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Starting Chemo September 2015; join us!



  • twiggyOR
    twiggyOR Member Posts: 246

    I gargled a lot for a few days. Maybe every couple hours or so. I saw

  • sailorgirl15
    sailorgirl15 Member Posts: 72

    Happy Birthday Flower! I hope you have a good day.

    Cajun - I had the AC on Monday and really didn't notice anything. I did have the worst day on Day 2 and feel like I'm slowly climbing out of the pit.

    Lila - I'd love to see your chart. My regiment is all over the place although I've been trying to keep track on my phone.

    Hugs everyone!

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    @Twiggy --> Very funny. Love it. I'm going to rock any positive that comes from this whole blessed situation. And not having to shave my LP&P is one of them.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Re baking soda mouth rinse/gargle: I don't think there are any hard and fast rules, but lots of suggestions. Some folks use it every time they eat or drink, some every couple hours, some twice a day. Go with what seems to work for you. I had a real problem the first round with thrush, and the banking soda wasn't cutting it so I used the prescribed nystatin rinse and I was much better right away, and free of thrush by the second day. I didn't seem to have any problems round two, and I don't remember rinsing at all. Maybe I should have to get rid of metal mouth but I don't think it works for metal mouth.

  • DLcygnet
    DLcygnet Member Posts: 152

    I've been doing the baking soda twice per day (basically when I'm at home) right before meals so I can taste my food. It seems to be helping my sore throat too. No hard and fast rule - before & after meals if you're up to it. The only thing that helps my water not taste like blood (metal mouth) is using plastic or jugs/cups/utensils/plates. I'm starting to get dry/soreness in the corners of my mouth - is that lack of water?

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594

    Happy B-day Flower! Hope you have a good once and enjoy some cake!

    cajunqueen there are a lot of us here also doing Adriamycin. I agree with CarolinaAmy sucking on ice chips during the push helps. And I drink Gatorade or Powerade in between to hydrate. I find that by the time my chemo is done I have already peed out the red stuff.

    Aww twiggy and Southerncharm hugs about the hair.

  • LindyC
    LindyC Member Posts: 210

    Round 2 done. Feeling kind of loopy right now but I'm ready for the weekend. It's good to have one under my belt so I know what to expect. it will be interesting if it will be any different.

    The hair really started dropping yesterday. I have it up in a clip while I decide when to chop it all off. I picked up a few of the wide headbands to wear along the hairline/over ears when I put on a hat too. Guess I'm ready to go, just gathering up the nerve to do this.

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594

    Hang in there Lindy. I am more than a week out from my #2 and I made it thru. Like you i knew what to expect and that made me feel better prepared and less scared. The biggest difference from # 1-2 was the increased fatigue. It got better for me yesterday at the week mark, just like last time.

    Wishing all who are debating whether to buzz, cut, or let their hair just thin lots of support for your bravery. Saturday it will be a week since my buzz and I still can't put on my wig without feeling fake. And I look so pale with my white stubbly head that I find myself wearing brighter clothes and putting on more makeup than I am used to. I am trying to experiment with hats vs scarves to see what makes me feel more comfortable. Definitely need dangly earrings now.

  • staykarlastrong
    staykarlastrong Member Posts: 16

    Hello Beautiful ladies!!!

    Im Karla,I started my 1st treatment of 4 AC+ 4 Taxol on 9/14/15. Im trying the cold caps hoping for the best! Im terrify to lose hair!

    I have been feeling a bit nauseous and Im thankful to have found you all!

    Im a bit scared,confused and uncertain as a result of not knowing what to expect. Living day by day knowing that God is healer! Im blessed with the love and support of my 2 teenage daugthers, boyfriend, family and friends.

    Lets do this together !!! We will stay strong and fight this battle!!

  • AnnieB43
    AnnieB43 Member Posts: 724

    Sores in the corners of your mouth could be thrush.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,782

    Hugstaykarlastrong, sorry your joined the "club", but welcome! Thanks for sharing your experience, and yes, Lets do this together !

  • AnnieB43
    AnnieB43 Member Posts: 724

    A so called friend of mine keeps posting pictures on Facebook of all her new hairdos. It's like "ha ha ha my hair is better than your finally". Now who would normally care but she keeps tagging me on the posts and it feels truly directed at me.

  • tessu
    tessu Member Posts: 1,294

    Flower, I hope you have been able to enjoy a Happy Birthday today :)

    My day: BIG dinner fail --- I am not a good cook, but this was awful: My husband had bought a chunk of stewing-type beef insisting I make a roast out of it, said he was tired of stews and soups. So I made it into a pot roast --- which smelled wonderful, but turned out too tough to chew :( I have no idea what I did wrong :( I hate to throw food away, so I ended up dicing it, maybe if it simmers in its juices in the crockpot all day tomorrow it can become soup? What hurt is that the shopping list I had given my husband today had no other main meal meat/fish/chicken; I had expected that huge piece of meat to feed us for at least a couple days. Husband said "That's ok, I eat a big lunch at a restaurant every work day, I don't actually need dinner" but when I asked "What about food for me?" he said couldn't I just make myself some oatmeal..... :(

    Trying to be positive and focus on feeling better at least physically :)

    Someone said above that she catches herself thinking this BC has just been a bad dream --- but then it isn't --- so true for me, too :(

    Wishing everybody an easier day than yesterday (((hugs)))

  • jabe
    jabe Member Posts: 165

    Dlcygnet: is your tongue white? I got diagnosed with thrush yesterday. Started on diflucan. Anyone else experience this and tip me off as to when it will clear up? I learned to trust my gut more. Felt dehydrated Tuesday and noticed white tongue but thought I was just making more of nothing. Tearfully appeared at MO's office yesterday and got IV fluids and script. Soooo much better with hydration. Trust your gut and don't be afraid to be a "bother". I so try to be the "good patient" that I don't want to call in etc. lesson learned

  • AnnieB43
    AnnieB43 Member Posts: 724

    tessu that meat will soften up in a crockpot. I don't think you cooked it long enough maybe.

    My husband keeps cooking breakfast for everyone but me. I really think they just don't get it. I realize I'm the one who normally cooks breakfast but duh I eat it too. He doesn't get that it's hurtful to be forgotten. I just let it go because I'm already emotionally stressed without having to explain what a rude asshat he is sometimes.

  • CarolinaAmy
    CarolinaAmy Member Posts: 215

    Tessu and Annie! Oh, good grief! I'm sorry your husbands are being so clueless. Mine has been very much so in other areas, but he's definitely helping as far as the food issue. I don't think he would dream of handling something and not at least asking me! On the days when someone isn't bringing a meal and he's talking about dinner, he at least runs things by to see if there's anything I feel like eating. Wow.

    That said, he has done absolutely nothing to help me research or prepare for this and said I was "obsessed" with the breast cancer those first few weeks. Uh, not quite. I was learning what the heck this triple negative thing was and what I needed to know before talking to a surgeon. Considering I still took care of the family and kept it secret until our foster daughter left, I did better than most people could possibly have. Thank God I did all that reading, because I knew what questions to ask and was able to make informed choices without being broadsided. He has been to ONE appointment (the initial one with the surgeon, during which he was browsing on his tablet other than when the surgeon was in there talking--very rude, IMO, to the nurses who were teaching me) and doesn't see the need to be involved with the chemo at all. I'm so grateful that my girlfriends are furious and put together a schedule where THEY take me and stay with me, as they are adamant that I should not be doing this alone for safety and emotional decency reasons. And after that first infusion--they're right. I wish he were engaged but that's just not who he is. It breaks my heart but I'm thankful for my friends. :(

  • DLcygnet
    DLcygnet Member Posts: 152

    @Jabe/Annie: Yeah, I occasionally wake up in the morning with a white tongue. Just emailed my oncology team with an update.

    @Tessu/Annie: Boys. Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em. At least end the magical thinking, tell them exactly what you want/need for meals and why. Finish with the phrase "This is important to me."

    My husband was basically carrying on as if nothing was wrong and continuing to go off to conventions and leave me home alone with our 1-year-old while I'm coping with surgery and other treatments. I had to put my son through emergency weaning before Chemo even started because of some of the drugs, anesthesia, and injections they were giving me. I told my husband weeks before that I wanted him there & to photograph the last time I'd ever be able to nurse my baby. <didn't click> I asked my husband the night before what his plans were for tomorrow because I'd have to start taking THOSE drugs. <didn't click> I asked my husband if he could plan on being home early the same day I'd have to start taking those drugs. <didn't click> I texted him while he was at the convention that I could only put off taking the drugs until before bed, that I needed him, and it was important to me. <clicks> Suddenly I get a frantic phone call. "Why didn't you tell me sooner???" He made it back by 8 and we got a couple pictures before putting a very tired baby boy to bed.

    Oblivious and denial don't even begin to describe it.

  • dab0722
    dab0722 Member Posts: 4

    would like to join. Start sept 28

  • dab0722
    dab0722 Member Posts: 4

    hi, octogirl. Can you add me to the September group? Begin chemo the 28th. Thanks.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434

    Hi dab0722 and staykarlastrong! Welcome to our group and I think you will find lots of great support here. Putting both of you on our list


  • fidget
    fidget Member Posts: 92

    Ugh. It got me. The big "D" is here. Imodium can't even touch it. I feel like I'd be fine except for this. Wonder what tomorrow has in store for me.

  • AnnieB43
    AnnieB43 Member Posts: 724

    Birthday diarrhea for fidget! That is so not fair to you on so many levels. I'm praying right now that God takes that off you and helps you have restorative sleep tonight!

  • Cat_Lover
    Cat_Lover Member Posts: 5
    Hi All,I had my first Chemo round today. Which included the red dragon. Some call it Red Devil, but no devil is going to get in me ha! They also injected a steroid, and 3 anti nausea drugs. I feel very tired, a wee bit queezy , and my stomach is bloated. I just ate some Chicken Noodle Soup with crackers and I am drinking some Ginger Ale. I just feel odd, can't explain it. Did anybody else get a bloated stomach, with burping? I very rarely burp.Prayers and Blessings for our group


  • AnnieB43
    AnnieB43 Member Posts: 724

    I have a very busy, husband, etc. My main gage for when I need a shower is greasy hair. So how the hell am I supposed to remember when I last bathed?!? By the time I think about it I'm going to smell like a hobo. Ugh! I'm going to look crazy if I write shower on the calendar! Shocked

  • AnnieB43
    AnnieB43 Member Posts: 724

    Cat I got the worst stomach bloat of my life and couldn't burp. It's the steroids. Took 4 days to go away.

  • Scotland
    Scotland Member Posts: 216

    I burped constantly on Day 1. Day 3, I'm just tired.

    Happy birthday, Flower! I'm also 47. 1968 was a good year. :-)

    I have a bone scan tomorrow. They said it would take 3-4 hours total. Good grief. I hope they don't mind waking me up. It's not even 9:30, and I'm on the way to bed.

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594

    Aww fidget how awful. Hang in there.

    Cat I get very bloated icky feeling with constant burping every time on AC Couldn't even wear a bra cause I felt so swollen. Weird for me is that the burping stops when I lie down. I use tums to help. Damn steroids.

  • Cat_Lover
    Cat_Lover Member Posts: 5

    Thank you for your input, AnnieB43, Scotland and Shopgal2. It's good to compare notes like this. Makes me feel normal LOL

    I think I'm going to head off to bed and see how well I sleep. Neulasta tomorrow....yay more fun....not.


  • Lila-claire66
    Lila-claire66 Member Posts: 73

    Welcome to our new warrior women!

    day after 2nd infusion and i feel like a baloon! and the burping actually hurts. Did not have this so much first round.

    i have a wonderful husband of 35 years but i have found as supportive as he trys to be, he's a guy. I do have to ask for what I need, which is hard to do. I've assigned dinner to hubby and two adult sons who are bk home for awhile. I suggest recipes and they are mostly good about cooking. I find on days when I feel good the boys just expect me to be the strong and energetic woman I have always been. it's denial that I am sick and I think they are scared.

    Shopgirl If you would like the chart i made let me know your email.

    Feel better everyone and be strong

  • Shadow19
    Shadow19 Member Posts: 1

    Hi. I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer July 23th. I have had a mastectomy on my left breast and started chemo this past Monday. I've never participated in forums like this so I hope I'm following the rules correctly. I am on a regimen of drugs TCH. My first treatment was 9/21 and lasted 6 hours and was painless and easy. Since then I've been dealing with constipation so if anyone has some advice to prevent this the next round I'd love to here your thoughts. I'm extremely lucky that I can work from home or the office depending on how I feel. Other then the constipation I feel fine. No other side affects so far. Thanks for creating this group. I am going to the "look good feel good " session held by Gilda's next week. hoping to learn a lot. I have purchased a wig and some Buff hats from REI. They are really soft. I've read a lot of chemo patients like them. thanks for letting me be part of your group.