind me of the fight we all are in and then that thought just turns me off. My Naturopath has something for painful sex as well but I feel I'm not at that point that I may need it. I could ask about it if you are interested but it sounds like you may need a different approach. I could ask though and throw in "I'm asking for a friend" line. :) Another factor in the bedroom is I feel my hubby still sees me as a patient so he's still in the caring and nurturing mode (not a bad thing by any means but I miss other stuff too - hint hint). I think with some more time he'll shift out of that mode back to a horny groping hubby.

    I attached a few pics, the small purses are the vaccum purring/farting contraptions! LOL




  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    great news, el tigre! So happy you are on the mend. What implants do you have? Did you have far grafting? I'm a year out from reconstruction on the cancer side still, love to hear these happy stories! Xo

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    I should just ptich a tent at the hospital and camp out. Had my second-to-last Herceptin injection yesterday, also a quick look by one of the docs. I just got back from morning bloodwork, and have to go back a third time this afternoon for an xray of my lower leg that's been hurting increasingly for about a month, especially at night (wakes me up) :( Wish me luck it's something easily fixable and please oh please not THAT... :(

  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Member Posts: 453


    I opted for the gummie implants and I get fat grafting after the holidays. Should be interesting! I started a C and now I'm a B. I do like the feeling of the implants compared to the "rocks" expanders.

    Cajun did you have fat grafting and what implants did you opt for? Did you do the massages after the fat grafting? Did your radiated side calm down after awhile? Mine was tight and he opened that pocket as best he could. He said the implants will soften over the next few months. I also asked to remove my nipple they left after the BMX. Has anyone gotten tattoos, or nipple 3-d tattoos? So curious on any stories, like if it felt weird or hurt or was completely numb! (was that 20 questions LOL)

    Tessu - lots of good vibes your way! I swear the hospitals think we have no life and should be at their beck n call! I hope your lower leg x-ray is fixable and congrats on the 2nd to last Herceptin! Almost there! :)

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    tessu, big hugs! Not today, cancer, not today.

    I'm sitting here waiting on my blood work. I forgot to fast, ugh.

    El tigre - I did not have fat grafting. I'm not sure what gummies are. I have one silicone implant, one TE. I went from a DD to a C, maybe down to a B eventually. I have no plan yet, just trying to finish the trial. I My radiated side continues to shrink and tighten. I know 3 people in their 30s who have had tattooing. 2 had it done with tattoo artists and one was a medical tattoo. The latter rubbed off quickly, the other 2 are happy with them. I'm nipple-less too.

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    Just got back from the colonoscopy that was #£¥%$%# painful but necessary. Seems the "D" I've had since May probably IS from the Herceptin, because my gut checks out ok. And the plain xray of my leg is nornal. I know sensitivity of that kind of study is less than 50% for picking up mets, but I'll take what I can get. And the results of my Holter test (24-hr ECG checking heart rhythm) showed some abnormalities but nothing dangerous, just need to up the dose of one of my meds. AND the newest blood tests came back ok.

    Can I please get back to my life now?

    Those of you going through the multiple surgeries and injections and tattoos etc for you reconstructions: I am in awe of your stamina! After all the chemo and rads etc, you still have the energy for that. I hope all of you have great results and easy rest-of-the-process :):) :

  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Member Posts: 453

    Cajun - sorry the gummies are just gel implants. If they get punctured they don't leak, good and bad. Thanks for the info! Interesting one of them rubbed off. That would be a strange surprise HA! I hope you radiated side calms down. My radiated side also tightened up, even with daily stretching it will always be a tad tight. My implants are under the muscle and that might also contribute to the tight feeling. I used different lotions and coconut oil to help and also took Vit E but it was still tight, better skin integrity but still tightened up.

    Trial is almost done Cajun, month of May will be right around the corner!

    Tessu, Sucks that you had to go through that but that's great news you checked out ok. Gut, heart & xray Yes start it off right with a vacation! 1 more herceptin for ya ;)

  • exercise_guru
    exercise_guru Member Posts: 333

    Tigre I had the gummie inplants put in under my pec muscle. I wanted to go bigger but I also dropped a size and I feel they are ok but a bit flat. I wanted the rounds inplants but my PS was adamant that the anatomical gummies were best because of how thin my skin is. They look good in a tank top. I had nipple reconstruction at the same time. They also took some skin from my abdomen and made an aereola. The challenge is getting that skin to accept a blood supply. I am satisfied with the results. The aereola is slightly darker than the surrounding area so I might have them tinted but not tatooed. I don't want really dark aerolas. I figure If the dye fades I can always have them tatood later when I am more recovered. I can have them done in my PS office know and it is pretty gentle on the skin.

    As far as the nipple reconstruction. I had some good reasons for going this route mostly for my own self esteem. I also have a loving husband who is very supportive and I thought I would be more confident taking off my shirt in his presence if had the nippple reconstruction. Also I wanted my daughter to feel that I had a whole breast. She may carry The Gene And I Wanted My reconstruction to look as natural as possible to make it less traumatic for her.

    Lately I have reconsided Personally I think having the 3D tatooed nipples and aereola is way cool if someone really good does them. They look real and you can actually go without a bra. My nipples basically are always standing up. I have to wear a lined bra no matter what or have headlights.

    This is a cool article if you haven't seen it

    Vinnie tatoos

    Also I wonder which would be the most gentle on radiated breast tissue. Not a lot of literature on that

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    First snow today. Just a dusting, but SNOW. Has THAT much time gone by already?


  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    While we are on the subject of reconstruction, how are everyone's scars looking? My right side scar is still very pink and present. The radiated side is tan, tight, but noticeable. When I was a year out from my c/s, the scar was much more silver. I don't know why this doesn't seem to have changed at all in over a year.

    My blood work came back normal! I can't believe my WBC is in the 6's!

    I love snow. It's still in the high 80's here in South Florida. I can't believe a year has gone by since we were mostly bed-ridden and sick. I don't feel great, but I'm so glad that part is over.